Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 716: Using the enemy to build courage, aiming to establish the way

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The tiger and leopard passed through the forest with great speed and fierce momentum. As they ran and leaped, the beast's back undulated violently, while the saddle on it crackled and undulated accordingly.

The bottom of the saddle is close to the back of the beast. It looks hard, but the inside is composed of tiny scales, which can change with the ups and downs, and can also buffer the force of shock and distortion.

What's even better is that there is a gap between the bottom and the upper part of the saddle. The bottom part changes with the back, while the upper part remains stationary, so that the person sitting on it will not be affected by bumps, making the ride more comfortable. Smooth.

"Okay, let's break up into groups and explore the dense forest. We should not be too far apart from each other. We must be able to take care of each other to avoid being defeated by others. Go!"

Lu Hu fell down with a sound, and the riders dispersed.

The mind is limited and cannot be connected to every rider, so Lu Hu must speak out when he issues an order. Moreover, once the team is separated, it cannot be monitored in real time. He can only select dozens of people to pay attention to. The reflection between the team mainly It also depends on the rider himself.

However, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry have followed Lu Hu for a long time. Each of them has died in battle in this world and has rich battlefield experience. When he followed Lu Hu to put down the rebellion in the south, he also traveled through the mountains. Fighting in this dense forest is no stranger to them. .

After dividing the troops, Lu Hu led a team of more than a hundred people and went deep into the forest, constantly using various methods to determine the location, leave marks, and look for human traces——

Naturally, the people here only have traces of Qiu Yan's army.

A few breaths later, he arrived at the place where the previous scouts fought. The two Qiu Army scouts had turned into gravel. There's no way to find it, but it's along the way. There will definitely be traces left. To explore the enemy's situation and landforms, it is impossible to send out only a group of two people. There must be scouts, and there should be ways to communicate with each other. If these things can be detected clearly, it will be very important for gaining an advantage in the battle. Favorable.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

As soon as Lu Hu arrived. There were two sounds coming from the forest. They were crackling sounds, which were the sounds of hitting branches and leaves. Before the sound could be heard, two tigers and leopards came out of the forest. They were the scouts of the Lu army who had fought here before. .

When the two arrived, Lu Hu didn't need to give any orders. The two thoughts were connected to the two of them.

Lu Hu was no better than Qiu Yan. He could distinguish no more than thirty thoughts. Many of them were given to the scouts, and the rest were scattered among several teams, barely commanding the army and ensuring the smooth flow of military orders. Relatively speaking, good steel must be used on the blade. The scout is the sharpest weapon before the two armies touch each other, so it cannot be ignored.

After the two riders arrived, they said nothing. One of them raised his hand and threw it away, and saw a flash of cold light. A sharp blade was pointed directly at Lu Hu, but the latter did not panic. He raised his hand to grab it. The strength in his hand trembled, and he pinched Han Mang. He turned his wrist and held the handle of the knife——

What was thrown over was a long knife.

Lu Hu held the knife and looked at it carefully. He flicked his fingers and made the blade snap, and then he clicked his tongue in surprise.

"What a great sword! Compared with it, my Da Tuo sword is probably not as good as it is!"

This knife is about three feet long, with a tango of more than a foot, and a ring on the handle. When the sun shines down, the cold light shines, and the blade gives people a sense of toughness.

Needless to say, Lu Hu's discernment was obvious. When he led the army, he often used weapons and armor to help him. How could he not be able to distinguish between good and bad swords?

"In this military world, there is no need to consider raw materials, manpower, and production methods. As long as you understand the material, craftsmanship, and structure in your mind, you can visualize the required offensive and defensive tools. The swords held by this armor are often of high quality, and there is no difference between them. Even if there is one, the scouts are still elite. I think this sword must be the best of the tribe where that person is. Once I take away his memory, I will naturally take it as my own. By then, our Lu family army will definitely be stronger. !”

As he was thinking, he was interrupted by several screams not far away, which were also mixed with the roar of tigers and leopards, but the sound lost a bit of domineering and became more urgent!

"Oh?" Lu Hu narrowed his eyes and sneered. He took off the bow and arrow from his back, pinched an arrow from the quiver hanging on the saddle, drew the bow and nocked the arrow, and shot towards the place where the sound came from. go out.

The arrow rushed into the forest like a shadow, piercing through the layers of branches and leaves with a sound of breaking through the air. There was air passing through the holes in the arrow, and a "wuwu" sound broke out!

As soon as the sound rang out, the riders behind Lu Hu hurriedly opened their bows and set arrows. They heard the "Beng Beng Beng" sound of the bow strings playing, and long arrows flew straight out, each one containing astonishing power. Tao, walking through the forest and trees, although it is not dense, the sound that breaks through the air is vibrating!

Suo Suo Suo!

The birds in the forest were so frightened that they rose up one after another.

After a round of arrow rain passed, Lu Hu slapped the tiger under him. The beast kicked off its hind legs and flew out like an arrow from the string. It traveled rapidly through the forest, breaking all the branches and leaves of vegetation along the way. After a few breaths, it was gone. He led Lu Hu to a messy place.

This is also a dense forest, but nearly a hundred long arrows fell on the ground. Most of them were stuck in empty places, and some were stuck in trees.

Among them, there were several figures nailed to the ground by long arrows. They were two tiger and leopard riders, ferocious beasts, and two scouts from Qiu Yan's side.

These people were still alive and still had their bodies. When Lu Hu appeared, the two Qiu Army scouts took a look. Then their bodies trembled, their consciousness shrank, and they turned into two gravels and disappeared into the soil.

Lu Hu frowned, moved the reins, and drove the beast to stride over, but he couldn't find it anywhere?

Behind him, several tiger and leopard riders followed closely. These riders did not retract their bows and arrows, but remained alert.

Just now Lu Hu shot a dynamite, which means to shoot people and horses. This is also a sign of good training. When the dynamite rings, even the emperor of the dynasty can shoot at the arrow pointed at it. It is the Lu family army. I only know the general, but I don’t know other performances.

The bows and arrows of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry are also extraordinary. Lu Hu could only visualize them by memorizing them and strengthening them repeatedly -

This bow is called Ma Bei, and it is a compound bow. The arrows it is equipped with are also extraordinary, called point-steel arrows, which are extremely sharp.

The most basic sign of anyone who can join the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is that he can shoot twelve arrows in a row with a bow that takes one stone and two from sixty steps away. Only those who hit the target with six arrows are qualified.

Therefore, if there is an enemy army coming down from this round of sword rain, they will definitely be able to see it, and the damage will be staggering.

"It's a pity that the scouts didn't catch anyone alive, but after this incident, it can be roughly seen that the person opposite has started to confuse the public. If my prediction is correct, these two scouts were probably discovered deliberately. The purpose is to make it difficult for me to determine the location of his army. I will continue to encounter scouts later to lead me astray, but there should be no big moves..."

Before Lu Hu could finish his thoughts, there was a roaring sound in the air!


The thing that made the sound of breaking through the sky was a rock. It was irregular in shape, but it was roughly as wide as an arm. It flew first, and then there were many more sounds of breaking through the air, all of which were rocks!


The stones are not densely packed, but they are not small. When they fall in the air, the momentum is enough to intimidate people. Even the elite tiger and leopard cavalry will inevitably be slightly affected. Sitting down on the beast will also feel uneasy.


Unexpectedly, Lu Hu looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "This battle is over! That man is so stupid, thinking that he can suppress us with the power of his weapons, but he doesn't know that in the mountains and forests, the weapons are useless after all. Instead, I wanted to completely expose his position. I originally thought he would confuse the public and buy time, but now it seems that I am looking down on him! Guys, follow me!"

Give an order, the sound is like a loud bell, clamp your legs, and march in front of everyone!


The remaining soldiers and horses roared away!

Lu Hu sent out his thoughts at the same time and ordered several other teams. The teams used communication methods to communicate with each other. They all made moves, like tributaries converging into a long river, and rushed towards where Lu Hu was advancing.

However, based on experience, Lu Hu still ordered a hundred soldiers to stay behind to provide support.

At this time, two more scouts sent messages of thoughts, which pointed directly at Lu Hu's heart. He was stunned, and then he smiled and said: "I see, there is a plain to the west of this mountain. Could it be the stupidity of the people opposite?" To push me over and win with cavalry? What a joke! He thinks that a mere horse can defeat a tiger and leopard?"

Amidst the laughter, Lu Hu was full of heroic spirit. He led the men and horses gathered from all directions and rushed towards Qiu Yan's position. Not long after walking, various traps appeared along the way, causing several riders to lose their lives, but not Lu Hu. Fear only made him happier.

"Setting up a battle formation here proves that his army is not far away! As expected, this person does not have much battle experience. He is a new military strategist. He does not know that the only way to win when two armies are fighting is to attack like a wave. How can we win with passive defense?"

Amidst the long roar, Lu Hu followed his consciousness and contacted the tiger and leopard rider behind him with all kinds of orders. He gave the orders one after another. Although he could only think separately for more than thirty years, he could convey the orders through constant transfer of connections. It was just like this. Come, it seems to have affected his consciousness again, and it hurts again, but he doesn't take it to heart!

In the order after order, the charging team became more cohesive, adjusted their formation, and avoided traps. They were like a huge arrow striking in the forest!

At this time, they were very close to Qiu Yan's military formation!

This scene fell into the eyes of the two people in the sky.

"Forcibly using equipment when you don't have an advantage. This is a superstition of equipment. It exposes one's position. This is unwise. Brother Chen, your junior situation is getting worse!" Guo Ji shook his head gently, "But , these reasons are not difficult to understand, why is it still like this? Is there something hidden in it? "

"Don't ask me, I'm not a military strategist, how can I understand? However, I, a descendant of Donghua, am indeed extraordinary," the ancestor of the Chen family smiled, "You will see if you look at it."


Below, Qiu Yan stood in front of the equipment and behind the infantry, looking directly into the dense forest. He had heard the sound of tigers and leopards riding into the forest, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Using such elite soldiers as enemies is a good way to accumulate experience for training and courage! Only then can we gather enough people to conquer Tulang, and then return south to the Central Plains to gather and make final preparations for the formation of humanity."

The thought fell, and another order was conveyed along with the thought!

PS: Thanks to "A Long Gun" for the reward!

Because an elder in the family has passed away, tomorrow's update will be scheduled. However, if you finish coding very late tonight, you may forget the schedule, so it may be unified tomorrow night. Please don't worry, the two updates will not change.

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