Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 712: General without intestines eats the skull

Wuchangzhou, Datuo Dynasty, General Lu's Mansion.

As soon as the sky brightened, several shrill screams were heard in the mansion, and the sound was full of tears.

Everyone in the mansion heard the sound, but they just kept their faces tense and lowered their heads, and did not say anything, but some servants and maids still showed a little fear and panic in their eyes.

Not long after, the guards in the mansion walked out of the backyard with heavy steps and walked in the garden. The servants and maids along the way retreated to the side of the road when they saw them, and did not dare to hesitate.

When the guards passed by, some servants trembled slightly, and looked at the two bamboo baskets surrounded by the guards.

These two bamboo baskets were really not small, as long as one person, as wide as two people standing shoulder to shoulder, and as high as the waist. Even for the strong guards, five or six people had to work together to lift them in a balanced manner.

At this moment, the basket was full of things, and it was so heavy that it took eight guards to lift the basket, so they walked heavily and swayed.

As they walked along the way, blood dripped from the gaps on the basket, extending intermittently all the way, making people feel creepy.

But the servants in charge of taking care of the garden followed closely behind, holding brooms and cloths, washing the garden stone road with water, cleaning it up, and it immediately looked brand new, but blood stains could be vaguely seen.

However, these servants in charge of cleaning also looked bad, and their emotions were connected with the servants and maids along the way, and the whole garden seemed to be depressed.

"I heard that there are two people with bad luck today, two maids in the west courtyard. The one who was in charge of changing clothes happened to encounter the general's attack. His brain was also swallowed, and he lost his life like the lower class outside."

After the guards went far away, the servants and housemaids talked in a low voice, recalling the scene they saw in the bamboo basket, and couldn't help shuddering.

In the baskets, there were corpses lying in all directions, and each basket contained three or four people. The corpses were incomplete, with broken limbs and arms, filled in the baskets like gravel, tightly packed, and the blood stained the clothes. The color of the basket itself was covered long ago. I don't know how many times it has been filled.

Knowing that another colleague died tragically. How can the servants and maids not feel sad?

But, in this Wuchang Island, you can get a good job, eat enough every day, and the silver you get can support your family. It's so hard, who would give up their job just because of this, and live a life of uncertainty, with the whole family not even able to eat enough?

Besides, if you dare to escape from the general's mansion, you may not have a foothold in this big world, and your final fate may be even more miserable.

The owner of this mansion is General Lu, who is feared by the eighteen states of the world. He has made great military achievements and has a tiger and leopard army under his command. It can be said that he is invincible, and the four barbarians retreated and the country was peaceful. He is really famous all over the world.

He manages his family as he manages the army. The military law is strict. If there is a slight violation, the lightest is beating, and the worst is beheading! Those who violated the taboos even had the punishment of being torn apart by a chariot. There was once a person who was torn apart by five horses. If the offense was serious, even his colleagues would be punished and their families would be buried with him!

However, although he used to manage his family strictly, there was always a reason for killing people. But since this time, General Lu's temper has become more and more unpredictable, and his cruelty has reached a new level. He would beat and scold people at any time, and kill people when he was angry. Not only that, he also ordered people to go out every day to catch men and women with a little spirituality and eat their brains to nourish the damage.

When the general was eating brains, if there were servants, gardeners, maids, or even concubines passing by or encountering them, they would often be affected and die together.

As the number of times increased, everyone in the mansion was in danger, but they dared not and could not escape, and suffered a lot.

The beginning of all this was the last time General Lu went out of retreat a few days ago.

That day, the general was furious when he went out of retreat, and his whole body burst out with strength, which broke the carefully built rockery in the backyard, and even destroyed the secret room used for retreat. The guards and servants on the mountainside died on the spot, and it was difficult to find a complete body.

Speaking of retreat, there is also a story.

When the general was young, he got a treasure by chance, which enabled him to rise all the way. After many twists and turns, he finally became a famous general and shocked the world.

To use this treasure, one needs to sit quietly and remain silent, as if in deep sleep. In fact, the consciousness is far away, but if disturbed, the consciousness can return in an instant, so it is not dangerous.

But as his status and achievements became higher, the general became less and less willing to be disturbed, so he built a rockery and a secret room, and ignored everything during his retreat.

Not long ago, General Lu pacified the banditry in the south. After returning to the court, he asked for leave from the emperor, saying that he wanted to concentrate on retreat for a few years and ignore military affairs. The emperor approved it and he entered the secret room. Unexpectedly, after only a few months, he suddenly came out of retreat, flew into a rage, destroyed the rockery and the secret room, and then became more and more violent. Even the most favored ninth concubine Fangjun was scolded and beaten, and lost her favor, causing intrigue among the ladies in the backyard.

However, with the tragic death of two concubines and the serious injury of a lady, the wives of the generals realized how serious the situation was and began to be frightened.

These contents were all discussed in whispers, but they did not dare to speak loudly. Half an hour later, the yard was filled with "gurgling" sounds, which came from the stomachs of the servants and maids.

However, no one found it strange, but walked together to the house where the servants had meals. Many people had gathered here long ago, and there were chefs and cooks busy, preparing meals while eating themselves.

It didn't take long for the servants, maids, and gardeners in the whole house to have a feast. Someone had already passed the prepared dishes to the backyard for the many ladies and young men to eat.

Eating multiple meals a day is a characteristic of the people of Wuchangzhou. Due to their special body structure, their internal digestion ability is extremely strong, and their nutritional intake efficiency is extremely high. In terms of physical constitution and physique, they are far superior to ordinary people in East China.

Correspondingly, this makes their food intake extremely strong. They need to eat once every two hours, and they need at least ten meals a day. If they are not enough, they will be hungry.

This is also the reason why everyone would rather face the danger of their lives than leave the General's Mansion. Once they leave, counting their own food, plus the number of people in their family, and the meager income from the business, they will not have enough to eat at all.

This is also true in reality. People in the Great Tuo Dynasty were divided into three, six or nine grades. People below the third grade were uniformly called inferior people. Although they could barely survive by having a job, they were hungry all year round and had to live frugally every day. To use it, you have to ensure at least three meals, otherwise you will starve to death. Therefore, the demand for food in this continent is extremely strong, far more than other continents!

Of course, under the influence of this peculiar physique, the more you eat, the faster and more thoroughly you digest, the more nutrients you get, and you can reach the peak level of foundation building even if you don't deliberately polish your body and grow naturally.

Even some people who have practiced Kung Fu can acquire strange abilities through eating. For example, General Nalu devoured human brains and used them to store up damage. This was one of his abilities.

This is why the world is highly polarized. The strong rely on occupying resources, controlling everything, and accumulating more and more. They even get things that they don't need at all, and they are stored in warehouses and eventually decay. But ordinary people want to have a good meal but cannot get it.

These things seem very abstract, but General Lu once explained them in one sentence -

It was the Spring Festival, and the general was in a good mood. After drinking two more drinks, he was rewarded heavily. Everyone in the house could get half a month's rations, and the whole house was full of joy.

After the general saw it, he said with sincerity: "Although there are many edible things in the world, they are limited after the growth cycle. There are hundreds of millions of creatures in the world. It would be unimaginable if everyone lived like you." That’s why we have to suppress it year after year. When we see a force rising, we must contain it, suppress it, and destroy it, otherwise our descendants will eventually end up like those low-class people!”

These words made everyone in the house keep them in mind and feel that they were justified. When faced with accusations in the future, they would make up reasonable reasons to defend themselves even though they knew they were wrong, and distort the righteousness and call it universal and universal. reason.

To put it bluntly, it is just a zero-sum game. If you have more, I will have less. How can we compromise?

Because of this, no matter how high-sounding the words are, they are just covering up shame. It is really sad to prevent the dirty things under the table from being exposed to the world. Those who believe the words to cover up shame are true. But often, this kind of people have the kind of thing that makes everyone drunk. The feeling of being alone and awake, thinking that one knows the truth.

For example, the people in this house seem to be of low status, but they do not lack wisdom. The reason why they firmly believe is because of their own interests, not blindness. Even if they are afraid, they will face it.

So after eating, some servants walked to the general's residence in fear. As soon as they reached the door and were about to make a sound, they heard a roar coming from the room——

"Why can't I write it? It shouldn't be. After I have obtained the Supreme Ring, I have been successful all the way. Even if there are twists and turns, I can turn disaster into good fortune. I am definitely a first-rate person in the world? Why have I read so many classics over the years? Even the original energy occupied the four paths, but now I can't write anything? My head is empty, I can't even figure out the words to form a sentence. Looking at what is written in the classics, it is just like this..."

The roar was like thunder, causing the servants outside the door to change their expressions suddenly and choke on the words in their throats. But at this moment, the voice in the room suddenly changed——

"Huh? What's going on? Not good!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the door exploded!

The servant at the door was immediately hit by the energy and flew out, but he still struggled to open his eyes and looked forward, just in time to see General Lu sitting cross-legged in the mess, his body full of energy, but his face was filled with expressions. Out of shock and anger, an illusion that looked exactly like him flew out of his head, merged into a whirlpool, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Then the air flow subsided, and the servant fell to the ground and fainted from the pain, but at the last moment, he still saw the general lowering his head suddenly and making no sound.

The light and shadow changed, the starry sky flickered, and when General Lu Da's consciousness stabilized, a voice came from the front——

"Lu Hu, you are here, this game of chess can begin."

PS: Thanks to "galaxy01", "lDC", and "Dragon Ghost" for their monthly votes!

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