Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 628: The Northern Frontier Spiritual Surge and Order Fall

Compared with half a year ago, Pang Qianru's whole temperament has undergone subtle changes. Her valiant and heroic appearance has become clearer, and the heroic spirit between her eyebrows has almost condensed into substance!

As soon as her face was revealed, the carriage was filled with a strong aura of weapons, and Qiu Yan's neck felt cold, as if there was an invisible sharp blade pressing against his throat.

Flicking his fingers to break the invisible sword energy emitted by the other party, Qiu Yan changed his mind.

"In the past six months, Pang Qianru has been in the world of military strategists. Several attacks on the city were repulsed. However, she also gathered a lot of troops, visualized weapons, and occupied one area, just like a hero sitting in one area! She already has the aura of a military strategist. Gas phase.”

At the dinner party in Pang Mansion, everyone watched the miscellaneous notes of military strategists. In the end, the miscellaneous notes were taken away by the ancestor of the Chen family, stripping away the relevant memories of the attendees. However, there were external demons hiding in everyone's hearts, making their consciousness still connected to the world of military strategists in the miscellaneous notes. , every day when you fall asleep, your soul will enter the world and lead the soldiers!

The situation in the world of military strategists is strange, and it contains a lot of secrets. Two monks from the Purple Mansion Realm are locked up inside. It is said that after the military conquest, they will be given to the winner as spoils of war.

"The souls and ghosts of the two monks temporarily entered and were sealed in the tower. They were said to be trophies. There must be others hidden. Among the many souls who entered them, only a few are left now. The others have been defeated. If we exclude them, it won’t be long before the winner is decided.”

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Qiu Yan looked at Pang Qianru, who looked back without showing any signs of weakness. He didn't care about the temptation at all. Instead, he said: "I'm sitting in the carriage reading a book, but I can't experience anything. Why not ride over there?" , experience the border customs with your eyes and body, you will definitely have different feelings.”

After she finished speaking, she condensed her voice into a thin line and sent it into Qiu Yan's ears——

"Come with me, someone wants to see you. He is somewhat interested in the military book you want to write. This person will be helpful in writing your book, so you might as well consider it."

Qiu Yan pondered slightly, nodded and said, "Miss Pang's suggestion is good. You really shouldn't stay in the car like this." He put the manuscript back in his hand.

Looking at the manuscript, a sparkle flashed in Pang Qianru's eyes. With her life cultivation and the sensitivity inherited from military strategists, she had captured the sharp military aura from the manuscript. And the prototype of a grand atmosphere!

"It is said that this person has the inheritance of military strategists and wants to unite an order. It seems that it is not groundless. Is what my father asked me to pay attention to true? Is this person really able to revive the military strategist?"

With this thought, Pang Qianru and Qiu Yan stepped out of the carriage.

She came with the envoy this time, but she was not a member of the envoy herself. Instead, she went to the military town of Hou Pangyi in Anyang and came with her.

within recent months. Military and town mobilizations were frequent, and several major military envoys were called in for defense.


Pang Qianru's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a horse neighing, and she saw Qiu Yan approaching a tall war horse. He was about to touch the horse with his hand, but the latter was reluctant and tried to move away as soon as he flicked his neck.

Some soldiers on the side cheered: "Master Zhuangyuan. This horse is not easy to control. If you don't mind, you might as well ask the groom to lead the horse."

This is not to mock Qiu Yan. But after getting along with him for a few days, the soldiers realized that this famous scholar, who was famous in the capital, had no airs at all and was approachable, so they gradually became familiar with him and lost a lot of worries, so they often joked with him.

These soldiers are all selected from the Beijing army and can be described as elite. This time they will follow the envoys deep into Mobei and escort them.

However, as soon as their words were spoken, the situation changed——

Qiu Yan's outstretched palm feinted, and with a "buzz" sound, the dodging horse was shaken and whined. Then it stopped struggling and allowed Qiu Yan to get on the horse!

"Good guy, what's going on?"

After Qiu Yan and Pang Qianru rode away, several soldiers realized what they were doing and looked at each other, deeply puzzled by the scene just now.

On the other side, Qiu Yan was riding a horse, rising and falling on the horse, his muscles, bones, skin and flesh loosening and tightening, his breathing slowly calming down, becoming more and more carefree.

"Young Master's riding skills are good." Pang Qianru's praise came from the side. When the general was galloping on horseback, he exuded a heroic spirit. The aura on his body spread in the ups and downs of the horse's hooves. From a distance, he seemed to be leading thousands of people. The army is like thousands of horses.

In response, Qiu Yan just nodded and then moved his eyes to browse the surrounding scenery.

As the horse galloped, the air turned into a strong wind and blew towards them, blowing their hair and clothes. The two of them were like two black spots, moving forward in the vast world, with endless wilderness on both sides, and sand flying in the distance.

When a person is on a horse and galloping around, he has a feeling of insignificance and grandeur, which makes his mind open.

Looking into the distance, you can vaguely see a section of the city wall, which is the transit point for this trip, Dingchang City, one of the important towns in the north of Darui.

Dingchang City does not belong to any Taoism. Like Wuxin City, it is directly under the jurisdiction of the Jiedushi. The Jiedushi who is in charge here is Xiao Lan, the Marquis of Maishan.

"I wonder if this Jiedu Envoy is different from Song Yuan of Wuxin City, and whether he has a destiny cultivation." Qiu Yan thought about Pang Qianru's destiny cultivation and had doubts.

When Qiu Yan was in Wuxin City, he had contact with Song Yuan and found that although he had martial arts skills, he was not a monk, so he speculated that it had something to do with the officialdom. Although he was a leisurely Hanlin Academy man with little contact with power, he still gradually felt the conflict between supernatural powers and official aura.

However, considering that Pang Qianru, the daughter of a general, has achieved success in cultivation, which is obviously beyond the level of foundation building, Qiu Yan's guess has not been confirmed yet, and he needs to meet more generals and Jiedu envoys to confirm it.

This Maishan Hou Xiao Lan is undoubtedly a target that is very close at hand.

As I thought about it, the city wall in the distance became clearer and clearer, and the closed city gate continued to grow larger in my field of vision. Soldiers on the wall had already noticed the two men riding horses and sent people into the city to report.

At this stage, the mission heading north is still kept secret. Ordinary soldiers do not know the identity of the visitor, so of course they are wary.

In fact, not only the soldiers in the city, but also a large part of the soldiers and generals who came with the envoy and were responsible for guarding, did not know the mission of the envoy, but only knew that this team would go deep into the desert.

After the news was passed on, Qiu Yan and the two men were getting closer and closer to the city. From a distance, they could see the strong energy and blood rolling in the city. It was the energy, blood and will of the soldiers in hundreds of battles that were dispersed and gathered invisibly.

After watching the Qi and thinking, Qiu Yan sighed on the horse: "It is worthy of being a border garrison. It is indeed extraordinary in momentum, and it is also different from the military strategists in southern Xinjiang."

"This is natural," Pang Qianru said with a long laugh. "The soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang are fighting every day. They are facing the brutal Hu people. The fighting power of the Hu people's soldiers is still higher than that of Dali. If it were not for the armor, , The equipment is insufficient, and a storm is about to break out. How can the situation among the soldiers in northern Xinjiang be the same as that of the unarmed garrisons and soldiers in the hinterland of the Central Plains? "

She pulled the reins, came closer, and continued: "Even in Southern Xinjiang, the Swamp People are difficult to deal with, but they only occupy the advantageous location, and their combat power is not as good as that of the Grassland Controlling Strings. If the Northern Xinjiang soldiers were allowed to go to Southern Xinjiang, they would be That will calm down the five marshes!" When she spoke, there was a sense of pride that could not be concealed in her words.

Qiu Yan shook his head: "The two countries are fighting fiercely on the border. Although the strength of the soldiers is a small chance of victory, the environmental and geographical advantages cannot be ignored. The southern border is forested and mountainous, and the swamps are full of poisonous insects and beasts. The Northern Army has gone There, it will take a lot of time just to adapt to the environment, and the combat power may not be at full strength. "

"How can you know if you don't give it a try?" As Pang Qianru spoke, she stuck out her tongue and licked her lips. The war horse she was driving was already very close at hand, as if it would hit Qiu Yan if it tilted any further.

"However, the geographical advantages are different, and the results of the battle will indeed be different. Just like you, young master..." Pang Qianru exhaled like blue and chuckled, "I heard that you offended the Taoist sect. You were in the capital before, and you had the dragon energy and the will of the city to suppress them. I don’t dare to take action, but now that I have taken over the job and left the capital, it will be a bit dangerous, probably because the location has receded!”

"Oh?" Qiu Yan's eyes moved slightly. When he looked over again, Pang Qianru pulled the reins, and the horse under her immediately spread its hooves and rushed forward!

This charge made Qiu Yan's horse startled. It raised its head and raised its hooves. It was slightly confused, but Qiu Yan used his true energy to directly suppress it. Then with a thought, he drove the horse to gallop!

In that military world, Qiu Yan led an army and occupied a city. His power continued to grow, and he also established a cavalry force. He had already had experience in riding on horseback. Although he did not do it in this world, his skills and riding skills were similar. He is no weaker than ordinary generals.

"Pang Qianru actually knew about the feud between me and the Taoist sect, and even mentioned the dragon energy and the will of the city. She knew that I might be targeted by the Taoist sect after I left the capital. It showed that she was well-informed, which made me curious. I didn't know what she said. Who is the person who wants to see me? "

Thinking about it, Qiu Yan had various plans circulating in his mind.

But before he could straighten out his thoughts, an extremely powerful aura rose into the sky from Dingchang City, exploded in the air, attracted spiritual energy from all directions, rolled down and fell towards Qiu Yan!

"Huh?" Qiu Yan narrowed his eyes, released his senses, and tasted a little tentative meaning from the spiritual energy. It did not contain murderous intent, but it was rolling in, pushing forward layer by layer, and even mixed with a sage spirit, triggering a military order!

The momentum is surging!

"Is this a meeting gift? It's a bit like the elders testing the younger ones. Although I don't care about these false names, if I want to compile the "Martial Arts Summary", if I am lowered by one generation, it will be difficult to obtain a lot of materials!"

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan raised his hand and waved, and colorful colors came out!

"Eh?" Ahead, Pang Qianru, who was galloping on horseback, looked back and happened to see this scene. She also caught the change in spiritual energy and knew that it was the person who took action. She was curious about how Qiu Yan would respond, but at this moment, her expression Sudden change! (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "The Dead Man", "Shu No Sheng", "し☆ve Cai Ni Bird" and "Ling Hedgehog" for their monthly votes!

Thanks for the tip from "Play the Dropdown"!

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