Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 674: The command platform, the guardian spirit, a grain of sand, a soldier

"Martial Arts General? It seems to be a shadow projected from the original, but why are there so many volumes?"

This book was written by Qiu Yan. When it appears here, it makes people suspicious. What is even stranger is that as the author, he found that there are invisible obstacles in the middle, blurring his mental connection with the classics, but he can still feel it. .

In doubt, Qiu Yan's eyes dropped, and his eyes fell on the front of the high platform, where three words were written clearly -

Point the general station!

These three characters, horizontally and vertically, with long and thin strokes, were obviously carved on them with a sharp blade. Every stroke and every stroke had a sharp aura lingering around them.

Just when Qiu Yan wanted to inquire further or even get closer, a voice sounded in his ears——

"Which continent are you from?"

The words came with the wind, just like the previous voice, and fell into Qiu Yan's ears. He did not respond immediately, but frowned, sensing the surroundings, and exploring the source of the sound.

But after probing this way, I discovered that although my consciousness still retained the level of sexual cultivation, my physical body was only at the peak level of foundation building.

"Huh? This body is like flesh and blood, with all the muscles, bones, skin and membranes. The pulse, heartbeat, and breathing are normal. But I remember that when I first fell, I was just a wisp of consciousness. The physical body is derived from sand." The sand was exposed to the sun. Outside, there is heat inside, which is flowing and releasing in the flesh and blood, gradually threatening the consciousness.

Qiu Yan was not distracted, and turned to recall all the previous events. A hundred kinds of speculations flashed through Qiu Yan's mind. With the help of a little incense thought from the spirit body, he summarized and analyzed the meaning and came up with many results. Among them, the most likely ones were If you plant it, it will come to mind.

"Consciousness travels through the starry sky. What you see along the way is probably just an illusion, but it may also be real stars. This place now may no longer be the boundary of Donghua Continent. This can be judged from the words of that voice come out."

Thinking of that voice, Qiu Yan's attention swept around again, feeling the limitations of his flesh and blood body and consciousness.

"This body now is not the original flesh and blood body, but a false body formed by the communication and condensation of consciousness. From a purely physiological point of view, it is a complete human body, but I don't know if it is simply simulating consciousness. reaction to the body."

Although his flesh and blood were intact, Qiu Yan was not fooled by this and was still reading pictures to figure out the situation. His consciousness jumped slightly, and he immediately discovered that in a distant place, the souls, ghosts, spirits and golden elixirs in the original flesh and blood body were still lurking and nourishing in the body.

"If the consciousness really reaches this point, there must be a reason. It must be the secret hidden in the military world. In this way, the military battles and tests in the military world are all for the sake of allowing the chosen ones to come. Here, preparations are being made.”

Feeling the connection between his consciousness and the fake body, Qiu Yan vaguely felt that the consciousness that had been burned before was easier to integrate with his body, and because he had gone through such a test, his consciousness's resistance to the burning sensation had gone to a higher level. .

Although this false body also has flesh and bones, its essence is made of gathered sand. The sand was exposed to the scorching sun, and contained fire energy. It gathered around and enveloped and penetrated the consciousness, even though it was like ordinary people. But the fire inside did not dissipate, and it also came into contact with Qiu Yan's consciousness, bringing scorching heat, but compared with the previous test, it was far inferior.

Normal people, as long as they have gone through previous tests and gained experience, can immediately suppress the anger when faced with it, but Qiu Yan changed his mind and restrained the anger. He wanted to explore it carefully, but the anger was like There is spirituality, and it disappears in a blink of an eye.


Qiu Yan's perception had long enveloped the surroundings, but he couldn't see where the anger was going.

"It's really weird here. As soon as you get here, the fake body is condensed, and then the field of vision is wide. You can see for ten miles without blurring. There are also sounds from unknown sources and fire that doesn't know where to go..."

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan simply gathered back his perception.

The reason why he frowned when he heard the sound just now was because he couldn't find the source of the sound. Now he was thinking and exploring, but he found nothing.

After Qiu Yan gathered all his feelings back, the previous voice appeared again——

"No need to look, you won't find me. I am the guardian spirit of this battlefield. I have no body, but nothing on this battlefield can escape my eyes."

"Guardian spirit?" Hearing the name, Qiu Yan narrowed his eyes and asked, "You said this is a battlefield, but as far as I know, this battlefield is not that simple."

After hearing the name of the battlefield, the first thing that flashed through Qiu Yan's mind was the simple meaning behind the word. But then he noticed the surrounding scene, and the word "Shilin" suddenly flashed in his mind, and then he spoke Test.

In fact, he knew nothing about the mystery of this battlefield, and how could he know what was simple or not? However, these words made the guarding spirit agree with him, and he continued: "As long as you know. , the descendants of military strategists gathered here this time, at least more than a hundred, come from more than a dozen different continents, and by the way, you haven’t told me which continent you came from. "

Upon hearing the inquiry, many thoughts flashed through Qiu Yan's mind. Based on the content of the other party's words and the surrounding environment, he analyzed in a short period of time whether he should tell the truth truthfully.

In the flash of lightning, the thoughts of the three bodies flew by, and finally came to a conclusion.

"I'm from Donghua Continent." Qiu Yan said this and answered truthfully, waiting for the other party's response.

"Donghua Continent, what is its position among all the continents, and what are its characteristics? Perhaps we can find clues from the words of this so-called guardian spirit. He said more than a hundred people from more than a dozen continents. If he asked everyone about their origins, he must have made some comparisons in his mind."

"Donghua Continent? The cause and effect have not changed, you are telling the truth!" Unexpectedly, when this name was spoken, the voice of the guardian spirit actually had a little more tremor, like a bowstring being plucked, and there was a tremor in the words.

"Hmm?" Qiu Yan found a little fear in this voice.

However, the other party obviously did not want to express it, and said in passing: "Well, no matter where you come from, you must come here for the newly formed military classics, right? You go now. Whether you can get a copy of the original spirit depends on your luck. After all, this classic has not really taken shape. Although it has power now, it is not even one-tenth of what it will be after it is completed."

The voice disappeared, and the sand not far from Qiu Yan suddenly rolled into a circle, just wrapping Qiu Yan inside, and then it seemed that an invisible barrier was broken around, and the hot air whistled in!

"Hmm? So that's it, there is a ban here that temporarily isolates me from the outside world. Now it's broken, so..."

Qiu Yan turned his eyes and swept across the ten-mile range. The figures came into view, and those people looked over, as if they had just discovered Qiu Yan.

"Is there another person coming?"

"It's a new face."

"Are you here to fight for the first bit of original spirit?"


Although the distance was far, the voices of the crowd came over unhindered with the heat wave. This strange battlefield, whether it was sight or sound, was different from the rules of other places. Those people's words also revealed a lot of information.

Qiu Yan remained calm and felt that he had a connection with the original copies of several "Wu Jing Zong Yao" on the generals' stand. His consciousness was faintly beating, and he was about to pull them over. The hard work from the books blended with his own consciousness, and it was exactly the same as the original copy in Donghua Continent!

"Oh? They are all like the original copy, which is interesting. I don't know what secrets are hidden in it."

Thinking about it, Qiu Yan's perception expanded, and he noticed that after the invisible barrier was broken, he actually had a little connection with the surrounding gravel. In the gravel, there were consciousnesses hidden one by one, and he could vaguely sense the breath of Qiu Yi and other soldiers.

"Could it be..." He was thinking, when suddenly something moved in his heart, squinted his eyes, and turned his head to look back.

Behind him, a strong man with a full beard came over with big strides. He was wearing armor and a long sword on his waist. He walked with great vigor, and there was a sense of the coming of a great general.

Dust and gravel were flying around the big man, and there was a little consciousness beating in each grain of dust, surrounding him, just like soldiers surrounding the commander.

"Boy, you look like you've just arrived here recently?" The big man with a curly beard came up to him, looking very familiar, and said with a smile, "Do you want me to tell you about the situation on the battlefield here?"

"Oh?" Qiu Yan's eyes flashed a little cold, "I wonder what your name is?"

"Okay, okay, I'm Yuchi Lei Ting, the general of the Northern Expedition of the Si Tang Dynasty in Liangmianzhou."

Yuchi Lei Ting said, looking at Qiu Yan's dress, raised his eyebrows: "Speaking of which, why do you wear those Confucian clothes? There are hundreds of schools of thought. Although my military school is not the only one left, it has a place to stay. This battlefield is one of them. As long as the brilliance of the military classics shines, it can radiate to other continents. Why should we give up our armor and clothes to prevent the Confucianists from taking the lead?"

There was a sense of pride in his words, and then he changed the subject "However, the infiltration of Confucianism and Legalism has put a lot of pressure on the Humane Dynasty, causing our military strategists to show signs of decline in various continents. In addition, the birth of military humane classics is becoming increasingly rare, which is a slight disadvantage, but this is only temporary. Isn't there a new classic now? You came here for the original spirit, but the army is surrounded and there are murderous intentions everywhere. You and I might as well form an alliance. What do you think?"

"Original spirit? Alliance?" Qiu Yan chewed on the meaning and was about to speak when another voice sounded--

"Yuchi Lei Ting, don't think about pulling a scapegoat again. This time, the fight for the original spirit is not as simple as you think. Instead of harming others, it is better to form a sincere alliance. This time the original spirit is not complete. Once it is formed, it may become a sage spirit! Illuminating all continents! How can you take shortcuts again?"

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