Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 132: Timing to swallow

[No. 2o, there are two more today, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. (? [{[Bayi Chinese {W] W> W>.> 8> 1? Z] W>.> C] O] M> New week, I hope everyone supports it.]

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However, at this moment, his pupils suddenly shrunk slightly, just because of another concern in his attention, this figure suddenly changed, this person is the empty line!

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered. If this person wanted to leave, he would definitely not hesitate to follow it, use the thunder method to shoot at all costs, and kill this person! But at this moment, he hasn't stepped forward and was pressed by him, his eyes flashed inexplicably.

I saw that the Lingyuan family walked away at the moment and took the next step, which was torn the space instantly and shot again. It had already rushed into the clouds and went straight to the end.

Such a change, unexpectedly unexpected by all monks, only the tribe of the tribe's eyes flashed, and then a little sneer appeared in the corners of his mouth, it seems not strange to this matter.

Although the master of the Dao of the Lingyuan tribe is not in the minority, the ethnic strength is too weak. The highest person is only the existence of the heavens and the five realms. This tribe can only become the vassal of the tribe, no matter how the tribe has the Dao talent. However, for many years, the Lingyuan tribe has maintained independence, and countless secretive groups around the Lingyuan tribe's strength shot secretly. They wanted to forcibly annex this tribe, but they all failed to retreat, but suffered heavy casualties. In addition, he was silent about the matter afterwards and would never publicize it. Therefore, there have been rumors in the spirit realm that the Lingyuan clan has secretly trusted in a certain clan, and it must be one of the top hundred. Today, this rumor may have been confirmed. The spirit family should rely on the demons!

The ethnic group is arrogant, the qualifications are against the sky, the cultivation is arrogant, and the mind is absolutely superior. Such things have gone through their minds. They have analyzed the general beginning and end of the matter, and their eyes flashed slightly, showing a bit of difference color.

The Demon even hesitated to reveal the surrender of the Lingyuan clan. It seems that today's battle will definitely not be good.

Mo Fei, Si Mo, and others are trying to leave Duan Mo Di and Fu Yunqi unsuccessful!

Such thoughts gave birth to him and he couldn't help but start shaking! Being ethnically arrogant, with excellent qualifications and unlimited growth potential, each of them is the existence that the ethnic group attaches great importance to and bears the future of the ethnic group. The senior ethnic groups are assured to let them enter the ethnic battlefield. It is because of their cultivation. Although there may be some gaps between them, as long as they are cautious, there is absolutely no possibility of ridicule. For other monks, the crisis-prone ethnic groups are trying Refining, in their opinion, is just a slightly more difficult test. If they are damaged, it is an irreparable loss for the entire ethnic group.

Ordinary geniuses, there are a lot of people in the ethnic group, and even if they die a lot, they can't make the senior people's heart hurt. But the true ethnic group Tianjiao, it is millions of people and even millions of years to come out, so the damage to them, the ethnic group can not stand. If Duan Modi and Fu Yunqi die here today, the human race will definitely not give up, and it will even lead to a fierce war between the human and the demons.

It was when the thoughts were rolling in the hearts of everyone that suddenly there was a sound of angry and roaring in the sky. Dealing with the ancient demons and slayers was already a very serious matter for him. At this moment, coupled with the weaker shot of the air line, the situation was instantly revived. If there is no protection, the enemy has a protection treasure. It was only under the aggressive attack of the air line that he had already suffered severe injuries.

However, even though there are treasures to resist, Duan Modi is still pale, and the 5o-thousand Thunder Thunder body is slightly illusory.

The smirk sneered on the opposite side, the demon cloud is like ink, the killing of the autumn is over, and the 5o-million-foot ancient demon battle body is madly chasing and killing each other. Each step is like stepping on the ground. Ripples appeared from under his feet and spread out in all directions, like a tide, and even made a surging sound.

The cloud-condensed warfare behind is quite strange, similar to its skin color, green, covered with weird patterns, four arms, each holding a spiritual evolutionary soldier. Although it is not a physical entity, the breath burst from it is completely different. Weaker than the real spirit treasure.

There are four arms and four treasures to enhance the combat power. Although the cloud air repair is slightly weaker, the cohesive warfare body is only 470,000 feet, but its explosive lethality is enough to be equal to the two of Si Mo and Du Mo Di. It is extremely tricky. .

Shen Jiuzhong, the four-armed warfare stepped forward at the same time, and went straight to Duan Mo Di to kill.

Fu Yunqi had already changed his face as soon as he shot in the air. Confucianism, Taoism and Six Arts evolved magical powers, otherwise, if there was an unexpected accident, it would be very difficult to retreat without mentioning his whole body today, and the senior members of the ethnic group would be angry with him.

But the Demon King apparently had long anticipated the situation at the moment. He was mad in a sneer, and tried his best to restrain him so that he would not have the power to help the other side.

Evenly matched battles tilted in an instant.

The reason is that no one knows that the only peerless genius that has appeared in the Lingyuan tribe for hundreds of years will be suddenly difficult at this moment.

Duan Modi also didn't know, so it was unavoidable to have a sense of confusion in his heart, but he was overwhelmed by it. Although this person is narrow-minded, he is not stupid, knowing that if there is a chaos at this moment, he can only find his own way.

Nowadays, if the enemy suffers from his back, he has to find a way to repel a person first. Even if he is wounded, he will not hesitate, otherwise he will be defeated in conjunction with the fight!

If you lose, I'm afraid you'll really fall here.

Duan Modi gritted his teeth suddenly, and his eyes suddenly burst into endless hotness. A tribe like him is extremely difficult to kill. One reason is that the cultivation is tyrannical and there is not much difference between them. The other is because they have a lot of life-saving means.

Duan Mo enemy is the first one of Duanjia's junior, and naturally he has a hole card!

The aura of light flashed on his hand, and an ebony pill appeared in his hand. At this instant of the Dan's life, a cold and raging breath burst into an instant, turning into a weird ghost, hovering above this person. Duan Mo Di lifted his face and swallowed down. It was at the moment when this elixir entered the body, a violent breath burst from his body instantly, making his original peak breath burst into the sky, instantly breaking the barrier of the heavens and the heavens, and directly entering the heavens and the heavens. At the same time, its flesh dries quickly with the naked eye's visibility, and its flesh seems to have been swallowed by the creature.

The flesh is dry, full of raging breath, and even the thunder of the whole body is turning into black at the moment of mad distortion, exhaling an infinite destruction breath, and the desire to destroy the heaven and earth is invincible at this end, just like the ancient devil. .

With a roar in his mouth, the figure suddenly regressed, turning into a series of afterimages, carrying a thunderous thunderous power in one punch, utterly blasting.

Go straight, Lingyuan tribe is empty!

The Dan swallowed by Duan Modi is a high-end life-saving Lingtan for Duanjia. It is extremely precious. After swallowing it, you can instantly sacrifice half of the flesh and inversely transform it into monstrous mana. Keep yourself safe. But Dan is too overbearing. The monk can only swallow up to two in his life. If he swallows the third one, he will explode on the spot. Today, the person was in danger. He had made a decision when he suffered a lot of pain. As soon as possible, he hit the air traffic, broke the folder and attacked the crisis. Then he tried to kill Si Mo, and forced him to use his life-saving card. .


This fist is a slamming blow by the powerful men of heaven and human beings. The tide of terror energy frantically rises and falls like waves, spreading to all directions, exuding a strong breath of death.

The appearance of the empty line changed instantly, but under the lock of the air machine, he had no retreat, and he felt that the thunderous body exudes violent murder. He had to resist hard to resist.

"Yaoyuan melts, kill!"

The Lingyuan people have great talents and good qualifications along the way of Dan Dao. This means of life-saving is also related to Dan Dao. From the day they were born, the Lingyuan people will continue to swallow various ammunition, while absorbing medicine power for cultivation, at the same time, most of the medicine elements will be deposited in the depth of the blood marrow. Once severely damaged, the deposited medicine elements will disperse on their own. For monks to absorb and treat injuries. And in a critical moment, it is possible to explode all medicine elements instantly, making the strength soar instantly.

All the medicine elements deposited in the blood marrow are stimulated, and the pain brought by it is unimaginable. The empty face is instantly distorted and turned into an endless trance.




In an instant, the two sides have made 19 consecutive shots, and they have made every effort to make no reservations. In order to injure the enemy in the shortest possible time, Duan Modi is desperate to attack and replace defense with attack!

call out!

The figures of the two sides were separated, and the enemy looked pale, and turned into a black Thunder. The body was trembling violently, but at this moment he could not get a little rest time, and suddenly turned and punched out to fight against the destroyer.

The two sides fought in an instant.

As for the empty line, the blood was sprayed together in Qiqiao, the complexion was pale, and the four-armed combat body was broken. At this moment, his feet receded, and he stopped for tens of thousands of miles. The blood was sprayed out of his mouth, and his breath became more wilted. Suddenly, there was a shock in his eyes.

Duan Modi was better than him. The powerful power exchanged by half of the flesh for the Dandan sacrifice was much larger than his explosives, and he would be hit hard in an instant fight.

The empty line suddenly gritted its teeth, sat down on its knees in the void, and took out several elixir in the backhand, in order to swallow it in the abdomen and use the power of the elixir to barely press down the injury. Since he took the shot today, he has no retreat. He can only help Si Mo to kill Duan Mo Di, and even if he angers the human race and the demons are in front, he will be safe and sound.

When this man's thoughts rolled, Xiao Chen suddenly lifted his eyes above the ground, and his eyes burst into horrific murder.

It's time!

Taking a step forward, he relied on the power of space avatars, fearing the impact of fierce fighting on space fluctuations at this moment, forcibly tearing the space, and the figure appeared again, hundreds of feet behind that air line.

Xiao Chen seized the opportunity and shot naturally. Naturally, he would not give the air traveler the opportunity to swallow the elixir. At this moment, he single-handedly moved forward and suddenly pointed at one point. After a shock, the endless spiritual power turned into a tidal wave, and the rush came like a roar of the ocean. A finger shot directly from the tip of Xiao Chen's fingertips, and when it fell into the void, layers of ripples rushed to all directions. Under this ripple, the swarming spiritual force was faster and sooner.

This swallowing finger is not the one used by Xiao Chen before, but when he is fully exploded, this magical power evolved on its own. It is the first type of magical power in Dashen Luoshou, swallowing the double combo , Swallowing three days to kill, swallowing four fingers to jail, swallowing five to extinction, a combination of mighty power that is several times more powerful.

This is the real swallowing finger!


The infinite infusion of infinite spiritual power melts into the finger of that person. With the infusion of spiritual power, the volume of this object suddenly explodes in madness, and the breath pressure exuded within it continues to rise with an amazing degree.

1oo Zhang, 5oo Zhang, 1ooo Zhang, 3ooo Zhang, 5ooo Zhang! This finger, now under the full exertion of Xiao Chen, has a volume soaring to the size of 5ooo, it is extremely solid, and the fingerprint is clear. It looks like a real thing. !!

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