Dao Fusion

Chapter 214

Dao Fusion Chapter 214


Chapter 214 Ambush

"Not good Hall Master Wang, things have changed, please Hufa Wu to return immediately, we The troops must be withdrawn immediately!" Soon, Yu Hongshan slashed Zheng Xinghan with a knife and retreated to Hall Master Wang's side, said solemnly.

At this time, Hall Master Wang also realized that something was wrong.

Jin Yichen is the Qi Refinement Master of True Essence Realm. Not only did he not go to help Xiao Qing stop Wutong, but he stayed. .

And here County City's army already has a big advantage!

Even if Zheng Xinghan and Xiao Wenyi left to help Xiao Qing, it was not a big problem.

In this way, four people stop Wutong from killing one person. Among them, Xiao Qing's strength is comparable to the Great Martial Master in the middle stage of bone refining. Even if the four people lose, Wutong wants to suppress and kill them. easy thing.

However, Jin Yichen stayed, Zheng Xinghan and Xiao Wenyi did not leave to protect the coach.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

"Okay!" Hall Master Wang responded, the bell shook violently, and the low-level Silver Zombie launched a frantic attack on Xiao Wenyi.

Xiao Wenyi stepped back.

Hall Master Wang follows Silver Zombie and wants to rush out.

But a streak of golden light came through the air, helping Xiao Wenyi to stop Hall Master Wang and Silver Zombie.

When a streak of golden light broke through the air to block Hall Master Wang and Silver Zombie, Wutong and Xiao Qing were already fighting and heading towards Qin Ziling's hiding place.

Soon Xiao Qing pretended to be invincible, abandoned the clouded leopard horse, his whole body was agitated with Strength, the air flow around his body, long hair flying upwards, and ran wildly on the ground at full speed.

Xiao Qing's legs were full of Iron Skin, and he ran so fast that it was like a speedboat sailing through the water, tearing the air, silhouetted over, dragging a long wave of air behind him .

The air surges and the hu hu makes a sound.

Seeing Xiao Qing running away, Wutong jié jié rode on the leopard with a strange smile.

Ying Leopard spread its wings and flew, chasing Xiao Qing in the air.

Wutong rode on Ying Bao, kept ringing the bell, and made a soul-defying sound of "ding ding dong dong" in the air.

Although this leopard can fly and is a high-level Silver Zombie, it is not fast in the air, and it is not as fast as Long Xiaotian's mount, the Blood Goshawk.

Ying Leopard's corpse power surged wildly, his wings flapped violently, and Corpse Qi rolled up, barely able to catch up with Xiao Qing's footsteps.

"Even if her cultivation is leg work, she should not be so fast with her iron skin!" Xiao Qing of Stage, how can the speed reach such an amazing level.

"No, if I keep chasing like this, once the powerhouse in Qinghe County arrives, I'm afraid I'll be in big trouble. This is West Yun Prefecture, so I'd better be careful." Looking back, I found that the soldiers outside Chenglin County in the distance had become densely packed little ants, the complexion changed slightly, the bell rang, and Yingbao stopped in midair.

"I only thought of turning around now! It's too late!" Just as Wutong stopped Yingbao in mid-air, all around suddenly became dark, and a cloud of black fog did not know when Suddenly it rushed towards him from all directions, and even the sun in the sky was completely blocked.

"This is a misty miasma!" Wutong, who was riding on Yingbao, screamed in shock.

"You still have several points of knowledge!" A voice sounded in the black mist.

Then, Wutong saw with horror on his face that two black machetes the size of a door suddenly broke through the black mist and slashed at him.

The machete exudes a little dim light, exuding the incomparably cold corpse power of Yin Fiend.

"Two high..." Wutong screamed again.

However, the words behind Wutong hadn't been called out. There was an air-splitting sound on the top of his head, and several lines of Yin Fiend's icy corpse came to him, but it was two sharp giant claws, facing him. Buckle up.

The Wutong people were in mid-air, attacked from three sides, while shaking the bell, they drove Yingbao to fall rapidly, avoiding the machetes attacking from the front and back, while raising their hands and slapping them into the sky.

The Yin Fiend Corpse surged out, forming a huge palm that was pitch black as ice crystals in the sky above.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Three loud bangs.

The two machetes slashed on Ying Leopard's wings, splashing rounds of fire, and the sharp claw landed on the big palm, smashing the ice crystal-like palm directly.

Although Wutong drives the high-level Silver Zombie, in fact his own cultivation base is only true essence mid-term realm, and his true battle strength lies in Ying Bao.

If he was originally on the ground, he could naturally stand in the distance and control Yingbao to fight.

But now others are still in midair and cannot leave Yingbao at all.

At this time, he was besieged by three high-level Silver Zombies in mid-air, and especially he himself forcibly resisted the most powerful four-headed blow, that's not bad!

Suddenly, Wutong "pu ” a mouthful of blood spurted out, his face became paler, and Ying Leopard fell at a faster speed.

But Wutong was relieved.

As long as Ying Leopard falls to the ground, he will have more room to deal with it.

But Wutong didn't have time to really breathe a sigh of relief.

"Ah!" Wutong let out a roar of unwillingness and despair.

The roar echoed in the misty miasma, but it couldn't get out.

The trident penetrated his chest and lifted Wutong up.

As soon as his soul escaped, Antian grabbed it in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

When the dark sky stuffed Wutong's soul into his mouth, Qin Ziling slowly floated out from the black mist while stepping on a black cloud condensed by a misty miasma.

With a wave of his hand, Qin Ziling put Wutong's corpse into the corpse ring, and his eyes fell on Ying Bao, who was rampaging in the mist and miasma, but was beaten back by Sishou and Yuan Da Yuan Er.

Yuan Da Yuan Er is supported by a misty miasma, but he can fight in the air, but he can't fly as freely as the four heads.

Ying Bao lost Wutong's control and was fighting by instinct.

At this time, if you let go of Yingbao and let it go, it will become a great harm to the Quartet when it sees living beings and sucks blood.

One of the responsibilities of the Heaven Inspection Department is to kill the zombies that naturally arise between Heaven and Earth, and prevent them from harming everyone.

Qin Ziling put Wutong's corpse into the corpse ring, thoughts moved, Antian's huge body turned into a thick black rope, moved towards Ying Leopard wrapped around it.

In response to the sharp claw's swing, Black's rope was snapped inch by inch, and Dark Qi flew around.

But in the blink of an eye, the black rope returned to normal, and soon wrapped Yingbao around.

Ying Leopard struggled violently, a pair of silver-bone wings slammed violently, and the corpse burst out like a torrent, breaking the black rope.

But before Ying Leopard had time to break the black rope, Yuan Da and Yuan Da had already rushed forward, their thick and long arms stretched out and tightly bound Ying Leopard.

The sharp claw of the four songs also fell, clasping its head tightly.

It was too late to say that, Qin Ziling had already cut his fingers with a knife, blood shot out, and condensed into a strange blood-colored rune in the air and landed on Yingbao.

Ying Bao, who was still struggling, quickly stopped struggling.

Qin Ziling didn't give up when he saw this, and another strand of divine soul escaped and condensed into a divine soul seal that fell on Ying Bao.

Updated today.

(end of this chapter)

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