Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 119: auctions

[This is the third update yesterday. I updated it before going to bed. Why didn't it.

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Pan Shi thanked Xiao Chen for a glance and gave a fist. "Liuyun Taoyou has many gratitude. I will not say thank you any more. In the future, whenever Daoyou is ordered, he will not hesitate to go to the fire!"

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a few moments and said, "Dissatisfaction with Liuyun Taoist, that Wen Sanniang has a lot of affection for me. Pan Shi is not a ruthless and unrighteous person, nor does she care about her origin, just because of her previous hatred. I have n’t reported it, and I do n’t know how long I can live in peace, so I have been avoiding it. But now I have revenge, if I have the opportunity, the troubled Liuyun Taoist asks her, if you are willing to flee with me, I will live there You will find me in the city of fire. "

Xiao Chen nodded.

After half an hour, a ray of light rose from the sky, and then disappeared in a flash.

The rock stood at the entrance of the cave, looked at Fuyu in his hand, and gave a deep gift in the direction of Xuguang's departure.

The reason is without him, only because this amulet is called a teleportation amulet, which can only be made by the strong men from the three realms of heaven and man.


Above the void, there was a scream of light.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and his eyes flickered. Obviously, his thoughts were writhing. The direction of this trip is exactly the meeting point of the people who left before. In addition to helping Pan Shi understand his wish, the more important point is the jade bamboo slip he received before. This jade slip is an invitation letter from the Shangyuan Auction House, which invites monks to attend the auction conference. If it was only an ordinary auction, Xiao Chen's current vision of repair could not be taken to heart, but this auction is absolutely unusual.

The Shangyuan Auction Hall does not only exist in the human race, but is a powerful organization that crosses the countless ethnic groups in the spiritual realm. They trade fairly, hold a neutral attitude in the game and fight against all ethnic groups in the spiritual realm, and believe in the principle of the supremacy of the spiritual stone. Stubbornly survived the cracks between the major ethnic groups. But to this day, no one knows to what extent the power of the Shangyuan Auction Hall is overpowering. This behemoth, like an arabesque, is attached to various ethnic groups and exists on the vast land of the spiritual realm.

This auction is intended to be held during the ethnic trial in Shangyuan Auction Hall. The treasures are precious and are used to meet many young ethnic groups who have not fully risen. In their invitation Jade Jane, there is a simple introduction of the treasures in the auction. They are extremely precious and extremely rare. But what attracted Xiao Chen the most was one of them.

Yes, it's a waste.

This Dan is called Shimu Dan. It is ordinary and strange. It is black and looks like an ordinary stone. However, the main ingredient for refining this Dan has a blind flavor. It is the Shimu Jianguo!

Refined into waste dan, the medicinal power merged into the spotted toxin, has been abandoned, if it falls into the hands of others, it is useless, but for Xiao Chen, it is very different. He has already consulted Shubo for advice and obtained the means to extract the medicinal power of the Shimujian Golden Fruit from the waste Dan. As long as the waste Dan is in hand, he is equivalent to directly obtaining a Shimujian Golden Fruit!

If this opportunity is missed, I am afraid that this life may not meet a second time!

Therefore, at this auction in Shangyuan, he will definitely participate on time, and he must buy the Shimudan game, and absolutely must not be lost!

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes, his eyes flashed, and his blue shirt hunted, and black turned and flew, and went straight to the junction of heaven and earth.


In the courtyard, stone tables and chairs, purple sand teapots, Wenyu tea cups, the best rain foreground clouds.

Bai Jing's thin fingertips protruded from the inside of the robe sleeve, picked up a few pieces of tea at will, and threw it into the boiling water, shaking each side three times. The dried tea was irrigated by water and slowly straightened his back. The aroma of tea, which is strong but not disgusting, permeates the surroundings.

Making tea is something that Pang Lianyun must do every day. His actions are gentle and gentle, but he can calm the restlessness in his heart and temper his mood. For hundreds of years since a leg injury, there has never been a break.

But today, although his movements are smooth and smooth, and there is no difference from before, his eyes are not as relaxed as usual, and his excitement is manifested from time to time.

Selling the rock and getting the Li family's promise can help him heal his legs at a great cost.

Pang Lianyun was so excited and did so. Except for the initial unease and guilt, all that remained in his heart was full of expectations and joy. As for the end of Pan Shi and others, he didn't care. As the saying goes, people do n’t think for themselves, and it does n’t matter if he does.

The tea was washed well, and it was sniffed under the nose. Pang Lianyun's brows frowned slightly. Xu was the cause of the stillness in my heart today. But thinking that this cup of tea was not drunk by himself, he frowned.

"Brother Rock, you have kindness to me. This cup of tea is my respect for you, Huang Quan Road, go well."

The two Celestial Forces sent by the Li family were clear about this, and naturally understood that none of the members of the Rock Squad could escape, maybe they had already made that underground soul.

In doing things neatly and without leaving any hidden dangers, Pang Lianyun is undoubtedly very satisfied with his performance, which not only benefits him, but also doesn't cause trouble.

With a triumphant smile, the person moved his hand slightly, and then he wanted to pour the tea cup into the ground.

But at this moment, Pang Lianyun's body in a wheelchair was stiff, just because there was a faint footsteps behind him.

He turned on the courtyard ban, didn't receive any warnings about how the people came in, and didn't show up until a few feet behind him. Cold sweat suddenly emerged in the younger generations, instantly moisturizing their robes.

But at this moment, he didn't show anything strange. He seemed to stretch his arm and accidentally landed on the wheelchair armrest. Pang Lianyun made a few strokes of joy, and he printed a telegraph rune in the wheelchair. , He will be able to teleport and leave directly, and arrive at a cave where he has already been placed.

But at this moment, his eyes were suddenly wide, and his body was under pressure, and he could no longer move.

Monk Qingpao came slowly, sitting in front of the stone table, watching Pang Lianyun look scared, slowly shaking his head, pouring a cup of tea for himself, drinking, then got up and walked away.

Pang Lianyun didn't mean to relax at all, but his eyes showed endless despair. The next moment, his glaring eyes suddenly dimmed, and he lost all the light, his pupils shrinking slowly and squarely.

At this moment, the monk Qingpao stepped down, and his figure penetrated the out-of-hospital restraint and disappeared into it.

From beginning to end, nothing was said.

For those who must die, there is no need to waste their tongues.


Fireworks willow alley, full of flowers.

The sapphire glass flower platform, the surrounding flowers are red willow green, and the silk and bamboo wind music come leisurely. There is a reverberation of that delicate and refined song. In conjunction with the graceful dancing poses of the beauties on the stage, it makes people like forest fairyland.

Gentle township, hero grave.


The singing is beautiful and the dance is tempting, but no one notices it at this moment. The beauty who uploaded the song and dance doesn't even frown slightly at this moment, showing a sorrowful sorrow.

At the end of the dance, the wide robe sleeves were raised, and Yingying bent down to salute. The gauze silk skirt covered on the body was slightly tightened, and the exquisite curve was immediately sketched. Subtle charm.

Wen Sanniang got up, and wanted to turn back, and didn't want a sudden flash of light in front of him. A drunk monk with a drooling face jumped to the stage with a salivation, and said strangely, "San Niang, you and I have already been more than a hundred Zai has never been affectionate, so why don't you continue to be the frontier this time and be the dew dweller of that night? "

This person's voice was vain, without any concealment, and the surrounding monks listened to it clearly. Suddenly there were those who were good at it.

"Yes, such a graceful singing voice, seductive dance, watching me wait for the fire to rise in my heart. Today, being preempted by a Taoist friend, I have nothing to say. I will come to a pro-Fangze in the future."

"Haha, this little lady is indeed beautiful and worthy of her title."

"Tao friendly blessing, just do not know if San Niang will agree."

"That is, I don't know if the beauties are interested in the Taoist friends. If not, we can also ask the beauties. Who can be the guest of the curtain today? It's too early, too soon."

Hearing the surrounding words, Wen Sannian's eyes showed a bit of shame, but she didn't dare to show it. At the moment, she could only accompany the smiling face, and said, "Where the uncle said, Sannian has never been dispatched *. To become a guest in a slave's house is not inevitable, but it can't be so anxious, it is necessary to give the slave's house some time. "

"Ha ha ha ha! The beauty joked, you and I knew it, and now it can only be revisited in the old place. You and I are familiar with each other, and we need to waste this unnecessary time. Let's go back to the room. ** It's a pity to waste a moment. "

The drunk monk "haha" laughed, and was forced to pull it away.

Wen Sannian's face changed slightly, and she was trying hard to break free, but the monk turned her head directly, her eyes were cold, and her mouth was scornful. "It's just a mule who rides thousands across 10,000 people, why not The archway stands before the uncle. "

"Previously, the rock came to support you. Uncle and others are really afraid to use you, but now he is all muddy Bodhisattva who can't protect himself. Where can I take care of you?"

"Ask me something to give you some face, a kiln-sister in a green house, dare to pretend to be high in the uncle. You must agree this day if you agree, or you will agree if you don't agree, otherwise I'll blame you.

This person's mouth was extremely bitter and bitter, and sentences like a knife stabbing into Wen Sanniang's heart made her pretty face pale for an instant, and the force of breaking free from her hands disappeared a lot.

Yeah, she's just a woman in a blue house. When she enters this door, she will never come out for a lifetime, why should she have unrealistic illusions.

Perhaps this is her life.

Wen Sannian closed her eyes, tears dripped from the corners of her eyes, and in the smirk of the drinker, she was pulled toward the backyard like a puppet.

Among the many coquettish laughter, a faint applause came out suddenly, "This woman, this seat is fancy, put it down."

The sound is calm and without waves.

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