Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 758: Observe the energy like the tide and choose the right thing according to the

Literary thoughts are like breath and tide, rising and falling at times.

In Qiu Yan's eyes, the Confucian scholars in the academy are the sparks that spread the idea of ​​humanistic Shinto, so they will naturally pay attention to it. Before that, he had made a lot of preparations to make the deduction of humanist Shinto more perfect.

This time when he returned to the north, the Meng family organized such a lecture to accommodate his wishes. It could be said that he gave Qiu Yan pillows when he felt sleepy, which saved Qiu Yan a lot of trouble.

The thought of literature is different from the thought of incense, but similar to the thought of incense.

Incense is placed on a specific god for assurance, while literary thought is the spiritual power accumulated by scholars who accumulate knowledge and knowledge.

The difference between the two determines that Humanistic Shinto will not capture the thoughts and emotions of believers to strengthen itself and distort reality like traditional Shinto, but will rely on another method to expand its influence.

"The thoughts in the incense must be entrusted to the gods, influencing the gods' thoughts and changing the gods' tendencies, but in turn, they feed back to the minds and bodies of the believers, making them unconsciously restricted by the gods. Compared with the behavior of Confucian scholars, this is very It's close."

In Qiu Yan's vision, the combination of literary thoughts and luck reveals the future future of Confucianism. Of course, this is not absolute. There are many ways to change a person's destiny. Even his lectures today can affect the attendees to a certain extent. The future of Confucian scholars.

"The learning and knowledge of Confucian scholars are not created out of thin air. They are often based on the classics of sages and great Confucian scholars. These humane classics do not come out of nowhere, but are principles summarized from the changes in heaven, earth and humanity. These principles, Just like the divine laws of the gods, they have restrictions and guidance for those who seek knowledge..."

A second-grade god can establish his own divine law. Qiu Yan's divine body is now a second-grade god, and is even gradually approaching a higher level. However, because it is far away from the underworld and the foundation of sacrifice, the divine law has not been truly established, but the essence of it is unknown. It's like watching fire.

This divine law. It also created the conditions for him to perfect the humanistic Shinto and combine the many preparations made for the three bodies into one.

"Don't rely on the idea of ​​​​grabbing incense, but instead adopt a method of mutual benefit and common prosperity. It will benefit both sides and can truly last. Confucian scholars will also stay motivated because of this. After all, this is not to deceive them. There is no need to use any means. To suppress and fool, but the conditions required for this path are too complicated, and it is just an attempt at the moment..."

While thinking about it, Qiu Yan's eyes swept across the lines of literary thoughts in the front yard.

The Confucian scholars and students who had gone out to eat had all returned by now. The entire courtyard was filled with bright lights, and even though the literary thoughts were still weak, compared with the beginning, there was already something more, and they were faintly brewing.

However, if you look closely, you can still see it. The literary and intellectual Qi pillars in this courtyard are roughly divided into two groups. One side has strong luck, and the other side has relatively dim luck, corresponding to students from wealthy families and poor families respectively.

"The action of aristocratic families monopolizing knowledge is very inconvenient for the spread of humanistic and divine ways. It is time to open a gap. This is also a matter of time. Those scruples will eventually have to be faced. With the momentum I have accumulated now, I should be able to give it a try …”

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on the Wensi Qi Pillar on the Hanmen side, and he concentrated on it. This Qi Pillar was complex and changeable, with a vague atmosphere of wind and cloud. It is obvious that once the situation changes, there is a possibility of skyrocketing.

"This man is smart and intelligent, but he is limited by his background and trapped in barriers. But once he breaks through the obstacles, he is likely to have good luck. However, there is still a bit of gloom deep in his pillar of energy. If there is no one around him in the future, Beating and restricting may lead to chaos in government..."

As he thought about it, he turned his eyes again, but this time he landed on a relatively small pillar of Wen Si Qi.

Compared with other Wensi Qi Pillars, this one is not only small, but also rough and blurry. With Qiu Yan's perception, he can feel clumsy in it, which shows that he is the master of the Qi Pillar, not someone with extraordinary qualifications. , but if you feel it carefully, you can find the perseverance in it!

This Qi pillar is like a tendon rope, with a posture that cannot be pulled off and keeps being pulled. Deep in the literary thoughts, there is a tenacity that is beyond ordinary people.

In addition, it is also dyed with the fragrance of ink.

With a slight movement in his heart, Qiu Yan's thoughts changed. The slender text suddenly boiled. At this moment, it expanded rapidly, covering all the air pillars and filling the area!

But it was just a phantom, and it disintegrated in the next moment. What was left was still a slender and tough air column.

"Every peck and every drink is sure to be determined. The Meng Mansion welcomes me here and allows me to give lectures. I meet such a person. Isn't it an opportunity? If God doesn't take it, I will be blamed!"

With this thought in mind, Qiu Yan took steps towards the front yard.

In the courtyard, all the students felt in a trance just for a moment. In the blur, they seemed to see something, but it disappeared in a flash. When they came back to their senses and looked again, they found nothing. Even the memory is blurred and can only be regarded as an illusion.

Just at this time, Qiu Yan walked out of the archway connecting the two entrances, attracting everyone's attention.

Sitting on his seat again, Qiu Yan continued to talk about his experiences on the grassland, as everyone expected, and extended new interpretations of the scriptures in details.

Compared with the morning, they no longer had much resistance, but were full of expectations. However, as they recounted what they had seen and heard, more questions were born, and accumulated to a certain extent, it was inevitable that people would feel like ants were eating their hearts out, and they really couldn’t sit still. Ning, I couldn't even calm down. Many students were scratching their heads and scratching their heads, wanting to ask questions, but they were afraid of interrupting Qiu Yan's lecture and being hated by others.

After an hour, Qiu Yan talked about establishing a slave army system to separate the grassland and the Central Plains.

Finally, someone couldn't help it. It was Zhang Shun. He had conflicting thoughts in his heart. The more he listened, the more irritated he became. He just hoped to ease it by asking questions.


Although he interrupted the lecture, Zhang Shun still acted politely. He first bowed his hands and then said, "Student Zhang Shun, I am honored to be a scholar. I have something unclear. I hope you can solve my doubts."

As the saying goes, there is no order of learning, and the one who is more accomplished is the teacher. In terms of age alone, Qiu Yan is similar to everyone present, but after giving lectures, he is equivalent to a teacher, and this title cannot be easily changed.

"Just say it." Qiu Yan stopped talking and nodded at him.

Zhang Shun did not look at other people's reactions, and said directly: "I have read the words of the second sage in replying to the king of Wei, saying that 'only by being united can the world be stable'. The Spring and Autumn Annals written by the most holy teacher also said that 'great unification is the constant principle of heaven and earth, and the common friendship of ancient and modern times'. When the Great Yan Dynasty was visited by all nations, a scholar said that 'the king has no outside'. Since ancient times, the Central Plains is the root and the four barbarians are the branches and leaves. You went to the grassland with the idea of ​​educating people, so why do you treat the Central Plains and the grassland separately?"

"You have a brilliant mind, and you can easily pick up classics and scriptures, which shows your hard work." Qiu Yan praised Zhang Shun after hearing this question.

In the crowd, Hu Ye frowned and actually felt a little jealous.

"Good Zhang Shun, he really knows how to seize opportunities. With this compliment from Xiuzhuan, his prestige among students like us will probably be improved in the future!"

Originally, because Zhang Shun interrupted Qiu Yan's words, it was inevitable that the students who were listening to the lecture would feel emotional, but the question he asked was also something that others cared about, so they suppressed their temper and waited patiently.

Since ancient times, how to sort out the Central Plains and the grassland has been a big problem. There are endless strategists. Some people start from books, while others take history as the root to explain their own ideas. Some are useful, while others make things more chaotic. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

What Qiu Yan said was his personal experience. Under his leadership, the people of the Central Plains and the grassland defeated the enemy together and won victory after victory. The news had already spread throughout the northern border, and there was no student present who didn't know it.

With such a record as a foundation, Qiu Yan's words undoubtedly had a certain degree of authority.

Next, he did not answer directly, but asked: "Do you know about the leader of the Great Yan revival?"

Someone among the crowd immediately answered: "The leader of the Great Yan revival? But the Emperor Guangwu?"

This person was Hu Ye. After Zhang Shun was praised, he immediately held his breath and concentrated, and tried his best to show something.

"Not bad." Qiu Yan nodded and glanced at Hu Ye.

The latter did not show any joy. Hu Ye understood that such a question was not difficult. Anyone who had studied historians could answer it. The reason why he could answer it first was undoubtedly because he was fully focused.

Then, Qiu Yan continued: "Although Emperor Guangwu was of the true dragon bloodline, he was a poor man among the descendants of the Great Yan Taizu. His situation was no different from that of a poor family, but he was able to succeed in the end."

This sentence of a poor family immediately made the poor students present pay attention.

Hu Ye said, "Guangwu is a true dragon bloodline after all, and his luck is far superior to that of ordinary people. He once studied in the capital and entered the Imperial Academy. In comparison, he is a world apart from the poor son." This time, he not only seized the opportunity and showed his erudition, but also took advantage of the situation to suppress the poor, and felt quite satisfied.

At this time, Zhang Shun frowned and replied, "True dragon bloodline, long-lasting charm, this is natural, but in terms of favor, how can it compare with the Great Yan royal family and princes at that time? In terms of luck, these people are more powerful, why did Guangwu succeed? It can be seen that he can still seize the opportunity and take advantage of the situation. This destiny may not only fall on the heads of the rich and powerful families."

The two of them talked back and forth, full of gunpowder, and their literary thoughts also collided in the void, blooming sparks of thought.

Qiu Yan said at this time: "There are many people with luck, and there are also many people who seize opportunities, but at most they can become rich and become officials, or achieve temporary fame. How many people can turn from a carp into a dragon and revive the dynasty? Moreover, Emperor Guangwu himself is not necessarily both civil and military, so how can he stand out?" Only great scholars and masters dare to say this. Without his start, how dare others evaluate the emperor?

However, with this sentence, others remembered that Qiu Yan was responding to Zhang Shun's question and only talked about the leader of the Great Yan revival, so they restrained their thoughts and listened attentively.

Then Qiu Yan spit out eight words--

"According to people's hearts, choose people for positions."

PS: Thanks to "play the drop-down" for the reward!

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