Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 318: Search no fruit

Until this moment, the old man stopped slowly and looked at the two origins of wood of nearly the same size. He hesitated in his eyes, and then gritted his teeth severely. He was suppressed by the venomous killer. "Although the origin of wood was divided, The power is weakened a lot, but when careful training can eventually restore it, being able to kill Xiao Chen with a mass of wood can be considered a cost-effective transaction. Bayi Novel [Net W? W] W.81ZW. COM "

The Lord of Hanlin's face was grim, but his eyes were full of caution. Although he was unwilling to admit it, Xiao Chen's cultivation at this moment was indeed far above him. It was natural that he should be cautious, otherwise he would be a little careless. It will end up sloppy!

After careful consideration of the planned plan, at this moment, although some minor accidents have occurred, the progress is still smooth. Now that everything is in place, he will be able to attract the emperor only after he arranges a killing game.

After careful deliberation, after confirming that there are no omissions, the Lord of Hanlin slowly closed his eyes and swallowed Dan to recover his internal loss. After three days, he reached his peak state, and then he waved his hand to put down the forbidden road and set up the light and hurried away. go with.


The green cicada fluttered silently, the compound eyes flashed the cold chill, the mouth spikes rose high, and shuttled in the void space. The number was hundreds and dense, enough to shock any wood monsters in the surrounding area. Move closer to here.

In the package of green cicadas, a figure walked, his face was calm, and his narrow eyes flashed a faint chill.

This person is exactly that demon tribe.

"The green cicadas in the Five Elements Realm are born of wood-based monsters affected by the origin of wood. There are green cicadas here and there must be the origin of wood!" This demon slowly opened his eyes, and with his calm mind, he couldn't help flashing a few times. Hot.

The human race can get the residual image of the Five Elements Realm, and the monk's powerful monk can also gain something. Here is the place where the origin of the wood is most marked in the residual image of the monster.

As the number of green cicadas gathered more and more, the bloodthirsty color gradually appeared in the compound eyes. At a certain moment, more than a thousand green cicadas shot like a sharp arrow without warning. The tip spikes shone with Morin's death luster.

The monster tribe's brows are slightly wrinkled, and a bit of impatience flashes in the long and narrow eyes, and the robe sleeves are lightly waved, and the wooden monster suddenly bursts into a turquoise light and shadow, wrapping up the entire space.

There is a faint aura of light and shadow in the magical power. It seems that there is no danger of gentle restraint, but the moment the green cicada enters, the bloodthirsty color in the compound eye disappears instantly, and the spiking from the mouth end begins to fly until it spreads whole body.



The wooden green cicadas fell on the ground, maintaining the attitude of killing with all their strength, but they have lost their lives.

The method of infiltrating the flesh and blood into wood with the wood monster power is strange.

The flowers and trees of the monster race marched forward without any influence at all, and more than a thousand green cicadas had died, but at this moment instead of showing satisfaction on his face, his brows frowned, and his eyes suddenly gloomed.

The green cicada was born because of the original power of the wood, the flesh absorbs the original breath, and has a strong resistance to the wood-based magical powers, but now it is so underplayed that it is wiped out, which seems to be a little weaker than the record. There is only one possibility for this situation, that is, after these green cicadas have been separated from the origin of the wood for a long time, their own power has begun to weaken ..

With this in mind, the flower and wood surface of the demon clan sank like water, and finally lost the ease and comfort before it, soaring, turned into a misty shadow, and went straight to the depths of the dense forest.

After half an hour, an old dead tree appeared in sight in the heart of the dense forest. This ancient tree is about one hundred feet thick and more than two thousand feet high. Withered branches look like unwilling palms reaching out into the sky. A thick layer of dead leaves has fallen on the ground. Although it has long been yellow, it is still not rotten. Feel some faint breath of wood.

There is indeed a source of wood here, or a long time ago, but as you can see, the source of the source here has been taken away, so the ancient tree that gave birth to it will die, and the green cicada will lose its breath due to the origin of wood. Become cowardly.

The flowers and plants of the monster family have become extremely ugly. This feeling of being close to success but now being finally taken over by the people really makes the monster very angry. Fortunately, this strange state of mind has been repaired to be not ordinary and powerful, took a deep breath, and turned and strode go away.

Since the origin of the wood here has been taken away, he naturally will not continue to waste time here. The Five Elements Realm has only been open for 3 years. If the origin of the wood is not found during this period, the trip will be a complete loss.

Time is running short, and the monsters and flowers go straight to the residual picture to record the second place where the origin of wood may exist.


The mountain peaks are stone and belong to the soil, with sand crabs.

There are mines in the stone, which belong to gold, and they have frontal ridges.

There are trees outside the mine, which belong to wood and have green mosquitoes.

There is a river between the trees, it is water, and there are raw fish.

There is ground fire under the river, which is a fire, and there is a fire blaze.

Xiao Chen stood at the foot of the mountain, looking at the mountain in front of him, his face was dignified.

At the core of the Five Elements Realm, the power of the Five Elements beast reaches the peak level. Even individual individuals have the peak power of the ethnic group. Once joined together, they can reveal the real ancient power, and the most terrifying point is that with the enhancement of the corpse, They have given birth to some savvy now, although not high enough, it is enough to let them burst out even more powerful power!

Fortunately, the number of Pentacles is small at the core of the Five Elements Realm, otherwise a large number of them will emerge. Even Xiao Chen can only escape from the desert, and any living creature will be wiped out by the terror of the Pentagon.

If it is possible, Xiao Chen will never climb the mountain in front, but here is where the source of the wood is marked in the second Terran map. There is no gain after the previous one. As for the third place, it is in the Five Elements Realm. In order to get there, you have to travel through countless dangerous places. Although the source of wood is most likely to exist, the danger is the highest, so Xiao Chen can only hope here. If she still has n’t harvested, she can only bite her head. Break through.

Standing under the mountain at this moment, feeling the faint scent that came out of the mountain, Xiao Chen took a deep breath, suppressed many thoughts in her heart, and strode forward.

Since there is no choice, you don't need to think too much, even if the road ahead is full of crises, you must crush it to death!

The source of wood must be in your hands!

Stepping on the rocks and walking into the dense forest, listening to the sound of trickling water in his ears, Xiao Chen's brows became more and more wrinkled, his face frowning.


The rocks were suddenly cracked, and dozens of feet of scary sand crabs were drilled from the ground. The whole body showed a strange gray-yellow color. The surface of the body was like a layer of stone. There was a fierce atmosphere in the body. , And suddenly clipped.

The ground was cracked directly, and the hot breath burst from it. Two hundred feet of fire from the rising fire waves meandered from the crimson body, and the body was entangled with the rising flames.

The green mosquitoes flew from the mountain forest, and the whole body was green and oily, especially the mouth-tip spurs were greenish, flashing a strange luster, and the compound eyes were full of bloodthirsty and hot.

Within the river, the fish scales stood up, and the tail swayed violently. The water vapor was shot instantly, the body was three feet in size, the mouth was open, the teeth were exposed, saliva kept dripping, and the eyes turned into strange red.

Among the ore, the sleeping dung beetle was awakened by the outside world, and the eyes opened instantly, revealing the cold and ruthless color, the wings behind them were trembling slightly, and a pair of forefoot was like a knife edge, tearing the mountain stone easily. At this moment, his wings shook behind him, and his forefoot opened his way like a knife in front of him.

At this point, the five elements are together!

Xiao Chen's pupils shrunk slightly, and the four-line five-element beasts can explode near the ancient level of power. I wonder if the five-line monsters join forces now, what will happen?

Minds move, the body's breath slowly wakes up like a resurrected beast, revealing its own minions, the breath rises up, and spreads wildly in all directions!

The strength of the ancient and horrible levels is bursting without reservation!

The Five Elements Monsters are restless, the intruders' powerful strength makes them feel the extreme pressure, and the next moment suddenly changes!


The five series of monsters growled and roared at the same time, the power of the five series exploded, and the powerful breath was overwhelming!

The power of the golden spirit, the power of the blue water spirit, the power of the verdant wood spirit, the power of the red fire spirit, the power of pure yellow earth spirit, sharp, long, lively, warm, thick, five kinds of strength of five systems, although they are very different from each other, But it blends perfectly.

The five kinds of power are turned into a ball, covering all the five series of monsters. The color gradually changes during the writhing, and finally turns into black and white, condensing into a weird monster!

This object is full of thousands of feet in size, full of scale armor, each piece has the size of a ruler, half black, half white, not static, but slowly running with a balanced degree. At a glance, the monster was covered in black and white all over the scales, apparently not ordinary.

And the most weird thing is that this monster has a pair of eyes, one is black, the other is pure white, all exudes coldness.

Xiao Chen's face changed slightly. From this black and white monster, he sensed a very strong and dangerous breath. He unexpectedly stepped down to the left, the figure moved hundreds of feet away instantly, and the next moment a sharp claw smashed and fell. Broken mountain body, stir up the sky and rocks!


At the top of the mountain, Monk Qingpao's face was white, and it was difficult to hide his disappointment in his eyes.

There is no source of wood here!

All the way up the mountain, beheaded several times the Five Elements beasts joined forces to besiege, even if Xiao Chenxiu was injured, he suffered some minor injuries, suffered heavy internal losses, and worked hard to reach the extreme. However, although the wood is very powerful, it is not The origin exists.

Maybe thousands of years or even ten thousand years later, the origin of wood can be born on this mountain, but Xiao Chen can't wait that long.

Turn around and step away.

The breath was a little weak, but Xiao Chen's face was calm, and his eyes flashed cold and cold. It seems that now I have to go to the last place to have some fun!

I hope I can gain something there, otherwise I am afraid I will have to return empty-handed.


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