Dao Fusion

Chapter 196

Dao Fusion Chapter 196


Chapter 196 Leaving [Monthly Pass for the third update]

"Hua Yuan Dan does have it, but the ones above middle grade have been used up. Yes. Geng Jin is the most savage, and within Five Elements is the same as Fire Element True Strength. It is the most difficult to condense. Using low-grade Huayuan Dan to condense the success rate is very low. He is the master of proud and arrogant, he is reluctant to condense True Strength for a long time, so it will be more difficult to condense it later.

It was nothing at all, I was in Peak at that time, and I was also hopeful that Fayuan realm People who are not worried about getting middle grade or even high grade Hua Yuandan in the future. As a result, who would have expected that 21 years ago, Ziluo and I were both injured, two True Essence Realm elders were attacked and killed, Golden The situation of Sword Sect suddenly became difficult, and the matter of Huayuandan was naturally delayed.

Now, except for Pan Bocai, who has just passed the age of confusion, Fang Ruibo has passed his sixtieth year. In the 2000s, unless you can find them a high-grade Hua Yuandan, it is impossible for them to condense the true essence in this life and become a Qi Refinement Master. Speaking of which, Jin Yichen went to Heaven Inspection Department as an official, in fact, he also wanted to Seeking a Yuan Hua Dan. Unfortunately, the Golden Sword Sect is now defeated, and he didn't find any good jobs, and was pushed out to a barren county such as Squarelance County...

Fortunately, last year At the beginning, the time came to work. The Squarelance County Guangou Mansion was killed. He teamed up with the local government to solve the case and made contributions, and was promoted to Guangou. Although the Squarelance County Guangou Mansion has never been taken seriously, there is still some hope." Jian Bailou said.

“Could it be that condensing true essence also has an age limit?” Qin Ziling asked.

"meridian and dantian are within the fleshy body of a person, and are naturally restricted by the age of the fleshy body. After the age of sixty, there is generally no hope of true essence, and after the age of one hundred, there is no hope of the law.

." Jian Bailou replied.

"What are the requirements to step into the Fayuan realm? Is there any hope for the teacher?" Qin Ziling asked, looking serious.

In Western Yun Prefecture, the Grandmaster of the Fayuan realm is the guarantee that a Sect will stand.

Whether Elder Fang and the others can become the Great Qi Refinement Master of True Essence Realm, for the current Qin Ziling, the influence and help are limited.

But once Jianbailou becomes a Qi Refinement Grandmaster, the influence and help will be great.

"If it were twenty-one years ago, there would still be hope for a teacher, but now it's impossible." Jian Bailou shook his head and said.

"Why? Isn't the teacher not yet 100 years old? And you also said that once the magic seal of the child and mother's seed is lifted, even if there is no help from the flesh, your injury can be completely recovered, And with Huachi meat, can we extend some life essence?" Qin Ziling asked.

"Although my teacher has not yet reached the age of 100, he is already ninety-five years old. In five years, if I want to hunt down a Grade 5 mutated beast and capture the blood, I also need to find a golden evil leyline. , this is an idiot's dream, not to mention the success rate of casting Fa Yuan is very low, and it is rare for one out of ten people to succeed. Thinking of the talent of a teacher, 21 years ago, there really was a Grade 5 mutated beast blood Yuan. And Jinsha Earth Vessel is still very confident to grasp. But now, it's too late!" Jian Bailou said.

"Grade 5 mutated beast? Leylines of Jinsha?" Qin Ziling brows slightly wrinkle.

"Actually, our Golden Sword Mountain originally had a Golden Evil Leyline. It's a pity that the Golden Sword Sect experienced a catastrophe more than a hundred years ago, and the Golden Evil Leyline was destroyed. Twenty-one years ago, we Luckily, I found a small Jinsha leyline in a remote mountain in Qinghe County. As a result, I don't know how to leak the news, and it was known to the people of Blue Cloud Sect. Blue Cloud Sect insisted that the mountain belonged to them.

The Jinsha leylines were involved in the Master's forging of the Fayuan, and the Master naturally refused. Later, through the mediation of the Grandmasters such as the Profound Mist Valley Valley Master and the Magistrate of the West Yun Prefecture Magistrate House, the Master and the Qingsong Daoist fought to resolve the disputes. After all, the Master is not The Grandmaster of the Fayuan realm, in the end, consumed too much true essence and lost to Daoist Qingsong.

We were attacked by the Netherworld Cult on the way back. I lost to Netherworld Cult Hate Palace Lord, and was seriously injured by him. The two Martial Uncle Elders were killed on the spot, and I was seriously injured. If not, the Golden Sword Sect would not be in such a state as it is now, nor would the Master I missed the best opportunity to forge Fa Yuan." Feng Ziluo took over and said.

"so that's how it is." Qin Ziling hearing this then learned the details of the cause of Golden Sword Sect's second strength great injury 21 years ago, his face darkened, and he said: "First, the teacher fought Qingsong, which was too exhausting, and then the Netherworld Cult West Yun Prefecture Palace Lord led the expert to attack and kill, as if the two sides had already agreed, it seems that this matter is not simple!"

"One mountain can't be shared by two tigers, Blue Cloud Sect definitely doesn't want to see Golden Sword Sect rise again, not only Blue Cloud Sect, Profound Mist Valley, Magistrate House and other forces actually don't want to see Golden Sword The rise of Sect. But we didn't think at the time that they would secretly use Demon Sect in order to suppress the Golden Sword Sect.

Later, even if we knew that this matter was not simple, the Master and I were seriously injured, the two Martial Uncle was killed and the strength of the Golden Sword Sect was greatly damaged, can we still investigate and pursue it? It can only be regarded as a coincidence!" Feng Ziluo said.

"That's true!" Qin Ziling said with a sullen face, "Since the strength is not as good as others, then shrink your head and talk about it. It's better later, even if the teacher and the Senior Brother are all wounded, Or continue to pretend that injury has not recovered."

"Is it necessary? Once the Master's injuries are gone, it will be..." Feng Ziluo frowned slightly.

"One day a teacher cannot become a Grandmaster, and the Golden Sword Sect is only in a defensive position. In this case, what's the point of getting ahead? It's just a little more glamorous on the surface, it's better to continue dormant and show weakness to the enemy. ” Qin Ziling said.

"Zi Ling is right. Ziluo, your problem is that you are too sharp, otherwise you wouldn't have been particularly concerned by Netherworld Cult back then, so you were seriously injured and your cultivation base has been stagnant for many years. In fact, isn't that the case as a teacher? The edge is too revealing! It's time to rein in the edge. As for the Grandmaster, I don't want to be a teacher, I just hope to take advantage of the lifetime to help you..." Jian Bai Lou said.

"There is no such thing as a perfect road. The teacher has not yet reached the age of 100, so how can he stop the idea of making progress? Even if he is 100 years old, everything is not absolute. Grade 5 mutated beast used to rely on one teacher. It is naturally difficult to hunt and kill, but as long as you give me a few years, you and I will join hands with master and disciple, and there will definitely be a chance to hunt and kill.

As for the leyline of Jinsha, next, Senior Brother will send more people to be there. Looking for Qinghe County, I will try to get Squarelance County as soon as possible. Although Squarelance County is a land of barren mountains and unruly rivers, it is still vast and has Yang Crow Mountain. Three feet in the ground, there is still a lot of hope to find the Jinsha Earthline. The key is that the sword in the teacher's heart must not lose its sharp edge!" Qin Ziling interrupted.

"Haha! Good! Good! My teacher is nearly 100 years old, and I am practicing sword dao, but you haven't seen it thoroughly! I will remark to you, and I will follow you no matter what. God fights!"

Jian Bailou's expression gradually became solemn, his imposing manner became stronger and stronger, as if a sharp sword was slowly being drawn out, and then suddenly, He burst out laughing, beard and hair flamboyant, indescribably free and easy!


Three days later, Qin Ziling left Golden Sword Mountain on a yellow horse.

Before leaving, Jian Bailou and Feng Ziluo were all wounded, and the "youngest" Elder Pan Bo got a Huayuan Dan and was retreating and sprinting for True Essence Realm.

Originally, Feng Ziluo wanted to give Qin Ziling a golden-crowned crane as a car, but Qin Ziling refused.

Not to mention that all the Great Influences in Western Yun Prefecture know that the Golden Crowned Crane is a different bird raised by the Golden Sword Sect. Once riding the Golden Crowned Crane, its relationship with the Golden Sword Sect is hard not to be guessed. On the other hand, riding a golden-crowned crane soaring in the sky is too high-profile and does not fit Qin Ziling's low-key character.

A lesson from the past!

In those days, Jianbailou was a great man with strength close to Grandmaster, but in the end, he was not plotted against by others, and he was "seriously ill" for more than 20 years.

Although his current strength is also very strong, his speaking of which is not much worse than Jian Bailou, who is now completely wounded, but that refers to his overall strength.

If he really wants to be targeted by Grandmaster Level characters, his fate will most likely be even more tragic than Jianbailou!

Therefore, Qin Ziling secretly decided that unless he really has the strength to compete with the Grandmaster, or Jianbailou becomes the Qi Refinement Grandmaster, he will continue to live, stay behind the scenes, and speak in a muffled voice. fortune.

Of course, he is considered a quasi-Grandmaster Level character, Qin Ziling will definitely not be the same as before.

If you should show your face, you will show it, but it will never be as public as Feng Ziluo was!

Riding a yellow horse galloping on the official road, Qin Ziling remembered the harvest, it was really proud of one's success horseshoe disease!

In Squarelance City, there is the Xiao Family, represented by Xiao Qing, and the Water Moon Villa, represented by Zuo Le, and the Safe River Village Qin Family is actually a force. Now Qinghe County Here, there is a whole Sect force with strength approaching the Sect Master Level characters.

These are all forces that Qin Ziling secretly controls now!

Except for the power under the control of the secret skyrocketed suddenly.

In this trip, Qin Ziling suppressed and killed three envoys, and even made a lot of money.

Dark Sky devoured three gods and demons one after another, and its strength is already comparable to the Great Martial Master in the late stage of bone refining or the Great Qi Refinement Master in the late stage of true essence.

In the corpse ring, the change of the three-headed Silver Zombie was the most surprising and unexpected to Qin Ziling.

The blood essence of the three true essence late-stage messengers is stronger for the three-headed Silver Zombie than the blood essence of Long Xiaotian and even the blood of the chi.

Three blood essences with excellent effect of the sanctuary, plus twelve Yin Fiend beads.

Qin Ziling originally thought that the three-headed Silver Zombie would spend a long time in the Silver Zombie mid-level realm.

As a result, in the past few days, the cultivation base of the three Silver Zombies are soaring upwards.

The four became high-level Silver Zombie in one fell swoop, and Yuan Da and Yuan Er were already not far.

Once Yuan Da and Yuan Er also become high-level Silver Zombies, plus four songs and Dark Sky, Qin Ziling is actually equivalent to having four Great Martial Masters in the late stage of bone refining or one in the late stage of true essence. The bodyguard of the Great Qi Refinement Master


The sun was shining.

On the official road from Squarelance County to Qinghe County, a team of carriages are on their way, and the sky is full of dust.

"This ghastly weather, it's not even May yet, it's already so hot! There's a small forest in front of you, so why don't Third Uncle take a break in front of it!" A man riding a clouded leopard horse, White clothed, with a sword hanging from his waist, a young man who looked like a wealthy pampered young master drove his horse forward, catching up with a middle-aged man riding a black horse and walking in front of the convoy, said.

This brocade middle-aged man is none other than Lu Jiancang, the third child of the Lu Family, and the father of Lu Taiqiang.

"One hour later, it will be the boundary of Qinghe County. The territory of Qinghe County is relatively stable. Would you like to stop rushing and rest?" Without waiting for Lv Jiancang to answer, he rode a black horse next to Lv Jiancang. Lu Taiqiang said with a slight frown.

Lu Taiqiang is wearing a tight blue jersey with a Ghost Headed Great Saber on the back. He has a sturdy breath and has endured the hardships of a long journey. He looks a little less pampered young master than before. Breath, more calm.

The update is completed today, I wish you all a Happy Chinese New Year!

Thanks to Liang Daji for finishing building a building in the book circle, and more than 50,000 points became popular. Thanks to 20211216094838620 for the 20,000-point redemption, and thanks to Xiao He for the 0.05 million-point reward.

Thanks to Pan Bo, Xizi Huakai, Divine Light of Autumn, Book Friend 20201018143933252, Grumpy Xiaolei, Tim Xiaore, people who love martial arts books, read books occasionally, listen carefully, and can fly Pig 918, Book Friends 20190625190116318, He Feng 2017, Reality and Dream, Book Friends 150616211640653, Sword Soul Platform, People in the Curtain, Book Friends 150616211640653, ZAK123, Travel Alone, Famous Wine Sakura, JonHao, XSM and other book friends 's reward.

(end of this chapter)

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