Dao Fusion

Chapter 160

Dao Fusion Chapter 160


Chapter 160 Distraction realm [Chapter 12,000, please subscribe for monthly ticket]

"Why? Of course it's killing the chicken to warn the monkey!" Zuo Le said with a bitter smile, "You should have heard that the Yu Family was besieged and fled to Chenglin County, right?"

"en." Qin Ziling nominates.

"It is said that the Yu Family was found to have colluded with Wang Lang, a rebel in Nanding Prefecture, and the Corpse Demon Sect. The Pang Family united with the Lin Family, and for this reason, seized the post of Yu Hongshan County Commander. , led troops to besiege Yu Family.

Originally, Xiao Family, Lu Family and Yu Family were allies of if one prospers, all prospers, but this involved rebellion and collusion with Demon Sect, and it is said that the evidence is solid, so Neither the Xiao Family nor the Lu Family dared to come forward, otherwise the Pang Family and the Lin Family would not dare to besiege the Yu Family.

But the Yu Family is the second only to Pang Family Great Family in Squarelance City after all, and Yu Hongshan even more It is the county commander in charge of troops and horses. I don’t know how many Yu Family members and children are in the city.

So in this battle, the Pang Family and the Lin Family defeated the Yu Family as they wished and pulled the Yu Family from the city. up by the roots, but in the end, there were still many Yu Family direct descendants who rushed out of the siege and fled to Chenglin County.

Chenglin County is where the Yu Family started, Zhou of Five Great Influences outside the city Family Village is located in Chenglin County, and secretly it was a force supported by the Yu Family.

Yu Family fled to Chenglin County, relying on the city and the Zhou Family Village outside the county to form a mutual aid trend , Pang Qiwei led the troops to attack for a while, and the casualties were a bit heavy. In addition, he was worried about the chaos between Xiao Family and Lu Family, so he had to give up and return to County City to make plans.

Yu Family has been operating in Squarelance City for generations. There are many industries involved in the city, a large part of which is grain and rice. People take food as their priority. When Yu Family left, they set fire to the grain and rice hoarded in the warehouse. The supply of rice and grain in Squarelance City has become a problem now, and of course there are Many other problems.

It can be said that the Yu Family left behind a devastated and chaotic Squarelance City. Xi The ao Family and the Lu Family naturally stood by, and it was impossible to help the Pang Family and the Lin Family clean up the mess.

Pang Family and Lin Family have just cleaned up Yu Family, so they dare not move Xiao Family and Lu Family, or else they will shake the foundation of Squarelance City.

A turbulent, chaotic Squarelance City is definitely not what the Pang Family and Lin Family want. But Pang Family and Lin Family managed to pull up Yu Family by the roots. Without the constraints of the Great Influence, they will naturally not miss the opportunity to take the opportunity to conquer the forces of all parties.

Xiao Family and Lu Family, temporarily inconvenient to move, put their minds on Martial Masters like us.

I expelled Nangong Yue from the door, equivalent to hitting Lin Family in the face, and now I am the Strength Transformation Martial Master, and I am full of momentum. Naturally, Pang Family wants to take me for a knife, intimidating all directions.

Originally this is nothing, I am Strength Transformation Martial Master, Pang Qiwei is the county governor, he and Pang Family peers are definitely not suitable for shot. On the Lin Family side, Lin Tianjun and Lin Tianrui, the second generation characters, are both guard captains with high authority, and they are all about the same age as me, the same realm. First, he couldn't surrender his status to fight me, and secondly, he was not sure of defeating me.

Therefore, even if the Pang Lin family wanted to operate on me, there was no suitable candidate. It just so happened that Pang Tianpeng, the son of Pang Qiwei, returned to Squarelance City from the Golden Ardent Sect.

Pang Tianpeng is the same as the three generations of the Lin Family. He has no office or position. He came to me in the name of discussing and asking for advice. Ken surrendered to the Pang Family.

This Pang Tianpeng is really powerful. He has been cultivated to Bone Refinement Realm at the age of twenty-eight, and it is said that he is still the same as his father, and his arms are Iron Skin as the foundation to condense Strength. Since he was a child, he has learned the family tradition of Absolute Art from his father, and also learned Vajra Raging Flame Palm from the Golden Ardent Sect Elder Long Xiaotian.

The palm of the hand is like a knife, the iron arm is like a gun stick, the strength is extremely fierce, and it also carries the attribute of fiery flame. Burn the body, carry it fiercely.

I just fought with him and was hit in the chest by his slap. If it wasn't for the fact that my cultivation is cold and iron, and the strength is cold and hard, it can dissolve a part of his strength, and I am afraid that I will be seriously injured on the spot. I can't afford it.

Pang Tianpeng still has to take into account his reputation and influence. After one palm, he didn't kill him again. Of course, he also believed that this palm had seriously damaged my strength. With my age, it would not take a few years. That is, the strength of blood and blood was exhausted, and he eventually became the most common Martial Master.

After this incident, I closed the Chengnei Boxing Academy and moved it all to Water Moon Villa, and strengthened the scope. In the boxing academies in the city, I was seriously injured by Pang Tianpeng's two or three strokes. Some were afraid of succumbing to the power of the Pang Family and becoming a Pang Family guest official or general. , who were unwilling to succumb to the Pang Family, they withdrew from County City and relied on the Weizhai to form their own power.

However, this is not a long-term solution. Pang Family and Lin Family now have to clean up the mess left by Yu Family, and also guard against Yu Family's counterattack. Of course, Xiao Family and Lu Family are also glare like a tiger watching his prey. Conquer forces like us outside the city.

Wait for the Pang Family and the Lin Family to straighten out the mess left by the Yu Family, rectify the troops and take down Chenglin County, and then suppress the Xiao Family and the Lu Family so much that they dare not move, I am afraid they will clean up us one by one It's time. "

Speaking of this, Zuo Le looked angry and worried.

"Since the Yu Family can escape from County City and occupy Chenglin County, obviously they have several Points of strength, they are also impossible to sit still, waiting for the Pang Family and Lin Family to attack and destroy them.

And didn't you say that Yu Family colluded with Wang Family and Corpse Demon Sect in Nam Dinh? I didn't dare to use those powers too much for those who needed to be secretive in the past, but now I must let go of my hands and feet to borrow this external power.

Therefore, it is definitely not that easy for Pang Family and Lin Family to attack and destroy them. ”

Qin Ziling saw Zuo Le's face with a worried look and mentioned the incident of the Pang Family attacking Chenglin County. He couldn't help but suddenly think of the ambush he encountered on the mountain trail outside the city during the fourth watch.

The other party mistook him for someone from the Yu Family.

"You are right, recently I heard some rumors that the Yu Family sent a lot of expert assassins, especially Pang The children of the Family and the Lin Family were assassinated, for which the Pang Family and the Lin Family lost a lot of good players. "Zuo Le said.

"That's right, Yu Family is a native Aristocratic Family, Ming's power was pulled up by the roots, but there must be some dark sons left in the city, and they are the inner responders. , it's easy to get some intelligence or mix in some assassin. hehe, of course, Xiao Family and Lu Family must also be happy and convenient. "Qin Ziling hearing this has fully understood why he was ambushed.

"It's true, but once the Yu Family is gone, the Pang Family and the Lin Family now occupy an absolute position in Squarelance City. Advantages, and now Pang Tianpeng has broken through to become the Great Martial Master of bone refining, and behind it is the Golden Ardent Sect Elder Long Xiaotian, one of the three major martial arts sects in West Yun Prefecture, with momentum like the sun at high noon.

Xiao Family and Lu Family have already shaken their power and prestige, and sooner or later they will have to surrender. "Zuo Le is quite pessimistic.

"The three major martial arts sects in Western Yun Prefecture? "Qin Ziling has a hint of questioning on his face.

Since his rebirth, his mind has always been on martial arts. Except for the Great Influence of Squarelance County, all the forces in other places are not the same. Not sure.

"West Yun Prefecture has eight counties under its jurisdiction, and the Dao Sect faction stands in great numbers, but only three Sect Golden Ardent Sect, Primordial Sect and Meteor have Martial Arts Grandmaster in charge. Sect. The Golden Ardent Sect is located in Jinyan Mountain outside the state city. The sect master Bai Yulieyang is the Grandmaster of Viscera Refinement Realm, with deep and unmeasurable strength.

The Primordial Sect is located in Yunrui County, Sect Master Mu Ziqing, Martial Arts Grandmaster of Viscera Refinement Realm. Meteor Sect is located in Qinghe County, sect master Donnie Yen is also the Martial Arts Grandmaster of Viscera Refinement Realm.

"Donnie Yen?" Qin Ziling's expression suddenly became very subtle when he heard this.

In his world, this is a world-famous martial arts superstar!

"Is there a problem?" Zuo Le glanced at Qin Ziling unexpectedly.

"No, I just think it's a good name." Qin Ziling said casually.

"Really?" Zuo Le muttered, and then continued: "These three people are recognized as the three major Martial Arts Grandmasters in our Western Yun Prefecture. They are powerful and transcendent positions. Pang Tianpeng's Master, Golden Ardent Sect Elder Long Xiaotian is rumored to be the Great Martial Master in the late Bone Refining.”

“The Great Martial Master in the late Bone Refining?” Qin Ziling complexion slightly changed.

"Yeah, the Great Martial Master in the late stage of bone refining is not as powerful as the Martial Arts Grandmaster, but for us, he is definitely a giant of the sky!" Zuo Le once again expressed his concern. color.

"Long Xiaotian is Long Xiaotian, Pang Tianpeng is Pang Tianpeng, I think as the Elder of the three major martial arts sects in Western Yun Prefecture, under normal circumstances, It shouldn't be easy to interfere with our Squarelance County matters, Imperial Court definitely has regulations in this regard," Qin Ziling said.

"That's for sure. There are family rules and national laws. Martial Artist is also a white clothed in the final analysis. How can you interfere in the affairs of Imperial Court? The sect's restraint has become weaker and weaker.

Long Xiaotian can send Direct Disciple to help Pang even if he takes into account the regulations of the Imperial Court and the constraints of various forces. The Family is a great help.

This time with Pang Tianpeng to Squarelance County, there are two of Long Xiaotian's proud disciples, one named Qin Gen and the other named Sui Wufang, both of whom are in their twenties. Many-year-old youth, but they are already a Strength Transformation realm.

The two nominally went down the mountain with Pang Tianpeng to experience, in fact, they came to help the Pang Family." Zuo Le said.

"It's different if you have a prominent family background in the city, but behind the Yu Family there are the Nandingzhou Wang Family and the Corpse Demon Sect, and the Xiao Family and Lu Family are not to be trifled with, and there must be more or less behind them. It is a bit of a backer, so it is too early to draw conclusions.

But no matter what the future will be, our top priority now is to strengthen our own strength. Only with stronger strength can we have it in the unknown future. Greater voice and self-protection ability." Qin Ziling said with a serious look.

He knew the facts were in front of him, and it was difficult to completely dispel Zuo Le's pessimism.

Unless he tells Zuo Le that he still has bigger cards in hand, and Xiao Qing of Xiao Family is already a Strength Transformation Martial Master, once he breaks through, even Pang Tianpeng will be inferior to her.

Zuo Le is a Martial Master who has gone through many storms after all, and hearing this look gradually becomes awe-inspiring.

"Don't worry, since I said that my old bones will be assigned to you in the future, no matter what the difficulties are, I will spare no effort, and I believe that you are not in the pool, you just need to give you time. ." Zuo Le said solemnly.

"Yeah, time!" Qin Ziling hearing this nodded with emotion, and then said, "By the way, Master Zuo, since it's convenient, you can tell me about Qi in Western Yun Prefecture. Refinement Sect."

"Qi Refinement Sect is much more mysterious than Wu Dao Sect, and we rarely talk about it in the Martial Artist community, plus Squarelance County is in a corner, barren mountains and unruly rivers , and there is no Qi Refinement Dao Sect establishing the sect here, so I know very limited, only know that the most powerful Qi Refinement Sect in West Yun Prefecture should be the Blue Cloud Sect of Mount Huang in Qinghe County, and there is the state city. The Profound Mist Valley.

In addition to these two Sects, there are many Qi Refinement Sects and families in Western Yun Prefecture, but if you want to know the specific strength and powerful people, I am afraid you have to specialize Ask people in the Qi Refinement community or one day I will ask Lu Jiancang, the father of Lu Taiqiang.

After all, Lu Family is one of the Squarelance City Five Great Families, and they have business in all parts of Western Yun Prefecture. Contact The source must be much wider than mine,” Zuo Le said.

"That's not necessary, I'll just ask casually." Qin Ziling waved his hand, then got up and said, "I'll go to the city now to see the situation, and I'll send you a recovery later. A good thing."

"What is a good thing?" Zuo Le was shocked and couldn't help asking curiously.

"Hehe, Master Zuo will know by then." Qin Ziling said mysteriously.

"You bastard, you're cheating on me!" Zuo Le saw Qin Ziling's mysterious appearance, and seemed to be infected, and his heavy heart suddenly relaxed a lot.


Leaving Water Moon Villa, Qin Ziling strode to Squarelance City.

On a summer morning, the city was supposed to be very lively with people coming and people going, but Qin Ziling felt a hint of winter bleakness and deserted, and there were not many people walking on the street.

Many houses in the city were smashed and burned, and the buildings were empty, showing signs of dilapidation.

"The heritage of the Yu Family is really not to be underestimated. The Pang Family seems to have driven away the Yu Family, but Squarelance City is his foundation, and now it has been tossed like this, it is actually shaken. His own foundation.

Pang Family has never really touched Yu Family, Xiao Family and Lu Family before, in addition to taking into account their strength, he should also be afraid of ruining Squarelance City and shaking his own foundation. It has a lot to do with it. Just why is he so determined this time? Is it really just because the Yu Family colluded with the Wang Family and Corpse Demon Sect in Nam Dinh?

In today's world, these collusions As long as they don't get it on the surface, what's the point? The Pang Family in Dao Province does not have the ambition to hold their own troops and seize the land to become kings? Maybe one day they will rebel against the Great Qi Emperor like the state shepherd of Nanding Prefecture.

Pang Qiwei must know something about Yu Family secretly. Why did he suddenly do something to Yu Family?" Qin Ziling watched the changes all around, thought to himself, and unconsciously walked to " Flower Rhyme" gouache rouge shop.

Yun Lan is still so charming and moving, a set of white shirt and skirt perfectly outlines her lithe and graceful beautiful tall figure.

Especially Yun Lan's surprised expression when he saw Qin Ziling at first glance, his elegant and white neck like a swan with a beautiful flush, and his plump breasts heaving uncontrollably. Was amazed, and there was a sense of complacency.

In another world, when he walks on the street, it is impossible for a beautiful woman to give him a second glance. It's like here, a Ms Perfect will be excited like this whenever she shows up!

Qin Ziling casually inquired about the situation of the "Flower Rhyme" gouache rouge shop. He knew that the business was ok, but the newly opened shop in Nancheng was affected by the Yu Family incident and was unhappy.

"The business is not in a hurry. Squarelance City is just a small place, and now it's a bit chaotic. It's not a place for long-term development. Just keep it up." Qin Ziling said casually after learning of the situation, and then Changing the subject, "How is your cultivation progress?"

He has a bigger business plan in mind, but now is not the time. This time, he came to "Flower Rhyme" gouache and rouge shop, mainly for Want to know the progress of Yun Lan's cultivation.

"I have completed Qi Consuming Opening Meridians two days ago, and now I am trying to get rid of the turnips." Yun Lan lowered his voice and replied.

“What?” Qin Ziling almost couldn't believe his ears.

Qi Refinement is very tall and difficult to get started with.

It took five years for Wuhe Laodao to finish Qi Consuming Opening Meridians.

As a result, there were three women and one man on his side who taught this way.

Zuo Cong completed Qi Consuming Opening Meridians in about two months, and he is still a single spirit root of Metal Element.

Mother Cui Shi, who has passed the age of cultivation, has completed a part of Qi Consuming Opening Meridians in just six months with a lot of nourishment.

As for Yin Ranyue, it is even more exaggerated, saying that it is an extremely rare Thunder Element spirit root. Before completing Qi Consuming Opening Meridians, he was forcibly taken away by experts and worshipped at the fairy gate.

Now Yun Lan has completed Qi Consuming Opening Meridians in just over two months.

This is too exaggerated.

"Mr. Qin, is there a problem?" Yun Lan couldn't help but look uneasy when he saw this.

"No problem, I'll give you a pulse," Qin Ziling said.

“Mr. Lao Qin is here.” Yun Lan extended the arm and placed it on the table.

Qin Ziling tapped her fingers on her wrist.

The aura in the meridian is cloudy, and there is no distinction between high and low.

Qin Ziling saw that Yun Lan was the same as himself, a Five Elements mixed spirit root, and he was unavoidably disappointed, but inexplicably sighed in relief.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

This is a genius of Qi Refinement if you meet someone casually, let alone Qin Ziling's heart.

It's relatively normal now.

"How's Mr. Qin?" Yun Lan asked with a smile when he saw Qin Ziling clearly sighed in relief.

"Without spirit root, we can only cultivate to the stage of removing the turnips and preserving the greens." Qin Ziling replied truthfully.

Yun Lan hearing this was stunned for a moment, and a look of disappointment flashed on his face, but he quickly regained his calm, said with a slight smile: "many thanks Mr. Qin, in this case, this Please take back the book, I have already memorized the cultivation technique of removing the turnips and saving the greens.”

Yun Lan turned around and took out the “Blue Wave Art” that he had been keeping close to him, and handed it back to Qin. Ziling.

"Alright." Qin Ziling retracted the scroll, looked towards Yun Lan involuntarily with admiration, and had already guessed in her heart why she was able to complete Qi Consuming Opening Meridians so quickly.

Sanyuanshan critical moment, face it calmly and calmly.

Now facing such an important cultural gain and loss, after knowing the result, I can still face it open-mindedly and calmly.

How many people can have this state of mind?

"Soul-focused mood, she may be a seedling for spirit refinement!" Qin Ziling suddenly had a single thought in his heart.

But this idea was quickly suppressed by him.

The Dao of Divine Soul and the corpse ring are his biggest secrets.

Even if Yun Lan really has the innate talent for spiritual refinement, it is by no means imparting it to her at this time, at least when he has the ability to stifle the crisis even if he reveals secrets before he can consider teaching Yun Lan. Lan Dao of Divine Soul.

Next, the two chatted for a while before Qin Ziling got up and left.


In summer, the mountains are plain, the backyard is lush with greenery, and there are fish swimming in the pool under the rockery, bringing a touch of coolness to people.

Qin Ziling alone was sitting in the pavilion sipping tea. Outside the pavilion, there were two large sacks, exuding a strong smell of wild animals.

Suddenly a tall silhouette appeared at the entrance to the courtyard.

Dressed in white clothed, her legs are long and straight, her face is well-defined, her nose is high, and she has a hint of heroism. Who else could it be if it wasn't Xiao Qing?

Xiao Qing's eyes fell on the familiar silhouette in the pavilion, lovable body slightly trembled, with his toes already on the ground, the person rose like a big bird, and when he was about to approach the pavilion, his body rowed in the air. After a beautiful arc, and then fluttering down into the pavilion.

"Big brother!" Xiao Qing stared straight at Qin Ziling with slightly red eyes.

“Sometimes girls have to be reserved!” Qin Ziling got up with a smile, then opened his arms.

Xiao Qing hesitated for a while, but gently threw himself into his arms.

"Didn't I say that the girl's family should be more reserved? Why don't you listen to the big brother?" Qin Ziling hugged Xiao Qing lightly, then let go.

"You..." Xiao Qing, a Strength Transformation realm expert, finally couldn't help but look like all the little women, raised her pink fist and hit Qin Ziling's shoulder lightly, reddened. The face said: "big brother, if you keep doing this, I will ignore you!"

"I remind the girl to be reserved, what's not serious?" Qin Ziling asked rhetorically. .

"You still said it!" Xiao Qing couldn't help but gave Qin Ziling two more pink fists, and his strong and expected body swayed with it, which was very eye-catching.

"This..." The maid Xia Yan who arrived one step later stood at the entrance of the courtyard, covering her mouth in surprise, as if she had seen a picture that was not suitable for children.

Is this the cold lady from her family?

She is Strength Transformation expert, Xiao Family Great Elder!

"Okay, okay, I won't say it anymore, Miss Xia Yan is here, let her see it, she thought I was bullying her young lady!" Qin Ziling saw Xia Yan arrived, and hurriedly smiled and dodged road.

"You were bullying me!" Xiao Qing brushed down some of her drooping hair with a slightly red face, gave Qin Ziling a white look, and then couldn't help pursing her lips. laughed.

Qin Ziling also laughed, then pointed to the location in the pavilion and motioned Xiao Qing to sit down, as if he was the master here.

"Big brother, why did you come back after so long this time?" Xiao Qing asked as he sat down.

"Isn't this something ready for you and Miss Xia Yan?" Qin Ziling replied casually.

"big brother, are you here again?" Xiao Qing gave Qin Ziling a sullen look.

Qin Ziling smiled and pointed to the two large sacks outside the gazebo.

Xiao Qing and Xia Yan followed Qin Ziling's fingers and landed on the two sacks, revealing a look of doubt.

After all, Xiao Qing is a Strength Transformation expert whose strength is comparable to that of an ordinary Bone Refining Great Martial Master. Xiu's pretty nose twitched a few times, and his complexion changed suddenly, and he suddenly stood up. , and then with a shake, people have appeared next to the two large sacks.

With a wave of Xiao Qing's hand, a wisp of Strength like a knife slashed through the void, and the ropes tied to the mouth of the bag fell apart one after another.

Exposing the mouth of the bag is a bloody common wild animal.

Xiao Qing grabbed it from the air, and the palm mouth was swirling, forming a virtual claw to grab the bloody common wild animal and put it on the ground.

Suddenly, a strong aura rushed out as if the seal had been lifted.

"This, this is Bahuang black python, this, this, this is a four-eyed blue toad! Big brother, you, you really..." Xiao Qing's eyes suddenly widened, and then he was very Quick, she turned around suddenly, a pair of beautiful eyes staring at him, and there were crystal tears rolling inside.

"Don't, don't, I'm joking with you. I haven't come back for so long, I just focused on retreating cultivation, and then, with good luck, I caught these two big guys and brought them back for you to try. Qin Ziling was startled when he saw Xiao Qing, an arrogant woman comparable to the Great Martial Master of bone refining, with tears in her eyes, she quickly got up and rubbed her hands together.

It's just that Xiao Qing can hardly believe Qin Ziling's words.

Both Bahuang black python and four-eyed blue toad are Grade 3 mutated beasts, and they generally live in the depths of Yang Crow Mountain. To kill one, it can also be said to be good luck. encountered occasionally.

But if they caught two Grade 3 mutated beasts, they must be deep in Yang Crow Mountain.

The depths of Yang Crow Mountain, even with Xiao Qing's current cultivation base, if not forced, she would definitely not enter.

But Qin Ziling went in, and the two Grade 3 mutated beasts that he captured at such a great mortal danger not only brought her some immediately, but also made fun of him.

How can Xiao Qing not be moved by this?

Xia Yan also had tears in her eyes.

Not only was she moved by the friendship between Qin Ziling and her young lady, but also because Qin Ziling brought her along with her just keep on saying, even if it was just out of politeness, Xia Yan was already flattered. Impressed.

In Xiao Family, even though she has broken through to become Strength Martial Master, the real upper-level figure of Xiao Family, besides Xiao Qing, how many people really respect her?

"puchi!" Seeing Qin Ziling's nervous look, Xiao Qing suddenly laughed, but tears rolled down at this time.

"I told you, the girl's family needs to be more reserved, why don't you listen? It's both laughter and tears!" Qin Ziling sighed in relief when he saw this, and hurriedly handed it over said the handkerchief.

"It's not all your fault!" Xiao Qing gave Qin Ziling a womanly glance again, and then said, "You should take these back, I'm now the Xiao Family Great Elder, and Xia Yan and I are together. There is no shortage of tonic resources."

"But there is definitely a lack of Grade 3 mutated beasts, and these two Grade 3 mutated beasts, one wood and one water, are just right for your Azure Dragon Profound Wood Art, I am sure I brought it back to you when there is no shortage of it.

If you want to step into the Bone Refinement Realm, you must have a solid foundation, and the greater the hope of breakthrough. The stronger you are, the more I am. Strong.

Xia Yan is yours, actually mine! Cough cough, I mean my own!" Qin Ziling quickly corrected.

"It's okay, Mr. Qin." Xia Yan said with a slightly red face.

Although she is older than Xiao Qing, she is still a big girl. If Xiao Qing gets married in the future, she will definitely follow her as a maid.

It's okay if Xia Yan didn't answer, Qin Ziling's heart trembled a little at this answer.

What does this mean?

Xiao Qing glanced at Xia Yan, then said to Qin Ziling with a serious face: "Since the big brother said so, then I will not be polite to you. Now the situation in Squarelance City is more urgent, I and I Xia Yan really needs to improve her strength as soon as possible, and I am going to take the family secret medicine to break through during this time."

"There is no need to be in such a hurry!" Qin Ziling frowned.

"Yes!" Xiao Qing said solemnly and said, "Yu Family was kicked out of Squarelance City, Pang Family is now the real dominant force, and together with Lin Family, it has already been overwhelmed. Xiao Family and Lu Family are out of breath. Recently Pang Tianpeng returned from the Golden Ardent Sect to study art and brought two Strength Transformation Junior Brothers with him.

Pang Tianpeng injured Martial Master as soon as he came back. Zuo, and forced the Martial Masters of Squarelance City to leave or choose to join the Pang Family account, not only that, but Pang Tianpeng also came to Xiao Family and Lu Family on the grounds of asking for advice. Forcing my uncle and Lv Jianhui to admit defeat, I don't dare to fight at all.

It can be said that the Pang Family is imposing in such a manner right now. If it continues to develop at this momentum, I am afraid that in a few years, there will be no need for the Pang Family to play hard, Xiao Family and Lu Family. It will gradually decline.

Therefore, the Xiao and Lu families must come up with a person who can compete with the genius Pang Tianpeng, and suppress the imposing manner of the Pang Family.”

Qin Ziling heard this, brows slightly wrinkle said: "I heard that Pang Tianpeng condensed Strength based on the Iron Skin of his arms, and he is the leader of both, even if you take the secret medicine, your breakthrough will be Bone Refinement Realm may not be able to beat him.

And don't forget, how did your grandfather pass away! Pang Qiwei will not allow Xiao Family to have a second flag-carrying figure, Even if you can compete with Pang Tianpeng, they will definitely find a way to get rid of you. Unless your strength has reached a level that is difficult for them to kill.

So, I mean to continue to endure , sit and watch the battle between Pang Family and Yu Family, and wait for the opportunity. Pang Family can use Yu Family to collude with rebels and Demon Sec In the name of t, you can bring down the Yu Family. In the future, you Xiao Family can bring down the Pang Family in the same name. "

Xiao Qing is such a smart person, hearing this complexion slightly changed: "Did the big brother find something?" "

"I came back yesterday and was ambushed by people who thought I was from the Yu Family." Those people's breath is cold and strange, and they can hide their silhouettes under the night, making it difficult to guard against them. "Qin Ziling replied.

"It's them!" The people of Netherworld Cult! Yu Hongshan is in charge of the military, and he has trained a lot of direct line soldiers over the years. It stands to reason that even if the Pang Lin family join forces, it is impossible to lose so quickly.

At that time, we suspected that the Pang Lin family must have invited foreign aid, didn't expect to be from Netherworld Cult! "Xiao Qing's eyes pierced with hatred, and his tall chest kept heaving.

"Netherworld Cult people! "Qin Ziling's heart moved slightly, thinking of the

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