Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 94: Wang Fatzi

The Shangyuan Auction House is also a well-known large-scale alliance auction field in the human race field, with a strong background. There is also a temporary auction house in this group's trial human race base, which shows how powerful it is. Bayi Chinese Network W] W] W]. ] 8> 1> 1W. Com

Pan Shi and others were obviously taken seriously by the auction house. They were directly invited to a separate private room, and there was a charming maid to serve the citron, and the service was quite thoughtful.

Pan Shi sat down on Wen Yu futon cross-legged, stretched out a comfortable waist, took out a storage ring, and said, "This harvest most of the treasures are in it. Friends of Greenland Tao look at it and give an estimate. A price tag. "

After finishing talking, I patted my head and turned to Xiao Chen, saying, "Brother Liuyun, your brothers will settle accounts. You did not contribute to the treasure this time, but you did n’t have any share when sharing the stolen goods. The face is not happy. When the next hunt, according to the size of the output, we will definitely have your share of the treasure. "

Xiao Chen nodded, and said, "Friends of the Rock Taoist rest assured that they can't get their work done. This is what Liu Yun knows."

"Hey, that's good." Pan Shiyan held up the jade tea cup and drank it, then shook his head dissatisfied, and poked his mouth: "These teas that are so light and delicious are still delicious, or big bowls of wine The bowl of meat is a pleasure. "

After speaking, he took out an altar and drank it himself.

The others Wang Hu, Jin Shang, etc. whispered, and from time to time they uttered a few "Hey" laughed, quite ambiguous between them, apparently talking about something that is not suitable for children.

Lan Qiu rolled her eyes in disdain and sat away a little, making it clear that she did not want to be with them.

As for the indifferent female barley, she constantly grabbed treasures from the storage ring, put it down after identification, and put it away by the fat man who carefully waited for it, holding a black and white jade in one hand. Abacus crackling.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered a little, and a little was born in his heart. Obviously, the transaction between Pan Shi et al. And the indifferent female young couple was not the first time, and a more trusting relationship had been established with each other, otherwise it would not have been possible to sell treasures. It was so easy.

Judging from the treasures taken by the indifferent women, the team of the rock team is really not weak. Some of the treasures are not weak. They are not just things for friars. Being able to take them into your hands is enough. Prove these.

Although the treasures are not a few, fortunately, the appraisal is not slow. After about an hour, they have all been cleared up. The cold female barley frowned slightly, then slowly lowered her head and lifted up a moment later, saying, "At the current price, Last 10%. "

The fat man heard that a large face like a disc suddenly wrinkled in pain, like a chrysanthemum, his eyes begged to look at his wife, waited for a moment, but he gave up his hands and crackled on the abacus. Below, the mellow fingers trembled slightly, showing how uncomfortable my heart was.

"Panshi Daoyou, the harvest price has already come out. It has been converted into a spiritual stone, a total of 3.286,34 million. I wonder if this price Daoyou is satisfied?"

The fat man had a pale face, a weak tone, and a listless look.

Pan Shi nodded, and cursed with a smile: "Well, don't make such a look, we are not the first time to trade, you can't lie to me. But this price is really fair, well, the deal has been made."

More than 3 billion spirit stones are already a great asset for monks crossing the robbery. This rock promises to be refreshing. Presumably, the treasures have been roughly valued before. But looking at his unfavorable joy, obviously the price made him very satisfied.

The fat man nodded, his grievance and pain disappeared instantly, and he grinned, and all the treasures in his hands and feet were put into storage.

The cold female sips a sip of tea, and then she said lightly, "The price has already been negotiated. I don't know how the Taoist friends want to settle it. Is it all converted with spirit stones or exchanged for other treasures."

"Instead of baby, Lingshi ca n’t eat, drink, or drink. It ’s useless to stay on the body. Otherwise, maybe one day it suddenly hangs, but it is cheap for others.”

"Elixir, runes, magic weapons, as long as they are all useful."

Pan Shi waved his hand and snorted contentedly, full of alcohol.

Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Lan Qiu, Jiang Chen, Ye Xi and others didn't say much behind him. Obviously, everything was based on this rock.

"Okay, Wang Huahua, take out the picture, shadow and jade, and display the treasure information for several Taoist friends to choose." The indifferent female aunt waved and said lightly.

Wang Huahua?

This dead fat man actually has such a name, and it really has a very personality,

Xiao Chen looked dull, Pan Shi and others held back their smiles, but laughed after Qiu Lan made a "thump".

Wang Huahua suddenly burst into tears and looked at her maiden with sorrow, thinking that we had already said it, and she would never mention my real name in front of outsiders, you maiden!

For a time, Wang Fatzi was silent, and his tears were in his heart.

However, after Tuwen Yujian came out, everyone converged, and his face showed a clear meaning. Even Lan Qiu couldn't wait to continue joking, and his beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, apparently he was quickly picking the treasure he wanted .

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, looking at the shadows in the void, and his eyes flashed a little bit surprised. This Shangyuan auction house was indeed no small one. The treasures listed were many and many were cherished.

Seven leaves and seven flowers produce a leaf every millennium, and then bloom a flower every other millennium. After full seventeen thousand years of seven leaves and seven flowers, it can fully mature, amazing efficacy, can be highly toxic, and improve monk toxin resistance .

Three feet and three feet of gold and silver grass, two leaves of one grass, one gold and one silver, can grow one foot in the millennium, and it takes 33 thousand years to fully mature. It is an indispensable auxiliary material for refining and upgrading to elixir. A complete refining and chemical plant can help monk monk monks to upgrade a realm in an instant, but it is a rare treasure.

Xuanwen Nebula Dan is made from Xuanwen Nebula Inner Dan, which can instantly restore all losses in the body, envelop the Yuanshen body without any adverse toxic and side effects, and it is tantamount to an extra life at a critical moment.

Extremely heavy water, from pure to yin-water spirit treasures, can be refined into water system treasures. For the water monks, they are rare treasures.


There are so many treasures that you can't list them all-inclusive, but you can't think of them, you can't find them, it's dazzling enough.

Although more than 3o spirit stones are not a decimal, they are not enough to look at in front of these treasures.

Therefore, for the first time, the meaning of a helpless bitter smile appeared on Pan Shi's face, lamenting: "Every time you see me, you take out this picture of the shadow jade, I have a kind of desire to rob you Shangyuan auction desperately Okay. "

"This grandma has so many babies!"

Wang Hu, Jin Shang and others swallowed a spit of foam and nodded again and again, apparently agreeing with Pan Shi's statement.

The indifferent female barbarians looked cold and cold, and they did not reveal a slight bit of color, and said indifferently: "With your strength, if you do, you will be killed if you cannot get out of the gate."

A word of panic rock and others rolled their eyes.

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