Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 372: The blood of the Jade Palace is cut off

During the roar, King Zhou Nan and King Zhou Bei appeared. Respectfully, the first four kings gathered together, and the four ancestors' breaths penetrated the heavens and the earth, stirred up hundreds of thousands of miles and changed, and swept across the surrounding area. <[? 八 {{一 中文 网 (<[

The King looked at each other on Thursday, and at the same time stepped out at the same time, the torn space of the figure suddenly surrounded the ancestors of the Jade Palace, and in the roar, the four ancient ancestors burst out!

Oriental green wood, western platinum, red fire in the south, and loess in the north. The four original forces, driven by Zu Guxiu, suddenly exploded their power to the extreme, turning them into pillars of four-colored spiritual power.

A vortex of four-color origins appeared, suppressing the ancestors of the Jade Palace.


"White tiger!"



The king roared at the same time in the mouth of the King on Thursday, and the shadow of the original **** and beast suddenly manifested.

"Four spirits from the southeast, northwest, and north come together to suppress the heavens and regenerate Cangsheng!"

The roar did not fall, the four-color origin whirlpool ran violently, the breath of terror suddenly burst from it, and the power of destruction was undulating and undulating, sweeping through.

The ancestors of the Jade Palace were angry and roaring, but it was difficult to hide a trace of fear.

Four ancestral powers!

This old strange heart jumped fiercely, and finally gave birth to the meaning of fear, especially when Xiao Chen ordered the four to shoot directly, which made this old strange heart shock!

This Xiao Chen wants to kill him!

Thinking of this, the ancestors of the Jade Palace were extremely angry, and even more importantly, the four ancestors of the same level had already joined forces to create a deadly threat to him!

"Xiao Chen, you dare to touch the old man, you will be obliterated by the ethnic group!" The roar of the ancestor of the Jade Palace came to an abrupt end. Facing the four kings' refining and obliteration, all he could do was to resist it, and never smoke again. Take care of everything else.

I saw the old man sitting directly on his knees, wondering what magical powers he had exerted, but he formed a great Confucian ghost in his body and guarded him inside.

This ghostly shadow did not know what it was, but it was overwhelming. It actually resisted the power of the King's refining on Thursday, leaving the Jade Palace ancestors safe and sound for the time being.

The monks of Zugu were so shocked that even if Wang Qiqi shot on Thursday, he would not be able to slay the ancestors of the Jade Palace in a short time, but if there is no external intervention, according to the current situation, the ancestors of the Jade Palace are still in trouble!

Xiao Chen looked stern and looked at the Jade Palace Mansion at this moment. After losing the blessing of the strange power of the Jade Palace, although the defense ban was turned on, he could not stop him at all.

One hand stretched out and shot hard!

Supernatural, cover your hands!

The palm print of one side of the sky suddenly converged, carrying the breath of endless destruction, falling abruptly, destroying all the restraints of the jade palace mansion, all the palace buildings collapsed into a land of ruins.

Millions of people in the jade palace gathered from the spirit world, at this moment they are all pale, their bodies are shaking, and their eyes are full of fear.

Xiao Chen turned abruptly, and under the traction of the air machine, his eyes fell on the face of the desperate Hanlin master instantly, without giving him any reaction time, forcibly suppressing it, and he was imprisoned with a wave of sleeves.

With a single palm in the robe sleeve, without waiting for the old ghost to speak, Xiao Chen shot it on his forehead with a single palm. The search of the soul was performed in an instant. .

At the same time, Xiao Chen touched the endless sky with another hand, and a thin light curtain suddenly appeared. Under the control of Xiao Chen, each frame was directly extracted from the memory of the Lord of Hanlin and displayed on the light curtain. Come out.

This supernatural power is not clever, but it has extremely high requirements on the caster. It requires a great gap between the two gods to cultivate.

And at this moment, all the monks who were shocked or dull, at this moment subconsciously looked at the screen of the light curtain.


Inside the palace, two young monks stood side by side, talking in a low voice, with mild smiles on their faces. Although one of them looked slightly changed, his identity could still be seen through careful analysis. Is the Lord of Hanlin.

The two stepped into a certain courtyard, stepped down, took drinks and drinks, but the situation changed a moment later, and one of them suddenly showed pain, "Master, why do you do this!"

In question, the person's eyes were still incredible.

The gentle smile on the main face of Hanlin converged as much as possible, turning it into an endless maggot, "Why? Because I want you to die! I am above the Jade Palace is the descendant of the Jade Palace. The Confucian and Taoist orthodox, your Fu Ziwen is just a humble base Orphans, even attempted to compete with me for Confucianism and Taoism! "

"Dead! Dead! As long as you are ridiculed, no one will fight with me anymore, the future of Jade Palace will fall into my hands!"

Fu Ziwen's face showed a clear understanding of the color, and he didn't know what kind of toxin he had. The toxicity was fast. It penetrated into the bone marrow in a short time, so that he had reached the point of fading, but at this moment his eyes were strangely bright, and his mouth murmured. "The killings from the realm of the kingdom, with the killing and hegemony, will eradicate the entire vein of the jade palace, completely severing its blood, the runner has begun, and everything cannot be changed."

At the time of death, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Master, thousands of years later, when you meet him, you will feel instinctively."


Outside the battlefield, somewhere in the desolate void, the two figures are facing each other.

"My demon clan poisonous Su cherry juice is colorless and tasteless, and can be incorporated into any food or drink. Even the ancient monks may not be able to detect it. Daoyou now fears that he has removed his confidant, and he will get what he wants."

The whole body shrouded in a thick and demon-looking figure, and its face was looming. If it could be discerned by a closer look, this monk was the demon Dragon Nocha.

The person on the opposite side was the Lord of Hanlin. He nodded his head at the moment and said with a deep voice, "The old man has faith in his words. I don't know what my friend asked me to do today?"

"Haha, refreshingly, the king now leads a team of monster clan peregrine warriors on the edge of the Terran war zone. I don't know if you can give me a map of the Terran frontier deployment. When this is done, the transaction between you and me is completed."

The Lord of Hanlin hesitated slightly, took a jade Jane backhand and threw it.

The monster dragon Nocha took it into his hands, and his consciousness penetrated into his face and suddenly showed satisfaction. "This is the Yuanshen Jade Jane you and I signed the agreement. If there is a need for a transaction in the future, Taoists can find me. "

The master of Hanlin retrieved Yujian for inspection and the two separated and left.


In the Elder's Hall, the Lord of Hanlin's face was sullen and roared, "Fu Ziwen, I don't believe your prediction will be true, I don't believe it!"

"You are dead. Even if you reluctantly reincarnate, you don't want to threaten this seat any more!"

"This seat will never be ridiculed, and the pulse of my jade palace will be passed down in the spirit world forever!"

"Xiao Chen, this seat will kill you, kill you!"


"Xiao Chen, you thought you were trying to get away from the ancestral city, and this seat wouldn't be able to detect it at all?" The Lord of Hanlin slowly opened his eyes, his eyes flickered with murder. "This seat used the dark chess under the cloth to capture The opportunity to kill you, this time the East Manchu and his party, this opportunity will not be spared. "

"The origin of thunder? Hum, let this seat push a hand slightly, without having to leave the ancestral city half a step, you can use the hands of others to make you come back."

The Lord of Hanlin groaned and took out a quaint, green-colored jade slip with his backhand. Yuan Shen moved the information to enter it and raised his hand. The object shook suddenly after leaving the hand, and the surrounding space collapsed and exposed. There is only a dark channel, and there are overcast winds overflowing from it, I do not know where it leads. And that jade simply disappeared into it, and the black hole formed by the collapse of this space disappeared under a shudder.

"Xiao Chen, wait for the great gift prepared for you, ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha!"


Five elements, no abyss.

The master of Hanlin sneered proudly, watching the ground collapse, revealing the dark abyss, and the two figures were struggling and forcibly swallowed and pulled into it.

"Xiao Chen, the old man said that you must be ridiculed, even if you are now comparable to the ancient power, you can't escape it!"

"From today on, the curse imprinted on the blood of my jade palace is broken!"

The voice did not fall. Before the swallowing force swept through, the aura of light flashed, and its figure disappeared directly.


"Fu Yunqi, or the old man should call you the reincarnation spirit of Fu Ziwen. Do you think the old man hasn't noticed your existence in these years!" The master of Hanlin smiled, and a handsome monk was made in front of him, his face pale. The corners of his mouth were bleeding, but his eyes were calm.

"Xiao Chen is dead, and then the spirit of reincarnation will be wiped out. The last trace of Fu Ziwen's stay in this world will dissipate. The old man can sit back and relax, and my jade palace can live forever!"

The Lord of Hanlin snarled, held out with one hand, and grabbed Fu Yunqi's body as much as possible.


Above Xiaocheng, the Lord of Hanlin stood side by side with the old man, and his breath was connected, suppressing the Lord of Wanjian.

Qi Sheng's face was dignified, standing in the void.

A moment later, Duanguai shot and abolished his monk, destroying the meridians.


Above the light curtain, the shadows flowed, and under the control of Xiao Chen, everything was made public in the shortest time.

Where Xiao Cheng is, in the attic, Luo Xiyu's face is calm, and there is a hint of relief in his eyes.

One soul, three points, layout of tens of thousands of spring and autumn, and now it is finally time to close the dragon and cut off the dragon, he has completed his bloodline mission, and he will live for himself in the future.

Looking at the figure of the robe standing in the void, the different colors flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Chen opened his eyes, his eyes swelled sharply, and he said with a deep voice. "So far, Xiao has practiced something that is not a gentleman, but he has his own rules and regulations. He does not act deliberately or wantonly. It happened for a reason. "

"In today's ancestral city, there is a killer, for my own enemies, for my friends 'ridicule of hatred, for my disciples' resentment, and for my Xiao government, the tens of thousands of guards in the hands of all parties will not destroy the spirits, they will be killed It's a pity! "

Drinking low gradually became high, shocking.

"Today Xiaomou swore the same day, but if there are any secret calculations that are not good for my Xiaofu house, no matter what your background, you will kill and never tolerate it! Today's jade palace is full of evil, and when it is wiped out from the spirit world, it will cut off the blood! "

"It is a great evil to kill millions of souls, but Xiao Chen is standing upright and doing something and doing nothing.

The roar came out instantly, just as the sound fell, he patted it without warning.

At this moment, Zu Zan had a low drink and said, "Stop!"

The voice did not fall, a monk in a black robe suddenly appeared, the terror breath broke out, and went straight to the jade palace mansion to suppress it.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, and he took out a ball backhand without hesitation and threw it to the source of the breath.

This object is exactly the slaughter bead that Shu Bo refined by combining the power of Prince Zhou Yuanshen into his own power. After the explosion, it can be compared with Zugu's powerful blow, which is called the supreme treasure in Xiao Chen's hands, but now it is He offered it without hesitation.

Today, he will completely wipe out the jade palace, stand on the **** sea of ​​the corpse mountain, and give the strongest and strongest voice to the entire human race. Even if he leaves the spiritual world one day, the foundation left behind will be as stable as Mount Tai. Not subject to any persecution!

What happened to Fu Yunqi, Yun Sheng, and tens of thousands of monks who fell on the monks in Xiaofu, he didn't want to see it again.

Even if it bears the butcher's notoriety for this, it is a disaster due to the killing!


The slaughter beads burst suddenly. Under the restraint of Xiao Chen, their power was concentrated in a small area in a fan shape, but it could produce a stronger destruction force.

A figure in the void was forced to stop by the wolf howling, and the wave of ancestral rules that had swept away was offset by waves.

With the power of slaughtering the pearl, he can't do any harm to him at all, and can only block him for a moment.

But for Xiao Chen, these are enough.

One palm shot down, the sky trembled, the atmosphere of compatible water and fire suddenly descended, the waves formed in the void, and the force of destruction swept across.

Driven by the source of water and fire, magical powers, big waves and sand!

The azure water and the crimson fire perfectly blend together, showing a thrilling magnificent picture scroll, but under this beauty, there is endless destruction hidden.

The Jade Palace Mansion, which stretches for thousands of miles, pavilions, pavilions, and picturesque scenery, is annihilated in silence.

Million Jade Palace bloodline descendants, a big wave roll, extinct together!


[Last chapter out of the code last night, nearly 4,000 words, put it together, thank you for your monthly ticket support! 】

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