Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 164: News reveals crisis is near

The elder high-level elders' parliament and the thousands of elders who guarded the territories of the human race were summoned, and they crossed their arms and crossed the stone pillars of the Forum. {{<(Eight ([一 [中文 网 [[W} W? W].] 8) 1} Z & gt; W]. [COM] But today the elders looked slightly dignified, no one whispered, and the atmosphere was solemn.

call out!

Eight figures suddenly appeared above the eight stone pillars at the core, which were the eight elders of the human race.

"I've seen the elders!" The elders of thousands of people with high authority and control of one side got up at the same time, bowed respectfully, and looked awed.

The elder prestige is the highest in the human race, and no one dares to challenge the slightest. This prestige is based on absolute strength, and every elder is a horrible existence of heaven and man and the five realms!

"Let's get up." The Master of Wan Jian said coldly. As a well-known powerhouse who has stepped into the wilderness in half a step, the Terran Council has always respected him. "To convene a parliament again today is about trials of ethnic groups."

"After more than half a year, the trial of the ethnic group is over, and the younger monks of my tribe are distributed in the spirit world, and the elders are required to come forward and take them back one by one."

"This seat and the elders have agreed on a list. If you have no objections, just do it." The words fell, the sword of Wan Jian's robe was waved, and thousands of jade slips shot, falling on each In front of the elder.

Unless there are major mistakes or unfair decisions made by the elders, there will be no objections. The elders all nodded, and no one expressed objections. However, after reading the content of Yujian, all the elders couldn't help but have some doubts. Why didn't the elders from the assembly point in the cities of the unicorn territory? Could it be that the elders of countless people could not help but think of a possibility.

The Lord of the Swords did not delay, and when he noticed the elders' suspicious eyes, he said lightly, "The assembly points in the cities of the Unicorn Territory will be set off by the elders and personally receive the monks of our tribe."

Sure enough!

Thinking of returning to the ethnic group a few days ago, the appearance of Xiao Chen's appearance in the assembly points of various cities, coupled with the decision of the elder today, things became clear instantly.

It turned out that everything was for this person.

However, considering the news from the ethnic battlefield, the hearts of many elders of the human race calmed down quickly, and the anti-natural talent revealed by this child was very likely to become the ninth elder of the human race in the future as long as it had not fallen in the middle. Indeed, there are qualifications for the elders of labor to exit customs.

However, their thoughts just calmed down, and after hearing the next sentence, it was an instant endless stormy sea.

"This time I will go to the cities of the unicorn tribe, and I will be headed by the Lord of My Swords, the Lord of Heavenly Strategies, and the Lord of the Stars. This is a top secret of the ethnic group. It cannot be passed on until the end of the ethnic trial, otherwise it will be treated as a rebel!"

"The meeting is dissolved!"

Whispering, the eight elder elders disappeared.

The original high-level tribe did decide to send the Lord of the Stars to Zhucheng, but after receiving information from an ancestor in the extraterritorial battlefield, the Lord of Wan Jian immediately convened the Second Elder Council. This meeting finally decided that the Lord of Wan Jian, The three masters of the Heavenly Strategy and the Lord of the Stars went, and even the Hanlin Lord who had always criticized Xiao Chen had never objected.

Of course, this kind of thing elders will not explain, because ordinary elders have no knowledge of the hidden qualifications.


"Huh? A letterless jade Jane." In the abyss of the demon clan, a planting demon clan who was sleeping and waking up suddenly woke up, and the demon cloud rolled into a humanoid, beckoning to pass by. Yu Jian's messenger received a handful of consciousness into it.

After a few breaths, the demon suddenly looked up, exulting in his eyes.

"Xiao Chen, is in the assembly point of Zhucheng!"

"If this is true, I will definitely be rewarded by the board of directors. Regardless of the truth, I will report it first."

"This thing must not be known to anyone, otherwise the credit that belongs to me may be divided and go now!"

This demon race hurriedly controlled Lu Guang, and whistled straight to the bottom of the abyss.


"In recent times, the gathering points of the people in Zhucheng are indeed a little weird. It seems that things recorded in this jade are by no means unfounded, and Xiao Chen is likely to be in the cities!" Si Mo's face was dignified and he groaned.

Next, the Demon King and several other strong demons nodded at the same time.

"Please show the image of the demon ancestor, this seat will contact the Lord Speaker to determine this matter."

The order was issued. Naturally, His Majesty Demon Monk was preparing. The statue of the demon ancestor was respectfully carried out. It is a dark statue of the same size as wood, but the face is like an inexplicable force entangled and blurred. Not really.

Sima respectfully stood down, and here the monk, only he has the qualification to contact the Lord Speaker through the statue of the demon ancestor.

The trick is played, and the hand is integrated into the image of the demon ancestor.

After a few breaths, the vague demon statue's face suddenly fluctuated, and a thin but vast coercion of pressure slowly diffused out of it, permeating the entire space. At the same time, Si Mo and others respectfully fell down on one knee, "Welcome to Lord Chang!"

"Secret, why contact this seat?" A slightly old voice emerged from the mouth of the demon ancestor, but was clearly introduced into the ears of every monk monk here.

Sima lifted up and whispered, and was informed in detail about the story of Yu Jianzhong, "This matter is related to Xiao Chen of the human race. It is not false, and the juniors dare not delay, and disturbed the Lord Lord, please forgive me."

The horror of the demons that came through the statue of the demon ancestors, and heard a few moments of silence, seemed to be determining the matter, and spoke after a few breaths. "This matter is already known to you, you are doing well."

"But remember, this thing is not allowed to be known to anyone until the community takes action!"

As the words fell, the original image of the demon ancestor returned to its original form. Obviously, the terrible existence of the demon tribe had recovered its own thoughts.


Above the endless void, the howling wind screams like a knife. This kind of damage power can't bear even the existence of heaven and humanity, and it will inevitably be wiped out by entering it.

But on this day, four majestic consciousness came down suddenly and turned into four figures, but the void around the figure was in a state of distortion all the time, making people unable to see their true appearance. But the magic clouds tumbled and the anger was exuberant, but they revealed their identities.

"My tribe has determined that Xiao Chen, the tribe of the tribe, is in the cities of the unicorn territory." One of the two demons was slightly thin and the monk began to speak, his voice deep in the space, echoing endless murder.

The 10,000-mile-long space has been forcibly distorted by the Da-Mana magical power, and no one can deduce peeping.

"My tribe has also confirmed this." An old voice from the two of the demons came out, "This tribe must be killed this time, otherwise if you want to kill him, you must pay more, and it may even be possible Let the tribe have another peerless powerhouse. "

"This is by no means allowed!" The monk monk was also fierce.

"My clan was shot by the Supreme Commander Shan Qingtian, who will kill this junior junior!" The Demon Commander of the Demon Race tentatively said.

"The demon tribe is shot by director Kashiwaba and director Heitian!"

"According to the news, Xiao Chen has a piece of treasure that can withstand the shock of the heavens and the five realms, so when you start, you and I all use magical powers to kill this child in an instant, without giving the human race any chance to rescue!"

"it is good!"

The demons of the two races and the four races reached an agreement, and the consciousness spread out and returned.

A terror killing has been properly arranged.

Everything, just wait for the moment when the Trial Trial is over!



Xiao Chen crossed her knees on the futon in the secret room of the practice. At this moment, she suddenly opened her eyes, her brows were wrinkled, and her eyes were a little dignified.

Now that the ethnic trials are about to end, he has already entered the human race assembly point, and as soon as time arrives, he will return to the human race territory with many monks here, ending the killing. Everything is normal, but for some reason, he feels a little disturbed. It seems that things are not as simple as he thought.

Frowning and thinking, Xiao Chen shook a moment later, took a deep breath, and suppressed all the uneasy emotions in his heart.

If you can't find the source of this uneasiness, why bother to think in vain. Today, it is less than a year from the end of the trial of the ethnic group. If something really happens, it will probably appear soon. Before that, all he could do was to continuously improve his cultivation and put himself in an unknown crisis. In, you can have a little more assurance of life.

At this moment, Xiao Chen has made a decision, and he will not leave the practice chamber for half a step until the end of the trial on the last day. With a deep groan, Xiao Chen waved his hands to ban the lower layers of the dense room, and with all his strength, absolutely no one could penetrate into the consciousness silently and silently. In the event of an accident, he could respond in the shortest time.

After doing this, Xiao Chen stepped forward, the figure disappeared, and a black stone appeared on the floor of the secret room.


Su Su didn't enter the retreat practice like Xiao Chen and others. She lived quietly and quietly. Her favorite thing to do every day was to sit at a stone table not far from Xiao Chen's retreat.

Yun Sheng, Tietou and others went out of customs occasionally, and they were quite respectful when they saw Su Su. Although Xiao Chen is very indifferent to Su Su now, the relationship between people is not accurate, especially between men and women. Maybe it will change suddenly one day.

Time flowed in silence, and more and more monks gathered in various cities, even because of inadequate housing, some disputes were fought, but the courtyard where Xiao Chen lived was still extremely clean, and no monks dared to act here.

Duan Mo enemy disappeared, has not appeared in the sight of everyone for a long time.

Everything seemed extremely calm, but under this calm surface, endless storms were hidden.

On this day, Su Su came to Xiao Chenmi's outdoor room very early and changed her brand new skirt. Her face was slightly pink, and she was even more glorious. The beautiful eyes fell on the door of the secret room, sparkling with hope.

Pu Sheng, Tietou, etc. went out of the customs one after another and came here in a hurry.

I didn't wait too long. With the rising voice of Shimen, a few figures came out, looking calm, watching the people in front of them slightly nodding, with a slight smile on their lips.

The closer to the last date, the heavier the anxiety in Xiao Chen's heart became, and even later became a strong sense of life and death crisis. But at this moment, he had figured it out. If it was unavoidable, even if he was worried day and night, what would he need to do?

In this case, it is better to deal with it calmly. Moreover, Xiao Chen today is no longer a cowardly existence. Perhaps some peak monks think that he is still vulnerable today, but he has a strong self-confidence in his heart.

Today is the best. If there is a real change, no matter who is going to be against him, you will have to pay for your actions!

The appearance is dull, but my heart is ready to fight desperately at any time.


[Today, only 4 can be changed, and 5 can't be coded. Tomorrow will be four more, and the update time stabilized earlier, but recently the code for work is really tired, now I feel that my eyes have been spent. Thanks again to all the Taoists who voted monthly and subscribed, and bowed deeply. 】

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