Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 256: Skybreaker

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, and his heart was cold. Bayi [

As the Lord of Bone Bones seeks death, this seat will fulfill you!

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes, his eyes twitched sharply, and said lightly, "Supernatural powers have no eyesight. If they are not careful, they may end up dead and fall. If the boneless master insists on a contract, this seat will naturally accompany him, but he needs to say beforehand , Once shot, life and death are all destiny. "Yu Feng, killing lingering.

The bony Lord's face changed slightly, and then he grinned, "It's the best."

"Let me be taught today, what is the magical power of Xiao Chen Daoyou!" Li drinking, the corner of this old man's mouth showed a faint expression.

The next moment, an extremely cold and brutal breath burst into the body, turning it into a violent coercion that suddenly fell between heaven and earth, making countless senses that the breath monk's face was suddenly pale, and his eyes showed fear.

The main bone of the bones growled, the muscles on his face trembled, and the endless pain was revealed. It was in the eyes of the public. The whole body of this weird body suddenly dried up as if swallowed and sucked, as if the bones were covered with a layer of skin. Eyes high-raised, really terrifying! But with this weird and horrible process, the atmosphere inside the boneless subject has skyrocketed with an astonishing degree, exuding endless cruelty and destruction, just like the ancient bone demons came to the world, and want to destroy all living beings!

"Well, Xiao Chen is a good friend and takes over this supernatural power." The boneless master chuckled, with a deep hoarse voice in his mouth, and the words did not fall, this boneless old man took a step forward, palm forward It was shot, and suddenly the pale light shot out of the hand, and it turned into a pale white skeleton phantom, and flew to Xiao Chen in a silent roar.

call out!

This magical power is extremely fast, turning into a pale awn, breaking through the sky!

With a mana cultivation, endless life and vitality are incorporated into this bone blow. This supernatural power is the strongest card of the dead bone master. Even his ancestors in the clan do not dare to lighten their front. This Xiao Chen It must be impossible to resist! In this challenge, the magical power was competed, not the hole card. Since Xiao Chen was confronted with Xiaotong, he needed to be shocked with magical power. The boneless Lord has full confidence, and it is not impossible to completely destroy or even wipe him directly with the help of this bone!

Xiao Chen lifted, feeling the ferocious momentum that came on his face. Once the blue robe was blasted by the wind, his head turned black, and his eyes were cold and tumbling between opening and closing. The evil spirit in my heart is even more murderous! If you want to kill him, you also need to see if you have such a qualification.

The vitality Shouyuan sacrifice is transformed into a magical power, and the Xeon strikes. This magical power is not only owned by the boneless master. Xiao Chen also has such magical power in his hands!

The sleeve of the robe was raised, one hand extended, four fingers bent, the remaining one was out, and it suddenly dropped forward!

A finger of silence, a finger of silence, destroys life!

The mighty vitality emerged from the depth of flesh and bone marrow, turned into a wave of waves and swept into compression and fusion, transformed into a force of destruction, and shot with yellow light from your fingers! This withered yellow light reveals endless death. If it is withered in the late autumn, it is on the verge of death. In the wandering and turning, it turns into a shadow of a mill, about the size of the remaining space, and the solidity is like a real thing. The ancient atmosphere slowly dissipates from it Out, it seems that the eternal days between heaven and earth have already existed.


The bones arrive, the grinding discs turn, and the two magical evolutionary things that go from yin to poison and destroy the atmosphere suddenly collide. The two of them suddenly burst into a terrifying horror atmosphere, just like a black hole, they can devour and destroy everything. Everything will collapse and disappear.

The bones roared and the grinding disc turned silently, but there was a weird stalemate between the two, but it did not last for a long time. With the roar in the ghostly mouth of the bone, the sound of "click" suddenly sounded, and the bones were born from the grinding disc. Crushing, turning into an endless whiteness, was swallowed by the grinding disc and incorporated into itself. After crushing the bones and devouring their power, the yellowish disc-shaped body became denser and more distracting, and several bloodstains appeared on it, faintly turning into fonts, but it was impossible to identify what it was. But even so, the fierce breath of this thing has reached the overwhelming realm, sweeping away, no one can resist!

The boneless lord suddenly made a terrible cry. If his chest was severely blown, blood leaked from his mouth to nose, but it was weird because the blood was actually a dark red color, and some odors were faintly revealed. It seemed that it had been left for countless years. Dead blood, usually from the dead body. The dead blood overflowed, and if the Lord of Bone Bone was suddenly hit hard, his breath would fade instantly. But at this moment he didn't dare to stop there, and fled frantically to the rear while screaming. Fear pervaded the mind of the withered bone master. The only silence and decay he could sense above the withering millstone. Once hit by this supernatural power, he would die. It was under this death crisis that the horrified Lord was completely frightened, and there was no time to give birth to any regret. The only thought that can be thought of is escape! escape! escape!

But now this weird wants to get out, but it is too late.

call out!

The withering yellow millstone devours the power of the bones, which is equivalent to combining Xiao Chen's full strength of 57 thousand years of death and the full power of the bone's one blow. The power is infinitely close to half a step. The annihilation of the annihilation group exists! At this moment, the grinding disc virtual shadow blasted out, as the bone-locked qi machine locked the dead bones and swept away towards it.

The bony Lord's face suddenly turned pale, and he screamed, "You friends, save me!"

The next moment, 17 breaths suddenly came down, imposing and imposing. The peak of the ethnic group was overwhelming and raging! Based on the cooperation of 17 ethnic peaks, the momentum is superimposed, and its coercion can be as powerful as the half-step ethnic peaks.

"Keep people!"

During the low drink, 17 figures appeared directly between the heavens and the earth. At this moment, one step forward, the horror was exploded, the endless mana suddenly appeared and turned into the power of the town, and went straight to the withering millstone. I wanted to keep it Boneless Lord!

Xiao Chen's face suddenly became annihilated, his eyes rolled sharply, looking at these 17 appearances, his heart suddenly bred and his madness skyrocketed with an amazing degree, but his eyes were strangely calm and indifferent. Relentless, it seems that everything in this world cannot make him feel a little emotional fluctuation.

With one hand extended inside the robe sleeve, press the space above the space slightly, and flick slightly with force, and then let go.

It was at the moment of Xiao Chensong's hand that his face suddenly turned pale, and his body breath suddenly decreased with an amazing degree, but his waist was still upright, and his slightly dark eyes were filled with the imposing atmosphere, it seemed This day and this place will tremble under his feet!

At the same time, the space near the shallow lake was torn, and a figure stepped forward, his gloomy eyes surging violently, and the person who came was the master of the million swords! At this moment, the old man lifted up, just to see Xiao Chen flick his fingers lightly, his pupils contracted violently for a while, his complexion was slightly hesitant, and in the end he did not block it! Today's thing is that when they come to the door to provoke, then let these old immortals suffer some hardships! Xiao Chen is his disciple, representing the prestige of his Kendo line, and provoking Xiaofu is equivalent to provoking the Kendo line! The lord of Wan Jian sneered, I'm afraid these old monsters never thought that Xiao Chen still had a card for this strike, otherwise he would never dare to be so presumptuous!


The mighty majesty waved down from the sky, and between the heavens and the earth, a gloomy white arc appeared from the place where Xiao Chen's finger was swung. It was so small that it was like a blade shooting forward, but at the same time, it had the power of terror. From the explosion, the endless spiritual power riot swept through, and was swallowed into it by itself. With the progress of spiritual engulfment, this arc-shaped body skyrocketed with an amazing degree, exuding the power of destroying the world!

"Cracking Sky!"

"It's a sharp sky!"

"Damn, you Taoists join forces to resist this supernatural strangulation!"

"Do your best, and don't leave anything at all, otherwise you and I will be in danger today!"

"Shoot as soon as possible, the more this magical power devours the spiritual power, the more powerful it is. You can't do anything other than harden it!"

"Damn, this Xiao Chen actually has the power to stir this terror!"

The 17 weirds cursed and opened their mouths, their faces were sober, but they couldn't help but feel a bit bitter. On that day, Xiao Chen fought a battle with the Lord of Hanlin, and the powerful celebrity of the split-sky frontier was recognized as a magical power that approached the ancient ancestors infinitely. On that day, the Lord of Hanlin's cards were exhausted, and even the strength of the ancestors of the Jade Palace could be summoned to barely save his life, otherwise it would have been ridiculed, and no one dared to hesitate about this split-front edge.




The peak of the horror of the 17 ethnic groups burst into the sky at the same time, and in order to protect themselves, many veterans shot with all their strength, without any concealment, and tried their best to explode their Xeon mighty power!


During the burst of drinking, 17 ethnic peaks came forward at the same time, and the body was suddenly connected and integrated. Even if they were overbearing and domineering, they could not completely suppress the terror of the 17 ethnic peaks and shot at the same time. The endless spiritual power between the heavens and the earth suddenly became violent, raging and rolling like a raging sea! Infinite spirits come together in madness, and turn into a handprint on the top of these 17 old monsters! The size of this handprint is so big that you can stare at it. You can even clearly see every handprint on it. The horror bursts from this palm print, making the surrounding areas violently vibrate and shocking!

This handprint was created by combining the peaks of 17 ethnic groups, and blessed by the spirit of spirit, simplified and simplified, and integrated all the magical power into this palm. Seemingly simple, but it can be combined with power The best way to get to the Xeon level!




In the roar, the peaks of the 17 ethnic groups were glaring at the same time, and the hundred-foot prints on the top of the head rushed down and shot forward. It was absolutely invincible. The power of destroying the sky was mixed with the power of destroying the earth.

At the same time, the cracking sky front swept across, the color was pale, the endless murderous power was revealed, and only the destruction revealed in the breath.

Palm print to, shoot down the top of the cracking sky!


The sound of terror burst suddenly, like the loud sound of the early days of heaven and earth, sweeping between heaven and earth! The breath of endless destruction is a little explosive from that fight, and the raging and writhing spiritual power can easily hang any soul that breaks into it! The whole sky shivered in unison, then crashed and shattered, and this crazy collision shock broke the power of the ancestral city to suppress the power of the void for a short time, revealing its dark background. At the edge of this collapsed space, there are tens of thousands of feet wide, hundreds of thousands of feet, and even millions of feet of long horror space cracks, spreading like crazy snakes in all directions, spreading over half of the ancestors. City sky.


[Second more! 】

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