Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 430: This doesn't work

The Tai Adao people didn't say much, with a wave of their robe sleeves, they punched out a jade on the table. ? Bayi Middle School

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves down, and spun out a trace of Yuan Shen to poke into it. After a while, he put it down, his face became extremely ugly, his eyes rolled fiercely, and he felt cold.

"Xiao Chen, I know that you are angry at this moment, but you must not act in a hurry at this moment." Although the Tai Adao people knew that Xiao Chen was cautious, at this moment they could not help but reminded him that there was anxiety in their eyes.

It's really tricky!

It is impossible to say that the power of the human race, even if the whole spirit forces jointly shot, is far from being the rival of the blood prisoners.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his heart, and slowly nodded, "Master Tai A rest assured, Xiao Chen saves, there will be no impulse, but also thank the adult for not hiding this from me, to Xiao Chen Yu's injustice. This incident is too dangerous. My people cannot intervene. Xiao Chen will not drag the race into danger. I will solve the problem by myself. Please rest assured.

As the words fell, he turned and strode away, looking calm, his eyes like ice, without the slightest temperature.

"Master Xiao Chen, the bureau captured the lone bamboo, Yun Yun and others. The target of the blood prisoner is you. Adults must not step out of the wilderness!" Liu Shiyan opened his lips, his lips pressed tightly together.

At the foot of Xiao Chen, he stepped away from the hall.

He practiced as far as today, there are still a few friends in the human world. After flying to the spiritual realm, he killed all the corpses and blood, and experienced hardships and calculations. Most of the monks he saw were wicked, cunning, and scheming.

Lone Bamboo and Yun Yan treat each other with sincerity, Humen and Huguan treat each other with respect and Jing Yangzi is more helpful to him.

In the God of War Palace, there is a human race in Xiao Chen's heart, but few of them care about it, but the five of them are absolutely included, but now they fall into the hands of the blood prison monks because of his reasons.

This is by no means allowed.

A trace of murder was born from within his chest, but was suppressed by Xiao Chen, keeping his mind absolutely calm.

Returning to his place of residence, he waved his hand under the restraint and sat alone in the temple, his eyes frowning and blinking.

Think of ways to!

There must be a way!

One by one thoughts were born in his heart, but he was rejected one by one by himself.

The blood prisoners are too powerful, and Ogudo is the most ancient nine songs. He was built to shake the earth and broke all methods, no matter what he could do, he could not compete with it.

An irritability gradually developed, making Xiao Chen's breathing thicker.

Calm and calm down, you must not be self-defeating!

Taking a deep breath, his eyes fell on the dark blue bracelet on his wrist, his face changed a little, and a little sense was immediately revealed, and he went directly into it.

Entering the treasure purchase page, Xiao Chen's eyes moved upward, and her face suddenly showed a little joy.

Sure enough, after he had 200 million Yujing coins in his storage ring, the part that had been obscured and hidden became clear, apparently he had the right to browse.

Thor's Hammer, Thunder Road Treasure, an ancient artifact, can release the extinct thunder after the excitement, powerful, can have a half-step power of destruction, the price of 72 million crystal coins.

If you can buy this treasure, even if Ogudo can do it, there is still an irreparable gap in the half-step destruction of ancient times. It is very unlikely that the treasure will be severely damaged or even destroyed under one blow!

But the next moment, Xiao Chen's joy disappeared little by little, and she gloomed again.

Just because there is a small print after Thor's Hammer: Thor's Hammer, available to monks from Thor, the minimum is to use it in the ancient realm.

Xiao Chen's eyes continued to look up to see other treasures.

The mirror of Luna, with unknown production materials and an ancient artifact, can conjure thousands of moons to release the light of billions of moonlights and transform them into the power of destruction and purification. The power is comparable to half a step, and the price is 88 million. Crystal coins need to be driven to the ancient realm and above.

Shura's Blade, the imitation of King Xiuluoming's soldier blade in hell, an ancient fairy ware, fierce, can consolidate hundreds of millions of souls to assist in combat, the power can be destroyed in half a step, and the price is 94 million. Realm can drive.

Broken star scorching arrow, imitation of bow and arrow of the ancient goddess of the imperial court, ancient immortal artifact, sharp and endless, the bow can shoot the stars from the beginning, the power can be broken in half a step, the price is 99 million crystal coins, need to be ancient And above to drive.


The higher the level of treasure items, the higher the demand for monks.

One of the ancient fairy wares, Wei Neng can be destroyed in half a step, and it can only be used until the ancient realm is repaired.

The second ancient article of immortality, the power can be compared with the power of destruction, at least half a step of destruction before it can be used.

Three ancient artifacts, the power can be compared to the peak of the power of destruction, at least it needs to be destroyed before it can be used.

The more ugly Xiao Chen's face turned, the disappointment gradually developed in his eyes.

Although the treasure is good and the power is strong, the crystal coins in his hand also have the power to buy, but there is no driving force.

This way doesn't work!

Xiao Chen slowly withdrew his thoughts, and his expression was cloudy for a while.

If he could rescue him, he would not hesitate to take a shot even if he took great risks.

But if there is no death or return from death, although Xiao Chen is painful, unwilling, and guilty, he will definitely not take a step out of the desert and die in vain.

He will wait patiently, and gradually become stronger, until one day he has enough power to avenge them.

This has nothing to do with fear of withdrawing from selfishness, but a trait that can keep calm thinking and choose the best way in difficult situations. It is more blind and impulsive.

Xiao Chen inhaled deeply, his face gradually calmed down, but his eyes were full of complex colors.


"Sir, Xu Li, the blood prisoner, personally took a shot, and captured Xiao Chen's five friends in the wild, and forced him out of the wild to die." ** Dongri politely saluted, Shen Sheng said.

On the other hand, Dongfeng Ru opened his eyes suddenly, a flash of light passed instantly, "Huh! The means of doing this, presumably Xu Li is already overwhelmed by Augusto's pressure. However, to force Xiao Chen to die, Really a joke. This child is cautious and will never act recklessly because of the feelings of love. This hard calculation is afraid that it will fail. "

"My lord thought that Xiao Chen wouldn't go?" Chang He Minghui frowned. "As far as the subordinates know, Xiao Chen is extremely affectionate, otherwise the endless sea trial will not be caused by two human monks and blood. The prison clashes are in conflict today. He may not be violent. After all, it is a young mind. Even if his qualifications are astonishing, without the precipitation of a long time, how can he be calm and indifferent when his friends are suffering. "

Dong Fengru slowly glanced at His Royal Highness, "He did make a shot in the endless sea, because he has the determination to win, if he wants to take the opportunity to buy people's hearts, maybe there is a plan to **** the crystal coins in the hands of the blood prisoners. But right now Everyone can see that the blood prisoners have worked so hard to force him out of the Temple of War. As long as he stepped into the desert, he would never want to come back alive. This time, Augusto would take the shot himself, to the ancient level. He is absolutely unable to resist the power. Since it is a mortal situation, how can he enter into it. The old man determined that he would sit idly and bear it in secret and wait until he has enough power in the future to avenge them again. "

Speaking of which, the old man paused slightly and said with a deep voice, "Perhaps you self-reported that you haven't faced Xiao Chen's status, but I warn you to put away the big ideas in your own hearts. This one is hidden so deeply that even the old man looks at it. Impervious! Do you really think that if you induce the stone tower to have its approval, you can get such a horrible promotion in the stone tower .. It ’s a joke! Although the monks a long time ago have been ridiculed, but some information is passed down. , The old man once obtained the relics of an older man in my Three Stone Realms. There is nothing precious about it, but there is a jade Jane similar to memorabilia. This records some of the circumstances about the monk's sedition. Although they are special, However, Xiao Chen's performance is absolutely not so amazing. In ten years, he was promoted from the early days of the ancient times to the early days of the ancient times. He burst his cards and even killed the blood prisoners in frontal confrontation. If he was not in the battlefield of God, he would He's dead now! There must be other secrets in his progress, and this is the main reason for his cultivation to surge. "

"Old man can see this, and Ogdo can also see it, so he is really anxious, or afraid. If Xiao Chen cannot be killed earlier, one of his blood prisoners will appear soon. A terrible enemy. And more importantly, he wants to consume Xiao Chen as a blood food through the blood prisoner's devouring mystery, to capture some of his characteristics, and to obtain such a terrifying breakthrough. The old man has a clear Foreboding, if he can succeed, he will have a great possibility to break through and reach a brand new realm, that is to destroy, the ultimate achievement that only the master of the spiritual realm can have! Even the old man and Augusto dare not have the slightest intention Xiaoren, why did you see him in a high-minded manner, and remembered to me, otherwise I will lose my life in the future, I must blame the old man for not reminding you! "

Dongfeng Rupo can have today's achievements. In the early years, it was naturally the decisive method of killing and cutting decisively. Otherwise, it would not be possible to trample on the flesh of countless monks to this day, but he broke through after he was promoted to the ancient Jiuqu. Gradually introverted into the depths of his bones, and was usually mild and extremely irritated. But at this moment, the deep voice drank, a trace of fierce scent was revealed, and the heart of the three stone realms in the hall shuddered with fear, saying that it was.

"The adults said that their subordinates and others remember that since this is the case, Xiao Chen will not only leave the God of War Palace, but also endless blood feuds with the blood prison monks, so that they will not steal the chickens. Meter."

Yilou Siyueping has the least amount of discourse during the day, but is the monk most likely to break through the ancient pole eights and even to the ancient monks in the Three Stone Realms, which is so important that he is the only one who dares to speak at this moment.

Dongfeng Rubao regained his calmness, shook his head when he heard the words, and his face was chilly, "Si Yueyue, this time you are thinking wrong. The old man will not stand idly by, but will also help the blood prisoner, Xiao Chen sent into the wilderness. "

There was a slight pause, and the old weird glance flickered. "You go to the dwelling of the human race and ask Xiao Chen to come and say that the old man has a matter to discuss with him, and he will definitely come."

"Yes, sir." Yi Lou Siyue was puzzled, but did not reveal the slightest, respectfully politely turned and left.

Dongfeng Rupo shook slightly and murmured, "People who can become the heirs of the Blood Prison tribe may become enemies of the Three Stone Realms in the future. In that case, how can the old man let you grow up safely. Moreover, this time, I also seize it. The best opportunity for the key, Xiao Chen, all of this depends on whether you can truly achieve the heart of stone, and in the thought of life and death, you are in your grasp. "


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