Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 719 Push the door to enter the depths, and you need two books to return to your bo


The light flashed and fell on Qiu Yan. He could not stop it. Besides, Qiu Yan had no intention of resisting. The induction in the dark made him understand that what was contained in this light did not affect him at all. Harmless.

Sure enough, as soon as the light entered his body and sneaked into his heart, it turned into a series of messages, rapidly changing in Qiu Yan's heart, making his consciousness clearer and clearer.

Gradually, he noticed that the gap between himself and the military world was dissipating, and the outside world was captured more and more clearly in his perception. Orders containing amazing power were beating and shuttled around, as if mountains and rivers were roaring beside him. And it’s real and can be touched at any time!

"This is..." Qiu Yan's heart moved, and his perception enveloped him, "It's all military order! It's clearly shuttled here. It seems that I can touch it if I just stretch out my hand, and then I can understand and analyze it, and I will gain something. However, …”

Faced with such a situation, even Qiu Yan could not help but be slightly tempted, but he was not overwhelmed by the waves of order that were passing away from him. He knew that the scene he was comprehending was actually just the manifestation of order, but he wanted to To capture the changes in order and comprehend the mysteries, it is not enough to just reach out.

"Although the order is clearly presented, there is still a barrier between it and me. Every order is like a deep sea, containing unfathomable power. What is shown is only a point on the sea. If you want to understand it, you still have to You need to go deep into the sea and keep diving. If you do this, regardless of whether you can succeed, it will involve the consciousness, and you may lose your sense of time. If you dive for a thousand years, your body will decay..."

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered what the guardian spirit had said, and he was thoughtful.

"Could it be that the depths of the military world are closer to the origin of military order? In this case, those descendants of military strategists are so keen to read into the depths. It makes sense that on the battlefield, gravel is used as soldiers , fighting with others can accumulate battlefield experience and hone command skills. This kind of situation is certainly precious, but how can it be as precious as military order? "

While Qiu Yan was thinking, the light that spread the message in his heart suddenly condensed. It rushed upward, printed on Qiu Yan's forehead, and then opened like a door.

Outside, a word appeared on Qiu Yan's forehead. It was the seal character of "Bing". It was full of brilliance, and the brilliance flowed into his eyes. Qiu Yan's vision gradually changed, and an invisible door standing in mid-air emerged.

The feeling of sympathy made Qiu Yan know that once he pushed open this door. Once you step into it, you can leave the battlefield at the outer level of the military world and go to a deeper place, where you will gain far more than you can gain here.

In his heart. An instinctive desire for the power of order emerged, urging him to open the door and see a new world.

But Qiu Yan's thoughts did not waver at all. He raised his hand and wiped it on his forehead, and the light on the seal body of the character "bing" dimmed, and the changes in his field of vision also disappeared. Everything returned to the same as before, but the character did not disappear, and it was obvious that it could be activated again at any time.

"Although the world of the army behind the door is fascinating, I am not here to explore the army, but to pave the way for the training of soldiers and gallants. Let Ran Lian and others experience it first. Since the same purpose can be achieved on the battlefield, why bother to do more? Because of the unpredictable depths of the march? Besides, if the soldiers and horses are not moved yet, the food and grass are first. If you want to go deeper, you should make more preparations. Although you don't need to be as domineering as Lu Hu, you can't avoid what you need to do, otherwise wouldn't it? Was your energy on the battlefield wasted?"

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan turned his eyes and fell on the more than 70 original spirits in his hand. Then he scanned the more than 80 original spirits wandering around with his peripheral vision.

The original spirit in his hands and around him came from Lu Hu. He was broken by Qiu Yan, and his consciousness collapsed. The original spirit that had been seized by him scattered out and was restrained by Qiu Yan's thoughts. However, the result was clearly separated, and part of it fell into Qiu Yan's body. In the palm of the hand, it looks like it wants to be attached, while the other part is hanging alone outside. If it were not for being ownerless and being restrained, it would probably be far away immediately.

The reason for this is simple to say. The two things that fell into his hands were the two spirits of "Tiger Seal Sutra" and "Bi Lun" that Qiu Yan had already integrated. They had the same source and could naturally be involved with each other.

The remaining two types have never been surrendered or impressed by Qiu Yan, so how can they be directly controlled? One more time to do.

"These two original spirits have a total of eighty paths, each with forty paths. The spirits contained in them are very different. One is broad and profound, and the other is unpredictable. They both have their own characteristics, including the previous ones. The "Tiger Seal Sutra" and "The Preparatory Comments" can be said to have their own specialties, and each one is extraordinary. Even if I want to seize them all, it will take a lot of effort, and I may not be able to succeed. How can Lu Hu do it? , This person may indeed be extraordinary. If he hadn't been caught by surprise that day, he might have had to fight hard."

Thinking like this, he has no intention of shrinking, and there is no need to shrink. The role of the flesh and blood body is to experience the changes of human nature. Even if there are setbacks and failures, it is still an experience. How can he let it go so easily? ?

Condensing his thoughts at the moment, Qiu Yan took one step forward, integrating his body into the lingering original spirit. In an instant, the light and shadow changed, and the surrounding scene was different, and then part of the original spirit swarmed in.

Suddenly, a series of historical pictures came to mind, but it was the last years of the dynasty. The court was corrupt and the government was in ruins. The emperor above was ruthless, the officials below were cruel, and powerful men were wreaking havoc. There was even more chaos in the border gates.

The whole world is in turmoil and the buildings are about to collapse!

From that inexplicable place, a voice came -

"Naihe! Naihe! Naihe!"

The words were full of anxiety, and there was an artistic conception of eagerness to calm down the chaos and turn the tide, but it was mixed with an ancient, dusty atmosphere, which was obviously the remaining thoughts and memories of the past. In that picture The dynasty that is about to collapse may have long since fallen into the corner of history and disappeared, but the original spirit can still be passed down.

However, although it was a remaining thought, Qiu Yan understood that if he wanted to accept the original spirit without any bloodshed, he had to deal with it, otherwise he would have to go through twists and turns and waste time before he could achieve his wish.

He immediately mobilized the contents of "General Martial Arts" in his mind, extracted the corresponding information, and integrated the military tactics he had recently learned into it. In response to the voice of "what to do", he focused on military affairs, supplemented by political speeches, economy.

This time, I first talked about the general's quality and military training, then I talked about protecting the territory and the people, and renovating the military equipment. Finally, I talked about enriching the border and consolidating the border defense. It was like the writing in the examination room. When the words fell, the literary thoughts appeared out of thin air around them. Glory, shine all around!

When the words were finished, the energy of the half hovering beside him suddenly boiled, spinning rapidly, and turned into a sentence——

To ridicule the gains and losses at that time, not wanting to reveal his name.

Then, the sentences were connected end to end, condensing into an illusory book, with three big characters written on it——

"The Theory of Hidden Husbands"!

As soon as the book was named, it immediately penetrated into Qiu Yan's heart, scattered into sentences, one continuous sentence, mixed with a thought of concern for the country, and turned into a picture scroll, showing the bottom of his heart, flowing with his thoughts.

After his thoughts settled, Qiu Yan suddenly shook his head and sighed: "I don't know how many military strategists' books were written. The purpose when they were written was not to be famous for generations, but just to do a little bit, but it's a pity..."

With this emotion, Qiu Yan changed his mind and got closer to the remaining original spirit.

With the departure of the spirit of "Qianfu Lun", half of the lingering original spirit has gone, leaving only more than forty words. At this moment, as Qiu Yan's mind turns, the surrounding scene changes again, and the scene of the overthrow of the dynasty disappears. , in its place is a splendid palace with magnificent carved beams and painted buildings, and the details of the furnishings are even more original. It is truly extremely noble.

In the main hall, there are two people sitting opposite each other. One is dressed in bright yellow with golden dragons embroidered on his clothes, exuding an aura of indescribable elegance. The other is dressed in military uniform and has a sharp military look. His face is soft and handsome. , quite elegant, these two relatively contradictory temperaments are harmoniously condensed and unified in this person.

Even if they were just illusory shadows, Qiu Yan could still feel the difference in momentum and aura between the two of them. They were sitting there, relatively speaking, seeming to be communicating and talking, but there was no trace of the words they spoke. The sound could be transmitted, but only the mouths were moving, but there was no sound. However, the words in the two people's mouths seemed to be condensed into substance, gathering and dispersing in the air, exuding a sense of change, sometimes mysterious, sometimes dignified.

"Dragon robe? Armor?"

Qiu Yan looked at the two people dressing up, and slowly approached, he wanted to release a little sense, explore further, and then act accurately, respond appropriately, and gather his original spirit.

The previous three paths were originally different, and Qiu Yan's method of gathering them was also different, but he roughly summarized a set of techniques, and now he is preparing to follow the same method.

But after he approached, the two people in the conversation actually stopped talking, then turned their heads and cast their gaze over!

This scene made Qiu Yan's heart skip a beat!

But with the lessons learned from "Bei Lun", he was not surprised, and quickly calmed down. This originally spiritually evolved scene was based on ideas, and was naturally different from ordinary phantoms.

However, when the man in military uniform spoke, Qiu Yan was horrified.

"It turns out that I, the Miao descendant of Donghua, have come. It's really a happy event. I have to give this original spirit to you."

"Miao descendants of Donghua?" Qiu Yan's heart moved, and then the situation changed. The last forty original spirits roared in, blended into the depths of his consciousness, and directly manifested into a book with two words -

"Ask Right"!

Following the turn of the book, it turned into four characters——

Strange phase change!

The four characters spread out again, evolved and changed, and a picture scroll of waves was derived from it, rolling like water, and finally turned into a long river of history! (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks for the reward from "Playing with Drop-Down"!

Thanks to "Yuanyang Fusang", "Yuanyang Fusang" and "longyuan" for your monthly votes!

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