Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 780: Money and beautiful things move people’s hearts

As soon as the door opened, clouds and mist drifted out and slowly dissipated. Then, another breathtaking momentum roared out!

Even though Meng Qingyan and Meng Bufan, father and son, were used to seeing big scenes and big figures, and had long been accustomed to the aura and pressure of others, this time, they still couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

After the two of them looked at each other carefully, they finally saw Qiu Yan sitting in the center of the room in the slowly dissipating fog.

Qiu Yan was sitting on a chair, with a table next to him. There were teapots and teacups on the table, and he was looking at the Meng family and his son with a smile.

The Meng family father and son had seen each other before. Although they were surprised, they quickly calmed down and couldn't help but wonder when they remembered what Qiu Yan had just said.

"I came here because the ancestral veins were shaken, and I also wanted to find out what the purpose of Qiu Yan's article was, and whether he really intended to touch the interests of the family. Why did he actually say that he had something to show us? "

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Meng Qingyan subconsciously looked towards his son, and Meng Bufan happened to look back at him. The father and son looked at each other, both becoming more and more confused, unable to figure out Qiu Yan's intentions.

In fact, Meng Qingyan came here mainly for testing. The movable type printing technology proposed by Qiu Yan has reduced the cost of this industry. Once it spreads, private workshops will rise and engraving will become popular, threatening the interests of many people, even if it is The imperial court must also be well-controlled, otherwise it will be shaken.

Because in this era, books actually play a role in guiding public opinion and have a certain degree of authority. Wrong things and bad deeds may become good things after being guided and modified by books and then spread throughout the world.

The aristocratic family that holds the right to speak has never done anything less than confuse right and wrong and call deer a horse.

In this regard, they would never let go of this "public opinion" position easily, but Meng Qingyan did not expect it. His own son would make this secret business so clear.

However, after thinking about it, he felt relieved. Judging from the information at hand, Qiu Yan was undoubtedly a smart man, well-informed, and very resourceful. Rather than making vague insinuations and concealing his true intentions, it would be better to speak openly and honestly. Make it clear. It also saves the Meng family from being contaminated.

If successful, the article will be retracted.

If he loses, he will retreat. This matter with Qiu Yan will naturally be dropped. After all, it is a matter related to the entire aristocratic family. If the words are made clear, Qiu Yan will not have any complaints and will appear to be magnanimous.

Got this. Only then did Meng Qingyan follow his son's words and prepare some speeches.

But he didn't expect Qiu Yan to show up. Without waiting for them to speak, he first told them that he had something for them to see.

"What is it? With Qiu Yan's mind, since he took out that article, he must know the impact. It is also not unclear why my father and son came here. Why does he need to make any mystery?" Meng Qingyan was still thinking. With. Meng Bufan next to him gave him a look, and he was immediately aware of who he was.

"That's right, let's go in and explore first." With this thought, Meng Qingyan smiled slightly and bowed outside the door before entering.

"I wonder if you, sir, have anything you want to see with my father and son? To be honest, I came here this time to discuss something important. It's related to..." Meng Qingyan led Meng Bufan in, and before he could stop, he spoke directly and said: Looked anxious.

This is a speaking technique that shows that the situation is urgent, thereby making the other party anxious, thereby taking the initiative in the conversation, and counteracting the momentum and aura exuded by Qiu Yan.

However, Meng Qingyan only spoke halfway before he stopped abruptly. Then his eyes fell on the cup and teapot at Qiu Yan's hand, and his expression suddenly changed.

At first glance, this cup and teapot seem to be the same, but in the eyes of knowledgeable people, this is not the case at all.

"Is this... azure glaze color? Moreover, the printing, carvings and decals on the cup are very delicate. The entire cup is faintly translucent, as thin as cicada wings, as if made from nature, giving people a smooth feeling after weathering!" With just one glance, Meng Qingyan could see many clues from the cups and teapots.

The reason why the Meng family was able to rise and remain strong was that in addition to power, it also needed money. The family maintained a large number of caravans under their command, traveling north to the grasslands and south to the south of the Yangtze River, accumulating money.

Among them, porcelain and tea are the top priority. After all, although the grassland has a huge demand for ironware, they will not hesitate to replace it with heavy items. However, even if the Meng family makes such things that are expressly prohibited by the imperial court, they will not do it on a large scale. At most, they occasionally sell personal favors to save their reputation. The family that has been inherited for more than a hundred years is not so short-sighted.

Therefore, items needed by the grassland, such as porcelain and tea, became the top priority.

Among them, most of the tea leaves were sent to the grasslands in exchange for animal skins and other goods, which were then returned to the Central Plains for processing and sold throughout the country, which was a major source of funds.

In contrast, porcelain is different. It can be sold in both the grasslands and the Central Plains. Sanjin and Guanzhong are rich in clay and have limestone and other mineral deposits, which are suitable for burning and forging. The Meng family occupies this place and has convenient transportation. Not taking advantage of it?

This business of burning and making pottery has long been one of the pillars of the Meng family's financial resources, accounting for nearly half of it. Because of this, when Qiu Yan proposed the method of burning and forging movable type, Huashe responded immediately. This On the one hand, it was because he asked for advice on some forging methods on the road, and on the other hand, it was also because he knew about the Meng family's industry and had watched it several times.

In view of this, Meng Qingyan, the master, certainly has a deep understanding of this technology, knows the importance of glaze color, and is more proficient in distinguishing shape, color and quality.

Things are precious because they are rare. Compared with ordinary porcelain, the more exquisite and rare the patterns and glazes are, the more valuable they are. Even if the raw materials are the same, as long as the craftsmanship is excellent, the price difference between the two will be very huge.

This is similar to many industries in Qiu Yan's previous life. The same raw materials and things produced by the factory will cause a huge difference in price due to various reasons not limited to the material. Through these things, the style of the user can be reflected and the trend can be led. Therefore, even if they are expensive, people still flock to them. Some people even do not hesitate to hurt themselves and break up their homes just for one thing. This shows that.

Although people's hearts are changeable, their yearning for things is similar. Those things in the previous life, in Da Rui's view, are equivalent to those calligraphy and painting porcelain jade, poetry and songs, among which porcelain accounts for a large proportion.

Because porcelain can be placed at home for guests to watch, or held in the hands to play, there are many opportunities for exposure, which can best reflect identity and taste, and of course it is sought after.

For a noble family like the Meng family, the porcelain made by its workshops is of course not just plain ceramics for common people, but also many exquisite items, which are sold to the wealthy and dignitaries.

Ordinary objects are sold to the people of the Central Plains, or bartered with the people of the grasslands, while exquisite objects are favored by the princes and nobles on the grasslands, and a small amount of capital can be used to exchange for more things on the grasslands.

However, the Meng family knows that the trade with the grasslands is subject to the policies of the court, and it may be possible that the entire trade will collapse due to an imperial edict at any time, so they have other ideas.

For this noble family to survive for a long time, it not only needs temporary huge profits, but also a long-term way of steady flow. Therefore, the Meng family attaches more and more importance to the trade of porcelain in the Central Plains, but several attempts to lead the porcelain trend have failed.

The reason lies in the several large kilns in the south of the Yangtze River. The porcelain forged by those kilns is famous all over the world. Even if they look similar, they are better than the Jin kiln of the Meng family just by reputation and seal.

What's more, the Meng family's porcelain, in terms of material, color, and glaze, is almost inferior to the kilns in the south of the Yangtze River, so it is a big loss.

However, Meng Qingyan is not willing to accept this. In this world, there are many businesses such as porcelain, but considering geographical factors, there are not many suitable for his Meng family, so of course he will not give up easily.

Therefore, he often studies this way, and even puts a few utensils from the southern kiln in his room for observation. Naturally, he is clear about this way. Now he sees the cups and teapots on the table, and he can see the doorway, and can't help but want to take them up and take a look.

Meng Bufan frowned behind him, noticing the change in the situation, but before he could speak, Meng Qingyan asked, "Excuse me, sir, this porcelain..."

"This is what Qiu wants to show you two." Qiu Yan said, reaching out to pick up the teacup and handing it over, "Mr. Meng, you might as well take a good look."

Meng Qingyan wanted to say more, but after taking the cup, he couldn't say it. It turned out that the cold feeling of the cup made him feel refreshed. After careful inspection, he found many exquisite things. Just now, from a distance, he could only see that the sky blue glaze was extraordinary. You should know that ordinary blue is mostly Aiqing, which is already considered superior. There are also those with yellow-green, which are second, but they can also be regarded as top-level. This sky blue is extremely rare on the market, which is surprising, not to mention\u0026

"This cup feels round and the glaze layer is even. It is really top-grade." Meng Qingyan muttered, flicking his fingers with both hands, sweeping across the cup, and his face became more and more surprised.

Looking down, he saw that the glaze of the cup was bright, and there were small crack-like patterns in the subtle places, but it did not damage the fineness, but made it more exquisite.

The next moment, his hands trembled slightly, and he looked up at Qiu Yan and asked: "This... This kind of pattern can never be carved by human hands, is it a gift from heaven?" The so-called gift from heaven is actually the change of the kiln temperature, which causes the temperature and flames inside to deflect, thus causing the porcelain to produce uncontrollable chemical reactions, and strange patterns have long appeared.

Most of these patterns are ugly and can ruin the whole effort, but if they happen to produce beautiful patterns, their value will skyrocket! Because it is not human-made, it can be called unique.

After hearing the question, Qiu Yan shook his head and said: "This cup is actually the original teacup in the house. The pattern on it is not given by heaven, but can be made by human power. If Mr. Meng wants to know, Qiu will offer this forging method!" (To be continued. Please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

ps: Thanks to "yuanjing" and "Shenshoukun Palace" for the reward!

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