Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 777: Peeping into the cracks, the great virtue of the golden elixir carries a myri

The practice of monks emphasizes the dual cultivation of personality and life, so that the soul can continuously transform, and finally achieve the great harmony of life and enter the realm of longevity.

However, this practice is a race against time, and is closely related to personal understanding and aptitude. It is impossible for everyone to be smooth sailing. Therefore, as the practice method develops later, with the continuous improvement of theory and system, the concept of dual cultivation of personality and life is also constantly improving to adapt to the situation.

There are still outstanding people who can master everything after learning it once, but more people inevitably have to follow the steps. In this way, it is unrealistic to complete the simultaneous practice of the way of nature and the way of life in their limited lifespan. They often want to take care of both, but in the end they don’t learn either well, waste their lifespan in vain, and die with regret.

Therefore, there will be a situation in the third realm where the way of nature and life is separated and each relies on its own.

The soul of the soul cultivation of sex nourishes the soul, and the soul of the soul cultivation of life is integrated into the soul. This is how it was born. It is worth mentioning that this is not giving up one side, but taking one side as the main and the other side as the auxiliary. For example, if the soul nourishes the soul without cultivating the soul of life, how can you have the capital to nourish the soul?

Therefore, nourishing the soul does not mean not cultivating the soul, nor does it mean only cultivating sex and not cultivating life. It is still the dual cultivation of sex and life. It is only to break through as soon as possible in the limited life span that sex cultivation is the main and life cultivation is the auxiliary, and vice versa.

This different emphasis has gradually created a flourishing of the Taoist traditions, each with its own strengths.

However, with the changes of the times, the various Taoist sects have continuously improved their own methods of cultivation, but the most primitive method of advancing sex and life at the same time has been left in the corner of the long river of history. Until now, no sect has left the method of advancing at the same time. Even Qiu Yan has to find another way, or replace the soul with thoughts, or enter with a split mind, or go with the flow. Only then can sex and life be synchronized, and the spirit and the golden elixir can be condensed respectively.

However, although life and sex have different focuses, as the cultivator's realm improves, after reaching a certain realm, the other will slowly be perfected. This is also the law of heaven and earth, and it will not change due to human power.

"The cultivator of Zhou Rao only cultivates life and does not cultivate nature, but has reached a high level. It also involves the mysteries of the soul's luck to link into a black hole and evolve earth, fire, feng shui. The old Taoist who projected over is even more extraordinary. He can count the luck with his fingers. It can be seen that he has a deep understanding of sex cultivation. It is very likely that he has been cultivating life without cultivating nature, but the soul remains ignorant and pure. Once it is developed. The spiritual perception is better than those who cultivate both life and sex, but..."

The Five Elements Patriarch projected a wisp of thought and condensed an incarnation outside his body. When Qiu Yan exerted his full strength and had no time to care about other things and cover up. He took the opportunity to count with his fingers and sorted out the superficial cause and effect. This is the embodiment of the ability of sex cultivation, which is better than ordinary sex cultivators. The next mysterious thing is that he may keep the innate thoughts in his soul unchanged until he reaches the peak of life cultivation. Then he turns to control the soul of sexual cultivation, so that the original ecology in the soul can be preserved, and thus the supernatural power is better.

"However, how many cultivators can cultivate to this point, reach the peak of one side, and then touch another path? Even if the cultivator has a long life span and can cross a long time, he is only one in tens of millions, not to mention places like Zhourao, where all the cultivators are brave and fierce. A small conflict may lead to swords and even destroy the family..."

As Qiu Yan changed his mind, the golden elixir in his body had calmed down, and the elixir body was shining. The lines on the surface of the golden elixir looked complex and varied, containing mysterious meanings, as if countless dense small seals were engraved on it, describing some kind of mystery.

There was a elixir fire jumping on the surface of the golden elixir, covering all the elixir patterns inside, and a strange luster was seen flowing in the lines that constituted the elixir patterns, as if it was some kind of substance.

"The Daotai material has manifested."

The so-called Daotai material is actually a kind of wonderful thing used to stimulate the golden elixir. It has many origins. This point on Qiu Yan's golden elixir is formed by the elixir fire burning his perception, experience, and memory in his heart. It flows on the elixir pattern and slowly infects it, which can change the souls and spirits contained in the golden elixir and slowly possess certain characteristics.

In addition, in Qiu Yan's golden elixir, there are already some fragments of the mind monkey. The mind monkey is composed of miscellaneous thoughts. After being subdued by Qiu Yan, it has become more and more pure. When the miscellaneous thoughts collide, they can also produce mind fire. When infected by this Daotai material, the mind fire collides and bumps, and it also burns in the golden elixir.

In this way, the mind fire inside the elixir, the elixir fire outside the elixir, the three souls are melted, the seven spirits become elixir, the perception is accompanied, the memory is deeply buried, and a little martial arts spirit is formed in this way.

Life cultivation is the sublimation of martial arts. At first, it is just to temper the flesh and blood, strengthen the will, and when the strength and blood are formed, it can stimulate the "martial power", which is comparable to the spells stimulated by soul fragments in the first stage of sexual cultivation.

When entering the third stage, it can consume kidney fire, drive the "martial arts will", and control the energy of the five elements with fist intention and blood, which is comparable to the Taoist arts of sexual cultivation, which are pinched with heart fire. Taoist arts can control external objects and use the power of the five elements to become magical powers. This martial arts will can fix the five elements, and the flesh and blood are comparable to fine steel, and fists and feet can break ordinary magical powers.

Qiu Yan was not in the third stage at the beginning, but he could borrow the power of the three bodies, the power of the people's wishes, and the literary heart, Taoist heart, and fist intention, etc., to stimulate the martial arts will in advance and survive several hardships.

However, compared with the martial arts spirit, the power of this martial arts will is outweighed. The martial arts spirit is condensed by consuming kidney fire, dan fire, and true essence. It can interfere with the surroundings with will and project the shadow of the mind. It will last for a long time and can even break the retention of external forces, which corresponds to the Taoist method of sexual cultivation.

The sexual cultivation method requires heart fire, yang fire, and spiritual consciousness to be used. After it is released, the mind can interfere with reality. Those who are proficient in it can even communicate with yin and yang and penetrate the nine heavens and ten earths. They can also leave traces in the world and evolve into various forms. Many spirits and monsters are It originates from here. Even if the sword is added to the body, it cannot be destroyed easily. If it is accidentally rushed by the martial arts spirit, it may be eliminated.

On the other side, with a change of thought, Qiu Yan inspired a bit of martial arts spirit in the material of Tao Fei, which came out through his palm, condensed and changed, forming light and shadow, and gradually turned into a few blocks of characters, revealing a humanistic atmosphere, and several lines between heaven and earth. The order of humanity is consistent with it, gathered together, and together with Qiu Yan's three-body enlightenment, slowly merged into the elixir fire. A little of the essence was extracted, integrated into the material of the Tao embryo, and finally penetrated into the golden elixir, compatible with the soul, and rounded as if Dan, born with a little luster.

Speaking of which, there are many insights in it, and the gains from the three bodies are all contained in them. It was originally unimaginably complicated, and there were conflicts between them, but now it is enveloped by one of the insights that originated from the starry sky -

He is a man of great virtue and virtue, but he remains true to his origins despite all changes.


With a crisp sound, a stroke of the elixir pattern on the surface of the golden elixir exploded, revealing a gap, and the Taoist substance in the stroke immediately poured into it.

Puff puff puff!

Within the golden elixir, a strange sound immediately came out, as if boiling water was poured on something, causing the thing to deform and explode.

"In terms of realm and perception, my flesh and blood body is already ready to break the bottleneck. According to the normal sequence, the next step is to accumulate Qi and blood, and to beat the flesh and blood. After a few years, it will be a matter of course for me to set foot in the fourth realm. It’s over, but..."

Life cultivation is different from sex cultivation. Sex cultivation requires enlightenment. In addition to having a certain understanding, sex cultivation also pays more attention to the collection of resources. It requires using external objects to temper and replenish oneself, so that the damaged self can become more and more complete. This accumulation of essence It took a long time. The reason why Zhou Raozhou is so chaotic is that everyone is a life cultivator. Everyone needs external things to supplement themselves. There are too many monks and too little food, so fighting and killing are inevitable.

But Qiu Yan could skip this step. As soon as he thought about it, a blood-colored ring finger jumped out of his arms and floated in the air, with blood surging inside it.

"This ring finger contains energy and blood. It is so thick and pure that it is unimaginable. In the past, due to my lack of realm, even if I had such a treasure, but I absorbed it rashly, it was difficult to remove the source and left hidden dangers. It was like it was just a bucket, but it was If you want to fill a lake, you will inevitably be called overestimating your capabilities. Now that the realm has changed and the buckets have expanded a lot, what is missing is the process of water storage, so things are naturally different. "

When one has reached the stage of soul refining, especially the refining of heroic souls, involving bloodline inheritance, one cannot hastily absorb foreign objects, because foreign objects and external forces will inevitably have components that are incompatible with one's own flesh and blood, and are collectively called impurities, which will affect the future. If the road is serious, it will shake the physical body and turn it into a bridge, and it will be hard to get the soul.

But this ring finger is different. Let’s not mention its origin. The qi and blood in it are so pure that they are almost innate. They are purer than the treasures of heaven and earth. It is like the ownerless spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which can be used by the third realm. , it is absorbed by the fate monks in the fourth realm, so it is extremely precious.

If Qiu Yan hadn't been concerned about his own realm, he would have refined it long ago.

Of course, no matter how pure it is, it is still an external force. There are origins in this ring finger, and it cannot absorb them all. Only when the realm is sufficient and can handle the changes, can the origin be continuously expelled in the process of fusion, leaving behind a little breath that is closest to innateness. This The process often involves expelling ten percent of the bad parts, leaving only one or two essences.

As soon as he thought about this, Qiu Yan passed a word to Qiu An outside the door, then flicked his finger gently, and the ring finger fell down, and was put on his thumb, and the blood flowed into his body along the finger!

Enlightenment is born from the heart, and the mind leaps with all its might!


The sound of thunder suddenly came from Qiu Yan's flesh and bones, and his aura rose rapidly.


The heat wave visible to the naked eye, centered on his body, roared in all directions, filling the entire room in an instant, and the doors and windows immediately trembled.

The hot breath condensed, and gradually there was a mist. The shadow of the monkey in the heart rose and fell in it, like a cloud riding on the mist. The originally manic and violent expression quickly calmed down, revealing a peaceful state. Then the ape opened its mouth slightly and spit out a poem:

"Life is mixed into one. At this time, there is no one and no one!"

The next moment, the hot breath turned into fire, beating endlessly, wrapping all the surrounding tables and chairs, teapots, and cups on the table. Humanity continued, and the earth veins of the entire Meng family mansion were disturbed, and a spiritual vein was involved, making the Meng family furious. Luck fluctuates rapidly! (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Playing with Dropdown" and "Shenshou Kun Palace" for the rewards!

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