Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 333: Shuai Fu Invitation Banquet

"Oh, this Hongxia is such a deep city. Today I was so humiliated by the Donghai Shuaifu, but I can still keep calm. It really is not easy. [1] Z] W.COM" Shoushu Zhou 桓 's face showed a little emotion. .

Zhou Cheng looked calm and smiled slightly when he heard the words. "As an orthodox princess of my royal family, if I do n’t even have the jerkiness of this dim sum, it would be too small. My father had sent me to work with my second brother, and I must have expected this. , It must be ready for follow-up measures. "

"I have been quiet for many years in Donghai Shuaifu. Now I have to straighten my back and do a good job with Wang Cheng. This is the most important thing."

Zhou Yan's face instantly turned into a solitude, but her eyes flashed with hotness. "The four tribes of Wang Cheng and I are all descendants of King Zhou. At that time, it was only Wang Cheng that had a strong pulse in order to occupy the orthodox status. My four tribes He is also a descendant of the blood of the Zhou Dynasty. It is a matter of righteousness for Wang Cheng to be weak! "

"Well, I hope that this ancestor worship, my Donghai Shuaifu can make a fortune in one fell swoop!"


Xiao Chen chose a remote temple in the East China Sea Palace, but it was too late to declare a retreat, and two guests had come under the door.

Beitu tribe Situ Jianxin and lone blood lotus.

"Haha, I took the liberty and asked Xiao Chen Daoyou not to get bored." Situ Jian smiled heartily.

The lone blood lotus has a cold temper, and at this moment just arched it and didn't say much.

Xiao Chen's face was calm and he gave his hand in return. When the three guests and the host took their seats, he said lightly, "I don't know why the two Taoists came here today."

When the lone blood lotus heard the eyes flashed hot, she turned to Situ Jianxin.

Situ Jianxin was instantly seen by the eyes of the best friend, and he laughed twice, and daringly said, "Since Xiao Chen's friends talk frankly, they will no longer circle."

"The lone blood lotus, the orphan of the Beihai clan, has been a combative child since he was a child. On that day, in Weiyang City, he saw that Daoyou and Jiang Zi were embarrassed in battle. Today, I came to hope that I could have a discussion with Xiao Chen Something. Daoyou rest assured that the two of us have no intention of provoking trouble at all here, but purely for the sake of discussion. If Daoyou doesn't want to, the next two will never be reluctant. "

The lone blood lotus waited for a friend to finish, nodded coolly, the ice cube face rarely showed excitement, a look of waiting for Xiao Chen nodded can not wait to hit his hand immediately.

When Xiao Chen heard his words frown slightly, he opened his mouth and said, "Why are the two Taoists here?"

Situ Jianxin nodded again and again.

Xiao Chen got up and arched his hands. "That being the case, this seat is not far away." He stopped and turned to the inner hall.

Situ Jian suddenly felt anxious in his heart, and exclaimed, "What does Xiao Chen say?"

"This matter is unwilling."

A faint voice came, and Situ Jianxin was caught in his chest with a sigh of relief, and it was not embarrassing to turn his face flushed. After a while, he breathed slowly, and turned away with the still cold lone blood lotus.

When he entered the residence, he waved the cloth and banned him. The two faces returned to peace at the same time, and Situ Jian smiled lightly. "It seems that Xiao Chen Taoist is also a wonderful person. I don't think he is worried that it is not your opponent. In fact, 80% of them are really not interested. "

"Actually, I missed the chance to show up in front of Princess Hongxia. It seems that 80% of the Taoist mind is not on the woman. Hey, this makes me even more curious. What does he want?"

Lonely Lotus held the sword in her arms, suddenly raised at the moment, "I'm going to fight him."

Situ Jianxin patted his forehead. "Please, Brother Xuelian, people have rejected you, okay."

Lonely lotus rose up coldly, "there will be opportunities in the future."

Looking at the back of his friend's departure, Situ Jianxin frowned, but didn't say much. Since he was a child, this identified thing has never changed.

For example, when the two first met, he was already the young master recognized by the Situ family, and this was just an inconsequential bloodline child of the orphan family. At that time, he said that one day he would become the young master of the orphan family.

"Hey, it seems that I have to be ready to take him on the road at any time. How can Xiao Chen not be a good stubble!"


"Master, according to your instructions, we sent a monk to dive back to Weiyang City, and investigated all the information about Xiao Chen, but did not gain much. I only knew that he appeared for the first time near the Tongtian River. As for the previous ones, The information is blank. "

Black monk in light armor knelt down, respectfully, as the eyeliner of the Jiang family secretly planted in the four tribes for many years. Their grandparents lived here for generations, collecting all information in obscurity, waiting to be called.

From generation to generation, all that remains is an ancient handprint that has been passed down from one blood source to the other in the bone marrow, so that they can always remember their identity and mission.

Jiang Zi frowned. He had no doubts about the return of these submerged fishes. As a spy system that the Jiang family had secretly grasped, they had absolute loyalty to the Jiang family in their blood. With the eyeliner lines they have exhibited silently for many years, No news is available, it is clear that Xiao Chen must have an extremely powerful force behind them, and they can cover up their eyes as much as possible.

For the first time in his mind, the feeling of facing up was not just from cultivation, but from a comprehensive perspective.

He has always thought that he would be the only person to marry His Royal Highness. The young strong men of other clans have no qualifications to compete with him. They are just a bunch of jumping clowns, but now a decent opponent has finally appeared!

Xiao Chen!

Xiu is domineering, the background is mysterious, and even makes him afraid, this threat must be removed!

"Come on, continue to investigate this Xiao Chen's identity secretly, be careful, don't hit the grass and scare the snake." Jiang Zicheng waved his hand, and the monk in black respectfully turned away and left.

After the person left, Jiang Zicheng paced in the room, his face gradually showing the meaning of wandering, no matter how sacred Xiao Chen is, it is impossible to compete with him for Princess Hongxia. This person must die!


The entry of Princess Hongxia and his party into the East China Sea handsome city did not cause much shock. It seems that the residents of this city did not feel much about the high blood of the royal city. After the freshness passed, everything was restored as before.

Frequent monks are still lined up outside the city gate, but they did not come to admire the princess's beauty, and the street shops did not launch a series of big sales of vomiting blood and jumping property prices because of the advent of Her Royal Highness, even the size of the East China Sea handsome A small group of monks were also ambiguous. Although most of them sent monks to say hello, but none of them had any substantive action. The entire East China Sea handsome city was immersed in a strange atmosphere.

The Princess Hongxia and her team stayed in the palace. No one went out, seemingly compromising, but they expressed their dissatisfaction and indifference silently.

Fortunately, this weird state was finally broken after the commander-in-chief of the East China Sea Shuaifu was released. The Shuaifu suddenly became busy and banqueted the royal family's only bloodline Princess Hongxia, which was naturally sloppy. At the same time, an invitation card came out of the handsome mansion. Anyone who can receive the invitation is naturally a person with a different identity and background. They are all people with heads and faces from the East China Sea tribe. Her Royal Highness the Princess ordered that she would go in person at the luncheon tomorrow, and declined the offer that the man in Donghai Shuaifu ’s bloodline who should be called an uncle came to invite him in person. The reason is very simple. You are an elder and have not welcomed the juniors. Reason.

Seemingly humbly and gentle reply, but in the eyes of a caring person, it is Her Royal Highness's response to a series of actions by the East China Sea Shuaifu. Even if you are rude, I still maintain enough humility and grace.

I have to say that this act of Princess Hongxia made many people nodded secretly, and even the monks in the handsome city of the East China Sea had a bit of simple favor for this strange princess.

However, both Donghai Shuaifu and Princess Hongxia knew very well that these were some inaccessible small means that could not play any role in the face of major events. Once the East China Sea handsome city and Wang Cheng broke out in a direct conflict, these East China Sea handsome monks would still Without hesitation standing on the opposite side of Wang Cheng. Taking roots in the East China Sea Shuaicheng for many years and operating it from generation to generation, if the East China Sea Shuaifu has no such confidence, where is the qualification to face Wangcheng?

The entire East China Sea handsome city was completely lively because of the operation of the handsome mansion. This is in stark contrast to the desertedness of Princess Hongxia after entering the city, which undoubtedly easily proves one thing. The East China Sea tribe no longer believes in the power of the King City.


"What is this, is it that this uncle's combination with my niece can't work?" Princess Hongxia's towering chest was undulating, and it caused a wave of waves.

No matter how the Princess Hongxia is a city mansion, after all, she suffers because she is too young and has not gone through the fine grinding and sedimentation in her long life. Although she knows that this may be the result that Donghai Shuaifu wants, she still can't help anger. .

The old man was still a listless look, but his face was a little gloomy, and his throat was hoarse. "His Highness is now angry and useless. It can only be in the heart of the handsome mansion. His heart is affected by anger, and he is bad. I was wrongly caught. "

"There will be no good feast for the handsome banquet tomorrow. What kind of twists and turns will be born. The old man will follow his Royal Highness to respond at will. As for other things, it is up to His Highness to grasp it."

Princess Hongxia took a deep breath. "Mother-in-law is relieved, Hongxia knows how important she is and will not make reckless things. On the banquet tomorrow, to see what means he has in the East China Sea Shuai, this palace will take it as soon as possible, it will definitely fall It's my face! "

The old man nodded and then sighed. If the princess was a man, wouldn't the pulse of Wang Cheng be as diminished as it is today, this is the limit of the heavens, and now he can only do his best.


[Today's first change! In addition to chatting with fans, Sina Weibo has also verified that the world of meager canteen buns, so ... then ask for fans. 】

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