Dao Fusion

Chapter 155

Dao Fusion Chapter 155


Chapter 155 Progress

"Silver Zombie is really Silver Zombie, the speed of the four songs should not be inferior to me. In the blood goshawk!" In the cave, Qin Ziling patted the heads of the four heads in surprise, and then his eyes fell on the Black-Winged Profound Water Stork under the claws of the four heads.

"As the old saying goes, it's true that the daring starves to death for the cowardly! In the periphery, even if I have the help of the spirit of the soul, and I am lucky, I have worked hard for many days, and my head and tail are also very good. Only caught three Grade 1 exotic birds and mutated beasts.

With that little income, I don't know it will be a few years before I can temper my whole body to Iron Skin level.

But now I've got a Black-Winged Profound Water Stork in just a few moments! And the area now seems to be home to at least a Grade 5 mutated beast, Eight Desolate Jade Python, Blood Goshawk, etc. Grade 3 mutated beast.

The Yang Crow Mountain vein is impossible everywhere, otherwise, let alone the ordinary Martial Master, even if the bone-refining Great Martial Master enters the deep Yang Crow Mountain vein, he will die!

Obviously, this area should be the Feng Shui Treasure Land that is very suitable for mutated beasts to thrive, so there are so many mutated beasts gathered, and maybe there is something precious to grow. medicine ingredient."

Qin Ziling's brain was spinning rapidly, and his starry eyes radiated a wise light that seemed to be able to see everything.

"However, you still have to eat one bite at a time, especially since this place is so dangerous, you have to get familiar with it slowly and move forward step by step, you must not be blinded by greed, otherwise you will lose your life, then everything will be lost. It's over!"

Qin Ziling quickly put away his beautiful vision of this mountain, lake, swamp and wetland, and reminded himself secretly.

Next, Qin Ziling repeated his old trick, killing another Grade 1 alien bird hovering in the air near the cave.

"Okay, go back first, digest these two different birds and come back."

Qin Ziling glanced at the birds circling in the air farther away, and said decisively. go home.

The way back was much faster.

Within half an hour, Qin Ziling returned to the cave where he retreated and practiced.

He threw the unknown foreign bird to Yuan Da Yuan Er to enjoy the blood, and he happily handled the Black-Winged Profound Water Stork.

This Black-Winged Profound Water Stork can not only replenish qi and blood, but also contain strong water spiritual power, which can greatly improve the speed of his cultivation "Black Snake Profound Water Art".

Days go by.

Since Qin Ziling discovered the world on the other side of the cave, he has gone hunting every once in a while.

With the help of appear and disappear unpredictably, the invisible soul and the flying Silver Zombie help each time.

Sometimes it is Grade 1 mutated beast, and occasionally there is Grade 2 mutated beast, but even if I see Grade 3 mutated beast Qin Ziling occasionally, I don't dare to take it lightly, for fear of causing too much movement. Procrastinating too long will draw the attention of an unknown powerful mutated beast on the other side of the lake near the mountains.

But this is the case, Qin Ziling's current cultivation conditions have also changed Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Now every meal he eats is mutated beast, and even later, he doesn't eat Grade 1 mutated beast, only Grade 2 mutated beast.

He built a freezer in the cave, frozen the Grade 1 mutated beast that he hunted, and prepared to take it back to Shao E and the others to supplement.

The three-headed zombie also lived a nourishing life, drinking some mutated beast blood from time to time, and now the Yin-Fiend Qi in the corpse ring is rich, lying there depicting a high level In the coffin of Ju Yinzhen, the three-headed zombie is almost immersed in Yin-Fiend Qi.

So, the three-headed zombie is making rapid progress now.

Especially for Yuan Da Yuan Er, the starting point is lower than the four songs, and it is easier to improve. After a few days, a little silver spot appeared on his arms, which is that Yuan Da Yuan Er has touched the threshold of Silver Zombie. sign.

On the other hand, even though the cultivation conditions of Qin Ziling have changed with Heaven and Earth turning upside down, the progress in body refinement is still relatively slow, but it is much faster than before.

The spirit aspect seems to be stuck in a bottleneck, stuck before the threshold of distraction.

Among the three paths of cultivation, only the Qi Refinement method is improving at a terrifying speed with the daily nourishment of mutated beast meat.

Now the green True Qi group in Qin Ziling's dantian has 25 tree illusory shadows, and the black True Qi group has 20 black snake illusory shadows. realm already not far.

The True Strength realm is subdivided into three small realms in the Early-Stage middle and late stages.

Jadewood Evergreen Art Once the cultivation reaches 36 green tree illusory shadows in the dantian True Qi group, it is in the middle stage, and when the cultivation has 108 green tree illusory shadows, it is in the late stage.

The division of black Profound Water Art realm is also based on the same number of illusory shadows.

After True Strength is True Essence Realm.

Once the illusory shadow from the cultivation of the True Qi group in dantian reaches the number of 108, it will be regarded as reaching the threshold of condensing true essence.

The greater the number of illusory shadows, the purer the condensed true essence, and the more solid the foundation. Once you step into True Essence Realm, you will not only be able to exert greater formidable power, but also go further along with Qi Refinement in the future.

So in general, after the number of illusory shadows of Qi Refinement Technique and cultivation reaches 108, they will not condense the true essence immediately, but will continue to cultivate True Qi illusory shadow.

However, the number of illusory shadows that can be cultivated, just like martial arts, is ultimately determined by factors such as innate talent, perception perseverance, and financial resources.

Some people reach the limit of their innate talent after finally cultivating one hundred and eight illusory shadows. Some people do not reach the limit, but their financial resources are exhausted, and there is no way to supplement them. The later the progress is slower, and some people lack perseverance. Once they reach the breakthrough threshold, they rush to try to condense true essence.

It is recorded in "Black Snake Profound Water Art" that the number of True Strength realm Perfection is 360 Five Phantoms, but even the founders of "Black Snake Profound Water Art" never reached 300 Sixty-five Zhoutian Perfection quantity.

Although Qin Ziling was somewhat disappointed with the progress of Martial Arts and the Way of Cultivation, he was also expected.

From the moment he decided to forge his entire body into an Iron Skin level, without leaving a hood, Qin Ziling knew it would be an extremely difficult path.

Like mountaineering, the higher the height, the more difficult it becomes, and it may take all the strength of the whole body in just a few steps.

Because this involves a limit problem.

The same is true of the way of spiritual cultivation. There is a dividing line between Object Controlling Realm and distraction realm. Once you step into the distraction realm, the soul can be divided into Divine Transformation, which is equivalent to more avatars. generally.

It can be said that from this moment onwards, the cultivator has the freedom that sky is high enough for a bird to fly through.

This is a qualitative leap.

Prior to this, even though the cultivator could drive away objects and kill the enemy, he had to leave the spirit and soul, but the fleshy body could not move. Once the spirit was beheaded or the fleshy body was destroyed, it would be To breathe one's last.

But once you step into the distraction realm, it's different. The spirit can be divided, and both the spirit and the fleshy body are free at the same time. At that time, people are sitting at home, chatting and laughing with their family members and guests, but they have already killed and A hundred miles away.

According to memory, Li Mo has been stuck on this Dao Sect threshold for fifteen years.

And Qin Ziling has only just started to get stuck on this Dao Sect threshold for about two months. It is not realistic to want to enter this Dao Sect threshold immediately.

However, Qin Ziling is not worried at all, and he will be stuck for fifteen years.

The so-called distraction is the differentiation of the soul.

Qin Ziling has two semi-soul Divine Senses, which can be multi-tasking. It can be said that he already has the Innate condition of blessed by heaven in terms of distraction.

And the half of the soul, Divine Sense, is from a generation of demon Li Mo who already has a realm in the later stage of the avatar. It can be said that although Qin Ziling has not yet stepped into the realm of distraction, he has already known and spied on some. The mystery of distraction realm.

These two conditions, even if Li Mo is the master of the Demon Path Sect of a generation and possesses a lot of cultivation resources, he is absolutely impossible to possess.

There is also a more important advantage, that is, when Qin Ziling started the cultivation of "Jadewood Evergreen Art" and "Black Snake Profound Water Art" together, he found that it was also helpful for his spiritual cultivation. .

Therefore, although Soul Cultivation seems to have fallen into a bottleneck, in fact, the bottleneck is still loosening, but it is only a small amount. It takes patience to wait for the cracks to continue to expand, and then finally collapse!

In the blink of an eye, this day is already the 50th day of Qin Ziling's cultivation in Yang Crow Mountain, and it is also the longest time he has left home and entered the mountain.

It's late May and the weather is getting hot and humid.

Almost everyday all is drizzle hazy.

But Qin Ziling likes days like this.

Because days like these can mask Silver Zombie's breath, and he finds that on days like these, the terrifying unknown mutated beast seems to be quiet.

Three days ago, he took advantage of the rain and teamed up with Silver Zombie to kill a Grade 2 mutated beast with lightning speed, split half of the head to three zombies, and ate half of it himself.

"I have accumulated six Grade 1 mutated beasts, half a small Grade 2 mutated beast, and many mutated beast meatballs. After today's hunting, I should also go home to save my family. People miss you."

The spirit was flying in the misty air of the drizzle, looking for prey, while thinking about going home.

The mutated beast jerky of blood essence was sucked by Yuan Da's three-headed zombie, Qin Ziling boiled it into a meat soup, and then made it into a mutated beast meatball, so as not to be seen by others.

Of course, the meatballs must taste "wonderful" after being sucked in.

The three-headed zombie is involved in the Corpse Demon Sect and must not be leaked out.

Suddenly, there was a lot of movement in the swamp on the south side of the lake, and the strong and powerful qi and blood fell in the eyes of the soul, and it jumped up like a group of flames.

The spirit hurriedly flew over, and then saw in the swamp grass, a big snake with a black body and a sarcoid on its forehead was clinging to the jade green, with four eyes, A toad as big as a calf, and the big toad stubbornly bit the snake's neck, and the two were deadlocked.

"What is that?" Divine Soul's "eyes" suddenly widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

The big black snake is a black python with the same name as Eight Desolate Jade Python, and the big toad with jade green is called four-eyed blue toad, and it is also a Grade 3 mutated beast.

(end of this chapter)

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