Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 743 You are returning to the Middle-earth, and the students are eagerly waiting

"Disaster? How could it be a disaster?" Shi Jin frowned, "Even the Tulang tribe is not our opponent. Unless we encounter the Rouluo people's cavalry, I don't believe there is anyone else who can lead us on this grassland. Come disaster!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Qiu Yan and said with a smile: "Besides, with Xiuzhuan's strategizing and magical calculations, even if the Rouluo people come, they may not be unable to fight!"

Fu Tong also glanced at Qiu Yan and noticed that the other person's expression did not change. He pondered for a moment and finally said: "This disaster did not come from the grassland, but from the Central Plains."

"You mean the master with great power?" Ran Lian came back to his senses at this time and remembered a word he heard occasionally while eating wine and listening to books in the tavern.

Fu Yong shook his head and said: "In terms of compiling today's fate, his achievements may not shock the master, because a great humane scholar is the cornerstone rather than a threat to the dynasty. However, in charge of an army, there are also people in the army. The great Confucianism that people admire is a different matter."

Shi Jin scratched his head and frowned: "This is a bit complicated. Does it mean that we can't follow the revision, otherwise it will be a disaster instead of a blessing?"

"That's right." After Fu Yong nodded, he said no more and turned to look at Qiu Yan.

"What's this? There are so many Taoists in the Central Plains. If we can't follow the compilation, why should we go to the Central Plains? We only obey him. Besides, the others will definitely exclude us!" Shi Jin said. A dissatisfied expression of protest.

The "we" in his mouth did not refer to all the troops commanded by Qiu Yan, but to the grassland faction to which he belonged.

After two months of development, the tribe was continuously defeated. Qiu Yan's army has become so famous that even prairie warriors have heard about it. Counting the Hu slaves, this faction has grown to more than 3,000 people in a short period of time, most of whom are young and strong. With this as the root, it is not difficult to gather people and form a tribe.

Listen to the conversation. Qiu Yan did not express his position at first, but slowly realized the losses of the entire team. During the more than two months of marching, due to the military strength and the assistance of many factors, there were not many casualties, and most of the wounded could be rescued in time.

However, this time Dingchunzi suddenly acted cruelly. Trading the young lives of the entire Tulang tribe for the opportunity to destroy Qiu Yan directly shattered the fate of the slave army gathered together. Under the backlash, there were inevitably a lot of casualties in the army.

"The number of people lost this time is the total number of people killed in the previous two months." The wait has yielded results. Qiu Yan shook his head slightly and told Yong Yong: "Write down the names of the fallen soldiers and arrange the pension arrangements. As for how you will deal with yourself after I return to the Central Plains. There is no need to worry about this. We have already made arrangements."

Listen to Qiu Yan say this. No matter Ran Lian, Shi Jin or Fu Fong, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Regardless of their attitude towards this matter, they still care about their shelter after all.

"I wrote a letter to Mr. Shi in the Governor's Mansion a few days ago, recommending those who are ambitious in the army to serve in the army. Instead of being soldiers, they can be called commanders." He glanced at Ran Lian, and saw from the eyes of this strong man Seeing a ray of joy, he said, "For those who don't want to join the army, there are other arrangements. Officials are not good, so a subordinate is not a big problem. Besides, with the help of Meng Jishi, it is not difficult to arrange."

As soon as he said this, everyone present felt relieved.

After all, this is not the modern society of Qiu Yan's previous life. The purpose of people here joining the army to fight is not for their doctrines or beliefs. Maybe when they start the army, there will be some emotional factors and desire for revenge, but after that, it is nothing more than a matter of money, honor, and officialdom. Divide into grasslands or central plains.

No one will care about the results soon. According to Qiu Yan, many of them will take the high road.

You must know that subordinate officials in this era may seem ordinary, but their powers are not small. In some places, they are even more prestigious than imperial officials. For those who do not take the imperial examination route, becoming a subordinate official is more important than becoming an official. ideal.

As for those who join the army, their future is equally bright. Not to mention Qiu Yan’s now vaguely transcendent status among soldiers, just counting their achievements on this grassland can be regarded as good qualifications. After all, ordinary people who join the army and want to be promoted, in addition to In addition to relying on connections, popularity and luck, military merit is a hard indicator. Some people will not hesitate to kill good people and take merit in order to be promoted. It can be seen that the process involved is indispensable.

The military achievements led by Qiu Yan are all real.

Even if someone wants to pretend to claim it or rob it, they can't take it away. The reason is that the Jishi who accompanied the army is the Meng Jishi mentioned by Qiu Yan.

This person was sent by the imperial court to contact each other, and he was accompanied by a whole team. In normal times, he was responsible for recording military achievements and reporting them to the imperial court in a timely manner.

After all, after the attack was launched, there were never many results. The most anxious people were the military strategists and the emperor. At this time, any achievement was a shield used to block the criticism of political opponents, and it was also the only basis that could be used to maintain the offensive. Naturally, it would Being particularly valued, if you want to snatch this kind of military exploits, you have to have really good hands and eyes.

However, Qiu Yan already had the aura of a master, and some of his deeds were spread in the Central Plains. He seemed to have many admirers among the people, and the scholars gradually gained influence. This was a precursor to controlling public opinion. Even if he has power, he may not be able to It's worth grabbing.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Qiu Yan paused, and then said: "Those who don't want to be restrained by the government can also receive a share of money and live a prosperous life. I gave the emperor a discount on the money and food seized after conquering the tribe this time. I can give half of it to you, but first of all, if you want a military or official position, you have to take less money and food.”

"Of course, fame, wealth and honor are all wanted, that's human greed." Zhang Fei and other illiterate people had already had golden eyes after hearing this. They were originally farming in the frontier, and were robbed and became slaves. They thought that their lives were hopeless, but they didn't expect that because of Qiu Yan, their luck would turn around. How could they not be satisfied?

At this moment, some people recalled the people who parted ways under the hill and felt a little fortunate.

"If I had given up this opportunity like those people at that time, I would probably have been farming for the rest of my life after returning to the Central Plains? How could it be like now?"

They didn't know that the biggest gain this time was not money and honor, but the insights in the raindrops.

Of course, there were no fewer people with similar ideas, so they couldn't help but discuss it. The news spread quickly, changing the somewhat solemn atmosphere.

At this time, Shi Jin stepped forward, his expression seemed a little unnatural. When Qiu Yan was speaking, he whispered with several people around him. These people were all from the original faction, and what they said was also related to their own future.

"Master Editor," Shi Jin imitated others and cupped his hands, but the movement was a little stiff, obviously he had just learned it. "We all listened to your words. It is indeed for our own good. Riding horses and killing is just to have a bite to eat. However, we are used to the grasslands. If we also go to the Central Plains and become officers or clerks, I am afraid we will feel uncomfortable. Moreover, many of our brothers cannot speak the Central Plains Mandarin, so it is inevitable that we will not be able to adapt to the local climate."

The words were full of worry, which was very different from his usual carefree temperament. It can be seen that in the past two months, this mixed-blood has not only grown taller, but also changed mentally.

Qiu Yan naturally understood that Shi Jin's words had a deeper meaning. On the surface, it said that the grassland people were not adapted to the life in the Central Plains. The deeper meaning was that they were afraid that after going there, they would be far away from the grassland roots and would be helpless. If they were excluded and suppressed, they would really be helpless.

Anyone would have doubts about this. Ran Lian, Zhang Fei and others were originally from the Central Plains. How could they resist going back to get promoted and make money? But Shi Jin and others grew up and worked in the grassland, so they would have concerns. People pay attention to leaving their hometown, let alone going to other people's territory to make a living. In addition, the Central Plains and the grassland are now at war, and their identities are even more subtle.

"Shi Tou Ling, you don't have to worry about this. Lord Qiu has already made arrangements."

Suddenly, a voice came from not far away. A young man in his early twenties, wearing a Central Plains official uniform, with several armor plates tied to vital parts of his body, strode over.

"Meng Ji Shi..." People along the way saluted when they saw him.

This person was Meng Qingluo, who was sent by the court to be responsible for contact and record.

He came up to him, saluted Qiu Yan first, then smiled and said to Shi Jin: "I have discussed this matter with the editor several times, and we have decided to let you lead the people of the grassland to submit to the Central Plains, not to move to the interior, but to set up a tent on the border as a vassal of the Central Plains."

"Set up a tent?" Shi Jin's eyelids jumped. Although someone had suggested that the Central Plains might make them vassals when he was discussing with his companions in the faction before, this move of setting up a tent still surprised him. Is this to let him establish a tribe?

Meng Qingluo looked at the other party's reaction and said with a smile: "Of course, this is just a suggestion. We have to wait for the court to respond. Please keep calm, and inform others in advance."

While speaking, he carefully observed Shi Jin's expression and movements, and thought about Qiu Yan's words in his heart. The so-called "setting up a tent" is actually part of the whole plan.

"This is indeed not a trivial matter. We need to discuss it carefully." Shi Jin's eyes showed a look of desire, but he forced himself to suppress the thought, not to make himself appear urgent, but the surging thoughts in his heart still radiated around with the emotional fluctuations, and anyone with a little cultivation could capture it.

After a while, under Qiu An's order, the leader came out to gather the team, count the losses, and then move. They have been here for a long time, and it is time to leave.

Meng Qingluo came to Qiu Yan and said respectfully: "This matter is over. Please come to the pass from Sanjin. My Meng family will welcome you. In addition, there are many students who admire Xiuzhuan's talent and gather there, waiting to listen to his teachings. At that time, I hope Xiuzhuan can give lectures for a few days."

"Don't rush to talk about this. There is one more thing to do before leaving." Qiu Yan waved his hand and looked into the distance, where the Tulang people still lived.

PS: Thanks to "Wen Zhijie" for the reward!

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