Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 634: Setting up camp to form a formation

"The barracks gathers energy, and the sun reaches its peak."

Qiu Yan was riding on his horse, far away. Looking from a distance, he could see the continuous barracks. They were killing silently. The surging energy and blood floated out like clouds and mist. They did not dissipate, but entwined with each other, like a cover, covering the camp. Like a huge blanket.

This Qi and blood is thick, tumbling and changing. It can repel ghosts and gods, remove magical powers, and is vaguely consistent with the order of humanity. Even Qiu Yan can detect the changes and find that the true energy, true essence, and golden elixir are all being pulled, and some are uncontrollable. It was vaguely suppressed, and as for the inner fire of the soul, it was even more bizarre, actually exuding a little fear instinctively.

This is not because Qiu Yan is afraid, but because the nature of the soul's soul has encountered a natural enemy!

Hun'er is afraid of the sun.

Although there are only ordinary soldiers living in the barracks, these people are physically strong, but even if they practice every day, their martial arts cultivation is not outstanding. Most of them are only at the level of Mingjin in the foundation building realm. In the martial arts world, they can only be regarded as ordinary people. , but they possessed killing skills, and when they walked on the battlefield, their evil auras were connected and gathered together. When they read and their blood gathered together, they had a considerable aura.

This gas phase, through the layout of the barracks, flows, changes, and is connected with each other, causing its momentum to skyrocket!

"No wonder military books often emphasize setting up camps and site selection. In terms of length and emphasis, they are no less important than the explanations of battle methods, tactics, and battle formations. Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I know that the place where the camp is set up is indeed very particular. A bad , there are too many loopholes, and if you cannot suppress the extraordinary power, you may be attacked by monks!"

Looking at the appearance of the barracks, Qiu Yan sat on the horse, but his hands were not empty. He took out a pen and paper and wrote in the air, recording everything he saw with his eyes and sensed.

Relying on his perception, he has already noticed that the location of this continuous barracks is not random. The placement of the tents and wooden railings is not haphazard, but organized, forming a faint momentum, triggering the earth's veins and celestial phenomena, and bringing together and amplifying people and people.

The energy and masculinity in the barracks was radiated out by this change of formation, and became more than ten times stronger!

The Qi and blood of soldiers and generals are inherently strong. An ordinary person can immobilize weak ghosts and bring them together. Even monks in the second and early stages of the third realm will be affected. After linking with the human order, it will be equally difficult for monks at the peak of the third realm to encounter them. Face the sharp edge, and then undergo the amplification and radiation of the camp formation. Even monks in the fourth realm will be suppressed!

Not only that, there is also a bit of dragon energy manifesting in the sky, entrenched above it. There is a tendency to fall from time to time. I think that when the military strategists take action, there may be a way to protect the dragon's energy.

It is also because of this that no matter how high your magical powers are. Unless a certain limit is exceeded, it will be difficult to do whatever you want on the battlefield, having said that. If a few masters can decide the fate of a country, then what kind of army and court are needed? ,

How can there be justice in this world when there is an existence beyond everything? Only that person's personal affairs.

"The human nature of Zhou Raozhou is distorted. The lives of ordinary people cannot be protected by the court and the army. Instead, they have to rely on Taoist monks. The reason is probably that after the order changes, there is no soil for unity and unity, and fists If you have big fists, you will be high up. If your fists are weak, it will be difficult to stand up. But after all, there are many ordinary people in this world..."

After thinking about it, Qiu Yan clearly felt that the closer she got to the barracks, the more heroic and imposing she was. However, she had obviously known about the suppression of the camp for a long time and did not show any surprise. Instead, she looked at Qiu Yan and said lightly. Nod lightly.

In comparison, Qiu Yan's flesh and blood body's destiny cultivation was not bad, but his soul was greatly affected and shrank faintly. Fortunately, the soul had turned three times and contained yang energy, so it could resist this masculine energy.

If a monk without Yang Qi comes here and is suppressed by Qi and blood, his whole body will be temporarily broken, just like an ordinary person. At that time, several soldiers will work together to kill him.

Things in the world are inherently yin and yang, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

As a master, he does not cultivate his life, but he can mobilize the human order to suppress the extraordinary. It is equivalent to gathering the power of all living beings to suppress one person, but if he is close, it is difficult to resist;

The monks, on the other hand, keep to themselves and practice to great depths. They can overturn rivers and seas just by thinking, but in the end they are only limited to one person. They can kill sages at close range, but they are unable to defeat four hands with two fists. If they encounter the thoughts of all living beings, they will be at a disadvantage.

Setting up a camp is a method of gathering people, and it uses military skills. The powerful military methods look similar to those of fate monks, who also practice martial arts, but in the final analysis they are different. They are not about detachment, but about killing and protecting the environment and the people. .

In fact, it is precisely because of these characteristics that a well-educated counselor can know the enemy's tactics based on his expectations. He can know the general trend of the world and make strategic plans without leaving the mountain.

Qiu Yan has understood this concept for a long time. With what he has seen and heard over the years, he has gradually gained a clear concept.

"Since monks, sages, and masters each have their own advantages under certain circumstances, will the divine way and the inner demon's way also encounter similar situations? It is difficult to determine the strength and weakness?"

With this thought in mind, the three of them rode to the barracks, where they could already hear shouts of killing.

However, the picture that appeared along with the sound was not of soldiers practicing on the battlefield, but of cultivated fields outside the barracks, with several men working in the fields.

They were dressed simply and had dark skin, obviously exposed to the sun.

"These people are commonly known as rural soldiers." Noticing Qiu Yan's gaze, Pang Qianru said with a smile.

As she spoke, Xiao Jian's face became more and more ugly. The young Marquis was still worried and his face had always been bad. When he led the way, he was a little absent-minded, but now he was secretly winking at Pang Qianru.

"It's better not to tell Duke Zhuangyuan about trivial matters and go directly to the camp."

"You can't say that," Pang Qianru laughed, showing her white teeth, not caring about women's etiquette at all, "Qiu Yan came here this time to enter the barracks, not to watch the fun. He wanted to write a military book, and he had to understand a lot of things. It’s important to be clear, otherwise what you write is divorced from reality, and it’s just a joke, and it will mislead others.”

Xiao Jian frowned, shook his head and said, "These country soldiers have existed in all dynasties, but they don't appear on the stage. Most of the things recorded in the military books are the key points of warfare, and some are trivial. How can I get them?"

Qiu Yan said: "These country soldiers are the so-called soldiers that the imperial court does not support, right?"

His words surprised both Xiao Jian and Pang Qianru.

Rural soldiers are the name of informal local armed forces. In fact, they are farmers who are not separated from production. They do not need to be supported by the court and have no specific establishment in the military. So many high-ranking officials in the DPRK do not even know that there is such a local armed force. exist.

The emperor was trapped in the palace, and what he knew and what he knew came from the words of everyone in the palace and the court. And the princes in the court, some of whom had never experienced grassroots experience, relied on imperial examinations, connections, and recommendations to get into officialdom. They have always been aloof, and what they knew was based on It is through reports from subordinates and relying on this information that a kingdom is built in the mind.

The country in the emperor's mind and the country in the mind of officials are only reflections formed by "knowledge", which are different from the real country and country.

In the opinion of Xiao Jian and Pang Qianru, Qiu Yan should also be one of those people who relies on what he knows in books and what others say to build his inner world.

This is not a disparagement, but Qiu Yan has now arrived at the border. It will not be long before he can collect enough information to reflect the real reward in his heart. All he lacks is time.

"I didn't expect that you also know about the soldiers who are not supported." After being surprised, Pang Qianru smiled as usual, "Then you should also know that the court will not allocate money and food to support the local soldiers. After all, it has to be raised by the local garrison. foot."

"Know a little bit."

Qiu Yan nodded in response. He had seen a similar scene in Wuxin City. However, Wuxin City captured the captured swamp people and used them as slaves to make them work and farm. This left a deep impression on him and returned. After checking it, he soon knew the reason. Later, when Qiu Yan took charge of the military pavilion, he looked through the classics and understood more and more, but this was the first time he had truly observed it up close.

After looking at them for a few times, Qiu Yan added, "I heard that most of these rural soldiers are locals. They protect their homeland and their fighting power is inferior."

"Yes, sir, please invite me inside." Xiao Jian said a few words and led Qiu Yan and Pang Qianru into the barracks. Although raising rural soldiers privately is an unspoken rule everywhere, they are most afraid of meeting new officials. Sometimes when your head gets hot and you go to the court, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

Seeing his thoughts, Qiu Yan entered the camp with Pang Qianru without refusing.

But when he entered the camp, Qiu Yan's whole body suddenly shook, and all his magical powers were suppressed. As the extraordinary faded away, his mysterious and mysterious perception became more and more sensitive, drawing order, making him aware of it, and turned his head towards a hill in the distance. Looked over.

After just one look, he looked away, then dismounted and entered the camp.

The camp was depressed, and a beautiful woman suddenly came to visit, which caused quite a commotion, but with the general suppressing it, it did not break the order.

Soon, the commander-in-chief of the military camp, General Lu, was a young man who was familiar with Xiao Jian. His name was Yang Zhong, and he was very brave. When he saw Qiu Yan and Pang Qianru, he looked dissatisfied, and waited for Xiao Jian to say something. After two sentences, he saw Xiao Lan's token again, but he looked at Qiu Yan with a look of surprise on his face.

"Since there is an order from Lord Jiedushi, there is no room for entering the camp, but it is limited to Zhuangyuan Gong alone. Miss Pang should wait here. Military discipline must not be disrupted."

Xiao Jian shook his head and said to himself, he had known Yang Zhong since childhood, and of course he knew his thoughts. It was for this reason that he asked Pang Qianru to come over. However, he couldn't stand Yang Zhong's rigidity, so he just said: "In this case, I will take the number one scholar with me." Enter the camp, General Yang entertains Miss Pang here, she is a girl, she is here alone, no one can support her. "

Yang Zhong frowned and waited to speak, but was interrupted by shouts from the camp.

"Huh?" Qiu Yan was curious when he heard the sound. With his ears, he clearly heard the shouting words——

"There seems to be a fight in the military camp!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature for better novels and faster updates!

ps: Thanks to "Bu Tian Xin" and "Playing Drop Down" for the rewards!

Thanks to "Heal My Dead Man" and "tth" for their monthly votes!

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