Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 369: Comes like a god

Xiao Chen's hand flashed a little light, and a wine jar appeared in his hand. He reached out and lined it up to reveal which sticky wine cream was in it. This was Yaowang wine. W]. > 8] 1] ZW. Com

Take a high-footed wine glass as a spoon, dig and take it, and the wine cream melts at the mouth, but at this moment, there is no smell of wine, and some are just endless sour.

Xiao Chen was silent, one jar of medicine king wine was exhausted for a while, and then the second and third altars were taken out. Until his body was full of wine and his face turned red, but his eyes were as cold as the stars and shining like an endless deep sea. It was cold.

"Xiao Chen cultivated his life and made very few friends sincerely. Fu Daoyou is the only friend I have made in my ancestral city. Now that you are strangling to death at Jade Palace, Xiao Chen will surely collect blood debts for you."

"I lived in vain, repaired and abolished, and almost decayed. I promised him not to be humiliated in this life, and now I want to recover his hatred for him."

"When I first entered the ancestral city, there were a lot of calculations, inquiries in the elders' hall, calculations on the Renyuan Tower, poisonous hands on the Renyuan Avenue ... in the Five Elements Realm, I was almost dead!"

Xiao Chen lifted up, a hint of killing came out.

"The Lord of Hanlin, you have a lot of assaults, Xiaomou and you are completely liquidated today."

But before that, there are still some people who need to be killed!

In the low groan, his foot stepped forward, the figure directly tore through the space and disappeared, reappearing on the vast sky, the body breath burst without reservation, mixed with endless evil spirit, straight into the sky!

Footsteps, thinking about the direction of the ancestral city, walking step by step.

Today he is going to let blood soak into the sky!

Above the void, the wind blew, and a monk in a blue robe walked towards the ancestral city, his face calmed, his eyes clear.

This sudden burst of breath instantly made countless monks in the entire ancestral city sing together!

After a lapse of many years, Xiao Chen returned again, carrying a monstrous murderous power, just like the sick **** who wields a sickle, in order to reap endless souls in this world.


The Ghost King is located outside the ancestral city. Because of the power of the Zongmen Ghost King covering the sky, the mountain gate lingers in the dark and thick black mist all year round. Five lonely peaks stand up from the ground, and they look like a sky to the sky. Bone claws!

But today's ghost king sect is full of endless dignity, countless monks of the ghost king sect have gone out of the gate, guarding the large gates of the sect gate, and pushing the power of the gang to the extreme state!

In the thick black mist, five heavenly ghosts who have been sacrificed by the ghost king ancestors have opened their teeth and claws, screaming and roaring.

But even so, Ghost King Ghost Li couldn't get to Dim Sum, leading many elders to worship Ghost King's Peak, all of them looked ugly, and there was a fear in their eyes flashing from time to time. Uneasy.

At this moment, a mighty coercion suddenly came down, and even if the ghost king covered the sky, he could not completely isolate the coercion. Five sky ghosts roared and roared immediately above the clouds, although they were still cold and quiet, but fell into the ears of Gui Li and others, but they were easily aware of the fear and fear.


Gui Li suddenly lifted up, showing endless killings in his eyes!

Outside of the Ghost King, Xiao Chen stopped and felt the mighty power in front of him. His face was calm and he faintly spoke: "Ghost King Zong secretly instructed the monks under the door to indirectly and directly kill more than 1,000 monks in Xiao House. When they died!"

The voice was calm, but under the blessing of mana, it roared like a god, and the sound of the waves rolled wildly and swept wildly in all directions, shrouded in hundreds of millions of places, and clearly passed into the ears of every monk.

The next moment, he stretched out with one hand, tearing the dark mist in front of him!



The ghost king Zhetian array, based on the five yin mountains of the Ghost King Zong, fused with the strength of tens of thousands of monks, was torn apart without any resistance.



Above the Five Peaks, all the monks who guarded the large formation were instantly pale at this moment. If their bodies were severely hit, blood spewed out, and the breath went down.

Xiao Chen ’s consciousness exploded and turned into an overwhelming tide, which suddenly swept across the entire ghost king sect. Any monk could not escape, and suddenly looked at the main peak, and shot down with one palm.

The tremor of the void, the endless spiritual powers madly gathered, and turned into a party to cover the sky above the clouds, mixed with the mighty and irresistible force, and shot it outright!


The palm fell, the loud noise shook the sky, the earthquake shook, and only five of the five peaks of the ghost king were left. The main peak that gathered all the strong kings of the ghost king was touched by this palm, and all the powerful ghost kings fell together. .

"From now on, there will be no vein of ghost kings in this world!"

Xiao Chen drank coldly, kept at his feet, and passed through the clouds in the countless sight of the monk of the ghost king, and continued on.


Yinyue Sect, its lord and elders sensed the breath of destruction from the Ghost King Sect, their bodies were stiff, and they collapsed on the seat. The robe was still soaked with sweat and pale, and it seemed to have lost all its power. .

After a few breaths, the monarch of Yinyue suddenly lifted up, hissing and roaring in his mouth, "My ancestor Jade Palace implied that he had shot against Xiao Mansion, and now faced with revenge, how can they see death!"

"The horse uploaded the letter jade palace mansion, begging the jade ancestor to take the shot, and now only he can shelter my ancestor!"

But at this moment, the elder's lips were narrow and bitter, "It's late ..."

The Lord of the Moon Moon horrified to see the endless void, and a figure shrouded in pale and murderous spirit came forward.


Ghost King Sect, Yin Yue Sect, and Liaison Sect. Xiao Chen came with destruction. Wherever he went, blood flowers bloomed and clouds covered the sky. Countless salutes were uprooted. Although they were not dead, they were destroyed. There is no turning over.

Based on his current practice, it is easy to wipe out the power of the human race in the spirit world, without encountering any resistance at all.

Step on the vanity and walk.

In hundreds of millions of areas, including the entire ancestral city, countless monks are pale, no trace of blood, and everything in their eyes is shocked!

Hundreds of years after disappearance, no one thought that Xiao Chenxiu had soared to today's realm, and there was no single enemy. His fierce means was even more chilling, spreading to the whole body and deep into the bone marrow soul.

Whoever secretly shot at Xiao Fu, he never let go!


"Escape! Run away, rush to the Jade Palace, only the ancestors of the Jade Palace can shelter me and wait for my life!"

"Leave now, if not, it will be late!"

"Go to Jade Palace!"

After Xiao Chen's destruction and destruction of several powerful forces, countless high-level executives have completely collapsed against Xiao Mansion. With the power that Xiao Chen has now shown, they have no resistance at all, leaving only the ending.

The beginning of the escape was like a fierce chain reaction. The high-level powers of all parties took control of Yuguang, fleeing to the ancestral city and heading for the Jade Palace.

There is their only hope of survival!

Therefore, when Xiao Chen arrived, all he saw were countless ordinary monks with trembling countenances, and the strong had fled.

He slowly lifted up, Yuan Shen burst into a blast, enveloped the entire ancestral city in an instant, and saw outside the Jade Palace Mansion, where tens of thousands of monks from all sides gathered in fright.

"Since you have come together, it can save me a lot of trouble. Today, none of you can escape." Xiao Chen groaned, the killing is unlimited!

But before that, he has to go to another place.


Duanguai was pale, sitting in the main hall, all the remaining monks in Duanjia were here, but no one dared to speak, the atmosphere was depressed and dull to the extreme, showing fear and fear.

"Old ancestors, all sects outside the ancestral city who have had festivals with Xiao Mansion have fled and hid in the Jade Palace Mansion of the ancestral city ... and only the eyeliner returned in return, and the strong families such as Xijia, Yijia, and Wangjia have also Began to evacuate, you see if we should have responded. "A monk in Duanjia got up and said with a stunned expression." As far as the news knows, Xiao Chen has been counted by anyone who is above the power of heaven and humanity. Obliteration, its cultivation is strong, it must have reached the point of barrenness and even higher, no one in my ancestral city except the Jade Palace ancestors can stop its violence, please ask the ancestors to decide early, otherwise they are afraid It's going to be late. "

"Please make a decision early!"

The next monks of Qiu Qi fell on one knee.

Duanguai's face was cloudy and uncertain, and the corners of his mouth were sullen. "The old man is a half-step desert monk, sheltered by ethnic rules, and he is also the elder of the ethnic group. He respects his identity. I don't believe Xiao Chen dare to kill me!"

"If he dares to shoot, he will definitely escape the punishment of the ethnic group.

After roaring, the weird eye was red and gasped sharply.

But at this moment, a sense of sensation straddled the barrier of endless space, suddenly descended here, and locked the old man directly.

At the moment he was locked by this machine, Duanguai suddenly lifted up, his eyes finally showed a horrified expression, but at this moment he wanted to escape again, but it was too late!

The mighty mighty pressure seemed to fall like a godly prison, covering the entire area of ​​the diving lake in an instant, and the monk in the robe was calm, step by step, approaching Duanfu.

Before the arrival of the people, the violent and mighty tumbles, and the traction of the air force caused the banning of Duanfu as much as possible. In the flashing of light, countless faces of monks from Duanfu were revealed!

Xiao Chen is here!

Looking at the restraint in front of him, his eyes moved fiercely, his sleeves fluttered, and the endless destruction power of the Void suddenly burst, sweeping away, destroying them with violent momentum.



Numerous monks in Duanfu cried blood at the same time, and their bodies were smashed and flying by an invisible momentum, all of them suffered severe injuries.

Xiao Chen shook his face with one hand without expression, and the whole Duanfu took Duanguai to tens of thousands of Duanfu bloodline monks. They were forcibly suppressed under an invisible restraint force, and his body rose into the air uncontrolled.

"Xiao Chen, the elder husband is an elder of the ethnic group, half a step away from the ancient times, sheltered by ethnic rules. If you dare to hurt me, you must face the severe punishment of the entire ethnic group, and you will not escape by then!"

"You can't kill me!"

Duanwei growls wildly, and there is no trace of blood on his face.


[The second change today, the third change at 21:00. The country is full of beauty, and the desert is a huge work. 】

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