Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 407: Underworld of the Five Realms

The main hall of the Ares Palace is a large and vast expanse. The rivers and lakes are densely populated, and the trees are full of vitality. It is in the forest surrounded by rivers and lakes, and the hill-like temples are located in it. [Eight Chinese

The void is full of strong heaven and earth spiritual power, almost condensing into a substance, forming a faint cloud, and in this cloud, the entire big 6 is like the residence of ancient immortals, exuding an endless mysterious and noble atmosphere.

At this moment, in this big 6 Antarctic land, a blood-colored temple is located here, and a little blood is spilled out of it, and the whole sky is stained with blood.

Faint coercion is pervasive. Although it is weak, it has its own majestic and irresistible power, which makes people feel shocked and dare not to have any idea of ​​resistance.

Three blood rainbows came through the space, and there were hundreds of miles away from the palace. At the same time, three of them were exposed, and it was the three blood prisoners such as Tyrannosaurus.

It's just that at this moment, the three people's faces are respectful and awe-inspiring, without any arrogance and arrogance before them, and saluting respectfully to the blood-colored palace.

"My lord, my ancestor monks have received it, but there have been some accidents." Tyrannosaurus did not dare to conceal anything, and will repeat the story.

After he finished speaking, there was still silence surrounding him. No sound came from them. The three dragons gradually turned white, their eyes were frightened, they fell to the ground and buried themselves.

After a short while, a terrifying breath burst out of the Scarlet Palace, and then another Scarlet Bridge shot out from it and landed in front of the three.

"Things have already been known. I will send my younger monks, and I will try to restore them to the same."

"But you remember, that shot of the monk must die."

The voice was calm, without the slightest wave, showing a cold cold silence.

The three Tyrannosaurus men were pardoned and respectfully saluted, and then slowly got up.

The light flashed in the void, and a hundred and twenty old monks of the Blood Prison appeared, and their bodies could not help shaking.

In this blood-colored temple, they sensed a coercion from the depths of the blood, and they wanted to overwhelm them to the ground, to show their awe of a powerful existence in this temple.

"Enter the temple along the blood bridge, remember, do not have any other actions, the remaining things, the adult will naturally arrange you." Tyrannosaurus glanced over, Shen Sheng said.

"Yes, sir."

The monks of the Blood Prison can feel the power and horror of the adult in the Scarlet Temple. That is, the three adults of the Tyrannosaurus are still many times stronger. Perhaps they can get a new life with the help of the adult!

After all of them entered, the blood bridge was directly retracted, and the Scarlet Palace was still permeated with strong blood, and there was no change from before.

The three tyrannosauruses saluted again, and stepped back, respectfully, and then turned to drive away Guangguang.

When the three looked at each other, they all saw each other's hearts!

This time the adults have not been punished, it is already an extra-legal grace. If they can't handle the adults' explanations, the next time they wait for them will be the punishment of death.

Therefore, this Xiao Chen must die!


The setting sun of the Changhe River stood in the Highness, and his expression was calm, not humble.

On the benches on both sides, there were monks seated, the breath was magnificent, and everything was unfathomable.

In the hall, an old man sat on it, his face was calm and his body was a little thin, but those eyes were as bright as stars, which made people dare not look directly.

"The setting sun, tell the whole thing, there must be no concealment." The old man said lightly, his voice echoed in the temple.

The lower two columns of the three stone realms suddenly came to their spirits, their expressions were more dignified.

The sunset over the river is sincerely saluting, "The owner agreed with your proposal to send the treasure into the Palace of War, but he did not want to surrender the treasure, indicating that the monks of the family needed to bring it into the hands of adults. But after entering the endless sea, ** The family monk conflicted with my Changhe family monk, ** Hetu led the five people away. Because the five are all in the ancient ancestral realm, ** Hetu was a middle ancestor of the ancient ancestor, and the younger generation did not stop him. Leaving, don't want to have an accident afterwards, making the treasure lost. "

At this moment, this person slowly spoke, and made clear all the things that the river had told him.

"Sir, according to ** He Tu, Xiao Chen was taken away by the undersea beast, but now he can get away, maybe the treasure is now on him."

The whole hall was silent for a while, revealing an invisible heavy pressure.


After a long time, the three-stone world had a drink from his mouth, and his face became extremely ugly.

There was still no breath emanating from his body, but an immense coercion appeared directly, filling the whole void, as if the gods could not resist it!

Changhe Sunset's pupils contracted violently, and his face was a little stiff. "Sir, the younger generation has an inescapable responsibility for this matter, and adults must be punished!"

The following monks of the Changhe family had a dignified face, but none of them dared to intercede.

After half a ring, the old man murmured, "Well, I can't blame you this time. Because I was worried about the news coming out, I didn't say the importance of this treasure. I didn't want to have an accident."

Slightly groaned, the old man's face showed anxiety. "Come down and keep an eye on Xiao Chen's whereabouts. Now he is the only person who is likely to get treasure. If there is anything unusual, he will immediately return."

"In addition, if the situation allows it, you can kill it directly, take all the treasures on your body, and bring it to this seat to search!"

"Yes, sir!"

The Sanshijie monk Shen Sheng responded.

The setting sun of Changhe was slightly low, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Now being watched by monks from the Three Stone Realms and the Blood Prison Realms, Xiao Chen will surely die!


At the residence of the monks in the floating world, the rocks automatically suspended, floating above the void, looking up at the bright starry sky.

On a suspended ground, the river rushes and flows from a distance, reflecting the light of stars, bright and bright like a treasure river dotted with jewellery.

Above this river, several black stones automatically suspended, a faint hint of starbursts emerged from it, and there seemed to be a strange connection with the stars of the sky.

Count the figures and sit on them cross-legged.

"The little fellow of the human race is really good. If you cultivate it well, you will be able to become a strong human race in the future." The man from the 6 circles who appeared in the square whispered openly, with an undisguised admiration in his eyes.

"Huh! No matter how brilliant it is, I am not a monk in the 6 circles. The longer I stay, the more scourge it will be!"

"Hey, what Dongqi Taoyou said was quite reasonable. I do n’t think this child is in the pool. If it is not for my use, it should be destroyed early. Otherwise, if it grows up in the future, it will be a giant in the spiritual world. The floating world is not good. "

"But having said that, this son shows color, and will certainly be sheltered by the spiritual community. If I wait to secretly kill it, I am afraid it will cause human animosity. Although my Three Stone Realms are not afraid, it will be trouble in the end."

"My friends in Lanyue are thinking too much. Although we hope that this son will fall, we may not need to do it ourselves. Is that crazy man in the blood prison world not a good knife? Maybe you do n’t need to worry about it, they will give it all out. .. You and I just need to reach out and push one hand at a critical moment, when the tribal enemies hate the monks, what will they do with me? "

"Well, Daoyou is very kind. With that being said, let's take a side look and not take action on this matter and wait for the opportunity to come."

The man first frowned and sighed. "Since all the Daoists have decided this way, it is not convenient for them to say more, but I am here to give me a sense of being unable to see and capture, and it will never be easy. Since you want to make a shot, you have to be clean and clear, and you must not leave any hidden dangers, otherwise you might as well wait and watch for its changes.

On the surrounding black stone, the monk's face changed slightly.

Fan Xingzi's supernatural powers are quite mysterious. You can use the changing power of the trajectories of the stars to deduce the future opportunities of the monks. The larger the difference is, the clearer and clearer it will be.

With the power of his ancient trilogy, he couldn't see through an ancient monk, which obviously contained too many possibilities.

For a moment, the whole space went quiet.


Cave heaven.

"Although the human race Xiao Chen has great potential, but after all he is weak, he is jealous of the blood prison monks, and the possibility of growing up is very small. When he enters the wilderness, he will be beheaded."

The square burly man whispered, his face solemn.

"This matter is irrelevant. Even if Xiao Chen has great potential, it is not easy to grow up completely. The most important thing right now is to keep an eye on the movements of the Three Stone Realms and be prepared to deal with any situation."

Another woman spoke slowly, and several people around her nodded slightly in agreement.

"According to the news from the eyeliner, there should have been an accident on the side of Sanshijie. It seems that a key brought from outside has been lost in the endless sea."

"Well? If that's the case, wouldn't it be troublesome, and I'll have to wait for some preparation to put it into practice."

"Be quiet and restless for a while. The matter hasn't been clarified yet. Carefully searching the information is ... maybe things are not as serious as you and I think, and there are other opportunities."

"The situation can only be so now."


The five-world monks of Ares Palace are facing each other, and the monks of one ethnic group in the spiritual realm have greatly reduced their forces. They are ranked at the bottom of the Five Realms. Naturally, they can only occupy the worst areas in the main hall of the Ares Palace 6 as the resident, regardless of their full strength. , Or the environment is beautiful, it is worse than the other four realms.

The monks who left the teleportation square were all aware of this, and looked at each other with a slightly different expression.

An awkward expression appeared on the host's face. "My spiritual world ranks last in the Five Realms. This residence is indeed a little worse than the other Four Realms, but it has no effect on cultivation. You will soon appear in the Palace of War God Retreat cultivation is the most stupid choice, even though the spiritual strength of heaven and earth here is far from the spiritual world. "

Jianghe and Yuba have led the tribe to leave, and the other monks of the other ethnic groups have also left. Now, except for Jingyangzi and Xiao Chen, there are only three monks.

Shadow kill clan sketch.

Giants Humen, Huguan brothers.

Xiao Chen and others nodded for understanding.

At this moment, the class leader suddenly lifted up, and said lightly, "The girl who killed the clan, your strong one has come to pick you up."

The words fell, and the void in front of several people rippled. A shadow-kill monk appeared in ordinary appearance, with a pair of eyes falling on the sketch, immediately showing the joy.

"Senior sketch, I've seen my lord!"

"Haha, don't be polite, get up quickly!" The comer looked at the sketch up and down, the smile on his face grew heavier, and he was obviously quite satisfied with her. This situation can be inherited by the power of our shadow-killing clan. Naturally, it is a natural opportunity. With your current qualifications, you can go further after entering the War God Palace, and have great potential for future growth. "

The shadow-killing clan strongman is obviously quite excited, otherwise, with this apathy temperament, how would he say so much at once.

Sketch respectfully claims that she is happy in her heart and can be recognized by adults in the clan, which is naturally the best situation for her.

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