Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 97: Dayan Dragon Spirit Dan

Lan Qiu was slightly surprised that Xiao Chen didn't follow Pan Shi and others to Huamanlou, but didn't say much, just glanced at Xiao Chen a little, and he didn't lead the way. [[Bayi? {

Xiao Chen's face was calm. Since the woman did not speak, he was happy and quiet, and naturally he wouldn't talk much. The two kept silent, crossed a dozen streets, and stopped in front of a small courtyard.

Lan Qiu frowned slightly, Yu Guang swept across Xiao Chen without any traces, paused briefly, and raised his hand from the inside of his robe sleeve, shook slightly, and immediately shot a white jade coat. Jade rushes out and merges into the guardianship of the courtyard, which immediately causes ripples, spreading like circles of water.


Like a blister on the lake, the ban outside the hospital opened.

Lan Qiulian raised her foot and took the lead inward. When the figure was about to disappear, a cold voice came from far away. "The West Chamber is my residence, and no one is allowed to approach it without my permission." Alienation.

Xiao Chen had a slight pause at his feet without revealing the slightest difference in color, nor did he open his mouth. His feet went straight to a vacant room in the east. Although he did not explain, he expressed his meaning very clearly.

It turned out that Lan Qiu thought she had never gone to Huamanlou and secretly thought of her. No wonder her performance was so cold. After thinking about this, Xiao Chen was not upset, but just shook his head slightly. The Qing person cleared himself, and besides, he did not explain her mood.

Standing in the room, the thoughts moved slightly, and the torrent of consciousness suddenly dissipated slowly, converging the breath to the extreme, and it did not spread out at all. As the water generally swept around, it was sure that there was no abnormality, and then nodded slightly. The next layer of restraint is placed in the hands. Although the power is not very strong, it is sufficient to isolate the atmosphere and provide early warning.

Taking a step forward, sitting cross-legged on the futon, Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and her eyes were cloudy for a while, and her thoughts were clearly rolling in her mind.

Zuo Mei Taoist retreat practiced in 21ooo years, Xiao Chen ’s strength soared, physical quality continued to be tempered by mana, and it has also been greatly improved, but to this day, the second realm of Xuantian ’s "Xuantian" has not yet broken through, and he has been stuck. At the pinnacle level, it is not too far from the third realm to be too imperial. The so-called difference of a thousand miles, the star point gap, is to bind Xiao Chen firmly, otherwise, if it succeeds in breaking through to the realm of the emperor, its combat power will surely rise again, and it can truly possess this vast spirit. The means to settle down in the world. Nowadays, the three-body cultivation has reached the peak of the calamity, and the promotion of heaven and earth does not know when it can be achieved. Therefore, breaking through the mysterious fetus to promote the emperor is undoubtedly the best means of cultivation at present.

However, the mysterious and obscure method of "Xuantian" is a mysterious method derived from the golden seal of the inverse sky. The effect is shocking. It is difficult to break through. How can we break through? Xiao Chen had no clue in his mind and had to do this. Euphemistically told Shu Bo, only to hide the existence of the anti-Golden Seal, and to inadvertently gain. This is not to believe in Shubo, but to be reluctant to cause nuisances, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Originally, I just held an attempt mentality. I didn't want Shubo to really have a solution. That is to refining a kind of **** body of the Great Thousand Realms——Dayan Dragon Soul Dan, swallow this Dan and forcefully break through the physical limit!

The dragon blood is used as the material, the dragon dan is the essence, the dragon soul is the guide, and 36o kinds of rare spirits are added. It is evolved through the number of days, and it is refined by performing mystery. It pays attention to the increase of physical power and medicinal strength. Depending on the use of dragon blood , Long Dan, Dragon Soul quality. However, as long as the material meets the requirements and is refined into Dan, the lowest grade can reach 1o Pin Sheng Ling, and it is all 1o Pin Dan that is medicinal and focused on physical power improvement. Once it is refined, it can be converted into endless pure energy. Help Xiao Chen break through the immediate slap, physically break through the mysterious body, promote to the realm of the emperor, and then the combat power soars, and he is fearless!

Da Yan Dragon Soul Dan Danfang and its refining method are clearly remembered by Shubo. The necessary elixir is searched from the left eyebrow doctor's hall with the help of Ganoderma lucidum. With a little effort, I can surely get it all together. Only one of the golden fruits of the stone and wood, a colorful flower of the Seven Spirits, a ray of earth and thick earth that condenses the power of medicine into Dan, is cherished, and can even be said to be spiritual. The world is extinct. It is difficult to get it!

Shi Mujian's golden fruit is a kind of ancient flood tree. Its texture is stronger than gold stones. Water and fire do not invade. Swords are difficult to injure. It absorbs Zhou Tian's spiritual energy into its own energy and grows very slowly. It can grow for an inch in 10,000 years. Counting from the birth of the broken shell, this tree grows an inch every 10,000 years. It can be transformed into a tree shape in 100,000 years. It can be luxuriant in 50 years, and it can bear fruit in 1oo years. Once the results begin, the entire body energy will be swallowed up, and when the fruit matures, the tree will die.

It brings together the majestic energy absorbed by this ancient flood-dead spirit tree for millions of years. It is needless to say how effective this stone tree is. According to the rumors of the spiritual world, this fruit was born 10 million years ago in the South of the Wilderness. Immediately, a group of strong people from the top of the ethnic group fought wildly. The battle was earth-shattering. It's like a catastrophe! The final result of this battle is not known. It is rumored that the demons eventually paid a large price to take it away, and the future is unknown. Since then, there has been no news of Shi Mujian's golden fruit in the spirit world.

Seven spirits colorful yin and yang flowers, born with spirits, are divided into seven colors, and evolved into seven petals, one spirit and one color for each, showing red orange yellow green blue blue purple, born in the sun, sucking the sun essence at night, and sucking the yin-essence at night It is extremely rare, and it is also a rare treasure in the flood days. In the spiritual realm where treasures are scarce today, it is difficult to find them and put them into the hands of a haystack.

The air of thick earth, the place where the earth's veins converge, and the concentration of rich earth energy, a ray of innate air that can be formed in the world after thousands of years, represents the earth's thick solidity, accommodates some, transforms and converges, and fuses all spiritual medicine. Helps Lingtan take shape. This substance is extremely important. It needs to be added at the end of the formation of the elixir. The ability to master the time and heat is extremely high. The medicine can not reach its limit in the early one minute, and the medicine is scattered in the late one, resulting in a reduction in the quality of the medicine.

Among the three, Shi Mujian's golden fruit and seven spirits and colorful yin and yang flowers have all been recorded in the spiritual realm. They did come out and were taken away by monks. Only the air of the earth and the thick soil belongs to the legendary existence. The ancient tradition has been passed down to the world, but what exactly is born and what its characteristics are are not recorded at all.

The earth vein is located at the very deep ground, but it is the earth's pulse. It is extremely important. Once destroyed, the earth will collapse instantly, a volcano will explode, and an extinct disaster will be formed. It can be recovered by non-human resources. Such an important thing is naturally hidden so deeply that it will never be easily noticed. Otherwise, if everyone can find the ground, I am afraid that the vast spiritual realm has long since disappeared and is destroyed.

Xiao Chen thought of this, but he didn't feel a bit of a bitter smile on his face. If these may be solved before, the following point is enough to stop him.

Dragon Blood, Dragon Dan, Dragon Soul!

These three things will not appear in the hands for no reason. If you want to get them, you must kill the dragon! And in order to ensure the potency of the main medicine, to ensure that the elixir can be formed, the weakest dragon animal selected must also reach the level of heaven and human five realms, otherwise the dragon blood, dragon dan, and dragon soul cannot meet the use standards, even if they do not have it. Use it for nothing. If it were just these, it might be possible to use other treasures or astronomical spirits as the price to exchange these three main medicines for income, but this simply did not work.

Refining this Dan, in order to ensure the medicinal power, you must use Dragon Blood, Dragon Dan, Dragon Soul within half an hour after killing the Dragon Beast, otherwise it will be invalid!

Dragon and Beast of Heaven and Man.

Used after half an hour of killing.

Not to mention that the Dragons are the emperor group among the demons. They rarely respect the status of leaving the demons and act alone. They want to kill them and take the material on them. Alchemy, especially Xiao Chen ’s strength, may kill them. Sex is almost zero.

Therefore, this big Yanlong Soul Pill is more like a big cake that can be seen but can't be touched, with a seductive fragrance, and it knows that it is very delicious, but no matter how hard you try, it is not enough.

Whenever I think of this, Xiao Chen's heart will give birth to a lot of helplessness.

Although it is clear that the possibility is not high, there is no other better way at present, so Xiao Chen still keeps a close eye on the news of Shi Mujian's golden fruit, colorful spirits and colorful flowers, and the earth's thick earth. At the auction hall of Shangyuan today Although there are many treasures included in the figure shadow jade bamboo slips that the fat man brought out, there are even several materials that are needed by Dayan Dragon Spirit Dan, but they do not contain the three treasures he really needs.

For this, Xiao Chen was not disappointed. After all, the treasure of this world is so precious, and he did not intend to take it into his hands so easily.

As for dragon blood, dragon dan and dragon soul, not to mention their own strength issues, it is useless before collecting all other materials. Why think about it, all the fate is that if you have the chance, you will be able to get it in the future.

After thinking for a while in this secret, I reluctantly suppressed the unwillingness in my heart, and my mood returned to the ancient state of wavelessness again. There is no news about the treasure now. The most important thing for him is to understand the information of the ethnic battlefield today, so that he can make corresponding arrangements in order to profit from it. Joining the Rock Squad today is probably a wonderful opportunity to reintegrate into the ethnic battlefield with a new identity, and perhaps have unexpected gains.

Just when Xiao Chen's thoughts were rolling in his mind, he suddenly raised his eyes, flashed his eyes slightly, showed a little surprise, and hesitated. He waved his hand to break the restraint outside the room and got up to push the door away.

Lan Qiu Qiaosheng was standing outside the door, but at the moment she could not help showing a little anxiety on her good face. When she saw Xiao Chen for the first time, she quickly said, "Hua Manlou, Brother Rock. They problem occurs."

After all, turned and left.

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