Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 97 A Dream

In a dream.

Messy! confusion!

In Master Pan's dream, Pan's mansion is shaking, twisting, and has no normal shape.

Inside and outside the mansion, a group of men and women in different clothes were running, struggling, shouting and killing, as if they were fighting Master Pan to the death.

Qiu Yan's soul has now transformed into a scholar, walking behind people, thoughtfully.

"Being chased and killed in a dream indicates that the dreamer is too stressed and restless. It also indicates that this person has a huge shadow in his heart that is difficult to get rid of. It seems that the punishment given to him that day was indeed effective."

Two years ago, Qiu Yan fought with several martial artists because Pan Mansion intercepted him on the way. After arriving in Qingchang County, he decided to strike first to prevent Pan Mansion from retaliating. After that, his reputation gradually grew, and even Pan Mansion did not dare to take advantage of it. , but Qiu Yan did not forget this moment. After he calmed down, he used the power of the gods to punish Young Master Pan, who had given him nightmares every night and his luck was slightly exhausted.

Qiu Yan thought as he followed the crowd forward.

The dream was uncertain, and soon, the entire structure of Pan's mansion became completely chaotic and turned into a mess.

The courtyard walls fell down one after another.

"A falling wall means that the dreamer will be in trouble. Now that the wall is falling down, this is a sign of impending disaster."

Qiu Yan walked forward on the collapsed and twisted walls. When he reached the depths of the mansion, he looked up, his eyes flashed with green light, and he activated the Spiritual Eye Technique.

Suddenly, the false dream no longer existed in his eyes. Two lines of sight went straight through the layers of obstacles and saw Young Master Pan who was deep in the back house.

"Huh?" Qiu Yan let out a light sigh when he saw Young Master Pan.

I saw this young and successful man in power, naked, sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding strange seals on his hands, sitting still, and actually ignored the shouting and beating outside.

"The body of the person in the dream is actually a soul. This young master Pan is naked in the dream, which shows that he is under great pressure and desires to be honest with others. But now he is sitting cross-legged with the seal in his hand, which is obviously unusual. It is very likely that it is some kind of method obtained from the spiritual path. Anyway, let’s get down to business first..."

After the thought fell, Qiu Yan's body suddenly surged with awe-inspiring momentum, and then four bookshelves jumped out and stood on the ground!

Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap!

After the bookshelf fell to the ground, it seemed to have taken root, causing cracks on the ground!

The cracks spread and spread throughout the dream in a blink of an eye. The twisted Pan Mansion collapsed with a roar and turned into pieces. The surrounding scene fell like a curtain, revealing other scenes. It turned out to be a library, with bright and clean windows and the sound of reading. lingering in the ears.

"As soon as the earth soul is completed, it can create an illusion. When I faced the person in the painting that day, it was difficult for me to create a giant phantom. But now I can easily suppress other people's dreams and cover them with my own illusion."

Young Master Pan, who was sitting naked, was shocked and woke up. He saw himself in a broad robe, young, sitting on a mat with a book in his hand. His memory was suddenly confused and he was confused.

But then, the light and shadow distorted, and young children appeared around them, sitting on seats. Right in front, there was an old master sitting upright, holding a ruler in his hand, and reprimanding.

"So I'm in a private school, but why do I feel weird?" Master Pan's confused mind gradually became clearer, and he slowly fell into the illusion, and the wariness and memories in his heart gradually emerged.

Slowly, the illusion changed, he walked out of the private school, and then the scene changed. Young Master Pan lived a normal life. Several years of illusory time passed by in a blink of an eye. His mind was finally completely immersed in the illusion, and it was difficult to distinguish each other. All guarding melted away. Out of sight, memories flowed out and merged into the illusion.

Finally, the night came.

The wolf monster attacked the house and Pan's father was killed. After that, Pan San came forward to take power and became the master of Pan's house. He held great power, but soon two big men came to the door, one with disheveled hair and the other with a protruding forehead.

"Huh? These two people..." In the illusion, Qiu Yan observed the experience of Master Pan. When he saw this scene, he wrote down the appearance of the two big men.

Everything that happened next confirmed his guess.

"He is a person on the spiritual path."

Later, as the illusion progressed, it was Master Pan's own memories that flowed out and constructed. Under the pressure of two big men, he sent people everywhere to search for clues about the murderer, but still found nothing.

"They have even been to Qingchang County, and Doctor Huang Wende was also one of the targets. Unfortunately, when they went there, Huang Wende was already dead."

Knowing this, Qiu Yan understood that if he hadn't acted decisively and brought Huang Wende into contact with the two big men, his affairs would have been exposed long ago.

"Oh? Tang Yi, who is on the spiritual path, actually gave Master Pan a set of methods to calm his mind after knowing that he had nightmares every day."

As the fantasy continued, time slowly came closer to reality, and finally, Qiu Yan's expression changed.

"So it turns out that after they searched the martial arts halls, libraries and Taoist temples in the Yuanning Mansion, they finally shifted their targets to ordinary people and focused on those who had grievances with the Pan Mansion. These two people on the spiritual path They want to kill them all, regardless of age! I would rather kill them than let them go! And they have already started!"

Qiu Yan's face gradually became serious.

"In this case, even if I don't go and alert the snake, these people will come to your door in a few days! The two families that have already suffered are a lesson for the Liu family! In this case..."

At this thought, murderous intent appeared in Qiu Yan's eyes.

Just then.


Hearing a soft sound, Young Master Pan, who was trapped in the illusion, suddenly trembled all over. The illusion around him collapsed one after another, and it felt like the universe was shattered.

"Oh? Is he going to wake up? That's fine. Anyway, I already know everything I need to know, and it's time to leave..."

Thinking like this, Qiu Yan turned around and was about to turn into a living soul again, but suddenly a shadow flashed in his field of vision, as if something jumped out of Master Pan's body, and rushed towards him, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye. trace.

Qiu Yan was startled, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

"What's going on?" He looked around, expanded his senses, and searched for living souls, but he couldn't find any changes.

All around, the illusion has completely collapsed, and even the figure of Master Pan has begun to become transparent and blurry.

Qiu Yan knew that he could not delay any longer, so he turned into a living soul again and disappeared on the spot.



Master Pan whispered softly, his eyelids trembled, and he was about to wake up.

At this time, Qiu Yan's soul jumped out of his ears, and left quickly without missing a moment. He walked out of the window, but instead of returning the same way, he turned around and flew in another direction.

"According to Pan Zhi's memory, the two big men from Shanngling should live there."

While he was still flying, the four bookshelves surrounding him in his soul suddenly changed. The bookshelf marked with the word "子" shook violently, giving Qiu Yan a strange feeling, as if he had caught some kind of call.

"What's going on? Is there a manuscript of a sage in Pan's mansion?"

These four bookshelves are Qiu Yan's earthly souls, condensed by him in a unique way. Of course he knows the mysterious changes inside, so after feeling the call, he immediately understood the reason.

Then, the living soul turned around, changed the direction of Piaofei, and flew towards another house.

There is the library of Pan Mansion.

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