Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 123: Start shooting

Most of the monks on the seat have reached their eyes. At this moment, most of the monks closed their eyes and calmed their minds. (Eight (one [[[文 [[W] W] W}.) 81ZW.COM, but most of the monks in the golden shield have not yet arrived, apparently they are going to play some tricks and play in the later stage. After all, the strong, always I hope it will be more noticeable.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen no longer had the idea of ​​continuing, and closed his eyes directly. Although he was not cultivating, he secretly adjusted his breath and kept his state at its peak. He has a very clear hunch that I am afraid the auction will not be too calm today.

Time turns, and it is three hours. The seated monks in the auction hall are almost there, but the peak monks of the ethnic group still have not appeared. But even so, the hall is still very quiet, and even people who are familiar with it will choose to talk with God to avoid disturbing others. The monk practiced, how to cultivate for the time being, at least this method of spiritual cultivation is very good, otherwise how to withstand the years of hardship in this long career. Although the three hours were not short, it was not too difficult for the monks.

However, at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, flashing a few moments of light in the dark eyes, but he was extremely suppressed and was not noticed by any monk.


With a groan in his heart, the door that opened to the auction hall suddenly opened, and three figures walked side by side. Two of them had the same appearance, and the stars flashed in their eyes, turning into mysterious traces.

Destiny twins, King Arabesque!

The three geniuses of the Demon Clan joined together. Although they looked calm and did not exude a little breath, it seemed that there was an inexplicable force that drew everyone's attention and could no longer move away.

In the auction hall, all the people of the demon race stood up at this moment, thinking about the three people's respectful salute, with awe in their eyes, and awe in their eyes.

Three demon peak strong, led by 6 demon charming women nuns, entered a golden shield in the forefront.


The original quiet auction hall suddenly heard a noise buzzing after the three entered the shield. There were some excitement and jealousy, so there were those who were disdainful, but more were still the jealousy. look.

The three peak powers of the monster tribe appeared, and if Xiongfeng was ahead, it had put tremendous pressure on many monks.

Xiao Chen's eyes were taken back from the three, with a little dignified meaning in his eyes. The strength of the three was not what he expected, but it was definitely not easy to deal with, but even so, Xiao Chen was not in the slightest awe. meaning.

If life-and-death combat is taken seriously, it is not yet known who the deer died. Everyone has a hole card, and in the end it depends on who has the stronger card.

But at this moment he just lifted his gaze again, but it was the channel that opened again. This time, when they entered the two, they could easily distinguish their identities only by the domineering arrogance.

Demon Monk!

The two of them are the ones who killed the Tian Si Mo and the Dread Demon King.

The moment they stepped into the auction hall, their eyes were sharp like a knife, and they went straight to the shield where the monster power was located. They seemed to be able to pierce them directly to see the general situation.

At the same time, the fate of the demon twins and the king of arabesques burst at the same time. Fortunately, the two sides knew that when they were not fighting, they broke up and did not entangle each other, but even so, the flash of majesty The breath still shocked the hearts of countless monks here, and the sight of shock was irresistible.

The Demon Cultivation also got up, respectfully saluted, and said that he was an adult.

Killing the sky and the Dread Devil nodded slightly, and directly flashed into the other golden shield, but left the four demons and did not let them enter.

Monks of both demons and demons appeared one after another. Just as the two boulder fell on the calm lake, they immediately set off an endless stormy sea. However, at this moment, the portal of the auction hall opened again.

The violent thunder **** of the human race is invincible, Fu Yunqi, the son of Confucianism and Taoism!

The moment they appeared, the atmosphere in the entire auction hall was pushed to the highest level.

At this point, the demons, demons, and people of the three great peers have made their appearances. Under the traction of the air force, the three parties showed their own breath without reservation at the same time. Although they did not fight, they confronted each other coldly. , Has the upper hand.

For a time, the entire auction hall was shrouded in a powerful atmosphere, and the peerless powers of other ethnic groups were unwilling to be suppressed. At the same time, they were also spreading their breath, and they were equally powerful, which made the place overwhelming. Engulfed directly. Under this breath, countless monks here all looked pale, and even the unbearable generation was even directly injured by this breath, and the corners of their mouths overflowed with blood. Although this breath of coercion was useless to Xiao Chen, he did not want to show that it was strangely noticed. The slight movement of breath forced his face to look pale, but his eyes looked calm and could not stand the waves.

The auction has not yet started, and the race between the various races has begun, and things are afraid to become extremely interesting.

Duan Modi sneered, his breath was strong and irritable, like Thor.

Fu Yunqi's face was calm, but the upright Confucianism and Taoism had set off his solemn atmosphere, just like the advent of ancient Confucianism.

Several parties are entangled in momentum, and no one wants to retreat first.

At this moment, a sudden cough came out, "You are invited by my Shangyuan auction hall to participate in the auction ceremony. Please press your heart for the time being, no matter what the reason, you must not start in my auction hall. . "

"The husband is only reminded once again that if there is a violation, the consequences will be at your own risk. Therefore, please ask my friends not to make the husband embarrassed."

While talking, an old alien came out from the edge of the darkness, his eyes were gentle, and there was no mana breath, but the monks of all ethnicities fell on this person, and couldn't help but feel shocked in their hearts, and his face was instantly exposed Be in awe.

Xiao Chen's pupils contracted violently, and he took a deep look at the old man. Only then did he not notice the slightest breath of the old man, as if he just walked out of there directly.

This person is extremely strong!

It seems to confirm Xiao Chen's thought that the old man waved lightly, and the entangled confrontation between the strong men of various races above the void was suddenly forced to be separated by an invisible force, and each fell into its own body.

Understatement, this can be done without much effort, and it is even more awe of the monks!

Heaven and Man, Five Realms, the Peak of the Ethnic Group!

This old man is actually an alien, heaven, human, and realm!

Fu Yunqi and Duan Modi both bent down and saluted them. Regardless, the cultivation of the other person's heaven and earth and five realms was enough to make them awe.

Demon, demons and other ethnic peaks also converged their breath. Now that I have been warned, if I continue to seduce, I really don't know how to die.

The old man from the alien world and the five kingdoms smiled a little, arched their hands, and disappeared into the shadows again in the ceremony.

Fu Yunqi smiled at the corner of her mouth and said, "I heard Master Master said that the Shangyuan Auction Hall is unfathomable, and it is true at first sight."

"The shot is the strong man in the heavens and the five realms. With this person, who can set off the storm."

Duan Modi murmured, but did not dare to say a word, otherwise, once offending the old man, although he will not lose his life, the other party is not difficult to make him suffer.

Seeing his dissatisfaction, Fu Yunqi said nothing, and said quietly, "Okay, now it's all right, you can come in."

Quiet, several monks stepped in from the door.

Seeing the comer, Xiao Chen looked dull, then shook his head slightly.

These people are also old people, for it is the king who has no blame, Su Su is close behind, Enron, Qi Yun, and Jade are at the end.

"I've seen Brother Fu and Duan Daoyou." Jun Wubu and others respectfully saluted, even Su Su's daughter was a little more cautious in the presence of two famous monks at the top of the ethnic group.

Duan Modi nodded slightly, but Fu Yunqi smiled mildly and said, "Let's go, and enter the auction hall with me."

Whispering, he and Duan Modi stepped at the same time, leading Jun Wubu, Su Su and others into the golden shield prepared for the monks under the attention of many monks. But at the moment when she stepped in, Su Su was slightly suspicious and turned her head suddenly. Looking at Xiao Chen, she didn't frown slightly if there wasn't any present.

Su Su didn't see anything here, but she made Xiao Chen's heart laugh with a secret smile. The woman's intuition was really terrible. He just didn't show the difference, just looked a few more times, but she was noticed by the girl.

Shaking his head slowly, Xiao Chen converged his mind. Although he looked so calm, he was wary in his heart.

This is the true monk at the top of the ethnic group. If he can, he really wants to let go of it and prove that who is strong is weak.

People live in the world.

But now that the auction is imminent, although Shi Mudan's waste is very inconspicuous, it is difficult to guarantee that no monk will fancy it. The most important thing right now is to put it into the hands and leave everything else on hold.

Demon, demon, and human tribe peaks appeared, and many ethnic strongs appeared one after another, all of them were arrogant, and they were astonishing. They were all famous in the ethnic battlefield, which attracted many monks. .

Two hours later, no more monks came, the teleportation array stopped operating, and the portal was blocked.

The surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and a bright but not dazzling opalescent light fell from the top of the hall, covering the entire auction floor.

The auction is finally about to begin.

A young monk stepped onto the stage quickly, arching his hands and smiling: "In the Xiayingge tribe Sufi, presiding today's auction, if there is anything wrong, welcome all monks to point out directly, and they will accept it humbly."

"But before the first auction item comes on stage, the following auction rules need to be announced. Some of the auction items are owned by my Shangyuan auction hall, and some are owned by other owners. Without special requirements, the auction price is based on Calculated by the spirit stone, the one with the highest price will be awarded. The lack of spirit stone can be compensated for various treasures. I have a senior and appraiser in the auction hall, and will definitely give you a fair and satisfactory price. "

"Luo Ji a few words, no longer delay the time of your friends, the auction officially started."

As the person's voice fell, another small beam of light fell, shining in the shadows of the stage. At this moment, a good-looking woman was holding a jade plate in her hand. At the moment the light fell, Yingying stepped onto the stage and placed the jade plate. On the stage, after converging and giving, he turned and retreated.

"The first auction item was my treasure in the auction room, but three wooden golems." Sophie opened her mouth, changed her hand slightly, and broke the restraint on the jade plate to reveal the treasure figure.

The three golems are black in color, about the size of a child's arm. Although a few knives are simple, they are lifelike, making the green-faced fangs golem look like the real thing. It seems that the next moment, it will open its mouth and choose a person. bite.

However, no matter how primal induction, this golem is like a dead object, without any hint of revealing from it.

In this way, naturally, the monks frowned secretly in the auction hall. If it was the Shangyuan auction hall that held the auction, I'm afraid they would have questioned.

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