Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 139: Juxing Shenhua Suzaku

The beginning of the battle was unpredictable, and the end was even more unexpected. Eight W. 81ZW. Com

Although it is slightly longer than the first battle, the time is still only a short 11 interest. These times are nothing to mortals, let alone Shou Yuan's long-time monk. However, it was in these 11 breaths that another ethnic group was arrogant and arrogant.

A heavy pressure suddenly appeared on the monks who came after the killing. Even the demon destiny twins known for their weird and powerful, and even the demons who have strong combat power to reach the heavens and the four realms, they are also gloomy at the moment, feeling that this comes from nothingness, from that name The pressure on Xiao Chen's human race.

Until this moment, they still don't know how the person shot, and how they reversed the space, hiding their induction, and appearing in two different places.

One is first.

One last.

It is precisely because of this puzzlement that surrounds them, that the thicker the haze they feel, it seems to block the light, bring the darkness, and bring the killing!

As the ethnic arrogance, the most powerful existence in the entire ethnic battlefield, they have always been the supreme ruler, but at this moment they suddenly have a feeling of the existence of prey, although ridiculous, they make them more silent.

"No matter what method this human race can use to cross the endless space, all he has to do is to open the distance and kill them one by one."

"That being the case, he is not strong enough to resist, otherwise there is no need to flee, turn around and swing the sword, and you can wait for all I have. In that case, Ben Mo would like to fight him and see how he is!"

"People who want to kill, no one in this world can escape!"

In the cold whisper, the Sister Demon was faster, but did not continue to move forward, but went straight to the nearest killing breath. If there is no induction error, this person should be the demon vine king!

The demon judged that Xiao Chen was about to shoot the slayer, it was him! Although there is no evidence, he believes inexplicably!


Tearing the space, Xiao Chen's face was white. Even with his cultivation, it was not easy to kill the two ethnic groups Tianjiao continuously. But at this moment, he still looked calm and calm, stepped forward to kill the third person.

It is impossible to clearly sense the outside world in the turbulent space, but the three jade bamboo slips thrown by Xiao Chen before can become coordinates, allowing him to use the trace of the gods to calculate the time and choose the shot.

The force of the turbulent flow of the pedal space, he stopped, quietly for three breaths, and then lifted, his eyes were spitting, a punch blasted forward!


The chaos in the space was forcibly broken and a crack appeared, about 100 feet in size, enough for him to step forward.

Eyes such as electricity instantly cut through the space and fell on the monk not far away.

This person is the third person he wants to kill!

Although King Arabesque's face remained calm, his pupils contracted uncontrollably, his heart gave birth to endless fear, and even a trace of deep fear was hidden! Previously he couldn't figure out how Xiao Chen could appear in the first and last two places in a short period of time. Now he finally understands that it turned out that this person was in chaos through space! It was precisely because he figured this out that the fear in his heart was unstoppable!

The chaos of space is a forbidden place for monks, and the powerful men of heaven and human beings will also be greatly suppressed in them. They cannot stay in them for too long. Only in the heavens and men, can the legendary ancient realm be allowed to cross. As flat as the ground!

This Xiao Chen can do it by no means, so obviously, this person has treasure! There are treasures! If he could get this treasure, he would be worth a life-saving card from then on. Even the monk who is the top monk in the heavens and the five realms would kill him.

** Naked jealousy and greed appear in the heart of the Arabesque King. Although he is a tribe of the ethnic group, he has no treasure at all. Compared with this, what kind of qualification can Xiao Chen have.

Only he can be the master of such a treasure!

The monk is greedy. The higher the cultivation, the stronger the greed. For treasures, you can disregard everything, and you can live dead! So a horror of fear in the arabesque king's heart was directly pressed down and transformed into an endless hot flame.

He is the pride of the demon tribe, the king of arabesques, and he is comparable to the pride of other ethnic groups. Xiao Chen can kill them, but in the face of him, he will end up in the sand and scorn!

With certain thoughts, the corners of this demon's mouth suddenly showed a sorrow.

"Human race, die for this demon!"

In the battle of King Arabesque's fighting with humans, sexual joy always has the absolute upper hand. With the trend of destroying and destroying the opponent, he defeated his opponents and destroyed them completely. He shot this day, and he also has this style. One shot is all-out!

In the sleeves, the thick demon explodes and is green, like green dragons, rolling vertically and horizontally between this world, roaring and roaring.

call out!

call out!

Countless green green vines emerged from this demon power, exhaling an endless breath of breath, whistling, like a poisonous snake, fast as lightning, went straight to Xiao Chen to bite away.

This way, the King of Arabesque has used it countless times, and he is already familiar with it. All the opponents will be frightened and disrupted by this attack. At that time, it is the best time for him to smash and kill his opponent.

Xiao Chen looked calm and looked at the vines that were attacked by the sky. His eyes were even more murderous. He stepped forward. Facing the mad strangulation, instead of stepping back, he took the initiative to fight!

A fist blasted out, went straight to his eyes and went to Ivy. He was crushed by life, and the green medicine force collapsed. The fist retracted, his elbow was suddenly bent, and the fighting force burst. He crushed another Ivy again and bent to hide. With a whip, the arm was pulled out violently.

Among the numerous Ivy strangling, there are monks in Qingpao, elbows, shoulders, waist, back, legs, ankles, and feet. They are used together like a dragon, but when they are close to Ivy, they are directly interrupted. Broken, dissipated into demon power.

The King of Arabesque looked dignified and gave birth to endless shocks. The powerful physique of this human race, Xiao Chen, was able to use his physical power to stand within his magical power without any harm. If he could obtain this human body, Enchanting refining with mystery skills must be a great help!

This demon's eyes glanced over Xiao Chen with fiery enthusiasm, but his heart was extremely calm and sneer. If this Xiao Chen thinks his supernatural power is so broken, then he is totally wrong. Fight it, the King of Arabesques wants to see, how long can he last!

Xiao Chen crisscrossed the ivy, his eyebrows didn't feel slightly wrinkled, and the bottom of his eyes showed a little dignified color. He had already noticed the strangeness of the arabic king's magical power long ago, no matter how crazy he shot Thousands of vines were broken, and the amount of this object was not reduced. Even the power contained in it was as good as before. It is indeed the demon genius. This supernatural power is so strange that it can even be called no beginning and no end. Never kill the enemy! Once you fall into it, if you cannot find a cracking method, you will be killed by this vine strangling. Even if you can resist it for a while, who can resist it forever!

Xiao Chen's brow became tighter and tighter, and he gradually realized that there was no other way to crack this magical power. He could only destroy it by force and break it up. If he couldn't, he would be trapped inside.

No wonder this arabesque king is so confident that he actually has this magical power in his hands. I am afraid that even if the demon master falls into it, he will have to spend a lot of time trying to get away, but he will be trapped by this technique. It's not yet possible.

The ivy is a tree, even if it is transformed by demon power, but this talent attribute cannot be changed. In that case, he will break it with fire.

In the early years, I acquired a magical power, which is the pinnacle of fire. It has not been used for a long time. I do n’t know if it ’s repaired today. Is it possible to burn the sky and cook the sea?

Xiao Chen didn't know, but there was endless confidence in his chest.

Lift your feet and step down.

There was a loud noise, which suddenly burst from the sky. With this step, Xiao Chen's physical power could burst as many as possible, and there would be no force to emerge from nothingness, turning into layers of ripples, spreading an endless annihilation breath, spreading to all directions.

Along the way, all the medicinal illusion ivy was annihilated and disappeared completely.

The vast space is transformed into clear and bright. Only Xiao Chen stands by his hands, hunting in green robes, flying in black, and breaking out of the vast momentum, such as Qianlong out of the abyss, thrusting upwards, scattered endlessly, and the world. .

With one arm outstretched, he pointed away from the sky and suddenly held it.

"multiple star!"

With a deep yell, the entire sky suddenly changed, and suddenly became dark, turning into a dark night, covering the endless sky, a little bit of stars gradually emerged from the black, and a faint star glow.

Magical powers shot, reverse yin and yang, and manifest Zhou-Sky Star!

"Stars of the heavens, listen to this order, Southern Fire belongs to the enemy!"

In low drinking, on the endless void, the stars belonging to the southern sky suddenly burst into endless red light, such as the flames leaping and burning. Although they were separated by countless distances, they seemed to still be able to sense the endless heat emitted from them. The entire sky was soaked with rendering, turned into fiery blood, permeated with endless stars.


Along with an ancient howling from ancient times, the endless red color of the starburst whistling gathers, condensing a mass of aura of size and size, and turning into a **** bird!

Chickens, swallow jaws, snake necks, fish tails, feathers and crimson are polished like crystals, and the aura of light flashes. The crown is red, like a crown, like a blaze, burning, representing the extreme power of the fire in this world. The breath of the king is bursting out, permeating the sky. The bird's eye crosses its sides, sweeping, and has its own grace and grace.

This bird is the southern fire beast, Suzaku!

Suzaku's arrival in the world represents the strength of the limit of fire. His wings spread out and he shouted. There was an endless horrible heat wave bursting from his body and sweeping across the sky in an instant. The illusion of flames jumped and churned outside his body, enough to incinerate the world Everything.

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