Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 992: Success is due to magical power, and failure is also due to magical power

"Success is also a magical power, failure is also a magical power.~"

Looking at the ruined camp in front of him, Qiu Yan shook his head, turned his horse's head, and ran towards another place. Beside him, an extraordinary wave was slowly dissipating.

This fluctuation was caused by the extraordinary power integrated into the bodies of the White Lotus Cult soldiers, causing that power to backfire.

A large part of the soldiers of the White Lotus Sect have been refined and beaten using special methods, making them surging with blood and infinite fighting power. Bathed in the evil spirit of the battle formation, they can still receive extraordinary blessings and survive ordinary sword wounds. , he was able to partially heal quickly, and he was more courageous, the connection remained in his mind, and he could use his fingers more like an arm when commanding.

These many benefits, combined with the unique charm of mind-obfuscation, allowed the White Lotus priest to destroy everything as soon as he launched his army. He ran rampant in the entire south, almost destroying half of Da Rui's country, and the land he occupied was even more airtight.

"However, no matter how good your business is, if you don't take humanity as the foundation and use extraordinary power as your trump card, you will not be able to mobilize the power of the people and the people, let alone gather people's thoughts. When the extraordinary foundation is shaken, the seemingly solid fortress will become unstoppable. It will collapse in an instant!"

In the eyes of the White Lotus Sect, the refined soldiers are only temporary consumables. They did not really pay much, but used the magical refining method to squeeze out all the physical potential of the soldiers, and used them for fifty years. , sixty years of life and vitality, released in just a few years, can naturally create amazing combat power.

But in the battle at the camp along the river, many refined soldiers fell into the hands of Qiu Yan and had their flesh and blood extracted. Then Qiu Yan's flesh and blood body led the army to attack, while his spiritual body mobilized the incense mind and ran the literary network Wensi, in a short period of time, found out the secrets, condensed special Wensi cracking methods in the Wenwang, and used them.

now. As long as Qiu Yan encounters the refined White Lotus soldiers along the way, he doesn't need to take action. Once a thought passes and the network of thoughts spreads, the opponent will be in chaos.

In this case, how can there be any reason to be invincible?

Don't talk about dividing the troops into two groups. Even if he divides 5,000 people into 5,000 individuals and becomes 5,000 groups, as long as Qiu Yan wraps his thoughts around each soldier and restricts them when he encounters the refined soldiers. . It was enough to defeat all the White Lotus soldiers blocking the road.

However, he considered that the White Lotus Sect still had many surrendered officers and soldiers who were dispersed to various places to maintain law and order. This group of troops had not been specially refined and was not restricted by the Wenwang. However, their combat power was not outstanding and they could be dealt with by military means. .

"The number of officers and soldiers who have recently surrendered is huge. If there is a change, it will be a big threat to the White Lotus Sect's somewhat stable rule, so they have not trained this group of troops, let alone refined them. No matter how simple it is, The use of refining methods on such a huge number of surrendered troops is astronomical, and the loyalty of this group of people cannot be guaranteed. They are scattered and dispersed, and it is at least impossible to form a combat force. It will take half a year. In this half year, the main opponent I face is the core soldiers of the White Lotus Sect, but in fact, it does not take that long to eliminate the threat of the White Lotus Sect! "

Feeling the extraordinary power rippling around him, Qiu Yan thought about it and followed his gaze to fall on one person.

This person was clearly Hu Bin, the brave and resolute man who commanded the imperial camp along the river.

Hu Bin could still see a touch of paleness on his face, but he was full of energy. When he saw Qiu Yan looking over, he nodded and smiled: "As soon as the bachelor breaks the Tingzhou camp, the rebel army will be cut off from the north to the south. They will no longer belong to each other and will be destroyed." Just around the corner.”

He previously commanded the camp, but Zhao Hong used a trick to defeat him, and he was captured alive. Then he was confused by the mind-bewitching talisman and made a move to surrender to the enemy. However, he was determined in the end and had family members in the capital, so he was worried. Even if he was not completely confused, there were still some repetitions. Zhao Hong used several mind-confusing talismans one after another, but failed to completely control him. Later, Qiu Yan broke through the camp, defeated the army, and fled in a panic. This Hu Bin naturally There was no time to take him away, but Qiu Yan's soldiers found him in the place of detention.

Later, Qiu Yan investigated the person and discovered the extraordinary fluctuations in his consciousness. With a little help, he extracted the source of the magical power and restored Hu Bin to normal.

However, this deceptive move was performed with a talisman. Qiu Yan expelled it from Hu Bin, but he could not find out the real reason. It was like ordinary people taking medicine from the prepared medicinal soup. It is difficult to distinguish the prescriptions and medicinal materials.

In fact, after defeating the White Lotus Army that entered Shu, Qiu Yan found several people who had been deceived in that army. He also untied them and analyzed the remaining magical fluctuations to find the root cause and method, but The progress was slow, and even if some discoveries were made, they would not be at all fundamental. However, when rescuing Hu Bin, he unexpectedly found two unused mind-confusing charms.

After thinking for a moment, Qiu Yan understood that Zhao Hong was determined to confuse Hu Bin. He was afraid that the talismans were not strong enough, so he left a few more talismans so that he could use them more at any time. After cracking the mystery, a more complete "prescription" was obtained.

In this way, wherever Qiu Yan went, the deceived officials and generals could often be liberated on a large scale, and then they would change their ways and join Qiu Yan's team, which is similar to fighting to support war. Dharma door.

Many times, when he was outside the city or camp, the bureaucrats and generals inside got rid of the control before the battle formation was launched, and then opened the door to welcome the army.

One point that must be mentioned here with strong pen and ink is that because Qiu Yan's actions were too fast, less than half a month had passed since the White Lotus Sect raised its troops, and the two armies were defeated by him. Even the emperor wanted to lead the expedition in person, but he still refused. If he took action in time, the problem was solved, which also resulted in an unexpected gain——

Many of the officials and generals who were deceived by the charms and therefore "rebellious" had their families arrested and imprisoned by the government, but before they could be convicted or executed, when Qiu Yan figured out the reason and rescued some of them, he immediately reported the news They rushed to the capital and rescued their families. Although some family members were inevitably killed or injured, at least the disaster of the three or nine tribes did not happen.

Because of this, the officials and generals who restored the Qingming Dynasty along the way regarded Qiu Yan as their benefactor. Hu Bin was a typical representative. He inherited the Earl of Yongyi from his ancestors and became a noble family. His family were all in the capital. When the news reached the capital, the whole family was caught immediately. Because of the huge impact, they were almost killed by the angry emperor. Fortunately, there were many strange things about officials defecting to the enemy, and the emperor had not completely lost his mind. Save your family's life.

Even so, the situation is still precarious. If Qiu Yan hadn't reported it in time, there would have been changes.

Hu Bin also knew this, so he was very grateful to Qiu Yan. After regaining his consciousness, he immediately caught up with the team and followed them, willing to encourage them.

With him following him, many low-level generals in many places are more likely to accept leadership. Just like now, after Qiu Yan broke through the White Lotus Sect's Tingzhou camp, the situation was originally chaotic. However, Hu Bin came to contact him, and with his connections, the situation soon became Just stabilize the situation.

Tingzhou is located between Fujian and Guangdong. Once this camp is broken, the momentum of the White Lotus Sect's northward march will be cut off. Not only that, the five camps set up by the White Lotus Sect in the south, except for Hong Kong, which has been breached, In addition to the Zhou camp and the Tingzhou camp, there is another camp located in the core of Lingnan, which is the home base of the White Lotus Sect. One of the remaining two camps is located on the east coast, in Yuezhou, Zhejiang Province.

Many supplies from the Yuezhou Camp were transported by sea and land, but the command system was connected to the Tingzhou Camp. Once the Tingzhou Camp was destroyed, the Yuezhou Camp would fall into chaos within a few days. Give Qiu Yan an opportunity to take advantage of——

Another group of troops he detached, led by Liu Hong and Zhang Qi, Qiu An pressed the formation, and their target was the Yuezhou camp. In the past two days, they had destroyed several small camps and small towns around it. liberation.

During this period, even the sporadic pirates and Japanese pirates were easily eliminated by the soldiers and horses, which made many thieves change their minds upon hearing the news. When many county towns saw the bandits attacking, they simply waved Qiu Yan's flag at the top of the city. Scared away the intruders.

Now that the Tingzhou camp has been breached, the next target is obvious, which is the headquarters of the White Lotus Sect.

Everyone present knew this. After Qiu Yan exchanged a few words with Hu Bin, he felt something in his heart and left.

Watching his retreating figure, Hu Bin talked with the people around him and sighed: "This rebellion of the White Lotus Sect is really thrilling, but fortunately, Bachelor Qiu took action."

"The disaster that is enough to corrupt most of the world is about to be put down in just a few days. This..."

"This matter will definitely go down in history. Even if you look at the ancient times, there has been almost no such thing. This time I am a blessing in disguise, and I can also get some light."

Most of them were bureaucrats who were rescued when Qiu Yan went south, but there were also some who were coerced into following, and there were even some who were greedy for life and fearful of death and sincerely surrendered, but Qiu Yan did not strictly distinguish them and absorbed them all.

At first, there were still people who had strange thoughts, but as the Tingzhou camp was breached, these thoughts all turned into exclamation.

"Speaking of which, there are many Confucian scholars gathered in the city. They say they are here to study and want Bachelor Qiu to give lectures. I don't know if the bachelor will agree."

Hearing this, Hu Bin couldn't help frowning and said: "The disaster has not yet been calmed down, how can I bother to give lectures to useless scholars?" It can be seen that this noble nobleman later looked down upon scholars.

But then the prefect Liu Zhai, who was quite prestigious in Fujian, was dissatisfied and retorted: "Qiu Xueshi is a scholar of heaven and man. This suppression of the rebellion further proves that Qiu Xue's teachings are useful in the world. But after the rebellion is put down, the bachelor will go to the capital. I wonder if there is still an opportunity to go south. I, a student from the south, want to seize the opportunity to ask for advice. What’s wrong?” (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Playing with Dropdown" and "Shenshou Kun Palace" for the rewards!

Thanks to "Bi gdove", "书の生", "You Tu Tu", "Tong Zixuan", and "The Price of Love~First Kiss" for their monthly votes!

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