Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 134: (Above) The first group of Tianjiao ethnic group

Hit, not an adversary. [1] Y] W. Com

Escape, no way to go.

It seems that there is only a dead end before him!

"The Taoist also asked to stop and walk in the Xia Lingyuan clan, willing to exchange all my treasures for my life."

"Besides, there is a treasure in my body. It is precisely today that I am in," Panic, this empty behavior has survived, and it is too much to take care of it.

But just when this population wanted to say something, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly became cold, and he suddenly drank in a low voice, "Shut up!" The sound of the waves was rolling, and his figure flashed, turning into an imagination Shadows roared. He wanted to get Shimu Dan, but he was absolutely reluctant to be told that this Dan can also separate the medicine of Jinmu Jingu, and this empty line bid for this Dan, obviously there is a picture, maybe he also mastered the ability to turn decay into magic , The means to reverse Shimu Dan. No matter what the reason is, Xiao Chen will not let this person go. From the moment of his shot, he never thought to spare his life. As early as the time of the auction, his fate was already doomed when he bid for Shi Mudan from this empty bank.

If there is no previous cause, then there is no immediate effect, everything is in the cause and effect, already destined.

The figure flashed, Xiao Chen's eyes were killing, and now he grasped the opportunity to push the air traveler into a desperate situation with the least loss and the shortest time. Naturally, he would not give him a chance to turn around at this moment. Suddenly shot down.

In this shot, although there is no magical power, he has been repaired to the fullest extent. The empty line at this moment has absolutely no possibility of life.

At the moment of life and death, the air line looked at Xiao Chen's dark eyes, and suddenly a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, causing him to think of something instantly.

"It's you! It's you! Compete with Shi Mudan in the auction room for me!"

"If you want to kill me, you must have mastered the means to separate the medicine of Shimu Dan. No wonder you want to kill me!"

"I'm not willing! I'm not willing! Even if you die, you can't help it! Space is closed, break me open, ah ah ah! Break me!" The man growled wildly, his eyes showed endless madness, The violent atmosphere exploded, shattering the void in an instant, making the town's power a little lax. This slackness was not enough to get him out and escape, but it was enough for him to make a crazy revenge.

Hundreds of jade bamboos were radiated from his body. These jade bamboos were filled with this person's cultivation, and the speed of the lightning flashed away in all directions.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed, and then she was completely gloomy. At this moment, she waved her hands suddenly, and the void ripples appeared to destroy the jade bamboo slips and destroyed most of them. But at this moment, there were dozens of jade bamboo slips that were suddenly added. , Escaped instantly.

The next moment, the dozens of shots of Yu Jian burst suddenly, and dozens of mad roars burst out suddenly, which was the voice of air travel.

"In this hand, there is one Shimu Dan obtained from the auction in the auction. Any monk who will kill my monk will get a sign in this hand. With this sign, the medicine can be decomposed and fused into the original state. Get the potion of Shimujian Golden Fruit! "

"Oath, the storage space is broken!"

The empty banker held it firmly with his hands, and a storage ring on his hand was suddenly crushed, and all the contents were immediately thrown into the turbulent space, which included the element symbol.

Xiao Chen heard a roar in his ears, and the killing of his eyes suddenly skyrocketed.

The Lingyuan tribe walked empty, and both the form and the gods were destroyed. It was completely erased from this world, and no trace was left.

This is the first ridiculous ethnic group Tianjiao!

The wind was more blast, the snow was heavier, and the blood was getting darker.

After this person died, everything disappeared into powder. Only the black elixir that looked like a stone was left. It seemed that there was a force entrusted to it so that it would not fall.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed. No matter what the situation is, this Shi Mudan finally got his hand. With a wave of his robe and sleeve, he took this elixir directly into the storage ring, and then his eyes were gloomy and swept away.

As a result of this glance, most monks were shocked, only to realize that the other party had the horrible practice of killing the air line, one by one, paled in an instant, quickly converging the mind in his heart. But at this moment, there are still dozens of eyes glanced at Xiao Chen, and there is a sense of greed and fiery.

These people are the Tianjiao of the other ethnic group who stayed here.

The empty line died, the storage space was broken, but Shi Mudan was preserved intact, so there was only one explanation, and he vowed to be true!

In this world, there really is a rune that can decompose the waste Dan Shimu Dan! Thinking of this, the hot greed in that heart made them almost crazy!

Lingtan refined with Shimujian Jinguo as its main medicine is naturally extraordinary. Other main medicines can be used side by side with Shimujian Jinguo, which shows that it is definitely a rare and precious treasure. If it could kill this monk monk, get a rune, decompose this Shimu Dan waste dan, this waste of no use at all, it will instantly turn into a treasure that is enough to attract the existence of countless high-level races!

Treasures come first, and anyone can ignore them!

Xiao Chen frowned, his eyes flashed with coldness, and now he was leaving. If anyone stopped, he would blame him for being ruthless.

If he wants to make a name for himself on the battlefield of the ethnic group and show enough power to attract the attention of the high-level people, he is unwilling to make a killing for no reason, but if someone comes to the door, he will never quit.

Now, let ’s see if anyone sends his head to do the repair of his prestigious rising banner!

His foot was raised next, and ripples appeared in the void. Xiao Chen seemed to be casting his teleportation power and left. His actions made the monk hesitating in a moment.

"Where to go, leave your life to this seat!" Sen Leng Roar burst instantly, but an alien triumphant couldn't hold it and shot it instantly, bursting out of his breath and reaching the peak of Heaven and Man. .

After seeing Xiao Chen's killing the air line, the daring shooter is naturally very confident in his own strength, or has a very strong hole card, no matter which one, it is definitely difficult to deal with.

The storm is here, and it will surely sweep the entire ethnic battlefield and shock all the spirits!

Everything is irresistible.

Take the shot to kill the monks, and they are the monks of the great clan of the spirit world. The fierce family is rumored to be a family of ancient fierce beasts, and most of them are brutal and brutal, and they are extremely addictive to killing. However, there are very few who can retreat with their enemies. And because of the bloodline of the beast, all monks in this group have inherited some talents of the beast and the beast. They are strange and difficult to deal with. Few people are willing to provoke them.

Hundred kills is precisely the arrogant tribe's triumphant tribe. Although it is not the best, it is superimposed with its ethnic talents. The combat power it can explode is comparable to the peak monk of the three realms. .

"I didn't feel a strong breath in the cultivation of this human race. Only then did the magical powers go out and the power was unmatched. There must be any chance for this person to inherit the powerful magical powers, but the cultivation was mediocre! "

"This person was able to bombard the empty line by birth. It is by no means irresistible on the surface, but because the empty line has already been severely damaged by the other side, and he has not seized the opportunity to suppress the injury. Otherwise, he will fight today. It is unknown how the outcome will be won. "

"Taking my cultivation as an example, if I work hard to display the ancestor's magical power and see how this human race resists it. I am pure in blood and have inherited the soul-killing magical power of the fierce ancestor, and I will definitely kill it! Not only can Shimu Dan be obtained, he also has the opportunity to deprive him of all opportunities and put his skills in the hands of the great magical powers he exhibits! "

The man's heart was writhing, his eyes were fierce, and the corners of his mouth were more sullen.


In the roar, the endless evil spirit burst from the body of the hundred kills instantly. This evil spirit is very strong, and it seems that there are some wild and savage beasts mixed in, making this person feel like a humanoid beast under the sense of the Yuanshen.

Hold out with one hand and grabbed hard forward. Under this catch, the whole void shook fiercely, and then countless silk threads converged from within the void, with a faint light, turned into a net of heaven, and went straight to Xiao Chen to take the lead and fall.

This network is an extremely powerful magical power of the Jiji people. It is extremely insidious and can erode the monk's body and dissolve the Yuanshen. It is arrogant and the terror of cold and raging horror bursts from this big network.

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, and his eyes were murderous. Since he was delivered to the door, he would blame him for being ruthless.

This killing of Li Wei started from this fierce monk! A killing spoiled from his heart, and then went crazy, causing the temperature of the surrounding void to plummet, and numerous ice snowflakes condensed and fell from the clouds. But today, the ice snowflakes are all pale in color, it seems to indicate that there is a tribe of arrogance today!

Xiao Chen lifted his hands, tearing his hands forward fiercely, a roar in his mouth burst instantly, "Cracking the sky!" In the roar, the void trembled, and the endless force instantly gathered, turning into two invisible big hands, inserted into the space. , Thinking of a fierce pull on both sides!



In front of Xiao Chen, a thousand-meter-sized space crack appeared instantly, but was torn directly under the invisible big hand, which also contained the great-killing supernatural power.

The supernatural power "Cracking the Sky" is based on Xiao Chen's self-cultivation as the basis for extracting the power of the space avatar to integrate it. A supernatural power that bursts out can forcibly tear the endless sky, making all kinds of robberies not surrender. This magical power was created by him. Although incomplete, but because there is a source of space in hand, the power of the explosion is still overwhelming!

There was no pause in the forcibly torn space. If the black background was exposed in the "click" crash, it looked like a black python meandering from a distance. Its speed is like a thunder, and it has already passed through in a flash. Thousands of feet of space went straight to the fierce repair of the auspicious Ji tribe.

The face of Baisha changed greatly, and the pupils suddenly contracted, showing endless shock. Within this shock, there was a bit of horrible fear. An extremely unpleasant feeling haunted my heart. It seemed that the cultivation of this human race was not as weak as he had imagined before. The thought in his heart made this person even more shocked and angry. But now the situation, even knowing that Xiao Chen is tricky, he has no retreat, and now suddenly grit his teeth, a pair of eyes suddenly turned dark. This black is extremely pure, and the night without moons and stars is much more conspicuous, like two slowly swirling swirls that can devour everything in this world.

With the eyes turning dark, the breath of this hundred kills changed instantly, all the fear and anxiety disappeared instantly, all that remained was coldness and silence, no mood swings at all, a strange smile appeared on this person The corner of his mouth is extremely killing.

The desolate, majestic, cold, and cruel atmosphere burst from within the human body, rushing into the clouds, and suddenly turned into a vague and huge figure. This figure is exactly the ancient beast, the head is large, and the eyes are small Exuding his gaze, the fierce atmosphere from this beast's virtual shadow implosion, it seems to cover the sky, making the whole sky suddenly dark. It seems that at this moment, the soul in this hundred killing body has been replaced with a ferocious soul!

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