Dao Fusion

Chapter 194

Dao Fusion Chapter 194


Chapter 194 Counting [First Update of the Year of the Tiger, ask for a monthly ticket]

The storage ring space of the three messengers and the hands of Long Xiaotian They are almost the same size, more than two feet square.

Qin Ziling classifies gold and silver notes, magic weapons, medicine pills, books, etc. separately.

Soon, Qin Ziling was happy and satisfied.

The sum of the gold and silver bills is converted into one million taels of gold. Together with what he got from Long Xiaotian, Qin Ziling now has one million 400 thousand tael of gold.

Not to mention Squarelance County, the whole of Western Yun Prefecture is definitely rich.

As for the magic weapon of the weapon, there are two ghost swords, three ghost blood refinement soul flags, and one ghost bottle gourd equipped with mist and miasma.

I don't know what kind of material this ghost sword is made of. It is extremely hard and sharp. There are many ancient runes engraved on it. Yin Fiend exudes a trace of incomparably cold death, and is two and a half feet long.

Qin Ziling stroked the ghostly machete lightly, feeling the death energy of Yin Fiend on it, and with a move in his heart, he called out Yuan Da, and then threw the ghostly machete to it. . .

Yuan Da's big palm grasped the two-and-a-half-foot-long ghost sword like a toy knife, giving people a very incongruous feeling.

But when Qin Ziling thought move again, Yuan Da's Fiend Corpse force surged violently, penetrating the ghostly machete along his thick and long arm.

After a while, the ghostly sword suddenly exploded, the blade's edge soared four or five meters, and the entire blade became as huge as the door panel, coupled with Yuan Da's three-meter-like mountain The majestic body is actually indescribably ferocious.

At this moment, Yuan Da holding the ghostly machete is like the Great Demon who came out of the Dark Abyss.

"Good! Good!" Qin Ziling couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw this, and then quickly put Yuan Da and the two ghostly scimitars into the corpse ring.

Yuan Da and Yuan Er's Iron Fist long arms are extremely hard, and ordinary Sword Art treasures can directly meet force with force, but they really have to meet powerful characters, such as him. A person with Innate Divine Strength and a heavenly blade in his hand, or something like Jianbailou and the others, can chop off their Iron Fist long arms a few more times.

Therefore, Qin Ziling has actually always thought about equipping Yuan Da and Yuan Er with a weapon, but he has not been able to find a suitable one.

Although these two ghost swords are light in weight, they are hard and sharp. The most rare thing is that they can be used in conjunction with the Yin Fiend Corpse contained in Yuan Da Yuan Er. It is quite suitable to use.

With the soul flag in hand, Qin Ziling's expression became gloomy.

The devil in one of them has been swallowed by the dark sky, and the other two have a devil in each.

"It seems that the blood refinement Soul Banner is the standard Demon Artifact of the Netherworld Cult Demon, and Long Xiaotian is most likely also the Netherworld Cult Demon. Each Demon Artifact has to ingest and refine thousands of pieces. I don’t know how many people this Netherworld Cult has killed in order to refine these ghostly souls!”

Looking at the courtyard, the dark sky is constantly devouring the other two soul flags refining the ghosts. The spirit of the devil in the middle, the breath on his body is getting stronger and stronger, and even Dark Qi, which was rolling on his body, is gradually condensing into pieces of black scales, making the dark sky seem to be covered with black scales, and it looks more and more fierce, Qin Ziling Not only did he not feel happy in his heart, on the contrary, he became more and more gloomy, with murderous intention flickering in the depths of his eyes.

Soon, Dark Sky completely devoured the other two demon heads, and its torso was completely condensed with a pair of jet-black scales, exuding an icy dim light in the dark night, and the trident in its hand became more and more powerful. Solid, just like the real thing.

At this time, the feeling of Dark Sky for Qin Ziling is no less than that of the Great Martial Master in the late stage of bone refining or the Great Qi Refinement Master in the late stage of true essence.

"No wonder so many people take the demonic path, this power comes too easily! But the demon's tricks must be impossible for a long time, and it will eventually return to itself in the end.

For example, Long Xiaotian took out the underworld blood refinement and the soul streamer is obviously showing signs of losing control. The last priest I killed was in better condition, but once the demon in the underworld blood refinement soul streamer became stronger, he couldn't control it.

If I wasn't distracted by the realm's cultivation base, and my cultivation was 'Indestructible Star River Visualization Great Law', my mind would not be affected by the erosion of Power of Darkness, and the dark sky would devour evolution like this, I am sure If you want to be affected, you will completely lose your mind and nature." Looking at the dark sky with black scales and soaring strength, Qin Ziling thought a lot of thoughts for a while.

Soon, Qin Ziling put away the dark sky and the blood refinement soul flag, and then used the double sacrifice method of blood and the soul seal to sacrifice the ghost bottle gourd.

Qin Ziling has just learned from Jianbailou that this ghost bottle gourd is the magic weapon of the Netherworld Cult for each state branch.

This ghost bottle gourd is said to be taken from a vine tree growing in the Abyss at the headquarters of Netherworld Cult.

Netherworld Cult's expert refines a whole mountain of poisonous miasma and poison, and then collects them in this ghost bottle gourd.

Usually this ghost bottle gourd is usually kept in the Yin Fiend leyline of the branch hall, and once there is an invasion of foreign enemies, it will open the seal and release the misty miasma, which is borrowed from the Yin Fiend leyline. The force can cover the area of ten li or so.

As soon as this misty miasma falls, it is not the Great Martial Master of Bone Refinement Realm or the Great Qi Refinement Master of True Essence Realm. Once you enter it, it is still a small thing to lose your direction. After a few bites of the poison refined into the poisonous miasma, I am afraid it will be breathed one's last.

If this misty miasma is only a small area of protection, its protective power is extremely amazing. Even a character who is a quasi-Grandmaster Level can only be broken open, and most of its power will be consumed, and this The misty miasma can gather or disperse. Once it is broken open, it can gather again immediately and return to its original state. It is a powerful anti-movement method.

This time, because of the strong strength of Jianbailou, Palace Lord was not at ease, so he ordered the emissary who kept this ghost bottle gourd to bring this bottle gourd, but didn't expect to meet Qin Ziling, this perverted guy, not only was the messenger killed, but the ghost bottle gourd also fell into the hands of Qin Ziling.

Qin Ziling sacrificed this ghost bottle gourd with the double sacrificing method. Thoughts move, the mist and miasma flew out of the ghost bottle gourd and condensed it into a black armor to make him even the leader. It was covered tightly, and at the same time, there was a black cloud around his feet, which slowly lifted him up and floated in the air.

"This misty miasma is not only extremely defensive and poisonous, but also has the nature of cloud smoke, which can be changed at will, and can lead people to fly in the air. It's really a magic weapon! It's a magic weapon! No wonder the teacher said, This ghost bottle gourd can already be regarded as a semi-mysterious treasure."

Above the magic treasure is a mysterious treasure, which means that mysterious changes are endless.

Of course, the reason why Qin Ziling can play the ghost bottle gourd so smoothly has a lot to do with him being the expert who is a distracted realm. Condensed into an armor style, at most it will condense into a ball to protect the whole body.

This ghost bottle gourd Qin Ziling naturally can't hang on his waist like a messenger.

The Yin-Fiend Qi in the corpse raising ring is full of strength, just enough to warm the spirit bottle gourd and increase its formidable power.

Putting away the bottle gourd, Qin Ziling set his sights on the medicine pill.

This time, there are three kinds of medicine pills collected from the three messengers.

One is the red liquid in a crystal clear and near-transparent bottle the size of a wine bottle.

This liquid is extremely viscous and exudes an extremely strong vitality.

"Human's blood essence! Hualai suppresses the erosion of fleshy body caused by the deadly force of cultivation. It is truly inhuman, extremely evil and cruel!" Qin Ziling's pupils shrank suddenly. When he got up, his hairs stood up.

I don't know how many lives it needs to kill to extract this bottle of blood essence!

The actions of this world demonic path have exceeded his imagination!

"You take human souls to refine Demonic Artifact, refine human blood essence to eat, you are simply devil beasts, you can't be called human at all! Originally I haven't decided whether to feed my zombies with you, because I Thinking that you are human, there are always some obstacles in my heart, but since you can only be fit to be devil beasts, then I have nothing to worry about!" Soon, Qin Ziling gritted his teeth gloomily.

As Qin Ziling gritted his teeth, in the corpse ring, the three Silver Zombies already had dim light in their eyes, and each grabbed a corpse of a meditator and hid in the coffin to suck it.

Second is the Yin Fiend beads, each of them has four beads, and there are twelve beads in total.

This Yin Fiend Bead is useless to other cultivation people, but for Qin Ziling, it is a good thing that money can't buy temporarily.

The last medicine pill is very mysterious. The outer skin of this pill is jade green, like a green water glass bead. Through the transparent outer layer, it can be seen that there are wisps of mist inside that continuously condense into droplets of liquid and drop down, and then the droplets continue to rise into mist, and so on.

"This is Huayuan Dan!" Qin Ziling's eyes fell on the words written on the pill bottle, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Hua Yuan Dan is recorded in "Bi Mu Changqing Jue" and "Black Snake Profound Water Art", it is said that after the True Strength realm reaches the later stage, one can take Hua Yuan Dan to transform into True Qi is the true essence, becoming the great Qi Refinement Master of True Essence Realm.

However, what spiritual medicine is needed to refine Yuandan, and how to refine it, are not recorded in the two cultivation techniques.

There are very few Huayuan Dans in the collection of the envoys, each person only collects one, and there are only three in total.

"It's also a messenger. Long Xiaotian, who was in the late stage of bone refining, collected three bone-refining secret medicines. These three messengers together only collected three Yuanhua Dan. Is the secret medicine for bone refining still precious and rare?" Qin Ziling picked up the Huayuan Pill and scrutinized it carefully, thinking to himself.

Putting away Huayuandan, Qin Ziling finally flipped through the scroll.

There are not many types of scrolls, one is the demonic path secret technique of evil and cruel alchemy, blood refinement and soul refining; one is "Eternal Night God and Demon" Visualization Picture; the last one is "Profound Abyss" Reincarnation".

The Visualization Picture of "Eternal Night Gods and Demons" collected by the three envoys is somewhat different from the one collected by Long Xiaotian. Qin Ziling has a better understanding of the true meaning of darkness after reading it, and has a better understanding of his cultivation " Indestructible Star River Dafa" is also somewhat enlightening.

PS: The bell of the new year is ringing, Lao Duan hereby wishes all book friends a prosperous year of the tiger, like a tiger that has grown wings! This is the first update of the Year of the Tiger, ask for a monthly ticket for a good luck! An update will be sent at 7:30 tomorrow morning! In the new year, please continue to support Lao Duan, thank you!

(end of this chapter)

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