Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 399: Four Realms monk bowed

"Huh! The ancient capital of the heavens and the heavens, teaches the power of blood and Taoism. (Bayi? Novel Network W> W] W} .818W.COM"

Drinking low, this person stepped forward, the body's breath burst into the air, and the coercion of the late ancestors coerced to cope with the blood of the blood prisoner.

"Good time!" The blood roared, his face sullen, and the figure instantly turned into a virtual shot in the envelope of blood light, and he stretched out with one hand and grabbed it in the palm of Gu Yuandu. "

Custody of blood is one of the great magical powers of the blood prison clan, and the blood of the monk can be forcibly detained and devoured by him.

The ancient Yuandu's face turned red instantly, and the blood in his body was completely violent in the veins-moving in madness, and he wanted to tear the meridians and gush out.

For any monks from the late ancestors of the ancient times, the whole body's blood exploded under this hemorrhage!

The reason why monks of the blood prison tribe are jealous, in addition to the cause of the impending collapse of the blood prison world, their own strange blood power is also the main reason, which makes it difficult to resist.


The ancient Yuan yelled, forcibly using the mana to suppress the collapsed blood in the body, unless there is no treasure protection is not affected, this is the best way to counter the blood prisoners.

"Star Arrow!"

In the roar, a bright star burst suddenly appeared on his chest, while at the same time, above the void above the sky, seven star phantoms slowly emerged, suddenly emitting the light of the seven stars, transforming into arrow phantoms, and shot abruptly.

"Sculpture of worms, see me breaking your magical power!" Bloody laughed, the space behind him shuddered, and a blood sea virtual shadow condensed out directly. There was a thick **** smell coming out during the tumbling. Like the real blood sea.

The viscous blood waves exuded a wicked breath.

According to rumors, the sea of ​​blood condensed by the blood prison monks was formed by the blood of their life-killing creatures. The stronger the number of killing creatures and the greater the number, the greater the power of the sea of ​​blood. It is a downright sinister supernatural power. Corrupt everything!

"The sea of ​​blood is sweeping, the waves are soaring!"


The whole sea of ​​blood trembled instantly, and a gigantic giant wave suddenly formed, turning into a ridiculous skull heading up, and heading straight for the seven stars that shot down and swallowed up.

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff!

The seven arrows shot down, like a quagmire, suddenly the sharp tearing atmosphere weakened sharply. Under the blood erosion, the bright star light also became dim.

The **** eyes flashed fiercely, and the blood in his eyes suddenly burst into a scarlet color. The blood in the endless sea of ​​blood immediately seemed to boil. The bubbles, the **** breath emanating from them, instantly flourished!

At the same time, the breath in this person has skyrocketed with an eye-catching degree, a level of late ancestors of ancient times, infinitely approaching the limits of ancient times!

The blood prisoner's secret technique burns the sea of ​​blood in exchange for a surge of power in a short time, but it also has great damage to itself.

The face of the ancient Yuan capital changed suddenly, and a look of panic appeared in his eyes. Obviously, he did not expect that this blood power would directly burn the sea of ​​blood.

"Blood Demon Claw!"

Bloody roar, in the sea of ​​boiling blood, suddenly a horrible **** bone claw came out, exuding the cold and evil breath, and fell suddenly.

"Star Shield!"

The ancient Yuan capital hurriedly raised a treasure and blasted out a powerful star power, turning it into a layer of star shield to protect him. At the same time, the star power in this person burst as much as possible without infusion. Enter the Star Shield.

The next moment, the bone claws fell!


The Star Shield supports several breaths and collapses under the bone claw's towering fierce power. The ancient Yuan all screamed, the body was smashed by the bone claw, and his complexion instantly turned pale. It stopped until thousands of feet away, and his clothes were broken. The wound that was broken by the bone claw seemed to contain some kind of insidious power, preventing the wound from healing.

In a single blow, Gu Yuan, the strongest player in Dongtian Realm, was hit hard.

And the blood prisoner's **** complexion was also slightly white, and the blood sea burning power back swallowed a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but his face was full of excitement. He reached out and wiped the blood stain and licked it gently.

"The next moment, who will come!"

The sun set over the long river, Zhan Lingxiao, and the Demon King Fukang were dumbfounded, and their pupils shrank with fear.


The monks of the Blood Prison really are crazy!

In order to win, he did not hesitate to use such a means of damaging himself!

Although they do not want to surrender the beast crystal, they are even more reluctant to work hard with this lunatic!

And the most important point is that the setting sun, the river Zhan Lingxiao, the King of Fudo Ming and the ancient Yuan are all repaired in the late ancestors. Even if they are fully explosive, they cannot resist the terror force after the blood burns the sea of ​​blood.

Once the monks of the blood prison clan are insanely fighting, they will never give up unless they are in a mortal situation. All three of them are very promising in the future, and even have the opportunity to become the existence of the Xeons from all walks of life. The lunatics of the world are desperate.

In addition, we must not forget that there are as many as four monks in the late ancestors of the Blood Prison ...

The setting sun opened the river first, arching the hand: "The blood prison priests are really strong, and they worship the wind." Yu Luo flashed aura in his hand, took out a hundred beast crystals and handed them over.

A smile appeared on the corner of the **** mouth, and then it expanded wildly, eventually spreading over the entire face, turning into a ridiculous laugh, arrogant!

"Okay! Knowing the current affairs manager is Junjie. Now that I have handed over the Beast Crystal, I have faith in the Blood Prison, and naturally I will not continue to embarrass you."

The setting sun was calm, without feeling the slightest embarrassment, and turned back slightly.

A group of monks in Sanshijie looked at each other, and finally went down and turned over to hand over the Beast Crystals in turn. The monks in their own **** sneered and put all of them into storage.

Even the setting sun has given up, and what can they do.

Zhan Lingxiao and Fudoming Wang looked at each other and saw the helplessness in their hearts, but the situation was better than others. It was obviously not a wise choice to die for the bravery of the blood prisoner, but although they chose to exchange Out of the beast crystal, but without the calmness of the setting sun, Lengheng turned back.

The blood prison monks ignored them, and their faces were full of sneer.

The monks in the Three Realms successively bowed their heads, and the ancient capitals held their teeth firmly, but they could only forgive it temporarily, and took out two hundred beast crystals to retreat.

"Fuck, the blood monk is really cruel enough, this time I admit it!"

"Don't give me a chance to get revenge, otherwise in the God of War Palace, Lao Tzu must find the loss of Beast Crystal today!"

"Two hundred beast crystals, dry-damn, these three years have been busy!"

Several monks in the cave realm cursed in a low voice, their faces were extremely gloomy.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and his face was a bit unsightly. He meant to wait until the Four Realms joined forces with the Blood Prison Monks to fight a battle. Even if he couldn't win, he could try to weaken the strength of the Blood Prison Monks. Now, this calculation has failed .

I wonder if he can avoid the investigation by the monks in the blood prison this time, otherwise he will inevitably have a fierce battle.

But at this moment, a monk monk was crying and begging for mercy, "The blood prisoner Taoist, after being lowered, entered the endless sea and harvested only seventy beast crystals. Can you let me pass through?"

"Hmm! There are not a few beast crystals, and you can't take them out to find someone else to borrow, otherwise don't want to go in." A blood prison monk sneered.

This monk monk watched with his face full of wings, and the monk monks around him turned their faces one by one. They have surrendered a hundred beast crystals, and they have little left in their hands. Who would take too many borrowers? .

Everyone knows clearly that the beast crystal has an extremely important role in the endless sea elimination. The monks in the blood prison world should have received some suggestions, otherwise how would they behave so arrogantly? In this case, no one is willing to help Already.

The face of the demon in this desolate realm couldn't help but become extremely ugly. He gritted his teeth and turned to the **** monk, "I can't really gather a hundred beast crystals, but I have a message here about the human monk. As long as you guys Let me in, and I will tell you the news. "

The blood suddenly lifted, the blood in his eyes flowed, and the mouths of the other three blood prisoners in the late ancestors of the ancient ancestors were sneered at the same time.

"Speaking of news, if it is really useful, this seat will not only let you go, but also give you three hundred beast crystals as a reward, but if you dare to talk nonsense ... you will regret that you were born in this world."

This demon monk gritted his teeth. In order to be able to enter the War God Temple, he had already taken care of a lot. Besides, the monk monk was not compatible with his demon tribe, so he died!

"It's weaker under repairs, and can survive in the endless sea to this day, but relying on a secret treasure in my hand can detect the situation around 10,000 miles, so that I can move forward and back. When I waited here before, I had no intention to excite the treasure, from here On the bottom of the sea six thousand miles away, there are two human monks hiding, and it is your blood prisoner who hunts down two of the six human races. Now I can guide you where they are, but you have to believe and let them go I enter the Temple of War. "

"Okay, this is my promise!"

Now that the monk monk has spoken, he has made up his mind not to regret it again. He took out a bronze mirror treasure with his backhand, and waved his hand to hit it.

Although the breath of this bronze mirror is not strong, it has a strong flavor of years. It is obviously a treasure left over from a long time ago. At this moment, driven by the law, the starting point ripples on the bronze mirror, and a picture slowly emerges. Eventually Become clear.

In this picture, two figures sit cross-legged, at this moment seemingly in a low voice conversation, without knowing where their whereabouts have been exposed.

Lonely bamboo and cloud.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and his brows couldn't help wrinkling slightly, hesitating slightly, but still not moving.

The monk monk took out a jade Jane and imprinted the information on it. He raised it and threw it out, "According to the information in the jade Jane, I can find where these two people are. I have proven that my information is not false. Give me the Beast Crystal. . "

The four **** prisoners nodded slowly and waved a **** monk to give him the beast crystal.

"Diversity and diversity, your brother took two shots, captured them and stayed alive."

The two middle-aged monks of the Blood Prison tribe respectfully said that they took Yujian and immediately turned into two streamers whistling away.


[The third update today, the update is complete, goodbye to you all tomorrow! 】

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