Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 84: The second wave of ethnic shocks [two]

Shadow kill clan. Bayizhong <? [文 [[(? [W] W] W].) 8} 1) Z} W]. } C & gt; O} M]

As a tribe of the spiritual world, the tribe is nothing less than ten million, but they are favored by the Tao. They all have not weak talents for cultivation, they are also proficient in assassination. They have a great reputation in the whole spiritual world. The color changes.

Killing Shadowslayer monks, regardless of the reason, is subject to three Shadowslay chasing.

No one knows this in the whole spirit world, so the shadow monk has always been ridiculed. This decision was made only because there were too few people in the Shadow Killing tribe, unlike other strong spiritual tribes, there are countless tribe, and they will not care about some minor injuries.

It is precisely because of this that it has been a long time since the death of the clan came. But today, looking at the descendants of several ethnic groups kneeling on His Royal Highness, the five shadow-killing clan masters have seen Yujian in their hands, and there are no signs of endless killings in the body.

The demons and kangs, the famous rising star of the Shadow Killing Clan, have received the attention of the Shadow Killing Sovereign, intending to train them to become the peak of the future ethnic group, protecting the security of the ethnic group. But now they are killed by as many people as possible.

The raging anger was burning in the chest, making the heart-shaking Shadow Lord tribe almost crazy.

The five lords are so unpredictable that they can assassinate the magical powers. Once they are shot, even if the other person is the peak of the heavenly people and the five realms, there are more than half of them possible. If they shot, they can directly kill Xiao Chen. .

But no matter whether it is the trial period of the ethnic group, they can't shoot at will, because Xiao Chen is a human monk!

The human race, one of the strongest in the spiritual realm, is the most powerful ethnic force in the entire spiritual realm. Although the Shadow Killing tribe is powerful, if it completely annoys the human race, it can't bear the anger and the anger.

Since you can't do it yourself, kill Xiao Chen by the most fair method!

No matter what, this monk must die!

"Seven injuries have left the killing territory."

"Send him to the unicorn territory."

"Kill Terran Xiao Chen!"

"Revenge for the dead!"

"The shadow killing clan's reputation is not to be provoked!"


In addition to the above four ethnic groups, other ethnic groups have more or less received information from each ethnic group and followed.

The Yasha tribe, the nightmare tribe, the terrestrial tribe, the celestial tribe, the one-eyed tribe, and so on, have all intervened in them, and a dark tide has risen from the demons, silently, and has become a stormy sea.

Now the dark tide is surging, once it explodes, there will be fierce collision fighting!


Terran, Forum Square.

There are 1 monks sitting cross-legged on 8 stone pillars. At the center of the square, it is the eight elders of that tribe.

"This time we have a meeting of ethnic elders. I don't need to talk to my husband about what is supposed to happen. I still need to make a decision as soon as possible and come up with a charter." Of the eight elders, the first to speak is still The Lord of Swords.

The voice was so cold that it was impossible to guess the true thoughts in his heart, and the faint voice spread throughout the space.

This weird voice dropped, and a whisper of voice was heard in an instant above the entire square, but no one spoke.

The elders' elder council, with eight elders as the elders, and the rest of the elders all belong to their subordinates, divided into different factions, and few can remain independent. So this group of elders meeting is just a matter of the bright side. The eight elders who can really make a decision are the idle elders who are not qualified to speak at all.

So the Lord of Ten Thousand Swords spoke and asked the other seven elders.

It was at the moment when his voice fell, there was a faint voice, gentle and indifferent, and it made people feel a sense of faintness when he heard it, but his mouth said that it made a few elders frown slightly.

"Ethnic trials, I and other senior members of the community cannot intervene at will, and let him show himself, the old man thinks that you and I should not intervene, reward and punish derogations, and wait until the end of the ethnic trials to agree.

Above the Jade Palace, it is called the Lord of Hanlin, one of the eight elders of the human race, the master of Confucianism and Taoism, and represents the whole Confucian attitude. It has a lot of power in the ethnic group. It has always been indifferent to intervene in human affairs. Once you speak, very few people don't give a little face.

After all, Confucianism and Taoism have a pivotal position in the entire human race.

However, as soon as the voice of the Lord of Hanlin just dropped, a faint voice was inserted without hesitation, and it was slightly cold in suddenness.

"The Lord of Hanlin's move is not appropriate. According to my human spies, the seniors of the demons, demons, unicorns, shadow killers, and other ethnic groups have made decisions, and accurate information indicates that the aliens will start from The first battlefield of the Trial of Trials calls on the powerful younger generations to go to the unicorn area, so-called self-evident. If faced with such a situation, my tribe will remain indifferent and leave it alone, it will certainly make countless people chill. "

"If so, who would dare to contribute to the community in the future."

"So, the old man thought that my people must take a tough attitude at this moment to respond to alien movements. My people are one of the strong people in the spirit world. If they are allowed to be bullied by their descendants, wouldn't they have to lose face!"

The voice came out and instantly attracted a lot of shocking eyes. I didn't understand that the person who had always been intimate with the Lord of Hanlin had a sudden conflict with him. The tone was rather cold and direct, and there was no secret in secret.

In the face of many sights, the Lord of the Sky's complexion was calm and did not reveal any slight color, but his eyes were flashing firm light, obviously he would not easily relax.

The master of Hanlin frowned slightly, still groaning slightly, and did not continue to speak, his eyes flashed helplessly.

"Haha, the two elders have their own reasons, but this time the aliens are secretly planning to be detrimental to the descendants of my tribe. No matter what, I must not stand by and should give some lessons to the aliens."

"Huh! This tribal trial, several times together to suppress my people, do you really think that I will not be angry when I wait."

The Lord of the Stars has a mysterious origin. According to rumors, it is a monk from the Nether Ascension, but it cannot be determined, but his magical power is unfathomable. He also has great power in human affairs. This opening has resolved Hanlin Zhi The tension between the Lord and the Lord of Heaven, but the meaning revealed is very clear.

Take a shot, and be sure to take a hard shot to completely defeat those who dare to offend the human prestige.

A bit of a different color flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Swords, and he looked at the Lord of the Stars lightly, and said, "My husband agrees."

The Lord of the Swords of Wan said that he had completely set the tone for this matter, and the other elders nodded in agreement.

"An alien tribe calls for a strong tribe from the first-level battlefield of the ethnic group. How can my tribe fall behind? It is said that my people and the monks in the tribal battlefield all go to the unicorn territory to protect, Xiao Chen!"

Either accidentally or intentionally, a predictable fierce collision is already inevitable!

The unicorn territory has once again been pushed to the forefront, and has become the spotlight of the entire spirit community!


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