Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 599 The mind is the true nature! [First update]

After one stroke, the many messages and sounds lingering in Qiu Yan's mind poured out along with his feelings, condensed with the water droplets on his fingertips, and finally poured into the stone slab on the ground.

The stone slab with the words on it trembled and made a crackling sound, and the entire material seemed to have changed!

The next moment, the sound of heaven lingered in his ears, and the ceiling fell from above.

Seeing this situation, both the Confucian disciples and the monk disciples widened their eyes and looked at Qiu Yan who was wrapped in brilliant light, with different thoughts.

However, such a phenomenon beyond common sense will eventually make people feel unreal. Everyone closed their eyes at the same time, and when they opened them again and looked at them again, the abnormality in the hall had disappeared.

"Was that a vision just now?"

"Another vision? I heard that Qiu Yan is followed by visions almost everywhere he goes. Why is God so kind to him?"

"No, looking at the situation just now, it seems that the words he wrote have some special meaning, which will cause the vision to come..."


The disciples of the various academies in Dongdu couldn't help but ask each other. Even the disciples of Jiuyuan Academy who had hatred in their hearts didn't care about much, temporarily put down their knots, and talked subconsciously.

People like Zhen Zhizuo who have concentrated their literary minds have more voices echoing in their hearts, as if their hearts have opened up, and their thoughts and ideas have entered a wider world.

"This abnormality is definitely not an illusion of us."

Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Gao Song couldn't help but sigh.

Zhen Zhizuo also nodded slightly: "I just don't know what the deep meaning of this sentence is. Judging from the looks of the teachers, there should be some deep meaning."

Not far away, Mr. Da Chen, Zhou Yang and other great scholars frowned, looking at the floor under Qiu Yan's feet, which healed by itself, in silence, with their eyes fixed on the line of words.

With their feelings. Naturally, they can feel a familiar breath of order from the words.

Literature carries the truth. The superficial meaning of this line of words abbreviated by Qiu Yan is not difficult to understand, but it carries a mood of harmonious coexistence between the two parties, promoting each other.

If it were an ordinary junior, such behavior would certainly not attract much attention. But Qiu Yan thought of the order, and with the momentum just now, the great scholars present would certainly not take it lightly, and already regarded him as an equal.

"He and Ming..."

Chewed on this word, recalling the scene of the debate with the will behind the three monks, the three scholars gradually became inspired. It is not uncommon to notice the points of analogy, use the stones from other mountains to polish jade, and strengthen their own schools.

However, the customs and traditions advocated by foreign schools are very different, and we need to learn from them. After all, we must have a reputation, otherwise it may become a flaw and be seized upon by other schools.

A thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant hole. If you lead a school, you must think carefully about every move. If you don't check, it will affect the entire school and even affect the inheritance of generations.

Compared with this. The three monks looked at this column of words and tasted a little Buddhist light from it. They were stunned at first, and then a little joy appeared in their eyes, but also mixed with sorrow. They looked at each other. Relying on tacit understanding, they knew each other's thoughts.

"Order means humanity, which is highly respected by Confucianism, while the inner and outer ways are divided into orthodoxy and auxiliary. Judging from the situation of this great auspiciousness, it is certainly difficult for our Buddha to become orthodoxy."

"Having said that, if this sentence can be spread and establish authority, it will establish a theoretical basis for us to stand on. From then on, we have a foundation and don't have to rack our brains to spread the Buddha's light."

"After returning from the pilgrimage, we set up a mountain gate in this capital city in order to take control of the center and look south to the world. Unexpectedly, with Confucianism in front and Taoism in the middle, there were many obstacles and difficulties. We lacked a foothold. Now there is Qiu Yan, who thinks in accordance with order. In the words of humanity, he is a great Confucian scholar. As long as his reputation is established, his words will have weight. Then..."

The three went west to seek Buddha, experienced all kinds of hardships, and saw him with sincerity. When they return to the Central Plains, they want to promote Buddhism, save the people, and lead them to the paradise, rather than enjoying this happiness alone.

However, the order in Darui was sound, and there were Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism, in particular, advocated order and destiny, and advocated inner sageliness and outer kingliness. It was the basis of the order of the people in the Central Plains. Those traditions had long been hidden in the hearts of the people in the Central Plains and were the culture of a country.

In comparison, as a foreign way, Buddhism faced the primary problem of not adapting to the local climate.

Whether it was the three views of the religion or the way of thinking and living customs advocated by the monks, they were completely different from those in the Central Plains.

You should know that in Nazhu Tuolan, Buddhists had a very high social status. Once they became monks, they no longer needed to kneel down even when facing their secular parents. Sometimes, they could accept their parents' kneeling.

This was not a derogation, but this way of thinking was difficult to imagine for the people in the Central Plains.

Faced with such a situation, the three monks each had their own opinions.

Konghui, the leader, advocated discussing with Confucianism and Taoism, and using the dignified Buddhist teachings to convince them and then spread them. So far, the Dafan Temple has taken this path.

However, this path is not easy, because there are many schools of thought in the Central Plains, some of which are obvious and some are hidden, and they are widely spread. They also bear the responsibility of inheritance, and no one will easily change their ways.

But Kong Xing advocates taking the upper-class route, that is, spreading Buddhism to the upper class of the dynasty through personal connections, and even making appropriate changes to accommodate the powerful, and finally forcibly changing the sacrifices and traditions of the Central Plains through the power of the ruling class.

However, this road is not easy to take. As the cornerstone of the dynasty, the bureaucracy rejects foreign arts. Most of them are descendants of Confucianism and Legalism. Even if they study Buddhism, it is only as an auxiliary means to cultivate their minds. It is impossible to abandon everything and run for Buddhism.

Therefore, as of now, Kong Xing can only influence some noble children, but the influence of this group of people is mostly in the military, and the control is stricter. They will not allow foreign sects to spread.

The last of the three people, Kong Yi, advocates teaching by words and deeds, leading ordinary people by walking among the people, so as to spread the light of Buddha imperceptibly.

This road looks simple, but the world is so vast and the population is so large that such spread is only a small matter after all. However, in Kong Yi's view, spreading the Dharma is secondary. The important thing is to guide sentient beings. Even if only one person is willing to convert, everything he does is valuable.

The three monks have different propositions, but the idea of ​​spreading the light of Buddha is the same. If there is a way to spread Buddhism quickly. Naturally, they will not object.

In the final analysis, the Central Plains pays attention to a name, and a name is right and the words are smooth.

The idea of ​​Kong Hui, who debated with Confucianism and Taoism, was to establish such a name. Only by establishing a correct name can it avoid being denounced as a crooked and evil way.

The way of emptiness is also to establish a reputation and a name through a group of people who have the right to speak.

As for the method of emptiness, it is to slowly gather the momentum through word of mouth among the people. This method has advantages and disadvantages. Once it takes root, the foundation is stable, but if there is a slight change, it may be noticed by the court and prevented.

However, there are many ways to establish a name. If someone with a good reputation recognizes it, it can also be helpful.

Qiu Yan's words seem simple. But they contain Buddhist light and Confucian words. As long as the realm of Buddhism and Confucianism is sufficient, they can clearly appreciate the deep meaning, which is of immeasurable help to the spread in the scholarly circle.

"This Qiu Yan should not have come into contact with my Buddha before, but he just bathed in the Buddha's light a little bit, and there was a faint flicker of Buddha nature in the words he wrote. This is a manifestation of deep wisdom. This person may be the key to promoting my Buddha!"

At the moment when the three monks' thoughts came up, a little cause and effect in the dark changed, the future of the Dafan Temple was faintly revealed, the mountain gate shook, and the power of many mantras gathered from all directions and fell into Qiu Yan's soul!

"Hmm? The cause and effect are involved. It actually made the Buddhist mantra come. It seems that my words really found that little gap, and it was not in vain in a short time. The Buddha's light in the body of the god was analyzed for the most part!"

In an instant, Qiu Yan was filled with indescribable feelings, erratic, comfortable, and accessible, as if as long as he set his mind, he could strengthen his mind and sweep away his obsession, and as long as he moved his mind, all kinds of laws would be born and all kinds of laws would be destroyed.

"The heart is the truth, this is the power of the mantra? It can make the flesh body also enjoy the power of incense!"

After just a little experience, Qiu Yan understood the effect of this mantra power, which is indeed similar to incense. Especially after experiencing it personally, he realized the mystery.

Incense can only be enjoyed by gods, transformed into divine power and thoughts, and can accomplish things that humans cannot accomplish, but this mantra can be endured by the flesh and blood body.

The thoughts transformed by incense can help the gods think, which is equivalent to millions of people thinking together. When this mantra enters the flesh, it can strengthen the mind and consciousness, making the intention of one person increase by nearly a hundred times, and of course the thinking ability is greatly improved!

"I don't know if this mantra can make up for the loss of the divine body, maybe it can make my original plan more smooth..."

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan's thoughts moved, interrupting the state of "heart is the truth", and the pleasure of smooth thoughts disappeared immediately. The flesh instinctively gave rise to a sense of regret, which was secreted through the glands, making Qiu Yan have an urgent desire to feel it again.

"You can't enter this state often, otherwise it will make the body dependent and addicted, gradually numb, and eventually lost in the senses of the mind and body."

Slightly narrowing his eyes, Qiu Yan did not hesitate to pass the power of the mantra that was infused into him through the hole in his soul. The divine body opposite did not absorb it immediately, but separated the incense and thoughts to analyze the composition and prevent hidden dangers.

It's just that the incense and thoughts just came into contact with the power of the mantra, and a mysterious transformation occurred!

The next moment, because of the starlight cover, the gradually blurred connection with the believers became clear again!


"This pure power of mantra without Buddha's light can be so useful? Hmm? This is... the application of cause and effect? ​​Could it be that the master of Jiuyun Zhai connected me with his cause and effect by referring to this method?"

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through Qiu Yan's mind, and he felt that there was a turnaround in his spiritual body, but just as he was experiencing the change, a painful groan sounded in his flesh and blood body. The master of Jiuyun Zhai on the opposite side tilted his body and fell forward, bleeding from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

"Hmm?" Qiu Yan was stunned, but before he could act, a law appeared in the air, whistling down, blending into his literary breath, and conveying a series of insights!

PS: Thanks to "Book Friend 120105003412493", "Playing Down", "Master Yijiu", and "Sunshine Corner" for their rewards!

Thanks to "Tiantianjiejie2006", "The whole family of hackers", "Shadow of the Moon", "Kenda", "Chunfenggujiu", "mouton", "The Lord of Yin and Yang", "The mouse who loves reading", "BB Jifengjinyu", "Mojing", "Aishuishuibaabc", "Mianzijiao", "dilbert", "Skywalker_Xiang", "xiezhiwww", "Beat Mu Pangzi", "Qin Shimingyue Han Shizhuan", "Shadi Xiaocao", "fumay", and "xch770104" for their monthly votes!

First update today, second update around 6 o'clock.

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