Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 597: Confucianism and Buddhism compete with each other, and karma makes a vow [Thi

This light is above, and three monks are bathed in the light.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly changed, and an aura similar to Shinto incense spread.

boom! boom! boom!

Upon noticing this change, dragon energy immediately suppressed it, but Mr. Chen and two other old men used the power of order to resist it.

"Three masters, do you want to argue again now? You might as well wait until Jiuyun and Qiu Sheng can tell the difference!" Mr. Da Chen said.

Over the past few days, he had been debating with the three monks, and extraordinary powers often appeared to explain Buddhist principles, but he resisted the dragon's energy and gave the monks room to display their power.

The leader of the three monks clasped his hands together and said solemnly: "Amitabha, this is the intention of my Buddha and cannot be controlled by human beings. All donors, please look at this Buddha's light and understand."

The next moment, the light fell on the illusion of water flow, like the sun emerging from the dark clouds, shining down, and all the people in the city were bathed in the light, and external causal changes penetrated into it.

"Huh?" Qiu Yan felt something in his heart and felt a clue.

He visualized the soldiers and people inside and outside the city, and the changes inside would of course be conveyed to his heart immediately.

"This light actually carries some kind of magical power, which implies the way of cause and effect and reincarnation, and can infect people's hearts. It is more like a sentence, containing a lot of information, which is difficult to be analyzed in an instant."

The next moment, a word came to mind——


As soon as his thoughts changed, Qiu Yan's mind recalled the branch of Buddhism he had encountered outside Fenglin Village, and the name of the mantra was circulated at that time.

Fenglin Village is located in the south of Jiuling Mountain. It is a village where people from the Central Plains gather. The living habits are similar to those of the Swamp people, but it still retains the customs of the Central Plains.

This village was once besieged by the Marsh people. At the moment of life and death, Qiu Yan showed up to rescue him, which made everyone in the village very grateful. In one fell swoop, he gained many devout believers, including an Orion Yuan defender. His heart is very strong, and his belief in the gods is unique.

At that time, it was a branch of Buddhism that led the swamp people to attack. The method used by the leader was very different from that of China, and it seemed to be derived from the power of truth.

These thoughts occur in a very short period of time. Yu Qiu Yan's mind flashed, then fell silent, and he turned to calm down the power of order of the master of Jiuyun Zhai.

After all, the master of Jiuyun Zhai was a great scholar. Although due to a momentary oversight, Qiu Yan took the opportunity and messed up the layout. Order bombarded his own thoughts, but he quickly composed his thoughts, then regained his position, and then took action to completely destroy this illusion of thoughts.

However, the fight just now showed Qiu Yan's mental state. No matter what the final result was, Master Jiuyun was just one move away.

Not only that, there was also a trace of cause and effect on his body, entangled with Qiu Yan, like the two ends of a rope, held by two people respectively.

Now that Qiu Yan was strong, the line of cause and effect was pulled by him.

This little change. It also attracted Qiu Yan's attention. He had three bodies and was based on gods. He quickly understood the meaning.

"The master of Jiuyun Zhai actually added the discussion with me to his own cause and effect and luck. What kind of method is this? He determined the cause and effect without my knowledge? Could it be that he can also use magical powers?"

As a party concerned. The perception was shrouded, many incense thoughts were calculated, and there was an instant guess——

"No, that's not right. It seems like he made a wish and vowed to fulfill it! This method is very strange, but I am just a new junior, how could he achieve such a goal?"

The tug and pull between the two was interrupted by the Buddha's light shining through. At first, the Buddha's light only illuminated all the people in the city, but now it began to invade the line of cause and effect, vaguely establishing a set of laws!

This change changed both their minds and hearts. Looking through the light, they saw the scene of three monks floating out of thin air, with a bright light behind them.

In front of the three monks, Mr. Da Chen and the other two people were still sitting upright. They looked a head shorter, but had an awe-inspiring attitude and were not inferior to others.

The master of Jiuyun Palace narrowed his eyes: "Empty Wisdom, Emptiness, Emptiness! What are you doing?"

When the three monks heard this, they pointed to their mouths, shook their heads and said nothing, and then activated the Buddha's light.

Wherever the light shines, a feeling of nothingness emerges, as if everything is empty!

In the void, a grand idea came, and a voice sounded in the hearts of everyone present at the same time. The words were spoken like thunder, and each word was clear——

"That is, things are empty and all things are one!"

"What a nonsense!" The old man on Mr. Da Chen's left sneered, "I, Zhou Yang, came here this time with the intention of arguing with you about this matter!"

"Zhou Yang from Dexing Academy?" Upon hearing this name, Qiu Yan's heart moved and he knew his identity.

There are several academies around Xingjing. Apart from Taixu Academy, the more famous one is Dexing Academy.

And listening to his words, Qiu Yan also understood. He knew that the main reason for today's discussion of Taoism was not because of himself, but because of the conflict between Confucianism and Buddhism.

There were also rumors circulating at this time, and I heard that it had been going on for quite some time.

When Zhou Yang spoke, the power of order followed him: "Everything in this world exists clearly and clearly. How can the so-called Buddha's mind distort or change it?"

After hearing this, the expressions of the three monks did not change. They just spread their palms together, and a few grains of sand rolled down in their hands. The grains of sand changed, and there were also scenes of thousands of people, attracting everyone to watch.

But just by looking at it, the faces of Zhen Zhizuo and others turned pale.

It turns out that there is a charm in these grains of sand, which allows viewers to understand the meaning at a glance. Zhen Zhizuo and others were shocked by the many orders inside with just one glance.

"Who deduced this scene? There is no ethics, no loyalty and filial piety..."

On the other side, Mr. Da Chen's eyes fixed, and his sight was directed at the light behind the three monks. Suddenly, the light and shadow were erratic, the heavenly principles were cyclical, the ceiling fell, and the ground gushed out clear springs. When the two came into contact, there were words of scriptures one after another, which triggered the order of humanity and invaded.

This was originally a discussion of Taoism, and the great Confucian scholars would naturally not suppress it with dragon energy, but would suppress it with reason.

Suddenly, order and cause and effect collided, and Buddhism and Confucianism sparked thinking.

On one side, the golden light spread, and the grand idea picked up the true words of the three realms and uttered a sentence: "It exists because of fate, and it originally did not exist, all like the work of illusion..."

On the other side, he faced it solemnly, combined with the idea of ​​humanity, interpreted the classics with order, and constructed a sentence: "The sky is divided by yin and yang, the earth is used with hardness and softness, and people are established by benevolence and righteousness!"

Then the Buddha's light appeared. The three monks evolved the world with sand, spread the three worlds, and spread the world of 12,000 underworlds. Hengsha read the national boundaries, and the flying dust accumulated for a long time.

At this moment, the Buddhist vision is broad, not limited to one continent. The great world is used to overwhelm the great Confucian scholars.

"Since this is the case, I can't stay out of the study of Guanshi," said the old man sitting on the right of Mr. Dachen, "As for sentient beings, take it at the right time and use it in a proper way. Make fire and wait for storms, fish and wait for jackals and otters, so as to follow the time of heaven."

As soon as these words came out, the artistic conception of following the time of heaven and harmony with heaven and earth roared out, self-improvement, using things to maintain health, fishing and hunting before eating. Such thoughts transcend the division of continents, but all living beings, no matter where they live, have the same wish.

Just one sentence, the vast worldview of Buddhism is concretized on the individual mind.

In a short period of time, the two sides went back and forth. With thinking as a sword, order and Buddha's light as a carrier, a scene of brilliant words and sharp tongues was staged in this hall.

Zhen Zhizuo, the little monk and others who were watching the battle were surprised at first, but then they were absorbed in it and watched it like a madman. Every ray of light and every word enlightened their minds and increased their knowledge!

Being well-informed can enlighten one's mind.

But in this collision of thoughts, barriers gradually appeared. The barrier between the three great Confucian scholars and the three monks was vague at first, but as time went by, it became clearer and clearer. In the end, even the little monk could see the root of it -

The distinction between Chinese and barbarians!

The elegant and well-dressed gentleman has the appearance of the Chinese; the haircut and the clothes are the clothes of the barbarians.

The distinction between Chinese and barbarians is one of the fundamentals of Confucianism. If rituals and music are mixed in, the foundation will not be moved, and foreign doctrines will eventually be resisted.

For example, the great Confucian scholar who is discussing Taoism with the three monks now also has disputes between schools, but now they can put aside everything and argue together.

In fact, Mr. Dachen holds the idea of ​​absorbing and accepting some of the ideas in Buddhism, but he still will not admit that it is superior to Confucianism.

As the debate progressed, Qiu Yan and Jiuyun Zhaizhu, who were the focus of attention, were ignored. The two sat opposite each other, each holding their own cause and effect, and were deadlocked. It seemed calm, but in fact it was more dangerous than before!

The scene of the city and the fight between order were just means. The cause and effect involvement was the essence, which could determine people's luck and disturb people's fortune.

Qiu Yan felt vaguely that under the involvement of cause and effect, the military order he had comprehended had signs of being pulled out and disconnected.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that after passing through the chessboard formation, he heard Jiuyun Zhaizhu say a few words.

"The power of order backfires? However, if I am backfired, can Jiuyun Zhaizhu be immune to it?" Thinking about it, his body suddenly changed, his soul sank, and his golden elixir rose. The two faced each other and then rotated, like two yin and yang fish, and the hole in the soul gradually moved, with signs of coming out of the soul and falling into the flesh.

As the soul and golden elixir rotated, Qiu Yan gradually developed the ability to absorb. The whole person was like a black hole, absorbing all the Buddha's light and the words of the great Confucian scholars.

The Buddha's light and the Confucian words slowly merged into his body and condensed into strange symbols. He suddenly had a blessing and activated these symbols, one after another around the edge of the humanistic fire.

In contrast, the owner of Jiuyun Zhai on the opposite side was surrounded by mist, isolating him from the outside world. Not to mention the Buddha's light, even the words of other great Confucian scholars were all isolated from the outside world. He was not as good as eyes and ears. He concentrated his mind and concentrated on destroying the water flow city illusion constructed by Qiu Yan, in order to regain the causal advantage!

One side was focused, while the other side was distracted. As one side gained and the other lost, the causal advantage slowly shifted from Qiu Yan to the other side.

But the next moment, the symbols condensed by the Buddha's light and the Confucian words, driven by Qiu Yan's thoughts, finally came into contact with the humanistic fire!


Suddenly, information poured into the fire like a torrent, radiating around. The amount was so huge that it was definitely not something that the body and soul could bear.

PS: Thanks to "Underwear is expensive and naked is innocent", "Jia Ada", "My sister is Xuanxuan", and "Qing Tianzi" for their monthly votes!

Thanks to "Qu Jinyuan" for the reward!

The third update! The fourth update will be after nine o'clock!

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