Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 80: War character

[Last night at 11: 3 o'clock, I thought that the basic task was finally completed. Although not much, it also had a 5k weight. Let's put it together for everyone to see a big chapter. Who knew that the tragedy was born, the mobile phone failed to send e-mails, and it failed to send them out until 1 o'clock in the evening. . The broadband of Baozi's home is broken. I've been asking friends to help update. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. I'm really sorry. Now it is updated in the Internet cafe, chapter 5k. I hope everyone will forgive me a lot. . Sad reminder. Bowed and stepped down, everyone reading. 】

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Among the yuan gods, that breakthrough aura was getting brighter and brighter, Xiao Chen was immersed in it, and his brows were sometimes lightly wrinkled and stretched. Around the body, the spiritual power is tumbling, and chaotic runes are continually condensing, circling, collapsing, annihilating, and recurring. As this rune forbidden continues to condense and collapse, the breath emanating from Xiao Chen also fluctuates and changes, the lower and more obscure, there is a vaguely desolate and desolate breath leaking from it. Against this breath, Xiao Chen's figure Just in front of him, but as if far away from the sky, a sense of ambiguity in time and space appeared, quite strange.

In the surrounding void, the runes of forbidden roads condensed and annihilated faster and faster, becoming more and more chaotic, but their eyes fell, but it was shocking. They were almost drawn into the collapsed rune and annihilated.

Surprised in Shubo's eyes, he knew that the master of the palace had reached the critical moment for the breakthrough. Naturally, he didn't dare to bother slightly. At the moment, he waved the screen to retreat the nylon legionnaire soldiers, and withdrew the Ganoderma lucidum and others to exit the cultivation secret room.

Cultivation is a breakthrough. It is an improvement in one's own realm. Others cannot help but rely on themselves. What's more, Xiao Chen broke through the forbidden road, and the influence produced was extremely powerful, and Shu Bo was unaffected, but the ganoderma lucidum and others were afraid that they could not resist it, and said they might not be caught on Yuan Shen.

Fortunately, Shu Bo had foresight, just a few moments after their team withdrew, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, deep in the dark eyes, there were countless forbidden runes running like a torrent waterfall, his hands moved instantly, seemingly slow, but Between the flexion and extension of the knuckles, there are thousands of forbidden runes condensing in the void, hovering slowly, and there is a faint aura of light. With the movement of the hand, the number of runes around the forbidden road is increasing, dense and incalculable. It fills the vast space, and the circulation is natural. It is not like a monk arranges a large array, but it is like a natural array. It has been circulating for thousands of years so far.

Shaking his hand, the last rune forbidden was hit and landed in the battle.


The entire space shivered in unison, running in a large array, slowly moving, with majestic energy flowing in it, silent. The surface is moist and harmless, but if anyone falls into it, it will definitely lead to matrix killing. This prohibition is the strongest formation that Xiao Chen has forbidden to practice to this day. With the help of the power of heaven and earth, the power that can be exploded is comparable to that of the Three Realms. Xiao Chen's complexion was pale, and it seemed easy and simple to arrange a large array, but he had already consumed all the power of the primordial spirit in his body, but even so, his heart was still full of joy. The heaven and man's three realms of combat power are based on his self-cultivation, not relying on foreign objects, and naturally make him extremely satisfied.

So far, Xiao Chen has repaired the Tao. Forbidden Taoism has always been very strong and has accumulated a lot. Nowadays, forbidden Taoism has become a new world.

But what delighted him more was not the prohibition of mighty ascension, but a vague enlightenment born in his heart. Rune forbidden words are linked to each other to form a matrix method, which can be used to borrow the power of drifting heaven and earth. It is felt that an energy stream in the formation method is constantly wandering along the runes, and a mysterious and mysterious and wonderful feeling lingers on his mind, making Xiao Chen seem to have grasped something, but his taste is inexplicable.

For two full hours, Xiao Chenjing sat here without moving, closing her eyes tightly, her brows frowning tightly, apparently her thoughts were twitching, her complexion was becoming pale, and there was no trace of blood.

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly opened her eyes, her face was calm, but she was a little helpless, and slowly shook her head. "It seems that although I have a little vague feeling, I want to grasp it. , It's still too late. "

"Also, now that I have a glimpse of the doorway, the opportunity will come naturally in the future. At this moment, I am restless and useless."

Thinking about this, he forcibly pressed his mind down, his hand flashed a little, and several elixir suddenly appeared in his hand. Each of them was the size of a thumb, rounded, and there was a faint elixir scattered on it. Above the elixir The ghost image of the beast soul is condensed, but it is a kind of strange and wild beast with a single horn. This Dan name Unicorn Snow Crystal Beast is made from the famous Unicorn Snow Crystal Beast in the spiritual world, and the precious blood is added to the precious medicine. It is extremely precious, and it can have a magical effect on the monk's mana loss during the robbery period. . This dan is also very precious to the monks who cross the harbour, but Xiao Chen harvested more than 30,000 storage rings last time. From it, there were more than 50,000 pieces of unicorn Xuejing Dan. This extremely fast recovery of internal loss Even if it is precious, monks of all ethnic groups will definitely find ways to get it on their bodies. After all, at a critical moment, it may be possible to use Dan to save their lives. But now, all of them fall into Xiao Chen's hands, and they are used with no pain.

With closed eyes, the mana is quickly absorbed, and the medicinal power contained in the elixir is quickly absorbed into a rolling energy dissipation, which runs frantically along the meridians. Xiao Chen's body is like a long dry land, and he will swarm into the energy and devour all his energy to replenish his loss.

Even with the help of Xiao Ling, Xiao Chen fully recovered, and it took a full 3 days to recover to the peak.

The eyelashes trembled, and then slowly opened, revealing the dark eyes. There was a flash of brilliance in it instantly, and then it returned to calmness, gentleness and restraint, and Puhua black light, but if you look closely, it can be seen. Deep in the eyes, there are two whirlpools slowly rotating, strange and mysterious, and the eyes fall down, it seems that you can directly force people to shoot out. Opening his eyes at this moment, Xiao Chen didn't get up, his eyes flickered slightly, showing some thoughts.

Resentment is now counted. Nine swords have killed 90,000 alien powerhouses. Presumably, it is enough to make him famous and well-known.

It can be said that Xiao Chen's expected effect has been achieved.

So what should we do next?

Xiao Chen thought about it for a moment, without spending too much time, he already had a mind in his mind.


Practice in the left eyebrow dojo!

In the spiritual realm, strength is paramount. If he can truly reach the point where he can only cover the sky with his hands, he can still be infinite, even without the support of a human race, without fear. Now Xiao Chen seems to have unlimited scenery, unparalleled combat power, and killed countless alien monks, but in real terms, his own strength is only a few points better than the ancient magic solitary shooting, compared to that of the earth giant clan is absolutely far from crying. .

This fierce battle was able to win and retreat, which is also luck. If the non-shops refined the mixed Yuan Lingzhu, the main body wear and tear can be recovered quickly, and the power is soaring. If you want to win this battle, it will be extremely difficult, and there may be unpredictable consequences. It can be said that this time Xiao Chen killed the Quartet, the combat power was shocking, not by his own strength, but by the vast majority of the strength of the shop. In the end, the spiritual world can rely on its own strength. Although foreign objects are strong, they are not as powerful as themselves.

In order to survive better in the spiritual realm, improving oneself is the king.

Beheaded the alien monks, won a large amount of storage rings, and collected the treasures as his own. Among them, there are many elixir treasures used in the cultivation, which is enough for him to conduct a long-term retreat. However, before this, he should check it out. How many treasures did he get when he killed 90,000 aliens.

Eyes glanced, there was no one in the secret cultivation room, Xiao Chen had already figured out a little thought, it must be that Shu Bo was worried about disturbing his cultivation, so he took the initiative to retreat, waved his hand at the moment, dispelled the surrounding restrictions, and summoned Shu Bo.


The entrance to the secret room of the practice flashed slightly, Shubo was in front, Ganoderma lucidum was behind, and the two entered into it. Although Xiao Chenxiu did not improve, after the breakthrough of the forbidden road, his own breath changed a bit, and it was more low-key and obscure. Undetectable, but unable to hide Shu Bo's induction.

"Congratulations to major Shao Gong for making another breakthrough!" Shu Bo said respectfully, expressing joy.

Ganoderma is also full of joy.

Xiao Chen nodded with a smile, without any further delay, and began to speak directly, asking, "Bobo, I don't know how many treasures I got when I sorted out the storage ring?"

Shu Bo heard that his hand flashed with aura, and he took out dozens of storage rings and a blank jade Jank. "This time, the master of the palace received 90,000 storage rings, but the quality was good, and the treasures were quite generous. , Everything is clearly recorded in the jade bamboo slips, and the young master knew it at a glance. "

For Shu Bo, Xiao Chen is assured of 120,000. He also knows that he has always been cautious in doing things, and there will be no difference. He immediately took over a business, and immediately immersed himself in Yujian.

Spirit stone.

There are 589 pieces of 85.79 million pieces of top grade.

There are 11 trillion 789 million pieces of 589o pieces of Chinese products.

Inferior products, remember o.


7 Pindan, 3oo 10,721.

8 Pindan, 218,800 pieces.

9 Pindan, 2o 10,671.

1o Pindan, 1o4.

There is no elixir of grade 1o or higher, remember o.

Fu Fu.

The robbery level is 25o, 699.

Heaven and Man level 34.

No one above the level of heaven and man, remember o.

magic weapon.

There are 630,7823 crossings and 13 levels of heaven and earth. There are no levels above heaven and earth, remember o.

Jade Jane.

There are a total of 4o 10,992 tracks, o top grades, 1 o2 medium grades, and 40 o 89o grades.

Different treasure.

A total of 141 cases, top grade o, 4 medium grade, 137 low grade.

Battle plate, recorded 17.31 million.

It is still simple and straightforward, still accurate to a single, and still extremely visually striking, a typical tree-ber recording method.

Although Xiao Chen was still shocked in his heart, but with the last harvest, he was already prepared. Although this harvest was amazing, he did not let him lose his state of shock, but he took a deep breath and recovered. He shook his head and chuckled, and said, "I actually like some of the killing and treasure hunting now, and it really is a quick way to collect treasures. If you can kill a batch every once in a while, there is no treasure in hand."

Having said that, Xiao Chen will never do that indiscriminate killing of innocent people.

After hearing the words, Shu Bo nodded suddenly and said, "The master of the Shao Palace said yes, in the Thousand Realms, there is indeed a monk who slaughtered monks in order to accumulate treasures. This is also a fast-rising method. It's too heavy. When flying to the Thousand Realms, it is feared that the might of Tiancai might be overwhelming, but this is a bit troublesome. "Looking at his response, he actually took Xiao Chen's words seriously.

Xiao Chen suddenly smiled bitterly, unwilling to do more entanglement here, directly spreading the divine thoughts out of the storage ring in his hand, looking for the one where the battle plate was placed, and taking it out separately, his eyes were unconsciously exposed. Point of expectation.

Millions of battle plates come together, can be integrated into a crystal clear, crystal carved special battle plates, there are mysterious runes in it, there is a war of heaven and earth, mysterious shadow branding, strange mystery, it is very likely It is a great magical power in Fengzhen. Once the convergence is complete, it may be possible to unblock the magical power and put it into the hands. Although I do n’t know who the back is, he can be called a master of meditation in the Daqian Realm by Shu Bo, which shows his supernatural powers. In this little realm, there is absolutely nothing to hide from the sky!

If it is possible to obtain such a magical power that exists in the town, it must be a talisman that can save one's life in times of crisis.

So at the moment, Xiao Chen is naturally looking forward to it.

Obviously, Shubo had been prepared for this, so he didn't put the 173o million battle plates obtained from this harvest together, but separated many independent spaces in a storage ring. Each side of the space There were exactly 1oo million placed, and they could not touch each other.

17.31 million battle plates have now condensed into 17 special battle plates that are crystal clear and aura, and each one has a mysterious rune imprinted on the center of it, like a living creature, slowly rotating. Coupled with the 2.69 million battle plates obtained last time, no more and no less, just enough to make up 2ooo million.

Xiao Chen flashed with aura of light in his hand, took out the 690,000 battle plates left over from the previous fusion, and put together the remaining 310,000 battle plates. When the number was over a million, the quality suddenly appeared. Variety.

Million battle plates disappeared instantly, but only a trace of the extremely weak breath was completely preserved, gathered into a group, and turned into a special battle plate in a few short interest periods, and everything was completed in silence. No accidents occurred.

Now that 2o pieces of special battle plates are gathered, it's time to try them out and see what happens when these battle plates are put together.

The first to take out the two special battle plates obtained before, a flash of aura in his hand, took out the third.

no response.

The fourth one.

The fifth one.

The sixth.


It wasn't until the 1o special battle plate appeared, and finally a sign appeared.

The 1o battle plates were close together, trembling together, and a faint aura burst instantly from them, and they instantly merged with each other. Under this spiritual light, the battle plate itself melted again, and only one of the runes remained. Next, quickly converge towards the center.


1o runes meet, the water and the milk melt together, and they are directly turned into a ball, forming a simple mysterious rune, a mighty, coercive breath burst out from this rune instantly, the vastness of the soup is like the Yangtze River, Mighty world, ravage the world.


Pure, violent, can crush all resistances and obstacles in the world!

The whole world seems to be trembling under this war!

Xiao Chen's body was stiff for a moment, and her complexion went pale for a moment, but her eyes suddenly burst into endless brilliance, only because of the war he had felt before, and it was from that thin back.

call out!

The war exploded rapidly, and the contraction was also extremely fast. It flashed away, and immediately recovered and merged into the ancient rune. The next moment, the rune trembled and fell directly on the back of Xiao Chen's left hand. ,Disappear.

It was at the moment when the rune merged into the back of the hand that a message appeared directly in his primordial spirit.

"Runes, fight."

"Feng Zhenwu has a trace of warfare. After the explosion, any monk below the deserted realm can be severely destroyed, and even he can be wiped out directly. Hope to use it with caution."


Xiao Chen's complexion changed instantly. Although he didn't know how much this state represented, but from this "war" rune, he felt the power of war-like destruction, but a leak of breath could make him stiff. There is no such thing as a fight back. It is enough to know the extent of lethality caused by an explosion. Although it is not known exactly, Xiao Chen has a clear hunch in his heart. Even if it is the top of the ethnic group, the heavens and the people and the five realms are too strong to be caught by this rune power, they will surely end.

With this "battle" rune, Xiao Chen is equivalent to an ultimate life-saving hole card, allowing him a little bit of self-protection even in the face of the existence of a real ethnic peak.

Now Xiao Chen is immersed in the surprise and shock of the "War" rune, but he is unaware. As this rune merges, a mysterious "word of war" silently flashing in his Yuanshen suddenly flashes. Aura.

"'Battle' character, hahahaha, a good 'Battle' character, don't beat me for a fight, collect millions of battle plates, worth! Worth! Worth!"

"With this thing in hand, I can have a little more life-saving grasp of the crisis later in the day. This rune is in hand, which is tantamount to having a second life!"

"Immediately re-integrate again, and see what the remaining ten million battle plates merge, what surprises me!"

Xiao Chen can't wait to take out the remaining 1o special battle plates directly. With the previous experience, he will naturally not delay. The 1o block battle card is close. It is no different from the previous one. The runes are fused and the war intentions explode. They once again converge into a simple rune that falls directly on the back of the right hand. At the moment when the rune merges, Xiao Chen gets again. Information about this rune.

"Runes, Royal."

"Feng Zhenwu has a hint of warfare. After the explosion, it turns into war-fighting defense. It can withstand attacks from the lower levels of the ancient and ancient realm, and protect himself from any harm. Those who wish to use it should use it with caution."

Two runes, one for war and one for imperialism.

"Hahahaha, okay! A good 'Yu' character, there is war in the left hand, which can damage the heavenly man and the Five Realms, and the right hand has the guard, which can protect itself. These two runes are in your hands. Be careful. You can go! "

"Even if the harvest of these two runes is enough!"

Xiao Chen rarely loses his temper, but today's surprise is too big, which directly gives him the qualification to deal with the highest ethnic group and the Five Realms!

Such an opportunity, anyone can accept it!

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