[The mistakes in the title in the previous chapter are indeed very low-level. Eight. 〕 8) 1> ZW. I will probably check each chapter of the COM before publishing, and pay more attention to it as much as possible in the future. Today's update, using the company's computer to sneak codes, can you feel this feeling? I don't know if the decision to go to Qingdao is correct. I am tired from work. . . Bowed and stepped down, everyone reading. 】

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At that time, things were not complicated, or rather old-fashioned. Li Yunqi took a fancy to the Rock Aristocrats and came forward to ask for it. Then he secretly started and started when Rock and others left the gathering place of the human race to hunt for aliens.

During a killing, several monks that Pan met met scorned. The apostles did not want to be humiliated, and they blew themselves on the spot. Only the rock relied on a strange treasure in their hands to kill the encirclement and seriously wound away.

The matter has only been explained once, without elaborating. After all, mentioning the events of the year is already a torture to the rock, and naturally no one has the root cause.

"That's how it happened. After I escaped, I found a Dongfu secretly wounded, and turned around to come here, which led to the previous thing."

"This is a great pain in my heart. I have been secretive before, and I ask your brothers to forgive me."

Pan Shi said, although it has been hundreds of years, when he mentioned it, his face was still irreversibly dimmed.

The crowd was silent, and Xiao Chen spoke a moment later, and said quietly: "Now the Rock Taoist friends finally have to take revenge, and personally killed the culprit Li Yunqi, presumably they know it underground and can rest in peace."

Pan Shi nodded, smiled barely, and his face looked better.

"Your friends in Yunyun are right, it is already a blessing to be able to get revenge now." Speaking of this, he could not help but frown slightly, showing a little anxiety on his face, "but after a few days After the incident, I have completely resented the Li family, and in the manner of the Li family, I will never give up. "

"Because of the rock, I am very disturbed to involve all the brothers. When the trial of the ethnic group is over, the brothers will be separated from the rock. Presumably, the only one who the Li family wants to kill is me. Maybe this can protect yours. life."

When it comes to the Li family, Pan Shi's face is full of anxiety, and obviously he is very pessimistic about his future.

"Ha ha ha ha! What did Brother Rock say? This time, I took a shot against the Li family, but our brothers and a few of us worked together. Do you really think we can save our lives if we are separated?"

"We are not unaware of the Li family's means of action. We must report defects, and we will resort to harsh methods. Those who offend them will never escape. If we stay together, we may still be able to fight back in the face of strangulation. It's easy to break one by one. "

"Our rock team brothers will share our common interests in the future. Whatever the storm is, we will bear it together. The Li family is strong. Although we are not opponents, they want to get started and find our way. But we can't hide it. What. "

Jin Shang said with a smile, but he was quite relaxed, diluting the slightly dignified atmosphere a lot.

"That's right, our brothers are working together. We may not be able to escape the Li family's strangulation. Maybe when we are strong, we can fight against the Li family." Wang Humo fisted his hands, eager to try.

"Well, brother Wang Hu, it is rumored that the Li family has an elder elder, which is a terrifying existence. In addition, there are at least a dozen people in the heaven and earth. This ,,, This kind of strength, we really have a chance to have a trick with others, I am afraid that a face-to-face will be directly shot dead. "Ye Xi hesitated.

Wang Hu's action suddenly froze, turning and staring at him fiercely, resentfully: "Close your mouth, no one will treat you as a dumb."

"Don't beat the Li family. I'm not allowed to fantasize about whether your boy has itchy skin lately. Would the brothers wait for a good workout?"

With both hands clenching his fists, he used a little force, and suddenly there was a crackling sound, full of violent tendencies.

Ye Xi narrowed his neck and immediately became honest, saying nothing.

Lan Qiu and Jiang Chen laughed together.

There was also a smile on Xiao Chen's face, and he nodded secretly in his heart. In this sinister and deceptive cultivation world, the friendship between such brothers is rarely seen. If he can do his best, he is willing to help Panshi and others. Avoid the robbery of the Li family.

This cultivation world is cold enough, and some of the warmth of existence should let him keep it.

Pan Shi nodded gratefully. It was common sense to be filled with high friends and frustrated Luo Luoque in the lobby. However, at this moment of crisis, it is extremely rare to still have the support of brothers. Seeing true feelings in so-called adversity is nothing more than that.

"Okay! In this case, my brothers and I will work together to cope with the Li family's killing. My rock swears today that if it is true that it is difficult to escape, it will definitely die before you friends!"

The decisive voice is enough to sense the firm conviction.

Everyone was trying to continue to discuss the countermeasures, but at this moment, a letter of jade Jane suddenly flew in from the courtyard and fell directly into the hall.

The rock frowned slightly, and waved it into the hand. There was no difference in Yuanshen induction, so a little divine thought came into it. After a few breaths, it lifted up, showing a little complex color on the face. He looked at Xiao Chen without any trace. "Everyone goes out with me to meet the guests."

The gathering place of the people here is under the control of the Liu family secretly. Although the person who knows this is not known, the rock has a bit of news, so after seeing the willow family emblem marked in the jade letter of Chuanxin, he naturally guessed. The identity of the person.

The Liu family now came to the door. He could guess what was the so-called thing. There was only a sigh in his heart, but he didn't mean anything to stop him.

Rock up, Jin Shang, Wang Hu, Lan Qiu and others are unknown. Therefore, only Xiao Chen frowned secretly, only Pan Shi's gaze was quite meaningful, and he did not hide his feelings. Could it be that there is nothing to do with him? ?

Thinking like this, he stood up calmly and headed out.

However, if you take a closer look, you can now see that, including Pan Shi and others, are walking behind Xiao Chen intentionally or unintentionally. In the field of cultivation, seniors are ranked. The focus is on the monks. On the battlefield that day, Xiao Chen has already revealed Strong enough so he can get the respect he deserves.

When he came outside, Panshi waved his hand to break the restraint, and laughed in his mouth, "I don't know which distinguished guest of the Liu family came to the door, and he had a long-distance welcome. Please forgive me."

The sound did not fall, and the courtyard door opened on its own. A normal-looking but full-bodied monk stepped in, his eyes calmly glanced at several people. Although he did not show his ostentation, he had a certain high degree. meaning.

Come, it is the Liu family Liu Baisheng. As the young master Liu Dongbo is convinced, this person's vision is undoubtedly very high. Although the Rock team is famous, he can't be regarded by him. To the rock's greeting, this man arched his hand slightly, and it should be considered, until his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, this was a slight meal, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Liuyun Taoists are polite. In Xia Liu family, Liu Sheng, today I was ordered by Master Dongbo to come and invite Tao friends to join my Liu family and become a monk of the Liu family."

"As long as you enter the Liu family, all the troubles of Dao You will be resolved by the natural family. It will definitely not hurt you. How about this? I also ask Dao You to consider one or two and give me a reply as soon as possible."

The Terran Liu family wants to attract Liuyun!

The corner of the rock's mouth showed a bit of bitterness, and the secret passage was as he thought. Also, with Liuyun Taoyou's cultivation and qualifications, it is enough to win the favor of the Liu family.

Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Jiang Chen, Ye Xi, and others changed their faces, opened their mouths and wanted to speak, but said nothing. What did they say, would they persuade Liu Yun to stay and drink with them at the Li family? They have saved them once, and there is no need or reason to accompany them to death. With Liu Yun's qualifications along the forbidden road, he will be vigorously cultivated by the Liu family in the future. He will certainly be able to fly into the sky in the future. This opportunity, if they are replaced, I am afraid that he will not be able to give up.

Lan Qiu clenched her lips tightly, not at a glance. Although she hoped that Brother Liuyun would refuse, she knew clearly and promised that it was the most wise choice now.

For a moment, the faces of the Rock Squad's people fluctuated, and their thoughts were rolling.

Liu Baisheng said that his relaxed expression did not mean dignity. Obviously, he didn't worry too much about the matter. If you think about it, in the name of the Li family, it is the young master who personally opens the invitation. This kind of honor, this temptation, who can refuse.

This flowing cloud can't!

After the day of the deathmatch fight, Liu Dongbo did not let Liu Baisheng immediately come in contact with Xiao Chen because of some scruples, but instead let him find an opportunity to do it. I didn't want Xiao Chen to retreat immediately, and put things off to this day. After receiving the news, confirming that Xiao Chen had left the customs, the man went straight.

I thought that Liu Yun would get the news and he would be glad to respond to the matter. He didn't want to wait and wait. Seeing his frowning, he looked hesitant, not only made Liu Baisheng secretly angry, but he secretly said that Not weak, but too arrogant, and in the face of the invitation of the young master, he also wanted to master it.

"Ah! Xiao Chen, you friends, our Liu family is one of the large forces in the human race. There are countless monks who want to join the family every year. This is an opportunity that everyone wants but still can't ask for. You must take good care of it. "

"The young man's temperament is the most dislike of waiting. Dao You'd better give me an answer immediately. If you don't want to, don't worry. My Liu family doesn't have a small airway, so it's difficult for you.

Liu Baisheng opened his mouth a little indifferently, which was quite oppressive.

When I was invited by the young master, I still wanted to hold my identity. I'm afraid I want more benefits! Huh! With my Liu Baisheng here, you have such a small idea.

Liu Baisheng confessed that he had given enough pressure to Xiao Chen, and I am afraid he will give an answer soon.

As he expected, Xiao Chen frowned, and then nodded, indicating that a decision had been made, but it was not the answer Liu Baisheng wanted.

"Trouble going back to the master of the Tamarix family, Liu Yunxianyunye is used to it, and he doesn't like being restrained. His good intentions are in the heart. I can't agree to the invitation."

The voice is calm, but the firmness in it is clear and tangible. There is no room for turning back.

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