Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 323: Bereaved

During the rest of the Dojo, Xiao Chen set out to store some storage rings, leaving his treasures and spiritual stones behind him. The rest of the treasures were thrown to Shu Bo, and he was responsible for distributing them, among which were top-notch magical powers. {[August 1? ((文 <(W) WW.81ZW.COM Takes Xiao Chen's practice today as a treasure that can still be given to His Majesty ’s monks. Naturally, there is no virtue in it. The monks who gave the treasures grinned suddenly.


The second floor of the dojo is within the palace of Xiaocheng.

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly, and through the restraint of the dojo, the changes in the tearing power of the five elements were carefully sensed, and his complexion became extremely ugly. To date, it has been 4 years and 3 months since entering the dojo. In other words, a full 51 days have passed. With the continuous deepening of the abyss, the power of terror strangulation has become so frightening that if the ancient times can appear here , Will be strangled by students.

Even a monk in Taikoo Realm may be ridiculed at any time.

And the most frightening thing is where does the Abyss go?

Although there is a dojo asylum, for the time being, there is no fear of prestige, but if the situation continues to be bad, even if staying in the dojo, it may not be safe. Once the dojo can't bear the five elements tearing force collapses, the only thing waiting for him will be 殒The end result.

Moreover, even if there is a dojo asylum, you can live without worry, but Xiao Chen can't stand the situation of being permanently closed by the bottomless abyss. He still has too many things to do, how can he perish here permanently.

Be sure to find a way to leave!

There must be a way!

Xiao Chen inhaled deeply, pressing his anxious thoughts in His Majesty's heart, and the thoughts of Yuanshen turned quickly. All the methods he could think of were eventually rejected by him. If these two points cannot be resolved, wanting to leave this place is tantamount to foolish dreaming.

While Xiao Chen was quietly waiting, the time passed by March, the 54th day outside.

In the Abyss, the power of the tearing power of the five elements suddenly skyrocketed, just like a big hand, and he wanted to tear the protection on the scene. Although there is a dojo barrier, Xiao Chen can still dimly sense the terrorist power contained in it!

This level of tearing power of the Five Elements can kill Swire Power!

The abnormality in the bottom of the abyss has not escaped Xiao Chen's induction, causing his face to change slightly, and he suddenly got up, showing a dignified color in his eyes. Now sudden mutations are most likely to reach the bottom of the abyss, and there may be great changes.

A dark and strange stone fell madly in the bottomless abyss. Suddenly, as if through a layer of five elements, the violent force of the five elements strangled suddenly disappeared ...


In a low hilly area, gravel is everywhere, and occasionally one or two low shrubs grow from a bare barren soil. A few good green leaves become the only embellishment on this barren land, exuding a touch of life.

Hai Qing looked up at the gray sky, listening to the tumultuous sound of Tiantian River in her ears, she could not help looking paler, and whispered in her mouth, "Please take shelter from the Lord Shiwu, let me succeed Find the five-colored spirit grass and heal your father's wounds. "The girl looked up at the light and hot sun in the sky, her expression of reverence, her face settled a little, her eyes moved around carefully, her eyes couldn't help Live anxiously.

Lord Yakushi said that the Five Elements Spirit Grass may heal the injuries caused by his father ’s cultivation of magical powers. However, this spirit grass is only sold in the city and above. The price is even more expensive. Even if they spend all their money, it is far from enough. Required for purchase.

Hai Qing once heard that the teaching staff of the training institute said that the five elements spirit grass is immersed in the five elements spiritual power all the year round, and it takes a series of chance changes to create a magic treasure, which appears near Tongtianhe. Larger, so after some simple preparations, she found a reason to bid farewell to her mother alone. But after a few days of searching, she encountered several times of crisis, and even fell into the hands of a monk with bad intentions. Fortunately, her mind was more flexible to look for opportunities to escape, otherwise the consequences are disastrous, but so far there are no clues about Wushui Lingcao. Uneasy.

Father's time is running out.

Hai Qing gritted her teeth, converging her own breath, lotus feet stepped forward cautiously and carefully, and now she can only hope that the five-colored spirit grass can be found near the Tongtian River, otherwise I'm afraid I can only watch my father Leave.

The closer to the area of ​​the Tongtian River, the number of Pentacles has gradually increased, and the power it possesses has continued to increase. It has been far beyond the limit that a little baby can explore. If it is not for good luck, plus sufficient caution and wit, maybe She has now been buried under the mouth of the Five Elements Beast, becoming her belly.

"No, why not. This is already in the depths of Tongtianhe. According to the teaching adults, there may be five-colored spirit grass."

"Don't worry, calm down, you will find something slowly." Along with the deepening, the silky coercion of Tongtianhe spilled down directly, making Haiqing Qiao's face paler, but her bright eyes There is no sign of shrinking.



Suddenly, the subtle sound coming from behind made Hai Qingjiao's body stiff for a moment, and there was no trace of blood on her pretty face, but she only paused slightly, without any movement of stopping or turning, keeping the original degree slowly. Row.

The safflower snake, a poison specific to the Tongtianhe River, followed the monk's body. When he turned around, he suddenly burst into injury and opened his mouth to bite directly at the neck and carotid artery.

The strength of this monster is comparable to a casual monk!

Hai Qingqiang was calm, but it was difficult to hide the fear and panic in her eyes. With her repair as being stared at by the safflower snake, the possibility of escape was very small, although now she can maintain the current state to delay the time of the safflower snake attack. But after all, it is not a long-term solution. Sure enough, after a while, a red flower snake appeared on each of the left and right sides, and in front of him. The body of Sanchi was covered with strange red stripes all over the body, just like a delicate red flower in full bloom, exuding amazing beauty. With a deadly threat.

The safflower snake's unique cautious style, even if the prey is weak, will prepare everything step by step. Now the aggregation of 4 safflower snakes has obviously occupied the absolute advantage. Looking at the weak prey, their tongues can't help but swallow. The slightest saliva dripped, and the tiny eyes blinked sharply!

Hai Qing was completely desperate. Although she was ready to ridicule before coming, when the death really came, she couldn't help expressing the sense of fear. The blood flashed in front of her, and she knew it was when the blood snake came. The ghost image brought up was as fast as rumored.

Maybe the next moment there will be a toxin injected into the body, and then it will die.

This is also good, you can suffer a lot of flesh, you do n’t know the pain when you die.



The rapid and short burst sounded instantly, and then everything was calm, Hai Qing frowned in confusion, expecting that the feeling of general paralysis did not appear, and hesitantly moved his finger .. 咦? How is this going?

Bright eyes opened carefully, and then she couldn't help but yell, and stepped a few steps back, looking at the red snake snake body that was less than her distance, the entire head had been broken, and the dead could not die anymore. .

Hai Qing lifted a quick glance at the adults in front of him, but he didn't know it was he who saved his life and hurriedly consecrated his salute. "The younger Hai Qing, thank you for your help, and I will never forget it."

While talking, my eyes dropped down respectfully, but at this moment it was full of inconceivable surprise. The adult in front of him looked so young that he could easily kill four red safflower snakes. I am afraid that at least it is the repair of the fit period. Even crossing the border is not impossible. Thinking of this, Hai Qing's expression was more respectful.

In a slightly tight yellow dress, although the style fabrics are quite ordinary, it is still difficult to hide the proud figure. A full of green silk is rolled up and hung behind his head, and a simple wooden mule is inserted. Weixiu sprinkled between the necks, but the more the skin against the white greasy snow, the long eyelashes flickered slightly, and with the pale complexion, the more people felt pity.

Good sign beauty.

Xiao Chen raised her eyebrows slightly, but she did not expect that in this mysterious space deep in the bottomless abyss, the first person who broke into her sight was such a person, and the most important point is that this woman is in harmony with both appearance and breath. Terrans are very similar!

Listening to the soft exotic tone in the ear, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and the next moment Hai Qing suddenly closed her eyes and passed out without warning.

Xiao Chen waved his hand, and the free power of the Nether appeared to lift it up so that it would not fall to the ground. Hesitated slightly. He reached out and pressed the female forehead with one hand. The tentacles of the skin were as smooth as jade. His complexion remained calm, without showing the slightest strangeness. Some of the divine thoughts carefully entered into Haiqing Yuanshen, and began to search for the content they needed. Taking Xiao Chen's current practice as an example, it is naturally very easy to perform a soul-searching magic on a Yuanying monk.

After letting go a moment later, Xiao Chen slowly opened her eyes, her face became solemn, and she looked up at the wild world, with a shock! He really did not expect that this is actually the area preserved during the complete period of the Xiao Qianjie outside the battlefield. The abandoned Xiao Qianjie Aboriginal monks survived in this space, and have endlessly reproduced in this space. And the most important point is that they did not know that the homeland Xiaoqianjie had collapsed and turned into a battlefield of various races in the spirit world. Instead, they constantly thought that they could one day leave the endless depths of the earth and return to the outside world. But after countless years passed, they still fail.

Xiao Chen was silent, his face was cloudy for a while, and he finally inhaled deeply, suppressing many thoughts in his heart. Today, the situation is mixed. The good thing is that the bottomless abyss is connected to a vast underground space somewhere, and there are a lot of aboriginal monks living in extraterritorial battlefields. The bad side As mentioned above, they have been trapped in the underground world for a long time, so far they have not found a way to get away. From this, we can see that there is no hope or hope for leaving here.


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