Xiao Chen suddenly lifted his eyes, and his eyes were cold and swollen, "The four sources of this seat are in the hands of this seat, and the monks who killed this seat can take all of them into their hands, and their achievements will be limitless in the future!"

"Whoever is qualified, come and collect it!"

The old corpse's eyes flashed sharply, and the eyes suddenly burst into hotness. "Hahahaha, 4 origins, once the income is refined in the hands of this spirit, the general of the spirit world will let this seat to run freely, no more taboo!"

"Xiao Chen, your origin is here!"

During the roar, the figure of the old corpse suddenly turned into a black awn and flew forward instantly. [? ([Eight {One small ([W?.? 8] 1? Z} W.COM

Xiao Chen!

Human race Xiao Chen!

The virtual shadow of Zuo Mei's guarding the palace has already made the monks in the dead city familiar. Now the old corpse I heard, finally thought of his identity, and felt that the four original breaths were raging, and they swallowed together at this moment!

What kind of monstrosity did this person experience? He could have four sources!

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, but his eyes looked calm. He didn't seem to move at all, but his palms in his robe sleeves were bent with three fingers, leaving **** alone, and resting on the void, such as stroking the strings. The sound of cracks!

Do everything, listen to the fate of the man, now he has planned some in the shortest time, just to see if things will show in the direction he expected now, once there is a slight difference, he will die today!

It's close! It's close!

The old corpse is less than 1o away from where Xiao Chen is located. This range is like a dummy to it. It can be crossed in an instant.

Xiao Chen's body was tight, but there was a calmness in her eyes. For example, the dark and deep sea was unobservable, the air was cold, and the fingers in the robe sleeves shrank slightly. She had already touched an invisible line in this world, just loosen it. , You can explode the terrible power of destruction.

But at this moment, there was a sudden burst of breath, the breath of terror and demon power shrouded the whole world, mixed with the imperial dignity of the king!

Demon Dragon Nocha finally could not bear to shoot!

Four origins, damn, there are actually four origins!

Nocha's heart was ecstatic at the moment except shock! He didn't expect that Xiao Chen had hidden such a terrible opportunity and obtained the source of thunder. He gathered the power of the two sources to break through the current imprisonment and promote the wilderness to become a dragon emperor. But what if he can get 3 origins, 4 origins, or 5 origins? What kind of future can it achieve?

At that time, I am afraid that he will have the opportunity to impact the level of the dragon ancestors, promote the Daqian Realm, and become the immortal dragon of the upper realm, immortal, coexist with the sun and the moon, and coexist with the world.

This opportunity is in front of him. As long as the old corpse is defeated, all the original power of Xiao Chen will be owned by him. This opportunity is here. Nocha will not give up, and he must not give up, otherwise he will regret it in the future. !!

The opportunity is moving, and the temptation of the four original forces is enough to make this demon dragon completely insane, to suppress the fear of the old corpse, and fight at any price!


The demon dragon Nocha shot out and fought with the old corpse. This demon dragon has now exploded all his hole cards. The body has become a half dragon and a half human, hands and feet become claws, and the scales are covered with dragon scales. Instantaneous skyrocketing.

Demon Dragon Nocha is a dragon monk, mastering the two powers of thunder and water, coupled with his powerful physical body, fully exploding his combat power to the existence of the ancient and powerful, and his strength is at the same level as the Lord of Swords .

As for this underground corpse, whose identity is inexplicable, the town was sealed in the territory of Wuyuan for many years and repaired as undetectable, but its real combat power exploded, but it had to barely overwhelm this demon dragon, its dried black and purple flesh, see Seemingly decaying but surpassing the golden iron, and the demon Dragon Nuocha shook the tribe a little bit.

The terrorist power of both sides exploded as much as possible. The damage caused by the power was unimaginable. The ground of the entire dead city began to collapse and collapse on a large scale. The towering palaces and majestic cities were all being destroyed!



Around the dead city, the deadly sky that traverses the heavens and earth has also been severely damaged under this strong horizontal destruction force. The sound of fine and shattering came, like a broken mirror, and cracks leading to the outside appeared.

There are horrible old corpses in the dead city, and there are monster dragon emperors. No matter who can win in the end and become the biggest winner, they will not let any monks in the dead city. All the four original forces on the human race Xiao Chen are enough to make them kill the killer and wipe out all the possibilities that may reveal the secret, so as not to cause trouble for themselves.

So after detecting the collapse of Death Sky, the monks who had not fallen down in the dead city began to carefully control the souls and beasts, and slowly retreated toward the surrounding area.

call out!

call out!

There was a piercing sound, and no one started to escape. The remaining monks of the surviving group, including even the three monsters, began to rush out in desperation. Now the only thought in their hearts is to leave here and protect themselves. Life!

Xiao Chen watched this scene quietly. He didn't choose to run away like other monks, because he knew in the heart that none of these people could escape, they would all die here. After they witnessed the advent of the old corpse and the breath of the four origins, their ridicule was doomed.

At the next moment, the demon dragon and the old corpse that were in the fierce fighting were backing out unanimously. The eyes of both sides flickered slightly. Although they didn't say a word, they took a tacit understanding to step forward, and went straight to the escaped monk.

They all have the confidence to finally seize the opportunity. For confidentiality, naturally, they will not let anyone go!

A short, terrifying sound of horror suddenly sounded, and each sound came to represent the ridicule of a peak monk in the ethnic group. Listening to the screams from the ears, the powerful alien monks who were still fleeing. The heart was full of panic, desperately urging the soul beast below, in exchange for the fastest degree at any cost.

escape! escape! escape!

This is the only thought in their hearts at this moment, no matter they are the monster dragon Nuocha or the underground corpse, they are by no means the existence of which they can compete!

Most of the monks who fell into the hands of the monster Long Nuocha were directly smashed by their punches. They were completely destroyed, and they could avoid a lot of pain. But if they fell into the hands of the old corpse, they were bitterly bitten by their mouths. Suffering fiercely, the entire flesh and blood gods will be swallowed up, and after the monks 'flesh and blood are devoured, this old corpse is obviously full, and it is actually using these monks' vitality to repair their own flesh!

"My lord, my lord's life, I and the other three are willing to follow His Majesty from now on. Please look at the same tribe and bypass me and the other three!" The three powerful monks of the Demon Clan joined forces to escape, and have now escaped from the dead city area. , But in the face of the demon Dragon Nocha chasing and killing without any hope of escape, his face was frightened, his eyes were full of begging.

Nuocha's face was indifferent, his eyes were cold and unaffected, and Wen Yan said lightly, "My King is not willing to kill you, but only death can completely hide today's things, so you three go!"

The words fell, the sleeves waved, and the mighty power of the Void suddenly burst, leaving the three demons powerless to resist, the physical body collapsed directly in the misery, and the Yuanshen dissipated!

The three mighty monks who beheaded the monster tribe, Demon Dragon's eyes flickered a little, his arrogant consciousness burst into bursts, covering the whole world, meticulous investigation will never miss any fish that missed the net!

At the same time, the killing of the underground corpse has come to an end, and it has devoured the vitality of more than ten powerful monks in succession. The physical body of this old corpse was almost completely recovered and turned into a quite middle-aged monk. The blood color in the eyes was also faded, and eventually hidden in the depths of the eyes, it would be impossible to detect unless you looked closely.

"Huh, there is the last one." The old man turned the middle-aged man up, a sneer sneered in the corner of his mouth, and the next step came out, and the figure suddenly turned into a streamer whistling and went straight to the primal sense.

The Lord of Ziyuan's face was gloomy, his eyes were cold and cold, and the purple robes dazzled with aura of light, and blessed the soul and beast of his seat to make his degree reach the fastest level, and escaped madly forward.

Fortunately, the situation in the Wuyuan Realm turned out to be a calculation in the end. Neither the dragon dragon nor the underground corpse was an easy one, so he could not turn away and escape immediately.

But thinking of the four origins of Xiao Chen's body, the Lord of Ziyuan had a heartache.

He had no chance to compete for this opportunity unless ...

But at this moment, when his thoughts were writhing, his eyes suddenly burst into anger, suddenly rising, the figure did not continue to escape, but stopped and turned around. He knew in his mind that now that the old corpse had been hunted down, with his current strength, there was no possibility of escape at all. In this case, there is only a chance to let go, and there may be some vitality.

The Lord of Ziyuan sensed the breath approaching quickly, his eyes were blank, and the strange purple awns lingered slowly in his eyes.

"Oh, I didn't run away anymore, that's all right, lest this seat spend too much time on you, obediently let me eat so as not to waste too much time." The middle-aged man who turned into a cadaver smiled and opened his mouth. A smirk smiled.

The master of Ziyuan's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and said in a chilly voice: "Why do Dao friends need to rush out and kill everything? If you are willing to let go today, if you leave here immediately, you will not leak today's things. Otherwise, you may not fight hard. You can leave me. "

The old corpse's eyes flickered slightly, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. The reason why he didn't directly kill the monks like other monks was because he felt a breath that made him afraid, and the most critical One thing is that he feels very familiar with this breath and seems to have seen it a long time ago.

But even so, today he will not let go of the master of Ziyuan. If this person had the strength to contend with him, would he let the current four temptations escape, and obviously the person in front of him was in a bluff .. Or he had unspeakable distress.

In this case, killing him, devouring the flesh and blood, searching for his memory, may find the reason why the person's breath makes him feel familiar.

Thinking of this, this old corpse's eye-catchers flashed!

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