Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 417: I don't agree with you either

"My human race has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years since entering the Ares Shrine. To date, only one monk who has been motivated by the stone tower has been recognized. The growth potential in the future is unimaginable, and it is likely to become the future monk of my human race. The old man can't see him losing the possibility of quick improvement because of the lack of crystal coins, so he summoned you and so on to consolidate the power of my people and make the necessary crystal coins for Xiao Chen to practice.? 8

The sound echoed, and Dianyu suddenly became silent, no more sound came from it, and even the breathing was deliberately suppressed.

The crystal coin is the only universal coin in the Ares Palace. It can be used to purchase treasures, exercises, elixir, and even do some voluntary transactions with some delicate and beautiful women. The crystal coin is exchanged for a night. Merry Merry.

The monks are also human beings. They are those who have mastered powerful forces and live far longer than mortals. Naturally, there are also people with passions and desires.

In the God of War Palace, the crystal coins represent everything possible, everything is the result of their desperate hunting and killing of wild beasts and completing their missions. They cherish them very much on weekdays, and they are not even willing to use it once.

However, listening to the meaning of Lord Tai A, they actually wanted them to take out their own coins and give them to Xiao Chen for cultivation.

This happened so suddenly, what made them think the first thing in their hearts?

Nobody's crystal coins are brought by the wind, why should I give it to others!

Even if he is the most potential monk in the human race, even if he has caused the stone tower to change, even if he might become a human race strong in the future, they can cheer and be excited about it, but it does not include contributing his own coins.

As mentioned earlier, monks are the most selfish and self-interested, and they can kill their lives and let go of their lives.

For the interests that are not in their own hands, they can know how difficult it is for them to obediently take out the crystal coins they are holding tightly.

So they remained silent and bowed their heads slightly, but it did not represent default.

"You must have understood the meaning of Tai Adao, it is a last resort for you to take out the crystals in your hands, but Xiao Chen's rise is a blessing to my people, and you can all benefit in the future. You should think about it. Be clear before making a decision. "

Mingxia Fairy is like a beautiful woman of thirty-five or sixty, her skin is still fair and delicate, with an intriguing ivory sheen, like the finest jade in this world.

Daimei looks like a distant mountain, her eyes are like a clear spring, and her thrilling beauty, so the corners of her brows are wrinkled, her eyes are cold, but she does not have much lethal power.

There are nine people in Ququ, Tai'a and Mingxia, and six of Ququ's revisions. The remaining five are two, four are one, two are three, and two are two.

Earlier, I opened the monk of the ancient pole five monks Chunyang Taoist, and began to scatter, and at this moment groaned a little, saying: "The beast crystal hunting has many difficulties. I ca n’t wait for it. It ca n’t be decided at will. Therefore, the old man wants to ask some questions. I do n’t know how many coins the Tai Adao friend wants me to wait for, and how long, so that I can wait to make a judgment. "

"Chunyang Daoyou said it very well, the old man also asked this question, please Tai Ao Daoyou explain it in detail." Xiling ancestor Shen Sheng opened his mouth, two ancient monks from the tribe of the human race began to speak, naturally has a very heavy weight .

There are competitions and differences wherever they are. This is true for the spirit world, and it is still true in the War God Palace.

Chunyang Taoists and Xiling ancestors have always been moving forward and retreating together. They have a very strong right to speak in human affairs. Together, the two can even compare one of Tai A and Ming Xia. Fortunately, the two of them did not cross each other, and always cooperated with each other. Only then can we firmly hold the power of the human race in our hands.

But today is not an ordinary event, involving the issue of crystal coins. Tai A and Ming Xia faintly stood on the opposite side of the interests of the monks. The two strangers spoke at this moment, and the weight was undoubtedly very heavy!

The Tai Adao people's face was cold, but there was some anger in their eyes. At this moment, these people did not forget the internal fighting. They really wanted to wait until the day when the demons and demons became larger and the human race was completely suppressed to be satisfied.

"Xiao Chennai got Shita to admit her darling and realize the **** of warfare. If she wants to help him cultivate as quickly as possible, it is best to let him immerse in the consciousness every moment. Counting it out, there are 12,000 crystal coins. "

Speaking of which, the old man frowned. "But there is some time for thinking and thinking. It can be counted as less than two months. It costs 10,000 coins per year. As for how long the old man doesn't know, he can only act and see."

The words fell, and there was a neat air-cooled sound coming from the hall.

Chunyang Taoist and Xiling ancestor's face went down at the same time, the more rigid the atmosphere.

After half a ring, the Chunyang Taoist just scratched his finger and said, "Tai A and Ming Xia, the two Taoist friends should be quite clear about the current situation of my tribe. Later, the total number remained at more than 2,300. According to previous years' calculations, an average of about 20 coins can be harvested per person per year. According to the calculation, the total annual number of coins is less than 46,000. In order to support the two Taoists to practice hard and protect the safety of our people, the monks of the whole family are required to pay 6,000 crystal coins each year to help the two Taoists to enter the stone tower to understand, and will not delay the time because of the crystal coins. In this way, the monks from my tribal monks worked hard for about a year to earn 40,000 coins. If 10,000 pieces were given to Xiao Chen for cultivation, would n’t one quarter of the friends have worked hard for nothing for a year! "

"They went into the wilderness, risking being buried in the mouth of a wild beast and scorning the powerful men of the aliens. They had to vain in vain! This is too fair for them! Too good friend, this is not the case The old man can't understand your painstaking efforts, but I also ask Daoyou to think about it from the perspective of many of my ethnic monks. If they lose the coins, their ascension will also slow down greatly, and ridicule may also increase! "

"So, my husband disagrees!"

After calculating a detailed account, it provoked dissatisfaction among many ethnic groups. In fact, these three words are what I want to say in the end.


However, this way of expression is obviously very effective. The monks in the original silence raised one after another, and a little bit of resentment appeared in the eyes.

As a solid ally of Chunyang Taoists, Xiling ancestors naturally cannot choose to retreat at this critical moment. "The words of Chunyang Taoists are true. We are willing to contribute to the rise of the future strong of the ethnic group, but we cannot do so. Too much, and even scorned it. This matter is also a matter of pro-Ata and Ming Xia.

"I don't agree with this!"

Xu Shi Chunyang Taoist remarks aroused dissatisfaction in his heart, or two Guji Wuqu strong men successively resisted the majesty of Tai Adao people and Mingxia fairy two ethnic strong men, and the rest of the ancient monks Express your position.

In the face of self-interest, the results are obvious.

In addition to the approval of the class leader, the other four Qugu monks were all opposed.

"Please adults, Taixia and Mingxia, have mercy on me!"

In the hall, a Gu Ji monk said aloud, and fell on one knee.

"Please adults, Taixia and Mingxia, have mercy on me!"

Most monks fell on one knee.

"Please adults, Taixia and Mingxia, have mercy on me!"

Human monks, with the exception of five people, Guzhu, Yunyu, Humen, Huguan, and the slightly cramped Jingyangzi, there were no standing people.

The face of Tai Adao is sinking like water, silent.

Mingxia Fairy's good-looking eyes narrowed slightly, and the slightest flickers kept flowing.

Is this .. provoking the authority of both of them?

The atmosphere in the hall was almost rigid, making a person's chest like a boulder, so sullen and almost unable to breathe.

Tai A and Ming Xia rank high.

Chunyang Taoist, Xiling ancestor quietly sat down.

The five ququ monks turned pale.

Those who fell on one knee were disturbed.

Everything was deadlocked, no one spoke, no one flinched, and the situation evolved out of control.

Tai A and Ming Xia are angry at the tribe's short-sighted selfishness, and are even more annoyed by their joint counterbalance.

Since Chunyang, Xiling, and many other ethnic monks have already shot, they have no reason to turn back, struggling to anger the two adults. If it is not possible to suppress the allocation of crystal coins for Xiao Chen's cultivation, it is worth the loss .

Both sides are reluctant to retreat, so they can only stay so stalemate, or be patient or optimistic, and see which one is the first to be undefeated.

But at this moment, there was a faint sound of footsteps, gradually clear from far to near.

In this tense and solemn situation, this sudden sound instantly caught the attention of all monks.

Tai A, Ming Xia frowned, but did not stop.

In many eyes, a blue robe monk came out of the apse, his face was calm, his eyes were calm, and there was no distress in his expression. It seemed that what had been said in the temple had nothing to do with him.

Be at ease.

"Tai A and Ming Xia's care for the two adults Xiao Chen was grateful, but for today's affairs, I also asked the two adults not to be forced." Xiao Chen said calmly. One is extremely precious. If Xiao Chen wants it, he will have to bear the human feelings. The human feelings will be returned in the future. In that case, the younger generation would rather not, but he would be at ease. "

The sound may seem faint, but it has its own pride.

Even if you promise, I may not want it.

If you want to exchange some crystal coins for the kindness I owe, this transaction is not worth it.

Xiao Chen's remarks revealed such a meaning, and the partiality appeared to be peaceful and plain, and there was no resentment between his mouth, as if he was telling a certain fact.

The faces of Chunyang and Xiling became extremely ugly for a moment, then sneered secretly.

Maybe others are in awe of this junior monk who caused the stone tower to change, but as ancient five pole strong men, they also have their own dignity and confidence, even if Xiao Chen's future is no matter how bright, but they still have nothing to do with them. Eligibility to face up.

"Xiao Chen has already spoken this way. It seems that two Dao and Mingxia Taoists have become good people, and they don't receive this friendship at all. . "

Chunyang Taoist said with a light smile, understatement that this matter has been concluded, there is no possibility of remorse.

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