Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 618: The Secret of the Illusion

The black clouds were overwhelming, and everyone immediately felt extremely depressed, and there was a sense of difficulty in escaping. Many people's bones trembled spontaneously, as if they were being squeezed by a heavy object.

Even Xiao Li felt a heavy pressure on his body, with an illusion that it was hard to resist. However, with a change of heart, he noticed that this was actually a feeling in his consciousness, which was reflected on his body.

"Is what Senior Qiu said true? The man driving the black cloud is the mastermind behind the scenes. He wants to infect our souls and then take over them like a magpie's nest?"

Thinking about it, he silently recited the inner secret, and gradually resisted the erosion of the black cloud. He felt that the black cloud was just a layer of thoughts, confusing people's senses. However, only a limited number of sects in Zhou Raozhou mastered this kind of illusion skills. It was kept secret, and most of the people he met perished. Even if Xiao Li's life was full of twists and turns, this was only his second experience.

Last time, he almost died on the spot.

As the situation changed, Xiao Li discovered that Ziyun, Feng Zhantian and others were shrouded in black clouds, and their bodies began to tremble.

They had no heart trick to stabilize their mood, and were shrouded by the black cloud. The panic and fear in their hearts expanded rapidly, gradually filling their entire souls, making Xiao Li feel ominous.

"Senior! Who did it? Why did he infect our souls? Could the blood before come from this person?"

However, after asking this question, there was no reply.

The incense and people's wishes around them were also infected by the emotions emanating from everyone. They kept changing. The vast grassland quickly withered, the flowers and grass dried up, the soil was scattered, the medicinal fragrance receded, and blood spread!

"Is it really an illusion, and everything is just a dream?"

As he watched, Xiao Li gradually believed Qiu Yan's explanation, but he still remained wary.

"But why didn't Senior Qiu respond?" Just when he was about to take out the Ganoderma lucidum, he suddenly found that his body was stiff, although there were thoughts in his heart. But his body didn't react at all, and his consciousness and body seemed to be separated!

"Huh? What's going on?"

This discovery made Xiao Li secretly frightened. After careful investigation, he found that the panic thoughts of others seemed to have substance. They radiated and invaded his body, and then attracted an inexplicable force to gather and penetrate the skin. bone. Invade the body!

This inexplicable power is somewhat similar to the power that blessed him before and made him invincible.

"This is……"

In an instant, Xiao Li understood his situation.

"Other people's emotions and thoughts can actually affect me!" At this moment, he had the intention to look at other people carefully.

The figures of Feng Zhantian and others were looming in the black clouds, with ripples surrounding their outlines and faint colors visible. Like a reflection in water, radiating out from the body, mixed with various emotional fluctuations, are clearly embodied emotional thoughts!

Such a scene. It is rare in Zhou Rao who does not cultivate the soul, which makes Xiao Li even more surprised!

With the naked eye, you can see ripples colliding between people. It became more and more powerful, and when it reached Xiao Li, it was already mixed with the thoughts of many people. Blessing the surface of the body, although it does not contaminate the mind, makes the physical body instinctively stiff, as if a wild animal has encountered a natural enemy and is unable to move.

"If this continues, won't I also fall into it?"

Dark clouds filled the air around him. He looked up and saw the man in black in the sky looking down at him with a faint sneer. His smile was as cold as a knife, as cold and ruthless as if he were looking at an ant.


"In such a short time, you have seen through the reality of this pure land paradise. It is really surprising. Do the gods in the outside world have such abilities?"

On another level, two spiritual thoughts are communicating.

Just now, after Qiu Yan inspired his power, he sent a message to Xiao Li to calm his mind, and then he was wrapped in the power of the law. The divine body emerged from the Ganoderma lucidum and fell into the higher realm in the same space. level--

Divine realm.

Although these two levels overlap, there is also a distance. The sights, sounds, and feelings of the real world can all be transmitted in. However, the sounds and thoughts in the legal domain cannot be crossed due to the rules of the legal profession, unless they are broken through violence. Then, It will stimulate the divine power, incense, and people's thoughts of the entire legal domain to come back.

Qiu Yan's spiritual thought replied: "Perhaps you have been suppressed for too long, and your thinking has gradually become rigid. As long as the spirit captures a little bit of incense wishes and analyzes the root cause, it can trace back to the source and quickly dig out the source. nature?"

The divine thought said: "That's true, but what really surprised me is that you grasped the hearts of these monks so quickly. In my memory, the methods used by Shinto to interfere with people's hearts should be It’s a tough way to change other people’s minds, but it’s not good at starting from one’s own emotions.”

"In your memory?" Qiu Yan noticed the changes in the other person's word and made a guess in his mind.

The divine thought followed and said: "Even if you guess more things, you are now pulled into the realm of law by me. Although you have left a little divine power outside, there are no followers of yours here. The divine power cannot replenish itself and can no longer interfere with those things." Monk, the illusion can't last forever, but I don't understand why you deliberately imitate the appearance of the outer star king to put pressure on those monks? You can break it if you are a little firmer!"

"You will soon understand."

It turns out that the "Zhimu Xingjun" who appeared in front of Xiao Li and others was not the Xingjun himself, but the transformation of Qiu Yan's divine power and incense thoughts, in order to stimulate the emotions in Feng Zhantian and others' hearts. , released with the trend, laying out the next step.


"It's not okay to continue like this!"

In the present world, Xiao Li's thoughts changed from anxious to determined, but his body was infected by the thoughts of the people around him and the wishes of incense coming from the surroundings, making it difficult to move and even showing signs of petrification!

All around, the continuous grassland has disappeared, replaced by extremely rich blood energy, which is like clouds and mist, floating everywhere, blocking the line of sight. The black clouds controlled by "Zhimu Xingjun" are covered by the thick blood mist, and it is difficult to detect anything from them. .

But Xiao Li knew that the black mist was still "invading" everyone!

Relying on the Heart Technique, he was able to calm his mind and avoid the direct intrusion of the black cloud. However, due to the relationship between other people and being affected by his thoughts, he still fell into trouble bit by bit and it was difficult to escape.

"Even if I have the protection of the Heart Art to keep my mind clear, other people will fall deeper and deeper, and their emotions will turn into ripples, blessing me, and it will still be difficult to escape in the end! I will end up like this."

As he was thinking about it, an idea came to his mind. This idea did not just appear. It had occurred in the early stages of the dilemma, but he had suppressed it all his life.

"Teach them the heart secrets? Let them set their mind, strengthen their thoughts, and finally escape from the predicament of having their hearts invaded?"

The situation is now very clear. Others must get rid of the situation of being shrouded in black clouds and losing control of their emotions, so that he, Xiao Li, can avoid being involved.

But if they want to reach this point, it is difficult to achieve it with their state of mind. The only way is for Xiao Li to teach the heart secret.

However, the technique of condensing the state of mind is so precious. If anyone gets it, it will be kept secret. How can Xiao Li share it with others?

But Kung Fu, after all, can only be used if you have a life. After hesitating for a long time and using several trump cards in succession, but still unable to break free, Xiao Li finally sighed and made a decision.

"Everyone, please listen to me..."


"Is this your plan? Let them calm down, but in this way, the people's hearts will calm down, the negative emotions will recede, and the desire in the heart will regain the upper hand, yearning for the extraordinary, leading the people to change, and the Pure Land Paradise will return to its old outlook. As they walk in it, sooner or later they will come to the central place, and then I will be able to get their thoughts, but you will be trapped in the legal realm and unable to stop them."

At the legal level, the two divine thoughts are still in dialogue.

Qiu Yan did not respond directly to these words. He just narrowed his eyes and looked at the gradually emerging figure in front of him——

As the emotions of Feng Zhantian and others changed in the present world, the balance of incense and wishes was disturbed. The deity behind it could no longer be easily controlled. In addition, Qiu Yan was in his legal domain, so he could cause and effect through divine power. , to explore the outline, but the color of the divine light cannot be clearly captured, and the divine quality cannot be judged.

However, it can still be roughly seen that the figure is intermittent, as if it is spliced ​​together, and the thoughts in his heart are gradually becoming clearer.

"This plain, which is similar to the legal domain, probably eroded some of the Taoist seals, but it isolated the god inside, making it difficult to communicate with believers and incense. Even if I were taken in, I still couldn't sell it, and the incense wishes outside should be Due to the power of the gods, they spontaneously gathered from heaven and earth.”

"The incense wish cannot be integrated into the divine body, so it erodes the seal outside and turns into this plain that changes with the mind. After a long time, the power condensed inside has reached the extreme. If I fight with violence, it will be like destroying the river. When the dam breaks, the people's wishes will surge, and it will be difficult to match my legal duties. It will be a disaster! "

This information was the conclusion that Qiu Yan came to after coming here, using various means to explore the information bit by bit, and finally pieced it together.

The entire plain is made up of wishes, and the amount of powerful incense in it is simply astronomical!

If it were transformed into divine power, it would far exceed the total amount of divine power in Qiu Yan's body. Even before the stars gradually extinguished, it was far from comparable. That's why he did not use violence to resist after being absorbed into the legal realm.

But on the other hand, the god was imprisoned in a deeper place due to the seal. He could only remotely sense these incense wishes and could not control them. Otherwise, Qiu Yan would not be his opponent at all.

On this point, Qiu Yan actually made a rough guess after hearing the other party's first sentence. Otherwise, he would have left long ago and would not be able to stay here safely.

"However, wishes come from human thoughts. This plain is wishes. Gods cannot control them easily, but they can use mortal thoughts to lead the trend and change the situation. This is the reason why you lured those monks here, not You want to see me, a Shinto colleague." (To be continued...)

ps: Thank you "stonechong" for your monthly vote!

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