Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 145: Zhuang Zhoumeng Butterfly Revelation

[Today ’s update is complete, bow down and step down, goodbye to you all tomorrow. (August? << 小 [<说 [(

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After Wu Sheng took Xiao Chen away for less than half a day, a dark shadow rushed forward in the dark reflection of the ground, came straight here, turned into a thousand copies and searched within a thousand miles. Monk Robe fell down and appeared, but turned into an ordinary monk.

"The smell of Zijin Shadao is the strongest here, but at this moment it has dissipated and out of my sensing range, it seems that Xiao Chen really has the power to fight again."

"Fortunately, I chose to retreat, otherwise I am afraid that he has fallen into his hands."

"The assassination failed, the body was wounded, and the Zijin Shadao was taken away by the human race Xiao Chen. I must return to the race as soon as possible to blame the suzerain."

The indifferent voice came out of this monk's mouth, but it was not cold, but the indifference had no temperature, and it sounded more terrifying.

The person said nothing, the figure suddenly melted, turned into a shadow again, merged into the ground, left in a strange way in an instant, and disappeared in an instant.


The sky was like a wash, blue and cloudless. There was a boy in the shade, with a dark complexion. He was falling into a doze. But at this moment, a muffled thunder came from the sky, and then the violent wind rose suddenly, blowing the grass and bending, and the leaves rattled.

The boy seemed to be disturbed by the dream, frowning at the moment, and slowly opened his eyes. Looking at the surrounding scenery, the boy touched his head and laughed suddenly, only then he had a dream. This dream is very long. In the dream, he has a new name called Xiao Chen, step by step from a little monk. Moving forward, eventually becoming the Xeon of the spiritual realm, is preparing to ascend to a place called the spiritual realm. He was dreaming that he used a magic weapon called a small shop to shake the Sifang Dading that was controlled by the spirit of the ancient town, and then was sucked into the crack in the space, and the dream suddenly woke up.

However, this dream is too real. Dazhu thinks that this is the real thing, which makes him look a little hesitant.

"Dazhu, why are you still there? It's going to rain." There was a rushing voice in the distance. He raised his head and looked at the old farmer rushing away on the field in the distance. Smile.

"Uncle Tu Niu, I see. Your plough is too heavy. Let me carry it for you."

Uncle Tu Niu nodded and didn't quit, otherwise, looking at the weather, I'm afraid he hasn't returned to the village before the rain comes down. The two picked up the plough one after the other, and hurriedly went to the village not far away. The weather in March and April was a bit erratic, and the two were not slow, but before they entered the village, it was already pouring heavy rain in the sky, which drove them through, and the cold wind passed. It's kind of cold.

Uncle Tu Niu's family lived not far away, and he dropped the plough. The Tu Niu quickly greeted the two to the main house, complaining about Uncle Tu Niu in the mouth, and it was just dripping and freezing himself. This is the only person in our village who has the opportunity to get a reputation and become a big official.

Uncle Tu Niu smiled bitterly, Da Zhuo smiled thickly, disregarding the enthusiastic greetings of Tu Niu, and rushed home with a paper umbrella.

My mother was already anxiously waiting at the gate. Although she was holding an umbrella, the rain still dampened her skirt and stained it with mud flowers. When she saw Dazhu, her sorrow disappeared instantly, showing a mild smile. .

"Come in quickly. The rain is so wet that your clothes have been changed. Change your clothes and stay cold."

Dazhu was a little stunned, and his mother always looked like this in her memory, but somehow, looking at her today, he suddenly felt a sour desire to tears, pretending to wipe the rain, saying: "Know Mother, please go into the house. The rain and wind outside are bad for your health. "

The mother stayed a little, then gave endless warmth in her heart, and nodded with a smile. The mother and son entered the door. The father was sitting in the hall with a serious face, but he could still see the worry in his eyebrows. .

"Where did I go to play? Why not look at the sky and see what it looks like, and change clothes and eat!"

My father was a stereotyped person. His life's fame ended with Xiu Cai, and his failure to shine in the door was a regret in his life. He asked Dazhu very high. I hope that he can one day get the fame and fulfill his desire to fail.

However, the boy was naughty and naturally dissatisfied with his father's strict requirements, so the relationship between father and son was quite distant.

However, today Dazhao heard this, but did not feel the slightest reluctance before, but felt more sour in his heart. At the moment, he respectfully said that turning directly into the door of the house made his father feel a little at a loss, quite a little overwhelmed.

The wife informed the son of Fang Caimen at the moment that the couple's eyes showed joy and consolation at the same time, and the ancestors blessed, Zhu Er finally understood.

From that stormy night, Dazhu did become extremely sensible. He began to study hard, his temperament became gentle and polite, his father nodded with satisfaction in his eyes, his mother rejoiced and smiled, and his family relationship was extremely harmonious.

Dazhu didn't know why. It seemed like he suddenly opened up and felt that he owed a lot to his parents. Although this guilt made him extremely puzzled, after thinking about it, there was no result, and he stopped thinking about it. As long as his parents are happy, he will do it.

Time passed three years soon. Dazhu was 15 years old. In this year's children's test, he won the first place and won the honor of a talent. It was the night parents who burned incense to worship their ancestors and informed their ancestors. My father sat in the hall and stayed up all night.

In the fall of the following year, Xuancheng Qiuyi began, his father changed into a collection of Confucian shirts, his mother packed up and made a good table, and the family ate in silence.

Then, his father took Dazhu and the villagers' eager eyes and headed for Xuancheng.

Before entering the examination room, my father seemed a little embarrassed, but he was always comforting Dazhu. "Don't worry, don't be under pressure. You are still young, and your father's friend was also the third year's talent, so take the exam."

Dazhu didn't speak, nodded, turned back before entering the examination room, and looked at his father in the autumn breeze. The sour meaning in his heart re-emerged, let him secretly decide that he must take a good test and never let his father Disappointed.

Dazhu is very confident about raising people in the exam. It seems that starting from a stormy day, the Confucian books that were extremely obscure and boring before him became extremely simple and obvious. At a glance, they can be remembered in their hearts. And even have their own opinions. But Dazhu didn't tell his parents about this. He felt a little faint, maybe it had something to do with the long and long Xiuxian dream he made, but it was too absurd, and I'm afraid the parents couldn't believe it.

It didn't take long for the state-level examination to be held. After a long time, Dazhu left the examination room. His father still stood there, watching him come out, his mouth moved, or he didn't speak, and turned to take him away.

In the inn in the evening, my father was unwilling to ask for a good table. The father and son ate in silence. At halfway, the father finally spoke, "Dazhu, how about the exam in the morning?" Although he deliberately wanted to keep calm, But the slightly trembling fingers still indicated the tension in his father's heart at this moment.

Dazhu looked up, put a piece of meat in his father's bowl, and still did not speak, but nodded strongly.

Father's mind was slightly loose, so he didn't ask more.

On the second day, Dazhu never saw his father look so excited. Looking at the number one, he was intentionally smeared with a golden name, and his father cried.

Da Zhuo supported him, feeling the rejoicing and joy in his father's eyes, and a little smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

The examiner in the state city specially called Dazhu, and his father was very disturbed walking around the door, for fear that he would not speak, annoying the adults. But one hour later, when the adult left, he was full of admiration and arched his hands to his father, saying, "Be prepared for the students, recommended by the state government, and let Dazhu go to the capital, and then try again."

The examiner was gone, and Dazhu went out and stood respectfully, but his father cried again, and his voice was choked with excitement, but the look in his eyes was clear, and he never forgot his whole life.

The village quickly learned that Dazhu was the first person to be promoted. Next year, he will go to Beijing to take part in the test. The entire village is completely lively. For this reason, the most prestigious third uncle also invited a big show, and spent money in the village to celebrate it.

The mother stood between a group of women, listening to their envious words, the wrinkles between the brows were thinner, and the smile was so beautiful.

The following spring, Dazhu left the village in a horse-drawn carriage under the respectful leadership of the prefecture ’s grandfather. He had to rush to the capital with other students for 4 months. This time his father did not follow, but he and his mother were sent to the village entrance until the carriage No trace was found, so I went home.

Dazhu until his parents were watching him, but he did not turn back, but meditated in his heart: father, mother and baby will not let you down.

One day after 4 months, my father was doing carpentry in the yard, and his mother was feeding the old hens in the house. The husband and wife have already negotiated, and whether or not Zhu Er is in the middle, they will kill these hens and make up for them.

But on this day, the sound of gongs and drums suddenly came, accompanied by the laughter of the children.

The father frowned slightly, not knowing what had happened, and opened the door, but saw the gongs and drums stopped outside the hospital. A dozen or so people were carrying drums and beating the gongs, all of them carrying big red flowers, so happy to celebrate .

The father who saw it opened the door, and immediately one of them sent forward to respectfully salute him. When he was asked for his identity, he looked even more awesome, and said loudly: "Congratulations to the couple, I am an Xuancheng student, Xu Chu, and I won the first place in Beijing. Wait for the special to come first. "

"Master Huiyuan is in Beijing now, waiting for the next month's test, and will return home when the Nomination Day for Gold List!"

The father was dull, and he returned to his mind after a long time, looking excited. On this day, my father had a lot of happy money, and my mother was busy greeting the guests of Daoxi. It was not until late at night that the home was quiet.

The father knelt and whispered in front of the ancestor's portrait, and the mother stood on the side, wiping tears secretly, not sorrow, but joy.

After another month of loud noises, the grandfather of the county government and the grandfather of the state government went to the door at the same time, and met his father on an equal footing, and his words were warm and generous. Only because the son of the family won the test of Long Yan Dayue, selected champions, and more favored by the prime minister, want to recruit as son-in-law. With such a bright future, the imperial court nobles, they naturally want to end.

The champion came out in the village, and the third uncle proposed to take out some silver money from each house, and invited a lively drama to sing for a month, which attracted envy of the surrounding villages.

In April, Dazhu returned to his hometown. When he got down from the horse and knelt down on the ground wearing a champion robe, his father and mother cried at the same time.

Dazhu entered Beijing as an official, married the prime minister's daughter, and brought his parents to Beijing Zhong'an to enjoy his old age. In the decades that followed, Dazhu was in peace, eventually taking over from his father-in-law, becoming the reign of the dynasty.

That winter, my father left. He was peaceful when he left, holding Dazhu's hand, his eyes were full of relief.

After February, the mother also left.

In the end, the parents were buried together in the scenery, and they paid homage to the pilgrimage, and the emperor came in person to do so. Presumably, they could stare underground.

In 2o years, Dazhu was 68 years old. He resigned and told the old man to return to his hometown. He took his wife and children back to his hometown and enjoyed the rest of the year.

Six years later, on a stormy night, Dazhu was critically ill. As he died, listening to the cry of his wife and children in his ears, his thoughts suddenly appeared briefly blurred, and it seemed that all this was extremely unreal. He remembered the dream when he was a boy, and he seemed to dimly see a monk in blue robe, looking calm and looking at him with complex eyes.

If not mistaken, this person is himself.

The next moment, the idea of ​​Dazhu fell into eternal darkness.

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