Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 602: Forcing people to believe! [First update]

"Oh?" In the Palace of Stars, Lord Zhumu, who is as beautiful as a woman, exclaimed, "I didn't expect that this Xiu Yuan would actually find me."

As he spoke, he sat up from the cloud bed, stroked the black cat in his arms, and said to a god not far away: "In that case, don't delay and get him as soon as possible. A few days ago, Wenqu suddenly crossed the line and interfered. I still need to figure out the reason, so I don’t have much time to waste on the little god.”

In the center of the hall, standing was the second-grade god who had been in contact with Qiu Yan.

"As ordered." The god did not raise his head, but he had already realized that his boss had lost interest in Yuanshen and was about to turn into light and leave.

Then, he was stopped by Lord Chimuxing again.

"Zhao Wu, after you calmed down the Yuanshen, you went to southern Xinjiang to supervise the war. Although the ancestor of the marsh could not be exterminated due to the agreement, you should at least make her suffer heavy losses and no longer have the power to interfere with the Donghua Continent." He When he spoke, there was an inexplicable light shining in his eyes.

The second-grade god known as "Zhao Wu" nodded.

Lord Chimuxing added: "The collapse of the Donghua continent is approaching. If we can't use Shinto to coordinate and cleanse the chaos of order, we don't know what it will look like in the end. Several major continents that have collapsed in the past have disappeared in the end. You don’t want to be like those star kings and become a mere commander, waiting for the Heavenly Talisman for a thousand years.”

"Please rest assured, Mr. Xing, my subordinates will definitely fulfill their instructions." Zhao Wu nodded.

Chimu Xingjun smiled slightly, and then said: "I can rest assured when you do things. The reason why I say this is that after attacking Donghua's free spirit, I can temporarily leave..."

As he spoke, he glanced at Zhao Wu: "I will be invited to the secret realm at that time, and I will let you accompany me. What you get in the end depends on your own chance, but I think I won't let you down. , after all, it was the place where that person fell." After that. He turned over and lay down again.

These words set off huge waves in Zhao Wu's heart, and even the divine light could not be controlled. The divine power on his body fluctuated, and when the ripples were released, they would spread to all parts of the hall. But the ground and walls immediately shone with starlight, resisting the erosion of this divine power.

At this moment, Zhao Wu realized that he had lost his composure, so he quickly restrained his divine power, held his hands in front of him as a gift, and turned into light and left. A few breaths later, his body appeared on a high platform.

This stage is simple, dilapidated, about a hundred feet high, and is suspended in the air. There is a starlight falling from the bottom of the stage, and it disappears into the vast starry sky. It is unknown where it ends.

"After waiting for so many years, the opportunity has finally come. The last remaining obstacle is..."

Thinking this, Zhao Wu looked down.

The top of this high platform is vast, like a square, and in the center is a mirror as transparent as water. In the mirror, stars are shining, and people are willing to fly. Reflecting a scene, a figure sitting cross-legged in the sky, with gray robe and fiery hair, was Qiu Yan's spiritual body.

"This god's divine level is slightly lower, but he is a natural god after all. He has such aura in such a short time, I am afraid he has some back-up plans. He has been stripped of his incense power these days, but now it seems that his aura has not declined much, and it is obviously still there. There is a mystery. We must investigate it, so I cannot underestimate the enemy this time. I must first reduce his divine power to the limit before arresting him!"

Thinking of this, his human body exploded, and the yellow divine power flew in all directions, blending into the edge of the high platform.

At the edge of the high platform, there is a small statue placed at every other section. It is a jade-carved cat, with different postures, some stretching, some scratching their necks, some rolling on the ground...

However, without exception, the statues opened their mouths wide and swallowed all the divine power that Zhao Wu had transformed into their stomachs!

The next moment, this divine light carried Zhao Wu's thoughts and shuttled across the high platform. It merged with a mysterious force and flew out along the starlight. In a very short period of time, it reached the sky above a huge continent.

Donghua continent, in ancient classics, is described as a round sky and a round place.

Circle means no edge, and square means there is an end. This is a saying summed up by the medieval humane sages after experiencing many hardships.

The sky has no boundaries, but the land under your feet has limits.

Without any pause, the starlight carried Zhao Wu's divine light and penetrated the layer of lightning covering the sky above the mainland.

This layer of lightning contains the aura of destruction and destruction. It has complex changes within it, including the power of the divine way and the power of humanity. In addition, there are many other powers.

Passing through this layer, the starlight points directly to Jiuling Mountain.

Looking down from a high altitude, the entire Jiuling Mountains look like an undulating dragon, entrenched in the southern border of Darui, dividing the land into two worlds. The north is filled with villages and towns, and is full of roads, while the south is deep swamps and full of dense forests. .


Suddenly, the power of suppression roared in, as if driven by a great will to annihilate Zhao Wu's divine light, but the starlight shield blocked it, making it difficult to do so——

At this time, ordinary gods will try to transform into flesh and blood to avoid suppression.


The sky and the earth are blowing, and many incense people are willing to gather here. They are full of longing for money, whether they are greedy for money, or cherish talents, or manage money, or make money, or lose money...

After the thoughts gathered together, they merged into Zhao Wu's divine power through the starlight. The divine power spread out and turned into filaments all over the sky!

Below, Qiu Yan's spiritual body suddenly raised its head, revealing slender threads all over its body. Each thread contained the heart of a believer to worship the gods!

However, these threads were now isolated by the starlight shield and had lost their flexibility. Zhao Wu's divine power swarmed in and actually followed the starlight shield and merged into the threads without any hindrance!

The next moment, the thought of worshiping money spread to Ali, and almost every believer had thoughts related to money. Using this thought as a connection, Zhao Wu's divine power easily invaded and went upstream. Go straight to the heart of a famous believer!

In Qingchang County, in Yuanning Prefecture, in Jiannan City...

A well-known Zao Gongxin citizen was suddenly stunned. He looked at the appearance of his house, then recalled what he wanted, and gradually became dissatisfied.

"What the Kitchen God? If you sacrifice to him, the taste of cooking will change a little, but it won't help at all in other aspects!"

"I asked God to let me live a good life, but isn't my life still like this? So what's the point of worshiping God?"

"Useless! Too useless! What I want is not this result. I want to eat well, wear well, and live in a big house!"

A series of inner cries, instigated and hinted, grew from the bottom of my heart. Let the believers no longer have any fear of Zao Gong.

However, most of these people are deceived by ghosts and gods. They believe in the existence of gods, but are not pious enough. The original intention of worshiping gods is mostly to let gods give them help and benefits. The incense entrusted to me is not reliable enough, the quality is not very good, and it contains many distracting thoughts.

Many changes in the nature of gods are caused by being infected by the distracting thoughts of the new people, and most of these distracting thoughts. They all come from such believers.

However, the base of this kind of people is huge, and they win by quantity, which is an important source of divine power. Their quick change of mind and abandonment of sacrifices made Qiu Yan instantly. Lost a huge source of incense!

"This Yuanshen has not been around for a long time, only a few years. Unexpectedly, it has accumulated so many believers, including many who are devoted to ghosts and gods, and even believers, eh? There are believers even among the people of Nanjiang Marsh, seriously. It’s surprising, huh? What is this? Is it possible that this kind of pure willpower is just a new god? "

Zhao Wu's thoughts, mixed with divine power and incense wishes, guided the hearts of believers while exploring Qiu Yan's roots. He was soon shocked by a piece of feedback information!

At the same time, due to the people's wishes coming from the flesh and blood body. The spirit body was able to replenish the divine power of the stars, and at the same time it also improved its spiritual sense. It discovered the pair of eyes peering at itself in the sky, and even noticed it. The starlight shield speeds up the flow of time in an imperceptible way, silently absorbing its own divine power!

It is precisely because of this that the stars of divine power that were supposed to dissipate after a long time were extinguished one after another in a short period of time!

"Covering the true form of the god, and then not covering it up, in order to cut off the source of believers, even distorting the will of the believers! It is really too much to deceive people!"

This kind of differentiation of gods, to invade the sacrificial system of another god and change the minds of the believers, consumes a lot of money. Coupled with Buzhou's suppression of foreign high-level gods, the consumption is even more considerable. Even if it is a second-level god, Nor can it last.

"It seems that the other party does not intend to delay, but will take action directly!"

At this thought, all the distracting thoughts in Qiu Yan's heart receded, and the accumulated anger emerged from his chest and fell into his hands.

"In that case, I don't have to wait anymore." After saying that, with a wave of his hand, the anger exploded directly, but it did not scatter. Instead, it was pulled and integrated into the incense string segments, and also went upstream!


"Aren't you going to take action? Watch him being bullied by heaven?"

In the distance, hundreds of miles away in the air, there were two figures floating in the air. They were a sloppy old Taoist and an old man with braids.

Taoist Wu Gu and Venerable Mai!

Listening to Taoist Wugou's words, Venerable Mai shook his head: "It's not the time yet, please wait, otherwise it will ruin this god's opportunity."

"Opportunity?" The Taoist looked curious.

"Yes," Taoist Master Mai nodded, "This battle is a major turning point in the fortune of this god. It is not appropriate for us to intervene until the critical moment."

"Do you know what the turning point is?" Taoist Wu Guo became more and more interested.

The Taoist priest shook his head slightly.

"The fate of this god is erratic. If I hadn't found a destined person in the mortal world, it would be difficult to discover it. But even so, it is still difficult to calculate specific things."

After saying this, he turned his eyes and landed at the foot of Zao Mountain.

"However, the old man did not expect that he would see dragon blood here, which is considered an unexpected gain."

PS: Thanks to "Tianhe Wufeng", "Wanxiaxiala", "Twenty Months", and "Crazy Scholar 11" for the rewards!

Thanks to "santknight", "Purple Flame Sword Shadow", "Good Baby", "tilaf", "God Grab King", "Timespace", "The Mouse Who Loves Reading", "Network Executive Adjutant", "Book Friends 120706230535952", "Melancholy Flame", "tcc", "Face Pepper", "Qingxiao Leng Yue", "Evil Wind Sky", "Repeat the Grade Again", "Island Law Nature", "Twenty Month", "Larch Caterpillar" , "Love of Time and Space", "Tongzixuan", "Boring is not a sin" are the monthly votes cast!

Thank you for your support. The second update will be before 7 o'clock!

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