Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 568: A thought can make you a dragon!

The changed scene reached Qiu Yan's heart, tugging at his soul. Various fragments were constructed in his soul, and his heart burned rapidly!

Thoughts rose up in his mind one by one and evolved into clear thoughts——

"The soldiers remain the same, but the weapons are improved, and the army's combat effectiveness is also improved. However, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and there are many factors that can determine victory or defeat. Weapons are only one of them. In addition, there are various other factors, among which The key point is to make decisions on the spot.”

"However, when judging when facing an enemy, there are too many variables after all. Whether a battle can be won or not depends on the sum of the fixed numbers and variables. The more fixed numbers, the smaller the variables."

"It's a given that you should make good use of your weapons before the war, keep food during the war, and keep the country from chaos after the war. Do your best to do the things you can control, which will increase the chance of winning and reduce the risk of making on-the-spot decisions. This is It’s up to people to plan things, and it’s up to heaven to make things happen, but people can’t just do nothing and blame it on heaven.”

"In addition, this wealth and weapons are not needed temporarily. They can be fed back to the people, so that both the army and the people can benefit. By making the people richer, the country will be stronger. It will also make the weapons sharper, make the soldiers and horses stronger, and the strong soldiers can keep the people safe."

Thinking about writing, Qiu Yan took a deep breath when he wrote this. The scene in the dragon's aura was projected into his mind, and it matched his own thoughts, giving birth to a bright yellow color!

Dragon spirit!

However, this dragon energy did not come to Qiu Yan, but because of many thoughts in his heart. These thoughts came from the palace examination, and the palace examination originated from the emperor.

The emperor is the manifestation of dragon energy, Qiu Yan uses his consciousness to contact the city's will, and uses the city's will to contact the dragon energy, which is consistent with the palace examination papers. Only then can this dragon energy stay in his soul.

However, as the article comes to an end, the dragon's energy gradually shows signs of receding.

With his heart beating, Qiu Yan had a vague premonition, knowing that this article on the side of the real dragon would lead to the ultimate dragon energy. Give him a chance to take the next step.

But if you take this step, the consequences are really unpredictable.

"What kind of mystery does the dragon spirit that represents the thoughts of a country's creatures hide? This article of mine is just an introduction, introducing a certain concept. Although it is not discussed in detail, I don't know how the humanity in this world will respond. In the past There is also the introduction of the concept of the past life, but after all, it is limited to one person and one place. But now, on the dynasty palace examination, the written examination papers are directly shown to the emperor. As long as it can influence his heart, it will slowly radiate to the world. This is good. It’s no longer a small matter, can the world tolerate it?”

With this thought in mind, Qiu Yan already made a decision in his mind. He moved his wrist again and wrote the last sentence on the examination paper.

This sentence also comes from Qiu Yan himself. The end of the imperial examination journey is a matter of success or failure——

"War is a major national event. It is not a matter of one soldier, one army, one battle, or one party. It should be handled with the strength of the whole country. In fact, it is the combined strength of the whole country and the power of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. To fight against the enemy, it is not limited to swordsmanship." !”


Outside the palace. There is thunder shining in the void!


On Qiu Yan, the invisible chain of cause and effect shook. The cause and effect of ideals changed rapidly and tended to disintegrate!


In the soul, the dragon energy was about to retract, but it was surrounded by ten divine consciousnesses, and then the spirits of saints bloomed from the divine consciousness. Complement each other with that dragon energy!

The dragon's energy was shaken, and it began to absorb the spirit, just like a whale absorbing water, in an instant. There is a tendency to swallow up the spirit of the ten sages!

Suddenly, Qiu Yan's face turned pale, and he felt that his mind and energy were falling rapidly. He felt as if his energy was exhausted and his mind was exhausted, and his soul was exhausted.

But at the same time, the virtual seven souls transformed by the two points of medicine suddenly rotated, and then flew straight into the soul and fell into the heart fire.


The fire in my heart surged, and I flipped in the air!

My heart is burning! Once the soul is smelted, the soul is like blood, and Yang Qi overflows and drifts away from the heart fire.

Suddenly, the depleted mind was replenished, and the spirit of the sage was replenished, but it was continuously sucked away by the dragon's energy.

That dragon energy, after absorbing the spirits of many saints, has expanded, becoming at least three times larger than before. It shows no sign of stopping, but as its volume increases, the tendency to break away becomes stronger. With the saints alone, It seems that it is difficult to hold on to the spirit!

"If we let this dragon energy go now, it will not only be a waste of effort, but also a lot of effort and sage spirit. It will cost both my wife and the army!"

The thought flashed through Qiu Yan's mind, and the Xu Dan in his lower abdomen suddenly rose, and the three soul shadows surrounding the Xu Dan merged into it.

These three soul shadows are formed by combining the seeds of everyone's thoughts. They have the state of three souls. Once they are integrated into them, a lot of energy and blood in the virtual core immediately boils, making it round and translucent!

Then, the virtual elixir flew towards the dragon's energy and pressed down, trying to suppress it. But what kind of existence was the dragon's energy, that it would be suppressed by a monk's inner elixir? He immediately burst out with strength and resisted with a humane image.

But the virtual elixir also revealed the aura of humanity, and under heavy pressure, the three souls of energy, blood, and mimicry in the elixir spun rapidly and slowly merged into one!


The change in the dragon's energy caused a response from the soul, but on the surface, Qiu Yan still looked as usual. After writing the last sentence, he put down his pen, picked up the examination paper, and flicked it.

On the side, although Li Kun was surprised and wanted to ask, after all, as a human emperor, he should be reserved. Moreover, the time and place were not right at the moment. In addition, he was connected to the dragon's energy, and the slight change in the dragon's energy also caused My heart changes, and I move forward in a daze.

However, Li Kun stayed at Qiu Yan's table for too long, which inevitably caused other people to have wrong thoughts. This was also because Qiu Yan's words were so unexpected that Li Kun forgot everything else in his surprise.

After taking two steps, his mood gradually became clear, and Li Kun started to make calculations again: "Looking at the military affairs mentioned by Qiu Yan, they are not more concessions than several generals. I have to think again about how to arrange him."

The emperor is also a human being, and he grew up in the palace. He has little contact with the outside world, and his judgment of people is often based on the other person's words and performance. This is why many people can win the emperor's praise and hold important positions with just a few meetings. reason.

In this regard, those who are good at talking on paper will have more advantages than those who can only fight but cannot communicate.

Although Li Kun had doubts about Qiu Yan because of his magical powers, he had the idea of ​​cherishing his talents because of the Wenran examination papers. In addition, the information he obtained also mentioned that Qiu Yan had not entered the Taoist sect. The cultivation of Taoism was probably due to an accident three years ago. It was a coincidence and did not touch Li Kun's bottom line.

What's more, compared with the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, Qiu Yan's article did not involve specific military reforms, but it vaguely pointed out the direction, making some of Li Kun's ideas clearer. It was undoubtedly a help in times of need, and also made Li Kun The favor is even greater.

"It's a pity that even if he is given a good ranking, in the end, the fate of the dynasty will be affected by his cultivation. Qiu Yan should not think about the position of prime minister unless he has great determination and perseverance..."

With this thought, Li Kun read the test papers along the way.

These examination papers are much better than Qiu Yan in terms of words, sentences, and rhetoric. In Qiu Yan's article, he not only predicted the battle situation, but also analyzed the pros and cons, and then extended the following ideas, and finally put forward It is a rather alluring statement, and the content can be described as compact. If it is modified with many beautiful sentences, it will inevitably become a long article, and I am afraid that it will last until the sun goes down.

In fact, when Li Kun reads memorials on weekdays, he doesn't like flowery rhetoric, but prefers those with concise language. Because he has to read a lot of memorials every day, he deeply hates the memorials that go on for a long time without talking about the main purpose.

In contrast, a cursory glance at other candidates' articles reveals that they do not have much substantive content, and their understanding of border warfare and military systems is even more biased.

This is a normal phenomenon. Candidates study hard and have idealism in their hearts. Most of their thoughts are based on their own knowledge. Other palace examination questions in previous years also have similar problems. When marking papers, the examiner will also select the better ones. Those who do will be given a higher ranking.

However, after reading Qiu Yan's article and reading what others had written, Li Kun was quite dissatisfied and kept shaking his head.

"Although Qiu Yan has cultivated magical powers, he is still able to quote visions through literature, which is enough to be listed in the history. He is destined to be extraordinary. I want to choose someone else as the number one scholar, at least not too bad. But among the candidates on this list, isn't there anyone who can come close to him? "

After thinking about it, Li Kun also looked at the works of Gao Jing, Ye Yun, Yang Yan and others, and his expression improved slightly.

"Know yourself and the enemy, make decisive decisions, surprise the enemy, make sudden attacks, and be alert in times of crisis. Although these three views have some omissions, they can be considered to be somewhat insightful."

If Li Kun had not read Qiu Yan's article beforehand, he might have greatly appreciated it after reading what the three of them had written. However, although the writings of the three of them are wonderful, the consequences and shortcomings have already been mentioned in Qiu Yan's paper. Naturally, Li Kun has reservations about his opinion, but compared to other candidates, these three people are quite rare.

After walking and walking, Li Kun stopped next to Qiao Qing, Di Ai and others one after another, and stopped to watch, but he was not as focused as when he was looking at Qiu Yan's test papers.

This detail was seen by several prime ministers and they all understood its meaning.

"Fortunately, Qiu Yanxiu has supernatural powers. This palace examination did not cause any strange phenomena, otherwise it would be really difficult." Zhang Lian secretly breathed a sigh of relief. When he looked at Qiu Yan again, he noticed that he was sitting behind the table with his eyes wandering. , seemed to be distracted, and couldn't help but shook his head.

Time flies, and the palace examination ends soon. Just after noon, most people have already handed in their papers. Li Kun has also gone back long ago, and a few of the prime ministers have not stayed. As for the passing ceremony, it will take at least two days to start. .

After walking out of the Jiying Palace, Ye Yun's face glowed red and he whispered: "I am really lucky to encounter such an exam question. You must know that these days, I have been leading troops in my dreams every night, and watching during the day. I have written some military instructions, and today I am talking about military affairs in one go. "

For more than half a month, Ye Yun has entered the world of dream military strategists and led troops to conquer. This is why it is said.

PS: Thanks to "yulinling123", "Fei Cheng", and "Dragon Ghost" for their monthly votes!

Thanks to "Wanxiaxialaila" and "Yong Bongxia" for the rewards!

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