Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 86: Supernatural body

"Brother Xiao Chen, rune-like body means the beginning of tempering the flesh. There may be some pain if you want to completely remove the drug residues in the body and the fatigue of absorption. If you ca n’t bear it, please remind me.? (August Chinese [{文 〈 Network

Lingzhi flashed a bit of intolerance while talking.

"Ganoderma is assured that if you do n’t support it, I will tell you." Xiao Chen closed her eyes slowly during the conversation.

Lingzhi gritted his teeth, twitched his arms, and crossed a beautiful arc. The scattered milky white rune rune in the void immediately followed, and shot instantly, falling directly on Xiao Chen. The rune, which is the body, instantly melts into the flesh and turns into a trace of subtle energy that suddenly penetrates into it.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly.


Pure extreme pain!

Little by little, dense linen can be found in every inch of flesh above and below the body, as if there are tens of thousands of tiny poisonous insects walking through the flesh.

But this level of pain may make the idle monk pale, sweaty, or screaming loudly, not coma, but it is too ordinary for Xiao Chen to speak, given the pain he has experienced, The pain of the quenching body at this moment is really nothing. Therefore, he just frowned, and lost the following, and even his complexion did not change much, as if the pain now was born to others.

This also made Ganoderma completely relieved, performing magical powers step by step, waving his hands, and the runes continued to appear, falling into the void like snowflakes, and falling into Xiao Chen's body after falling.

The drug residue was formed during the refining of the panacea because the combination of medicinal power could not be perfectly integrated. It is because of this that there is a saying that the panacea is graded with the same product. The same elixir can be roughly divided into three categories: upper, middle, and lower.

The best-in-class mirabilis is the most effective because of the perfect fusion of more than ninety-nine percent of its medicinal power and the maximum release of its efficacy.

The medium medicament has a slight deviation in the medicinal power fusion, but still has a not weak medicinal effect, and it is also a rare product.

Inferior Lingdan has the most medicinal waste residue, nearly 10%. That is to say, if you swallow a Xipin Dan, the medicine absorbed is equivalent to a waste that is harmful to the monk's body. As for the elixir of 10% of the medicine waste residue, it is not enough to be regarded as a panacea. The monk swallowing will not only have the effect of promoting cultivation, but also cause considerable harm to itself.

As for the perfect elixir without any trace of drug waste, it is not without, but it is called the best elixir. However, this elixir can only be produced by chance, and it has been treasured by the alchemist, and it can never be mass produced.

In the realm of cultivation, Xia Pin Dan is the most mainstream elixir. Zhong Pin Dan needs a certain power to enjoy it. As for Shang Pin Dan, it is difficult to buy spiritual stones. After all, although there are many monks who can refine the fine Dan in this world, they are all of the same status. They can only digest the elixir in a very small range, and it will never be passed on. Go out.

Therefore, in the realm of cultivation, as long as it is a monk, there will always be waste residues of elixir in the body, and how much depends on the amount of elixir taken by an individual.

Xiao Chen has practiced to this day, and there is an alchemy of alchemy in hand, and the elixir naturally accounts for a large amount, so the drug residue accumulated in his body is definitely not a minority. He had already anticipated this.

Although the physical body suffered huge pains, Xiao Chen did not close the six senses because of this, but the more careful to probe the physical changes. It is not that he wants to find his own sins, but that he wants to know where the lingering drug residues are hidden.

Time passed by, and for a whole hour, everything was normal in the physical body, and there was no change except for the severe pain. Even though Xiao Chen's consciousness continued to sweep, he didn't notice anything. But even so, his face remained calm, without any slight impatience. Just because he believed that Ganoderma would never intentionally let him suffer. There was no change, just that the time had not yet come.

Sure enough, when he was thinking, his ears suddenly heard Ganoderma lucidum drinking, "Brother Xiao Chen, be careful, I'm moving!"

Whispering, the energy of the silk that had penetrated into the flesh suddenly trembled, and then the pain suffered by the flesh suddenly soared, each flesh was trembling violently, as if in deep water and hot, sweat burst out and soaked the robe of the body.

Xiao Chen groaned in his mouth, his face was pale, but his body remained motionless, showing complete relaxation. Flesh and blood is painful, he will shrink subconsciously, and he can still completely relax in the current situation, which shows that his ability to control his own body has reached a very high level.

Although suffering now, he didn't focus on it, but paid close attention to the changes in his body.

Drug residues finally appeared.

From the extremely deep flesh and bone marrow, a trace of black matter was forcibly peeled off. They were tightly adhered to the deep part of the bone marrow, and some even the bone marrow had merged. If you want to exclude it completely, you can guess only by imagination. What kind of pain do I have to endure here? Tongming's cultivating magical powers is truly a magical power of the left eyebrow dojo. Even though the drug residue is extremely stubborn, it is still unable to resist at this moment. It is slowly but firmly removed from the depth of the blood marrow, wrapped and swallowed, and turned into some kind of gray mud. Flesh and blood are excreted along the pores.

These drug residues are deeply hidden. If Ganoderma is not forced to take it out, Xiao Chen believes that even a monk in the heavens and the world cannot detect this, let alone force it out of the body.

God was watching the tension tightly, but after a moment, his brows couldn't help wrinkling even tighter.

Nowadays, although a lot of drug residues are forcibly forced out of the body, there is still a dense black residue in the bone marrow that is swept away by the consciousness, which is quite tough. Even if the energy of the quenching body continues to pass, it cannot be taken away.

"Lingzhi, step up some efforts and try to clear up the drug residues in my body with a go-ahead."

Xiao Chen spoke faintly, her voice calm, but there was no doubt. The inability to remove the drug residues in the body is not because the diarrhea is illusive, but that the girl Ganoderma lucidum is worried that Xiao Chen suffers and does not go all out.

Ganoderma gazing at Brother Xiao Chen's calm face, biting his teeth, his **** tangled suddenly. Although the action is beautiful, the consequences are extremely amazing. The rune slowly floating in the void, suddenly like Out of control, falling suddenly, as if the torrential showers directly integrated into Xiao Chen's body.



There was a slight burst of flesh from Xiao Chen's body, making his face suddenly red, but he still clenched his teeth and said nothing. Now that the drug residues in his body have caused him to accumulate so far, he must be cleared up all at once, otherwise he will be more troublesome if he wants to do it in the future.

Today, even if you have some hardships, you have to do it!

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