Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 693: Cultivating luck with dragons, seeing Qiu Wenyi roar

"When Qiu Yan comes, show some respect."

On the other side, in a tent, Shi Guanying sat on a chair and explained to a dozen people around him.

"It is very rare that he can achieve the classics of military strategists, just like a great monk in the fourth level of cultivation. For thousands of years, all the disciples have disappeared. Such figures have been rare for decades. Only the famous ones in history Only when the humanistic literary world is prosperous will they appear together.”

When Shi Gong spoke, the Nascent Soul's body slowly appeared like an ordinary person's. The color of the body changed from lustrous blood color to flesh color. There was a faint smile on the face covered with white beards.

Regarding this scene, everyone in the room showed a little strange expression. It was not that they were surprised, but that in this transformation, the shape and strength were changing. Even though Shi Gong had amazing control and could use his fingers like an arm, , there is still a slight breath leaking out, and the pressure brought by this breath affects the surrounding vitality, turning into a huge pressure, covering the surroundings.

Crunch! Crunch!

The tent seemed to be unable to bear it, and it swayed and made a sound.

After a few breaths, Shi Yuanying became completely human, and the pressure gradually dissipated. The remaining people gasped for breath, and one of them said: "Qiu Yan's achievements are certainly not low, but he is not old and is just a junior. We will show him It’s okay to be respectful, but it’s too much.”

The man who spoke looked like an immortal, with a long beard and a lot of cursed blood on his robes, which caused some flaws in his immortal energy.

Shi Gong glanced at him and said with a smile: "Liu Qin, why do you care about small details? There is no priority in learning, and the master is the teacher. Although Qiu Yan is young, he is far ahead of us in knowledge. Respect for him, not for him." It’s his age, but his knowledge. Didn’t you show respect to the Chen brothers when you met them?”

"What Mr. Shi said makes sense, but what Fellow Daoist Liu said is quite right," another person said. He was a man as skinny as a bamboo pole, with a sallow complexion and wearing coarse clothes. At first glance, he looked like a porter on the pier, but his eyes were full of radiance. The cold and gloomy look is eye-catching. His heart would get hairy, "Although Qiu Yan has achieved great achievements, I don't know his human nature. If he is too polite, it may harm him. Besides, I am not as knowledgeable as him, but he is not as good as us in cultivation."

After this person spoke up, several other people also spoke up. Shi Gong just listened quietly, noncommittal.

It is worth mentioning that among these dozen people, there are two monks from the Sanshui Tribe. As well as being enshrined in the palace responsible for guarding Pang Qianru.

When Shi Gong and others arrived at the tribe, they were all monks. Although their cultivation was suppressed by the nobles' blood and earth lineage, Lao Khan and Duolu accompanied Qiu Yan northward. After leaving the tribe, the eldest prince Sugei was imprisoned, and the entire tribe could be said to be leaderless. Once Shi Gong and others have malicious intentions and use their magical powers to cause chaos, the consequences will be disastrous.

As the important force of the tribe, the two monks had to come forward due to emotions and reasons. As for the prince's enshrinement, they had met Mr. Shi before, received his guidance, and had the meaning of passing on their skills, so they also had to come forward to accompany them.

In this regard, Shi Gong and others did not raise any objections, but when they were talking now, the Sanshui monks and the royal ministers were at the side. Because they belonged to different people, it was not easy to speak out rashly. But listening to their discussion about Qiu Yan, they each had their own plans in their hearts. .

The Sanshui tribe was shocked by the strength of the monks. They dared to get angry but did not dare to speak. When they heard these people talking nonsense about Qiu Yan, they couldn't help but sneer secretly. They had suffered at the hands of Qiu Yan. , full of hatred, but also recognized Qiu Yan's strength.

"We don't know how knowledgeable that envoy from the Central Plains is, but his cultivation and skills are real. How dare these Central Plains monks look down on him?"

Although they had such thoughts, they did not mean to remind them verbally. Instead, they were happy to look on indifferently.

As for the ministers of the Prince's Mansion, they pondered for a while, but also did not speak. They naturally knew the temperament of the ministers of the Dudu Mansion. They were all arrogant and tight. If it weren't for Mr. Shi who was sitting on the spot, each of them would have no idea how big a fuss would be caused. Pomp, even if you say it out loud or remind it emphatically, will not have any effect. Instead, it may be seen as nosy.

Supported by this idea, both parties who knew the truth remained silent. However, Shi Gong listened to the discussion and did not say much. After the discussion stopped for a while, he spoke again: "Your thoughts, I We know very well that if you can gain the upper hand when facing a master who has written classics, and even further frighten and subdue the opponent, then part of his literary thoughts and destiny may be transferred to the dynasty dragon energy. On my own body..."

As soon as these words were said, the rest of the people changed their expressions. They did not expect that Shi Gong would actually say these things clearly.

In fact, there is no reason for monks who cultivate themselves to actively join the dynasty. The Longting dynasty, which is based on humanity, has excluded people from outside the party since ancient times. Why did these two parties come together to give birth to the Dudu Mansion? What about such an institution?

The most fundamental reason lies in the huge power possessed by the monks.

Relying on spiritual practice to become a saint is something that can shake the foundation of a dynasty - if everyone practices spiritual practice and has power far beyond the sword, how can the dynasty still rule?

However, firstly, this power is restricted by popularity and blood, and secondly, the monks themselves are afraid of cause and effect, which also allows the dynasty to gain the upper hand to a certain extent.

The huge power and mysterious abilities of monks cannot disappear just because they turn a blind eye. Over time, the court will recruit one or two to control and use them.

On the other hand, the monks should be detached and stay away from cause and effect, because cause and effect are like chains that bind them to the world. If they can't break free, not to mention detachment, even cultivation will be hindered. However, when cultivation reaches the fourth stage, it is necessary to rely on the inhalation and exhalation of luck to strengthen their own foundation and clarify the origin of heaven and earth.

A single monk has limited luck and fortune. It takes many years to accumulate enough by slowly inhaling and exhaling. The longer the time, the more variables there are. Therefore, many monks will open a mountain and establish a sect to gather the qi of disciples, or travel around the world to leave legends. The means are diverse. This is also the reason why people often say that people who practice will enter the world.

The formation of the offerings of this Dudu Mansion is actually for this reason. It's just that the monks who entered this mansion did not choose to create their own luck, but to rely on the existing luck - what other luck in the world can compare with the folk luck condensed by the dynasty?

In fact, this is also one of the reasons why the dynasty rejects monks. No matter how much monks travel and establish sects, the luck they get will eventually be taken from the dynasty. Too many monks will make the country no longer a country. The best situation is to split into countries. Behind each country is a sect, which is actually to use the power of the whole country to nurture a sect of monks.

However, as long as the dynasty is unified, has a certain degree of control, maintains the human subject, and coexists with various magical forms, the dragon energy will not fall into the hands of others. Even if some monks are recruited and a little luck is shared, it is a drop in the bucket. Moreover, these monks themselves cannot provide luck to strengthen the dragon energy, but they can protect the safety of the Central Plains, which can also be regarded as a kind of reward.

In this way, the man has feelings and the concubine has intentions, which gave birth to the offerings of the Dudu Mansion.

However, these are not open to the public after all. Whether it is the monks or the court, they are unwilling to say it clearly, just do it. Now that it is directly said by Shi Gong, of course it feels awkward.

"Okay, no need to explain. Since you have something in mind, just do it as you want," Shi Gong waved his hand, "However, the old man also has something to remind you..." He narrowed his eyes and leaned forward, "People who can read books are not that simple." After saying that, he stood up, "Okay, it's time to welcome the visitor."

The curtain was lifted as soon as he finished speaking, and Pang Qianru led Qiu Yan in.

Qiu Yan held the stone staff in one hand and walked in. As soon as he walked in, he felt depressed. Several monks on both sides were emitting waves of momentum, enveloping Qiu Yan and penetrating his soul.

Pang Qianru, who was next to him, was implicated, and her chest was stuffy. Her body shook, and her face turned pale.

But Qiu Yan took a step forward, and suddenly a surging momentum rose from his body, sweeping out, and then quickly retracted. With one out and one back, the momentum that filled everywhere had disappeared.

"Junior Qiu Yan, meet Shi Gong." Then, he straightened his clothes, raised his arms, and bowed to Shi Gong. This name was naturally heard from Pang Qianru. Similarly, he also learned Shi Gong's identity and background from her.

"One of the generals who followed Taizu to conquer the world, was named Duke, sat in the rear army governor's office, and had a profound cultivation. He was equivalent to a living history book..."

When Qiu Yan looked at the other party, Shi Gong smiled and nodded. He first glanced at the staff, and then glanced at the people around him. Noticing the surprise and anger in their eyes, he understood.

"Qiu Yan, I have heard your name many times, but this is the first time we meet. However, I have read the letter you left for the old man, and notified all the governors of the northern border, asking them to execute it immediately without any mistakes!" Shi Gong's words had a momentum of finality.

Qiu Yan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. He knew that the other party was referring to the letter he left behind about health, injuries, and epidemics.

"Qiu left that letter hoping to give some reminders. Thanks to Shi Gong, it was spread throughout the northern border. Otherwise, I'm afraid no one would pay attention to it."

"No one pays attention to it? You are underestimating yourself. The book is a military classic. Just for this point, your status in the military will be superior to mine in the future!" Shi Gong laughed, looking past Qiu Yan and looking outside the tent. "When you and I meet, we naturally have to talk well, but before that, there are still things to do. You shocked and conquered the Sanshui tribe. The people behind you must be unbearable. Calculate the time, and the projected will should appear."

"Hmm?" Qiu Yan's heart moved, but before he could think clearly, a thunderous roar came from outside the tent! (To be continued...)

ps: Thank you for the reward from "play the drop down"!

Thank you for the monthly ticket from "Dead Man in the Crotch"!

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