Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 793: Loyal people rise with the tide, and traitors have nowhere to hide [Second up

"How can I prevent it?" Uncle Mianshui accepted the gift and then said, "This suffering god..."

However, before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by several divine lights that burst out not far away!

These divine lights are swaying and swaying, showing that their foundation is unstable, but they are filled with a strong sense of hatred, which makes them extraordinary, pointing directly at the Bazhou Prison God!

This time, like a wave rising, the trance-like prison god of Bazhou suddenly woke up and wanted to resist, but how could he resist after he had already been captured? Immediately panicked.

At this time, it was Mian Shui Shui Bo who raised his hand and waved, and divine power roared out like a river, winding in nine turns, blocking the side and calming down the surging waves of divine power.

Then, he looked in the direction of the waves and saw several extremely weak gods panting violently and looking at him with puzzled expressions.

"Uncle Shui, since you have taken down this prison god, why do you need to stop us from taking revenge?"

"Yes, do you know how cruel this Bazhou Prison God is! He is simply not a human being! If you don't take revenge, how can you be willing to do so!"

"I used to hear that these prison gods were extreme, but after experiencing it myself, I realized that they are not only extreme, they are simply twisted!"

Voices mixed with hatred, confusion, and mania came from these gods and even the surroundings. It was the gods who had just escaped from trouble. After they recovered, they transformed the torture they had been enduring into Get rid of anger and hatred!

They were almost in despair, and when they were suddenly rescued, their emotions were uncontrollable, and they wanted to take revenge immediately.

"This prison god has to be handed over to the God of Yuanyuanzheng, and it is not something you can interfere with." Mianshui Shuibo treated Huang Jue with courtesy, but when he faced the other gods, he was not so nice. Yes, the words are light. There's something aloof about it.

After hearing this, the gods were shocked by the power of Uncle Shui's fifth-grade god. Their minds that were covered by hatred recovered slightly, and then they felt a little afraid.

Then another god said: "In that case, let's go and pay a visit to the God of Purity. Firstly, we want to thank him for his kindness, and secondly, we want to seek justice." Who is the God of Purity? They knew everything in their minds and knew some of the deeds. Now that the situation has changed and they have suffered again, the thoughts of these gods have also changed slightly.

Mianshui Shuibo said: "Since you have this intention, I can't stop you. It's just that Yuan Zhengshen has not summoned you, so don't rush up the mountain yet. Why don't you wait for now while we take the Bazhou prison with you?" God will go back and make a decision after reporting."

At this point, if the other gods had anything to say, they could only look at them with resentment. Staring at the Bazhou Prison God, he slowly retreated.

However, the withdrawal of these gods did not make Bazhou Prison God feel at ease, but made him more frightened.

"You want to take me to that Yuan Shen? How is this possible? I hurt his Cong Shen so badly. In this way..." This thought flashed through his mind, but the Shen who had been suppressed and captured body. But he couldn't even protest. He could only watch helplessly as the gods he captured went to meet Huang Jue.

Not everyone knows about the relationship between Huang Jue and Zi Yuan Shen, but the gods present only need to be close to Huang Jue. Once you notice the cause and effect on him, you will be able to understand more or less, so you will be more polite.

Huang Jueshen is a sixth-grade god, which is a position in the mortal world. Neither high nor low, even if a seventh-level god met him, he would still remain polite at most, let alone being treated politely by a higher-level god.

When compliments come and go, he will inevitably feel swayed, but after all, he has an honest nature and knows the reason for all this. After saying a few words, he asked: "I heard what you mean, my righteous god has returned. Did you capture the rebellious Shanyue Envoy? Where is he now? His mind is blocked by this divine prison, making it difficult to detect."

Uncle Mianshui nodded and said, "That's right. I came here with the order from the God of Purity Yuanzheng to bring you, God Panluo, to have a fight."

While they were talking, two other Si Yuancong gods were also brought over.

Strictly speaking, these two gods are the subordinate gods of Jiuling Mountain and Daxuehe. After Qiu Yan obtained the Mountain and River Talisman Seal, he followed the trend and suffered a disaster this time.

Although they are not as good as Huang Jue, they have human dignity, but now the tide is rising, and the gods headed by Mian Shui Shui Bo have shown respect.

In fact, these gods know very well that with the fall of the Mountain Envoy, the Qiuyuan family will dominate the Jiannan Road in the future. Even if Qiu Yan expresses his intention to make all the gods submit, it will still not affect his dominance of Shu. situation.

Under such circumstances, the growth of the Divine Office is inevitable, and many gods will inevitably continue to invest in it. In this way, the status of the gods who were subordinate to Qiu Yan during the cold period will be extraordinary.

Not to mention Huang Jue, who has such a close friendship, the two slave gods in front of him are a blessing in disguise after suffering this disaster. They have become the gods closest to the Yuan Shen, and they can be called confidants. In this way, this status is extraordinary.

It is precisely because he has seen through this that Mian Shui Shui Bo seizes the opportunity to change his family, in order to obtain the "success of following the dragon" and become a relatively early veteran of the gods.

Here, after saying a few words, Mian Shui Shui Bo saw that the situation was almost over. He raised his hand and used his divine power to wrap up the extremely weak Huang Jue and the other two gods and turn them into light.

The gods were left with complex expressions, and the atmosphere turned dull.

After a few breaths, a god suddenly sighed and said: "The city god of Dao has gone, the envoys of the mountains have collapsed, but now the Yuan Shen is on the throne. Our Jiannan Road is really changing. In just a short time, the king's flag has been changed several times on the city wall. , everyone..."

As he spoke, he cupped his hands towards the other gods: "I don't know how long this Primordial Spirit can last. It's just that the mountain envoy he canonized in heaven collapsed, and it may not have a good end. But I won't join in the fun, so let's leave. !" After saying that, he turned into light and left.

As soon as the god left, the remaining gods were also moved by these words. They all had their own thoughts, some showed contradictions, and some had worried faces.

Let’s not go into details about the thoughts of these gods.

But in Zao Mountain, after Qiu Yan left, a group of monsters led by the golden-haired man began to demolish the nearly collapsed palace. However, before the palace was completely removed, Qiu Yan had already returned.

At that time, the demons were quite puzzled as to what was happening between Qiu Yan and his coming and going. After all, it only lasted for a stick of incense. In their opinion, it was impossible to achieve any results.

"The eldest master just came back, maybe he just went to inquire about the situation in Shu."

With such thoughts, the demons slowly put away their doubts, but this idea changed a lot with the visit of a group of gods——

It was Mianshui Shuibo who had returned with Huang Jue and others and asked for a meeting at the foot of the mountain. They did not dare to go up the mountain easily.

The demon responsible for guarding the mountain gate did not know Shui Bo, but when he saw Huang Jue, he was startled and did not dare to neglect. Just as he was about to go up the mountain to report, Qiu Yan's voice came down from the mountain——

"Come up."

On the mountain, the palace has been demolished, and there are demons riding the demon wind to sweep away the rubble. At this time, Mian Shui Shui Bo and other people came up.

The demons had no impression of Uncle Shui. The one who came to suppress Jiuling Mountain did not need the help of a fifth-level god, but Huang Jue and the others knew him, and their eyes widened.

Huang Jue was taken away by the gods sent by the mountain envoys. This incident was personally experienced by the demons. Later, he was also locked and hung in the palace. Fortunately, Qiu Yan rescued him. Now the war has turned, not only They were saved, and Huang Jue came back. Looking at the attitude of the gods around him, they seemed to be treating him with great courtesy.

For a moment, the thoughts of the demons were inevitably a little confused. After thinking about it, an idea came to mind——

"Could it be that the eldest master just went out to burn incense and rescued Master Panluo? No, this is too unrealistic. I heard that the mountain envoys behind those gods have great magical powers and can actually calm him down in a moment? It's just that What is the identity of this group of gods who came with us?”

With the warning of being raided, the monsters on the mountain and down the mountain are wary of gods other than the Xiyuan family.

However, Mian Shui Shui Bo bowed respectfully to Qiu Yan, told the Shanyue envoy what he had done, and then described clearly what happened after he took the order, and finally released the Bazhou Prison God, saying : "Please ask the righteous God to deal with this person!"

At this time, the monsters on the mountain roughly knew the reason, and one can imagine their surprise!

"Is it true that after going out for a while, in less than a stick of incense, the great master suppressed the mountain envoys who dominated Shu? And he also subdued all his subordinates?"

The monster's surprise was ignored by Mianshui Shuibo. He was still thinking about how Qiu Yan would deal with the Bazhou Prison God. But what he didn't expect was that Qiu Yan just stretched out a finger and pressed it in the air. , Bazhou Prison God, who struggled to beg for mercy, was pushed into Zao Mountain and disappeared.

"Such gods are harmful to Tianhe, and they will deal with it themselves..." After saying this, Qiu Yan turned his eyes, and his eyes passed through all kinds of things, passing through the entire mountains and rivers.

Suddenly, the gods on the mountain and in the river were shocked!

These gods are also from the Xiyuan lineage, and are all subordinate gods of Jiuling Mountain and Daxue River. The reason why they have not been captured is that they have already submitted to the envoy of the mountain.

Now Qiu Yan's spiritual body has returned, using the power of thunder to sweep away the caves, destroying the order of Jiannan Road and faintly rebuilding it. However, because the time is too short, the rebellious slave gods who are so close have nothing. Know.

However, as Qiu Yan's divine eyes swept across, the causal connection rooted in the talisman finally woke them up. Their expressions changed drastically, and when they were about to make a move, the divine body was imprisoned, and then the light and shadow flowed, Just like that we arrived at the top of Zaoshan Mountain.

PS: Thank you to "There is no shortage of fantasy", "True Tono", "My sister is Xuanxuan", "Dark Pilgrim", "Panda number1", "White Night Pan", "Qingtianzi", "linhuang_200" Cast your monthly vote!

The third update should be about the same time as yesterday.

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