Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 786: Thunder bathes the body, aiming at Donghua


High in the sky, there are gusts of wind, bone-chilling ice cold, and strong winds blowing that can wipe out all living things that have existed there for a long time!

Boom boom boom!

Above the strong wind, thunder beat, and a figure rose and fell in it. It was Qiu Yan's spiritual body.

The power of the gods is otherworldly. It originates from the thoughts of all living beings, but it lives on top of them. In turn, it uses and enslaves all living beings. It is the most repelled by humanity. Even if Qiu Yan's god body uses ingenious methods to incorporate part of the power of humanity, There are also humanistic and divine ways to assist, but the magical part of the divine body is still being continuously impacted by thunder.

However, he did not cover the surface of the god's body with incense and thoughts like the seven gods, so as to withstand the thunder bombardment. Instead, he was completely unprotected and infected, as if floating with the thunder, like floating leaves in the water.

In this way, the thunder struck and destroyed his divine body. If the humane sage spirit had not been in the divine body to support and maintain the shape of the divine body like a skeleton, just the thunder bombardment would be enough to destroy the divine body!

After the destruction, Qiu Yan extracted the divine power from his body to replenish it and quickly repaired the divine body. Now, he has absorbed the thousands of years of people's wishes in the forbidden land, and transformed into a powerful divine power that far exceeds that of a first-class god. Close to Xingjun’s total amount of divine power.

Speaking of which, on the dim stars before, although Qiu Yan also used his spiritual body to draw the power of thunder, he did not use his divine body to directly contact it, which was different from what he was doing now.

This process of destroying the divine body with thunder and then repairing it with divine power seems to be fine, but it is like breaking the bones of a flesh-and-blood person, peeling off all the skin, and then repairing it completely, and repeating it several times. , over and over again, although the appearance is fine, the pain inside can be imagined.

However, Qiu Yan only frowned at the huge pain on the other side. After eighty years of silence in the temple, I have developed an immovable heart, and there are some signs of being broken.

However, despite these pains, he still floated up and down in the thunder, using the fragmentation and reorganization of the divine body to understand and capture the humanity in the thunder, trying to use the perspective of a god. Contact with the power of humane order.

Such days lasted for four days. After four days, even Qiu Yan's spiritual body was approaching its limit and was on the verge of complete collapse.

"It seems that this is the limit of my divine body. It is a pity that I have not been able to further contact with the power of order. Although the flesh and blood body combines several orders, it is all understood from the perspective of a living being. If I can use the spirit and the heart to "Experiencing it from the perspective of demons will help you gain a better understanding of humanity and get in touch with the nature of supernatural powers from another aspect."

Think so. As soon as the thought occurred, the reorganized spirit body fell rapidly, and was about to leave the range of the thunder.

"However, these four days are not without harvest..."

After the thought fell, the spirit body passed through the thunder layer and reached the high-altitude Gangfeng layer without the obstruction of thunder. However, the body was still entangled with human thunder, showing no signs of being eliminated. He has no intention of returning to the Thunder Layer, and he is already embedded in the body of the God!

It turns out that in the continuous fragmentation and reorganization of the divine body, thunder gradually infected it. Coupled with the spiritual pull of the saints remaining in the divine power space, the order related to these spirits differentiated into a little fur and turned into thunder. Remain in the divine body!

Now, even if Qiu Yan leaves the thunder layer, the thunder still follows him, while bringing a little pain to the spirit body. But it also made his spiritual sense instantly improve!


At this moment, Qiu Yan's perception expanded with the Gangfeng, riding on the wind, soaring thousands of miles!

Suddenly, the world unfolded in his field of vision, like a painting, slowly unfolding——

The clouds are thin, and through the clouds and mist, one can see the vast land. In the center of the land, a huge yellow dragon vein is entrenched, running through the entire Dali, and is turning over, causing the mountains and rivers to faintly turbulent;

To the north of the Yellow Dragon, in the vast grassland, the smaller black dragon is raising its head and roaring. It looks fierce, and its fierce dragon eyes are staring at the Yellow Dragon's veins. On its dragon's back, two huge groups of troops are each accumulating strength, and they are about to collide. Together;

In addition, on the rooftop in the southwest of the Central Plains, there is a green dragon entrenched motionless, as if in deep sleep. The dragon is more like a dragon, with a rough half body, and an old and dying mood;

On the other side, to the south of Huanglong, a tiny red dragon was walking alone, its tail swept across the Shiwan Mountains and the Five Marshes, and its head landed on Lingnan Road, holding a white lotus in its mouth;

And on the eastern ocean, a blue divine dragon is making waves, and its head extends towards the land of Qilu, where there are several stars twinkling, which are divided into Tiangang and Earth evil...

"The world does not seem to be peaceful. Instead, there is a turbulent undercurrent." Qiu Yan's perception expanded, and all kinds of information clearly emerged in his heart. "The yellow dragon dominates the center, the black dragon is watching, and a confrontation between the two armies is imminent, and the southwest green dragon may be corresponding. Dafan, the former dynasty that was rampant for a while, once competed with the previous dynasty in the Western Region, and even invaded the pass, forcing the previous emperor to hunt south, but now it is divided and unable to recover..."

After thinking about it, his attention swept over the fiery red dragon and the trouble-making blue dragon. Looking at the white lotus and Tiangang Disha, his thoughts changed and he also made a guess.

"These are all hidden dangers and obstacles. When the spirit body comes back this time, we must seize the time to act. Not to mention that Lord Jimuxing has not been trapped for a long time. The long-haired spirit on the dim star will not give me much time, but , they despise the incense, but they are affected by the incense. If my prediction is correct, the resurrected spirit that swallowed Sun Yong has been confused by the incense of the believers, so it will not know how to advance or retreat..."

Thinking of this, his attention gradually focused on the southern border, where the flesh and blood body was born, and the foundation for Zao Gong's worship. In addition, in the Land of Five Marshes, the Zao Marsh Tribe Alliance already has A certain basis.

"No matter what, we must take control of Donghua as soon as possible. The Five Marshes may be a good place, and now that Dali is raising troops, everyone is ready to move..."

At a glance, you can see several completely different radiances in the five marshes. In addition to the sacred light of the legal domain that represents Zao Gong's sacrifice, there is the Buddha's light occupying the west. The seven-color light occupies the depths of the southern border, reaching the Shiwan Mountains, and is faintly brewing. Weapons are going to the Central Plains.

There is also a starlight entrenched in the eastern corner of the swamp. It is the heavenly soldiers and generals who came down to earth to attack the swamp. After the departure of Star Lord Chimu, they stayed in the mortal world and gradually took root.

His thoughts changed, and his eyes finally fell on the heavenly soldiers and generals. Qiu Yan had already made a decision, but then he remembered something.

"If you want to conquer, you need to consolidate your foundation. The matter of Jiuling Mountain must be resolved first!" With this thought, Qiu Yan turned his eyes, and the divine light fell on the southwest land, sweeping across the mountains. .

Suddenly, the mountains and plains were covered with all kinds of radiance, and it was like a piece of divine law domain!

Above these legal domains, there are two more magnificent legal domains covering them.

One of them involves living creatures and human activities. The core is mostly in the city, which is the legal domain of the Tao City God. There are already signs of darkness.

The other one covers the mountains and rivers, reflecting the majestic momentum. It is thick and heavy, with a sense of suppressing one party. It is the legal domain of the southwest mountain envoy.

A mountain envoy is enough to compete with a city god. He is a fourth-level god and is in charge of the mountains and rivers within the territory. Large mountains such as Jiuling Mountain are also under his legal authority.



Deep in the earth, at the junction of Yin and Yang, the Palace of the Yins stands upright, shaped like a mountain.

Deep in the palace, a figure as majestic as a mountain sat in it and let out a light sigh.

"It's so bold to have a god use his spiritual thoughts to explore the territory of this seat! How much do you know about the gods in Jiannan now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, two gods came out from under the seat, both glowing with cyan light. They were fifth-grade gods, and they said in unison: "Inform the envoys of the mountains, all the mountain gods who are rebellious have been captured, either suppressed or suppressed. Seal, or imprison, and the rest have surrendered. There are still many who have disappeared, and we cannot find them. It’s just that besides the mountain gods, there are many miscellaneous gods, and we have not yet identified them one by one. "

That majestic figure was the envoy of the Southwest Mountains. He woke up from his slumber and discovered that the situation of Jiannan Dao Shinto had changed drastically, so he took advantage of the situation and wanted to integrate the gods within the domain. On the other hand, he was even more determined to occupy the vacated Dao Chenghuang. jurisdiction.

After hearing the report, the mountain envoy ordered a god to search for the god who was exploring the legal domain of the mountain, and then said: "By the way, what is the impact on the mortal world? How many people regard Daocheng God as an incarnation of the mountain?"

This was the thought he had after discovering that Daochenghuang was missing. He used the thoughts of the believers to deflect and made them believe that Daochenghuang was just a clone of Shanyuezhengshen. He then relied on the thoughts of sentient beings to condense a new dharma and take over the legal domain of Daochenghuang. , unify Jiannan Road.

The fifth-grade god replied: "My subordinates are working on it, but there is just a problem. Recently, many new gods have been born in Jiannan Road, and they are also robbing the Tao City God of the sacrificial foundation..."

"Hmph! It's those extraterrestrial gods who are causing trouble!" The mountain envoy narrowed his eyes and sneered, "I don't know where I got the news of Xingjun's departure, and also found that the position of City God of Jiannan Road was vacant, so I gathered here. You want to take advantage, it’s a joke! You don’t take me seriously! But don’t do anything yet, let them jump, they are about to lure out the gods, and catch them all in one fell swoop…”

As he spoke, the mountain envoy suddenly stopped speaking, showing a look of surprise and uncertainty.

The gods sitting down all showed doubts and wanted to ask. However, before the question could be uttered, their train of thought was interrupted by the sudden shaking of the earth, and they looked shocked.

"What's going on? The mountains and the earth are the duties of the Mountain Envoy. Shaking the earth like this is tantamount to breaking the Mountain Envoy's face. Who did it? Aren't you afraid of making the Mountain Envoy angry? The Mountain Envoy is now in this Jiannan area. Tao can be said to cover the sky with one hand..."

In the midst of these speculations, a strange aura of divine power floated over, which immediately made the gods in the temple understand that the initiator was the respected god.

"Foreign gods?" Suddenly, they had a new idea.

Then, the mountain envoy's words brought him back to his thoughts: "Go! Investigate thoroughly immediately!"

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