Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 613 The Universe in the Cave, Divine Thoughts Come with the Wind


Outside the Broken Lotus Valley, in front of the altar, a god fought against each other a few times. The dissipated power actually caused a huge hole to open in the sky. Compared to the canyon below, it was even more impressive!

There is darkness in the space crack, giving people a terrifying feeling of the abyss.

The man holding the sword flew back quickly, attracting many fragments of order around him. The scene mysteriously changed endlessly, and a little blood appeared on his face. He looked at Lord Holding the Eyes with some surprise, and showed a look of surprise: "For a god with such cultivation level as you, Can it exist in the lower continent?"

"You still have some understanding of the gods, unlike many monks I have seen before." Zhimu Xingjun was suspended in the air, and the black cloak on his body was like ink on rice paper, with blurred edges and infecting the sky.

The man holding the sword steadied himself and narrowed his eyes: "Yes, although the people who called me out of the prison all said that you were a god who broke through the seal, I know that among the gods in the seal, there is no one like you. Realm of gods!”

"It seems that you really know a lot about Shinto. It's no wonder. Once you have reached your level of cultivation, you will soon be outcast in the world. When you cut off the worldly ties, you can become an immortal. You must also have a certain understanding of things outside the continent. I understand." Lord Chimu nodded.

"Yes, I once received the help of the Taoist Ancestor, and my soul traveled to the sky. I know that I can't spare a corner of the universe this week. However, even so, it is not something that a god can run rampant!" After the words fell, he activated the long sword, and the surrounding scene changed. , order rolls in, and many real scenes evolve, and materials follow your heart!

Power descends from heaven!

"Don't think that you can calm down the incident just because you barely fight me to a draw. If I were not suppressed by this continent and restricted by space, I would not be able to do my best. Otherwise, I would harm others and myself. You would not have even the slightest chance. I was with you earlier." The fight seems fierce, but it is actually just a delaying strategy. Although I have strength, my fists are not everything..."

Speaking of this, Lord Chimu Xing faced the violent pressure that swept over him. He calmly pointed to the altar below and asked, "Do you know the true purpose of the altar?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the altar exploded and a ball of bloody light flew up. It is filled with the essence of Qi and blood.

Seeing this ball of light, the sword-holding man's pupils suddenly dilated, but he didn't say anything. The seal on his hand remained unchanged and he still pressed forward!

The space around Chimu Xingjun gradually shattered, but there was no trace of panic. You Zi had a calm and unhurried smile.

"The altar is used to offer sacrifices and worship the gods. It is not used to extract your souls and blood..."

He raised his hand to absorb the blood-colored light, pinched it in the air, and the ball of light exploded, but a strong wish of incense poured out from it! Being pulled, they gathered towards Star Lord Chimu!

Almost at the same time. The man holding the sword felt a strong warning sign in his heart!


"Huh? Why do you have such a strong wish for incense?"

On the other side, Qiu Yan, who followed Xiao Li out of the cave, also noticed something unusual here.

Xiao Li and Ziyun were standing on their swords in the air, their eyes widening as they looked forward. They saw a vast plain with no edges visible at a glance. And on the ground below your feet, there are large forests, lush and green.

Behind the two of them was a steep cliff. The cliff was covered with large and small holes. Xiao Li and Ziyun rushed out of one of the holes.

Looking back, I could see blood surging in the entrance of the cave. However, it was blocked by an invisible wall and could not spread out, so it could only roll inside the cave.

Even so, you can still see the walls of the cave being corroded by blood. The stone fragments scattered, merged into the blood, and finally disappeared.

"Where is this?" Ziyun looked around, "There is no such record in the master's classics. It only says that there are opportunities and dangers in the caves on the rock wall of the Broken Lotus Valley. Many fruits can be obtained in the rock crevices. …”

Xiao Li said: "Since the purpose of letting us enter the valley is to treat us as abandoned children, it is not surprising that some books are forged. Maybe this place is more dangerous than the bloody cave."

As he spoke, the power of the medicine on Xiao Li's body weakened, and the sequelae of stimulating his potential spread. His face turned pale, and he felt scared, while Ziyun also showed a lingering expression of fear.

The situation was urgent just now. He and Ziyun felt a warning sign in their hearts and instinctively urged their swords to escape. This is the spiritual sense they have experienced in countless fights and battles. It is similar to the Donghuazhou monks' understanding of their own destiny after condensing the heavenly soul. induction.

Now that I have escaped, I try to sense the blood light before recalling it, and capture the clear chill and chaos from it. I know that it is really a critical moment, and if I really fall into it, it will be very dangerous.

"It may not be safe now. The scene here is not a canyon. Has it come out of it? But where is the restriction?"

Immediately afterwards, the two people's minds turned to their surroundings again. After thinking for a while, they carefully pressed down the sword light and stepped on the ground. They actually caught a strong breath of vitality from the grass. The aroma hit their faces and made them feel trance-like. Qiu Yan's spiritual thoughts also jumped slightly, but they passed away in a flash.

Generally speaking, this feeling can only be felt on the treasures of heaven and earth.

"Could it be that..." Xiao Li guessed, bending down and pulling out a stick from the grass, rubbing it gently, injecting a little bit of Qi, and a strong medicinal fragrance immediately wafted out.

"This grass is actually a treasure from heaven and earth that contains vitality and medicinal power!"

Seeing this scene, the two couldn't hide their surprise. They looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes. Then they looked around, their eyes sweeping over the grass, and their breathing became rapid.

At this time, two screams rang out from the sky, and two people fell down. They were naked, bloody, and their skin and flesh were corroded. In some places, white bones could be seen.

After the two fell to the ground, they were beaten to pieces. Fortunately, the foundation of life cultivation was still there. Although their internal organs were shaken, with a little luck, the pain subsided.

Then, struggling to get up, they looked at Xiao Li and Ziyun with blurred eyes, barely able to recognize them.

"Brother Xiao, Senior Sister Zi, in that cave..."

These two people were also disciples of the Three Saints. Although they were shrouded in blood, they quickly shuttled through the cave and survived.

"Stop talking now, adjust your luck and stabilize your injuries. If there is any elixir, take it first." Ziyun shook his head and stopped the two of them from talking.

The two people were in agony, but they still managed to say: "I... our clothes and mustard seed bags were all corroded by the blood, and all the accumulation inside was gone!" At the end of the sentence, they even started to cry.

The monks in Zhou Rao are wary of outsiders and do not trust others easily, so they keep everything in a mustard bag. Carry it with you, because once the mustard seed bag is gone, all the belongings that you have since practicing practice will be gone, which can be described as tragic.

After hearing this, Ziyun was slightly startled, resources are precious. She would not use her own elixir to save people, but Xiao Li took a step forward, his body was shaken, and seven souls followed him. The true energy mixed with the kidney fire spurted out, suppressing the two of them, urging them to move. Rolling in the grass.

Just heard two groans. As soon as the two rolled, all the flowers and plants in the grass were broken, and the rich vitality floated out and seeped into the two people's bodies.

Seeing this scene, Ziyun wanted to make a sound but did not speak. However, after the two people rolled around for a few times, the wounds on their bodies quickly became scarred, and the heavy injuries healed without medicine.

How long to wait. They stood up from the grass, with angry expressions on their faces at first, and then realized that the anger caused by Xiao Li's sudden attack was gone, replaced by heartfelt joy and shock!

but. After a change of thought, the two of them said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Xiao for the rescue." Then they looked at the flowers and plants everywhere, and their minds began to spin rapidly.

Xiao Li waved his hand. Hun said nonchalantly: "You're welcome, we are from the same sect and we should support each other."

But he was also shocked in his heart. In addition to rescuing the two of them, he also wanted to use their bodies as a test to see if the flowers and plants on the ground were really as he expected. It is a treasure of heaven and earth.

After all, grass contains medicinal power and can move people's hearts, but it may also harbor murderous intentions and hidden dangers.

And the result of this temptation is enough to make people crazy.

"This forest and plain can be endless as far as the eye can see. Could it be that every flower and grass in it is a treasure of heaven and earth? Even if it only contains Qi and blood, it is considered the lowest treasure of heaven and earth, but there are so many of them that it is difficult to refine elixirs. Come on, it’s extraordinary! It’s enough to allow me to break through my current realm! If coupled with the method of condensing flesh and blood taught by Senior Qiu, then..."

Thinking of this, even with Xiao Li's mind, he couldn't help but tremble and couldn't control himself.

It’s no wonder that in this continent, if you want to improve your cultivation, you can only continuously collect resources, refine elixirs, and stack skills. It is not easy at all. Various sects are killing people for resources. Suddenly, there is such a thing. It was a plain, not to mention Xiao Li, even if it were an elder from the master's sect, it would still be difficult to calm down.

"Could it be that the rumored Golden Cicada Fruit grew up in this kind of environment?"

In fact, Qiu Yan, who was hiding beside him, was also amazed by it, but what he cared about more was the erratic wish for incense.

"In addition to the strong medicinal power, this grass is also filled with bursts of incense and wishes! It's really weird. I have hardly seen any traces of Shinto in this continent, but here..."

Silently releasing his senses, Qiu Yan's heart suddenly moved. He actually caught the erratic aura on Xiao Li, Ziyun, and the other two disciples of the Three Saints. It turned out that from unknown time, the three of them had been continuously emitting incense and wishes. !

"What's going on?"

This discovery made Qiu Yan even more confused. People in Zhou Rao are extremely egotistical. It is very difficult to get them to put their thoughts on others. Even if Qiu Yan teaches Xiao Li the method of observing gods, it will still be the same. It's hard to change his mind. At most, he can spy on his thoughts, but he can't get any incense. But now this situation is easily broken.

After thinking about it, Qiu Yan came up with a guess, and his senses suddenly came out and radiated around him.

But at this moment, a spiritual thought came to the wind and formed a sentence in Qiu Yan's heart -

"I didn't expect that my Shinto colleagues would actually come. It's not in vain that I set up such a formation to attract these mortals!"

PS: Thanks for the reward from "Playing with Drop-Down"!

Thanks to "Sorrow Without Tears" and "Tianzhi Dew" for your monthly votes!

Yesterday's one was later added, but some friends may have read it. It was an omission in Chapter 179, where the division of the two realms of life and life was written upside down. It has been corrected now, and I will also correct it here. The Xuanyuan realm is The fifth realm of life cultivation is after Zifu.

It was an oversight at the time, which does not mean that the setting was a temporary one. The error was limited to one chapter, and there was no confusion in the following content. In fact, the book was published only after the setting was completed. There are about 20,000 sets in the book. There are also some deletions and changes in the middle of the text, but the general framework remains unchanged, so please don’t worry.

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